April 2012

Quebec Classroom War Shakes Canadian Elites

Thousands of students protested against the fee rises in Montreal last Saturday There's been an almost total media blackout around the rest of the world, so you'd certainly be forgiven if you've not heard of it, but young people in the largely French-speaking province of Quebec in Canada are taking part in perhaps the biggest student uprising since Paris 1968. Nearly two hundred thousand


         As the austerity plans of the financial Mafia bite ever deeper, so the repression comes on harder. The state will always see the population as something that has to be controlled and in the “good times” it is relatively easy as people would rather get on with their lives than than take to the streets to change things. However as living conditions begin to deteriorate and more and more people are beginning to hurt, so the control becomes more difficult, complaint turns to anger, anger turns to protest and if the controllers can't get the lid on it, protest turns to insurrection. We should have no illusions about the extent the state will go to keep the established order in place. No matter how much democracy they preach, if the people look like they are gaining in their desire to change things, then the kid gloves come off and the full force of the state's armoury comes into play. In this country we don't need to go too far back in our history to see the extent of force the state will use. 1911 the dockers strike, troops on the streets, and two protesters shot by the military in Liverpool, 1919, 40 hour strike, Glasgow, machine guns on the roofs around George Square, soldiers with fixed bayonets on the streets and at the docks, tanks stationed in warehouses in the East End of the city. In this so called democracy, the will of the people is the last thing the establishment will tolerate.

        Today in Europe, Greece is at the forefront of the financial Mafia's plunder of public assets and as the anger of the people takes to the streets so the Greek police are given a free hand to brutally intimidate, repress and attempt to break the spirit of the Greek people. Our mainstream media seldom covers what is happening on the streets in Europe, we seldom see a mention of the police brutality in Greece, but it is there in force on a daily basis. The population of Greece is less than 11 million, approximately a sixth of the UK, yet in that country on average one person a week dies in Greek prisons or in a Greek police cell. The cold bloody shooting by a police officer of 15 year old Alexis Grigoropoulos to the weekly deaths in custody, is testimony to the brutality of the Greek state apparatus, we should never swallow the media crap that our police are somehow different, given the order the brutality level will rise.

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Sometimes a voice from the past can tell us the future, The Times They are a Chagin'.

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Categories: Anarchism


        According to the mainstream media, we are all excited about the Olympics. Well I know the corporate sponsors are very excited, but you and me?Apart from it being an opportunity to pour massive amounts of public money into corporate bank accounts, at a time when our millionaire cabal of politicians are telling us we can't afford anything, it is also a wonderful opportunity for the powers that be to try to crank up public fear and flood the country with armed police. It appears that the security bill for the Olympics will be one billion pounds, a phrase that springs to mind would be, “austerity budget my arse”. Some of this billion pounds will be spent on putting surface-to-air missiles on the roofs of private residents' apartments in East London. The proposed site for this lunacy has over 700 residents living there, and they are none to pleased about this addition to their facilities. Can you imagine the scene if one of those adrenalin pumped uniformed watchful eyed individuals actually fired one of those missiles over an Olympic packed city like London? After an unbelievable explosion it would rain white hot shards of metal shrapnel down on the innocent citizens of wide area of London. Of course our millionaire government of the people, for the people, are quite prepared to do such a thing, well that's what governments do.

Photograph:The Daily Mail on "modern British policing" and preparation for the Olympics

         During the Olympics we can expect our cities to look a bit like a war zone, there will be armed police everywhere, but after the “Games” don't expect them all to disappear again. Over the years we have seen the police being militarised and this is another opportunity to go further down that road. We already have armed police strutting around airports, so why not shopping malls, outside banks, at football matches and of course those blood protesters need to be watched. Eventually we can expect our “community” policeman to look something like the photo.

Need for volunteers and funds for Glasgow night shelter

As you may know the Glasgow Destitution Network night shelter is continuing in a different location since 1st April and as expected the number of users has increased as word has spread and trust has grown, to now 9-11 per … Continue reading

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         We are always hearing politicians talk of eradicating poverty with this scheme and that scheme, or appealing to the general public to support various charities. The thing about charities is that we are told of all those hungry people and are asked to contribute money to help feed them. From this we can deduce that the food is there, but the greedy bastards who have all that food will not send it to the hungry until we the general public pay them some money. They obviously don't think that charity has anything to do with them, except perhaps an opportunity to make some more money. Filling cans with money and buying food will never get rid of poverty, it is built into the system of economics that we live under. Destroy the system and there is every possibility we will eradicate poverty.
         Some interesting facts and figures from Anarchist Without Content:

In our modern world, poverty is not natural, but the result of institutions that are set up to benefit a few at the expense of the many. Relief efforts are currently failing because they do not address the root causes of poverty. These causes are not mystical or hard to identify, as the most important ones are global property law, international debt, unfair trade, top-down privatization programs, corporate tax shelters, the those problems are social and political. Furthermore, there is a history to these problems, and poverty will not be addressed until this history is reversed.
The colonial conquest of the New World, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, by European powers set up the structure of our current economic system.
History books have done a good job depicting the brutality of this period. In many places, Europeans wiped out 99% of the native populations. In places where the natives did survive, many of them were captured and made to do hard labor. In Potosi, Bolivia, for instance, native Bolivians were forced to work silver mines that snaked deep into the earth. So many miners died, that a popular saying goes “enough silver was taken from the mine in Potosi to build a bridge to Madrid, Spain, and if the bones of the dead miners were pulled from the bowels of the mine, one could build a bridge all the way back.”

 ann arky's home.

Sunday Times Rich List Charts Rising Fortunes of ‘The 0.0000161%’

Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal has 12,700,000,000 reasons to be cheerful The Sunday Times has published the 2012 edition of its annual Rich List, and revealed that the wealthiest thousand people in the UK saw their fortune grow by an estimated 5% since last year, as working class people around the world face an unprecedented assault on their own living standards. In many cases, this was a direct

Zig Zag Nov 1984 – Joe Orton, Jim Foetus & Dali’s Car

Shop owned by National Front mayoral candidate picketed by anti-fascists

The following is a press release from Liverpool Antifascists: On Saturday 28 April, Liverpool Antifascists picketed Quiggins Attique, owned by National Front mayoral candidate Peter Tierney. Anti-fascists held a banner aloft over the shop front between 10am and 12.30pm, whilst giving out leaflets and speaking to passers by. Tierney, previously a member of the British National Party before



        May Day, Labour Day, Workers Day, our day, a day when we the ordinary people of the world can celebrate the heroes from our ranks. Paying homage to the men and women who dedicated their lives to the cause of working class emancipation. People who sought nothing for themselves, many dying for their beliefs, individuals that sometimes stood like a colossus astride the political scene, others that worked tirelessly in the shadows, all for the greater good of all peoples, not more for themselves. Their statues, their plaques are no where to be seen, the establishment has them airbrushed out of history. Instead, the powers that be litter our public squares and parks with grandiose statues of arrogant warmongers, empire builders, kings of industry, rich merchants, all who made a fortune on the back of slave and/or cheap labour or the bloodshed of ordinary people. The establishment wants us to forget our heroes, no statues, no plaques, we mustn’t be allowed to think that fighting for the betterment of ordinary people is a worth while cause, much better to try to convince us that it is more honourable to be a self-centred arrogant pursuer of power and wealth at the expense of others. We mustn’t let this happen, we have to keep alive the names and deeds of that legion of men and women who dedicated their lives to our future well being and that of our kids.

       MAY 1st. Must always be a festive day, a day of celebration and pride, a day when we can all come together and wave our banners, party, and remember those names and deeds. A day to revive that spirit of co-operation in struggle and hopefully push our cause to a higher plain. Always on May 1st. not some conveniently arranged employer/union date, the nearest Monday, so as not to upset their production. It is our day, always claim it as a day of family fun, festivities and remembrance, a day of hope for the future of all the ordinary peoples of the world. Glasgow, like most cities, is fortunate in having its own legion of working class fighters, a legion that stretches back through the industrial age and beyond. To pick a few at random, names like George Barrett, Tom Anderson, John MacLean, Helen Crawfurd, Guy Aldred, Ethel MacDonald, Jenny Patrick, William McDougal --- and the names go on and on and on, events such as, The Cotton Spinners strike, the rent strikes, the first world war peace movement, the 1919, 40 hour week strike, etc, etc, etc. All names and events to be justly proud of but difficult to find recorded, all the more need to celebrate MAY DAY and keep alive that part of our history, our culture.

         Take to the streets this MAY DAY, bring the family, bring colour, bring music, bring the spirit of the working class, have fun, remember why we are there, be proud and strengthen your resolve to do more to push the cause of co-operation in struggle with all our people. Keep alive the names and deeds of our past, not those of a corrupt, brutal, exploitative system. Keep alive the dream of a society of free association, voluntary co-operation, and mutual aid, a system of seeing to needs and not to the greed of the few. This year with the financial Mafia on a high with their grand plan of “deficit reduction” shredding the living standards of all our people, it is more important than ever that we make a show of our power. We can stop the system simple by coming onto the streets and having fun, not the dedicated activists, but all of us, the family, the street, the housing scheme, community, we can make a better world, but only if we all really want to, for the benefit of our kids and grandkids.

Published on 16 Apr 2012 by
On May 1, 2012 we will have a "Day without the 99%" We are urging all to not go to work or school, don't bank or shop, don't engage in the capitalist system that robs and steals from us; take to the streets and help us create a better world now! For more information:

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