Posts tagged financial mafia


    So youthought that once the financial Mafia and plundered and raped Greece,we would be all sorted out and growth would come galloping to therescue and return us all to everlasting prosperity. Well it seems itis not going to quite work out like that. Just as the “financialcrisis” of 2008 slips into the fog of short memories along comesthe rumblings of another wee problem with the financial sector, Ohdear will prosperity be delay? Well of course it will for you and I,but not for the unimaginably rich financial parasites that live offour backs, after all, this is capitalism.


The finance sector is signallingalarm, and our politicians are once again asleep at the wheel.Another "credit crunch" may be looming. The mostsignificant evidence emerged from the ECB's second Long TermRefinancing Operation (LTRO) on Thursday last week.
The LTRO is simply language intended to disguisethe "printing of money" by the ECB for lending to privateEuropean banks at a very low rate of interest - 1 per cent. (In fact,the money is not even printed: it is created by entering digits intoan ECB computer, and then transferring hundreds of billions of eurosas 'bank money' to private banks.)
The fact that British banks rushed to drink fromthis punch bowl, tells you something about the state of their balancesheets.

ann arky's home.


        There has never been a greater need nor a greater urgency for the people of Europe to come together to defend themselves against the march of capitalist greed. Capitalism has morphed, no longer is it the "bossman" up the road who employs the local people. Today it is world wide corporate fascism, unelected groups moving their wealth around and dictating to elected governments how to run their respective countries. The financial Mafia sit on the throne of this new beast, corporate fascism, and they are intent on plundering all public assets and directing all funds from the public purse straight to their personal coffers. Greece is just the start, that is the road that faces us all unless we can halt the march of this greed driven corporate fascism. Your children and your grandchildren are depending on your action now, it is their future that is being stolen. The following is the latest from March31 movement.

Dear Comrades,
       we would like to update you on "M31", the European Day of Action against Capitalism, to be held on March 31st in many countries. Some of you may already know the project, or may have heard about it through different channels. This is just one further attempt to get you interested and involved.
       M31 is an initiative of leftist, anticapitalist and antinational groups from Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. Groups from other countries like Belgium, Denmark and Ukraine have since joined the project. With the crisis deepening, we want to overcome the national and nationalist division of struggles.
Take a look at our international homepage:

Here's our Call for Action, available in many languages:

Or follow M31 on facebook:

         We think it's about time to organize a radical intervention. We're not interested in superficial social reforms of capitalism. We can see in Greece what the future of our societies will look like, if left[ist] resistance fails.
       M31 is very much a work in progress. Who knows what will happen till March 31st! In Germany, we're helping to organize a rally in Frankfurt, dealing with the European Central Bank (ECB), among other issues. In Greece or Spain, interventions may be different.
         If you like the project, please tell others about it. Get in contact with M31-groups in your country, and help set something up. If there's no group from your country on our list of M31-groups, send us an eMail, and we'll try to get you in contact with people who are already discussing M31 in your country. Planning an "open assembly" is a good way to get something started.

If you have any questions or proposals, please send an eMail to:

Let's get it on!
umsGanze! network (Germany)

ann arky's home.


         As lots of folk in the UK look at Greece and say that it won't happenhere, perhaps a closer look at some of the figures for the UK mightmake them think again. We as a country are just holding on with ourfinger tips, it will not take much to push us over the edge and haveus in the same scenario as the Greek people are living through. These figures may be a month or so behind the times but nothing thathas happened in the interim makes them less alarming. This from theright-wing pro-business class newspaper The Telegraph, January 4:

       Almost one million Britons have taken out an emergency 'payday' loan to help pay their rent or mortgage in the last year, according to Shelter, the housing charity. The high degree of borrowing highlights the 'spiral of debt' that people are falling into to keep a roof over their head, Shelter said. The charity also found that seven million Britons are relying on some form of credit to help pay their housing costs. Campbell Robb, Shelter’s chief executive, said: 'These shocking findings show the extent to which millions of households across the country are desperately struggling to keep their home.'

      Takingout a loan-shark Payday loan to pay your mortgage/rent, is prettydesperate stuff. This conceals a major problem in our economy justone blip and homelessness will rocket, and with unemployment risingfast that blip can't be too far off.
Anotherquote from The Telegraph on January 9:

     Around six million households would be unable to survive for more than five days if they stopped being paid, such are the low levels of savings among Britons, new research shows. A new report from First Direct, the bank, warns that one in three UK households have less than £250 in accessible savings. A fifth of all households have no savings at all. The bank said that £250 is the equivalent of three days’average monthly household take-home pay. With average monthly outgoing currently at £1,536, these savings would last just five days.
        Soas our cabal of coalition millionaires keep telling us the we are onthe right track, you can accept that they are lying through theirteeth, are extremely devious, for what ever reason, or they are justplain stupid. We are as far as economics are concerned wavering onthe edge of the financial precipice.

        Thesystem is bust, normally capitalism brings extreme wealth to a few,some reasonable living for quite a few, and poverty and struggle forthe many. Now as we move deeper into corporate fascism with thefinancial Mafia in complete control, the system produces unbelievablestratospheric wealth for even fewer, a reasonable living for themanagers of the system and grinding deprivation for the vastmajority. The unelected corporate fascists rule the world. Those who produce all that wealth never get a smell of it,the system is set up to syphon the wealth up the way. So forgetchanging the government, the party, the President or what ever, it isthe system that we have to change.

ann arky's home.


        It is strange how themedia, pundits and politicians all discuss where the cuts should be,and how deep and how fast we should cut. No debate on why the cuts,no debate on why the banks were handed trillions of pounds of taxpayers money. There is never any debate on why the private debt ofthe banking sector was transferred to the public's balance sheet.There is never any debate on the fact that the present sovereign debtcrisis was created because of this shifting of the private debtcrisis in the banking sector, on to the public's balance sheet. Shouldwe not be shifting the debate to, how we can transfer those trillionsof pounds back from the banking sector into the public purse, andshould we debating how we should cut the banking sector down to sizeto suit the needs of our society.

We're facing a crisis, you'll have to face austerity cuts.

      Well the reasonwe have the first debate is because we live in a system of corporatefascism controlled by the financial Mafia. To have the alternativedebate we would need to be in some sort of society that sees to theneeds of its people. Of course if we lived in a society that seen tothe needs of its people, there never would have been the “financialcrisis” in the first place. However, the real crisis is that weallow ourselves to be dominated by a bunch of financial parasites whowill suck everything they can from the public domain.

ann arky's home.


        Yippee,hooray, problem solved, the corporate fascist in charge of Europehave given Greece the much discussed bailout. Now we can all go backto watching the football, well if only. What the bailout will meanfor the Greek people is deeper cuts in wages, pensions, social care,education and health, more redundancies, more taxes and a quicker andbigger sell off of Greece's public assets, at bargain prices ofcourse. Not only that, but the Greek government will have thecorporate financial Mafia sitting in the various Greek ministries inAthens looking over the shoulders of the Greek officials to see thatthey do what the corporate fascists demand. What was that they saidabout European democracy??

          Thisgenerous offer by the kind hearted compassionate financial Mafia of abailout of $170 billion to the “Greek people” is somewhat ratherdevious and not what most people envisage. What is not widelydiscussed is where will this huge sum of money go??

          The vast majority of the cash will go to finance the bond swap. Thisallows the Greek bankers to put a wee smile on their faces.Approximately $40 billion will go as “sweeteners” to get theprivate sector of the financial Mafia to sign up to the deal, afurther $30 billion will go to recapitalise the Greek banks. Thenthere will be a further $46 billion to allow Greece to finance thebuying back of bonds, more money for the financial Mafia. A largeslice will disappear in expenses in carrying out this grand plan andwhat is left might find its way into the Greek economy, but Iwouldn't hold my breath. With this master plan in place the Greekpeople can look forward to a decade or two of deprivation on a scalenever seen in Europe since the end of the second world war.

         The whole system stinks, the people are debt serfs and it is nottheir debt. Not until we get rid of the system of profit beforepeople will this change. There is no such beast as caringcompassionate capitalism, it can't be modified it has to bedismantled, we have to start from a different basis. Only when westart to build a society based on the needs of the people will thisnightmare of injustice and deprivation end. Only when we throw theparasites of the financial Mafia off our backs, can we hope to createa fair and just society based on needs and sustainability.


       While wehear of the demonstrations in Greece and see the scenes of violenceand repression on our screens the message seems to be that it is justGreece that is the problem, and once that is sorted everything willbe just fine. However, as I keep saying, this is not a nationalproblem, it is not something that the Greek people have done wrongand now they have to pay. What is happening in Greece is happeningacross the developed world, it is all a matter of degree. You wouldbe hard pushed to find a country in the developed world that doesn'thave mass demonstrations by the ordinary people shouting against whatis being imposed on them by the financial Mafia. Country aftercountry is ripping up the “social contract” with its people andforcing through “austerity” measures, in other words taking thecontents of the public purse and giving it to the bankers, at thedictate of the corporate fascists.

     Each country likes to portray the unrest in other countries to conveythe impression that we're OK, It is that other bunch over there thathas the problems. However, if you have a system where there is not acountry in that system that doesn't have mass angry demonstrationsday in day out, weekend after weekend, then you have to ask yourself,is this system working? Is this system seeing to the needs of thepeople? Is this system worth keeping? Or is this a system that onlysees to the desires of a small bunch of parasites at the expense ofthe vast majority of the people? What we are facing is a system ofcorporate fascism, an elitist system that will crush any group ofpeople in an attempt to hold onto that privileged position, todayGreece, to morrow Portugal, then Ireland, Spain and Italy withperhaps Romania and Hungary along the way. Meanwhile, those who don'tsuffer the same deprivation, cruelty and insult as the Greek peoplewill still be hit with “austerity” cuts and the demise of thesocial fabric of our society.








           Havingbeen a long term visitor to Greece and having a family connectionthere, I can tell you that the full extent of what the Greek peopleare suffering is well beyond the propaganda on the media. What is notreported widely by the mainstream media are the facts on the ground,the people behind the statistics. Overall unemployment is running atover 22%, among the young it is over 50% and the IMF, (International Mankind Fuckers) has dictatedthat another 150,000 have to lose their jobs. On top of three yearsof wage cuts and tax increases, the Mafia at the IMF are demanding afurther 22% cut in the minimum wage with further pension cuts. Thinkon these figures, try to see it happening where you live, what wouldyou do? The Greek people are expected to accept a life of severethird world deprivation at least for the next generation or two, andaccept it like good subservient serfs. Would you kneel and acceptthis plunder of the social fabric of your society, see your kidsfuture deposited in the bank account of the corporate fascists thatrule this world, or would you stand up and try to do something aboutthe situation? There is no point in appealing to your "elected"government, it has been taken over by a Goldman Sachs hit man withhis heavy team waiting in the wings, the illusion of democracy hasbeen broken. The technocrat Papademos, installed by the IMF to runGreece in a manner suitable to the financial Mafia, obviously hasdouble standards. In a statement about the mass protests taking placeacross Greece he said, ”Vandalism, violence and destruction have noplace in a democratic country and it won't be tolerated.” Of coursehe believes that an international body imposing somebody to run thatcountry, has a place in democracy and will be tolerated? Well perhapsit will be tolerated by the suits in parliament, but will it betolerated by the people? The extent of the anger in Greece can beseen in the bitter clashes with that imposed authority. In Athens asthe suits with their imposed leader sorted out the implementing ofthe IMF plan, riots covered the city. More than 150 shops were lootedincluding at least one gun shop, 48 building were set alight. Also destroyed,perhaps symbolically, was the Asty cinema, which was used during thesecond world war by the Gestapo as a torture chamber. While this wasgoing on, similar scenes were taking place in Thessalonika, othercities and on some of the Greek islands.


Whatworries me is that we all tend to feel that it is all happening overthere, it couldn't possible happen here, but we are all in the sameponzi scheme, sooner or later our little illusion will be shatteredand we will all be standing doing battle in our own little patrioticbackyard. Mean while, the corporate fascists are organised worldwide. This is not a national problem, this plunder of public assetsis organised on an international basis and it can only be combated onan international basis, this is corporate fascism taking fullcontrol, the end of elected governments having a say in the fiscalpolicies of their country. Of course you may feel that yourgovernment is more democratic and won't let it happen to you, they'llfix it before it really hurts you, more the fool you.

ann arky's home.


         For some strange reason beyond my ken, earlier today this post disappeared of the blog, so I have just re-instated the piece.
          I know I go on and on about corporate fascism, claiming that we are living under such a system, but it is becoming increasingly clear with each statement coming from the cabal that sits in Europe's marble halls discussing how to enlarge and protect their billions, that that is the system which controls our lives. The Greek people are now living in a pit of deprivation, their elected government has an unelected "technocrat" installed as its leader and now the financial fascists at the centre of Europe are demanding that they take over the fiscal running of that country. It is a coup by the corporate fascists and they will do it to any country they wish, if they think it is the best thing for their money. Though some would say it is a bloodless coup, that is not exactly true. The Greek people have already paid in deprivation, a stratosheric increase in unemployment, increase suicides and a massive increase in health problems, these are just some of the casualties of this war. It is a class war and the corporate fascists are beginning to show their teeth.
It was tried previously (several times) under "slightly different" circumstances, and failed. Yet when it comes to taking over a country without spilling even one drop of blood, and converting its citizens into debt slaves, Germany's Merkel may have just succeeded where so many of her predecessors failed. According to a Reuters exclusive, "Germany is pushing for Greece to relinquish control over its budget policy to European institutions as part of discussions over a second rescue package, a European source told Reuters on Friday." Reuters add: "There are internal discussions within the Euro group and proposals, one of which comes from Germany, on how to constructively treat country aid programs that are continuously off track, whether this can simply be ignored or whether we say that's enough," the source said.' So while the great distraction that is the Charles Dallara "negotiation" with Hedge Funds continues (as its outcome is irrelevant: a Greece default is assured at this point), the real development once again was behind the scenes where Germany was cleanly and clinically taking over Greece. Because while today it is the fiscal apparatus, tomorrow it is the legislative. As for the executive: who cares. At that point Goldman will merely appoint one of its retired partners as Greek president and Greece will become the first 21st century German, pardon, European colony. But at least it will have its precious euro. We can't wait until Greek citizens find out about this quiet coup.
Continue reading.
 ann arky's home.


        Slippery, sleazy smooth talking henchmen of the corporate financial Mafia, they don't know how to make a straight answer to a direct question. Perhaps the do, but are well paid not to, double speak, phoney empty phrases, nice sounding words, that's all they spout and it is all meaningless. All meant to confuse and weave an illusion that it is all for our benefit.

ann arky's home.


        Yea, we all know it's a stitch up and the financial Mafia are the only ones who gain. I am of course talking about the banking system and the cosy relationship with the ratings agencies and the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers).
         Here are a couple of quotes from that informative site THINK LEFT.

     "Who elected them? Who gave them their power? Who was it who decided that these companies and no other should have the right to assess the credit worthiness of whole nations? Where is the oversight? Where is the public accountability? Where is the peer review system able to judge the accuracy of their ratings? Who assesses the assessors, in other words?"
        "---So what happens when a nation like Greece has its credit rating downgraded to junk status? Basically it can’t borrow, which means it can’t get money to service its debts. The IMF moves in, and the country is forced to sell off its assets to pay its debts. It’s like a garage sale of public assets. Everything must go, at rock bottom prices. And who benefits from this? Well the banks, of course. The banks get to buy up the public assets, which they can then “monetise”. They get to own the Parthenon and the Lottery and the country is forced into even greater debt, having now lost its only forms of income.
       It is legalised theft, and all enabled by that fictional “credit rating” provided by the ratings agencies in the first place. It is by this process that the world is being driven into further and further indebtedness to the banks.----"
Read the complete article HERE.
 ann arky's home.