September 2010

Government adopts libertarian policy…too bad about the rest of it

Oh yes they do.  Buried in the last couple of sentence of a press release this morning from Ed Davey announcing a rise in the "minimum wage" - a policy that, if I remember correctly, the Lib Dems actually opposed in their 2001 manifesto, preferring to leave such things to industry and regional specific groups, it states:

The government has also announced that employers who deliberately flouted minimum wage laws will be publicly named under a new scheme.

Mr Davey added: "Bad publicity can be a powerful weapon in the fight against employers who try to cheat their workers and their competitors. Their reputation can be badly damaged if they are seen to be flouting the law."

So bad publicity, resulting in boycotts, ostracism and public opprobrium can be a "powerful weapon", admits government.  So why not leave it all up to such bad publicity?  Get out of the business of regulating business in these thousands of ways and leave it up to public scrutiny to do the same job?  

It does not even need a state bureaucracy to find out whether a local company is shafting its employees and publicise it.  Indeed, having been through an HMRC investigation into alleged minimum wage breaches, it takes an age, because, of course, a government cannot be seen deliberately to accuse a firm of something without due process (they would claim) whereas direct public scrutiny, stories in local media arising from whistle blowers ought to be enough to make many such firms at least attempt to justify their practices.

Unfortunately, local journalists have their hands, and pages, full at the moment reporting on government incompetence!


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Where the libertarian left and right overlap, or don’t – a response to John Demetriou

On Sunday, a conversation on Twitter with John Demetriou – a right-libertarian blogger – inspired him to write a post called “What have left and right libertarians got in common?” What follows is my response. Demetriou, hereafter JD for brevity, is an …

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No War but Class War – September 2010

This month ends with a 24 hour general strike in Spain, and other protests and actions across Europe in solidarity. This is a strike about which the CNT are, reasonably, sceptical. They note that although “we have more than enough reasons to strike,” i…

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      At the stroke of midnight 29 September Spain kicked off its general strike. As the day unfolds we will see where the will of the people lies. Will the people of Europe stop work with the Spanish and have fun with their families or will they take to the streets in protest. Hopefully it will be a mixture of both with a complete stop to all non-essential work across the whole of Europe. Why should the people of Europe allow their living standards to be hacked to pieces at the behest of the millionaires gambling club called the bond markets? Whose debt is it? Who screwed up their own honey pot? Who stands to gain with these cuts?
Who stands to suffer? Just some of the questions that will never be answered by the mouthpieces of the bond markets, ie; the politicians.
        We should however never lose sight of the real purpose behind all these cuts, not only will it safe guard the wealth of the millionaires club but will also transfer all public assets to the private sector, giving them even more of our wealth with which to gamble. This era is crucial, it is the final move by the corporate world to seize what remains of public assets, turning our world into a corporate empire where the people own nothing. No public spaces, no social services, everything bought from the corporate institutions. You can have what you want, but at a price that feeds the pampered parasites in charge of that corporate empire. There will of course be charities who will try to copy with the worst of the poverty and deprivation, co-operation and mutual aid will be seen as signs of insanity.

       They are about to attempt to change the world in their favour forever, it is up to us to change this world in our favour forever. Only by breaking out of the system of profit before everything and changing to wellfare of the people first and foremost based on mutual aid and sustainability can we hope to achieve that aim.

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What is anarcho-syndicalism: the line you do not cross

The fourth part of a series exploring anarcho-syndicalism, its aims and principles, and the practicalities of enacting them in the real world. There is one principle that organised workers of different tendencies all agree on. Ask trade unionists, syndicalists, anarcho-syndicalists, communists, and socialists of any stripe, and you’ll get the same answer. Never cross the … Read more

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        Recently there has been rumblings coming from the various political pundits that today’s situation means that it is no longer a matter of the right-left struggle, it is now a struggle of the people aginst the corporate world. It may come as a surprise to these people, but since the late 1880′s anarchists have been saying that it is not a matter of left and right between the people but a matter of the people against the state. The state has always been there for the protection of the wealthy. After all it was them that set the whole thing up in the first place, and it took generations of struggle for the ordinary people to get even a token element of participation. Remember the struggle for all to get the vote, then for women to get the vote.? Americans can surely remember the civil rights struggles. The only thing that has changed is that in the past the wealthy of a nation owned that nation, now the corporate world own the planet. It is the corporate world that dictates fiscal policies to the various nations. Look around the world and you see governments of left, right, and middle all pursuing the same fiscal policies, the only variation is in degree and speed.

         As long as we accept a system that sets the creation of wealth for the corporate institutions as the goal rather than the well being of the people, we will continually see the gap between rich and poor ever escalating. Poverty will run rampant and the elite pampered parasites will own and control every aspect of our lives.

        Anarchist have been proclaiming this since the word “anarchist” first came in to the language. The difference now is that is is becoming more and more glaringly obvious that they have been right all along. So all those “political pundits” have to do is take the obvious step and through their weight behind the cause for anarchism. 


ann arky’s home.

Something for the weekend…

It's only Tuesday. But with several long days ahead of me and lots to do, I'm already harking towards the weekend. And with good reason - this Saturday sees the arrival of the Manchester Anarchist Bookfair.

The talks on offer include;
“Everything you wanted to know abut anarchism but you were too afraid to ask”Members of different anarchist groups including Class War, the Anarchist Federation and Solidarity Federation talk about their organisations and offer their definition of anarchism.
This will be followed by a Question and Answer session.

“Steal a little and they throw you in gaol. Steal a lot and they make you king”
The case for prison abolition
Professor Joe Sim: Liverpool John Moores University

"Nick Heath - the Third Revolution”
Nick Heath on the wave of rebellions and uprisings of rank-and-file Russian workers and peasants across the country in 1919-1921 against the Bolsheviks, who were consolidating their grip on power. Contrary to the Bolsheviks' claims, these rebellions were not reactionary but in fact in support of the original aims of the revolution: socialism, and workers' and peasants' self-management. Taken together they can be referred to as a Third Revolution.

“Class Struggle in India, Gurgaon Workers' News”
Gurgaon Workers' News are a libertarian communist group in the Indian city of Gurgaon, who publish a newspaper of the same name and actively participate in the various struggles taking place in this industrial hub. A friend of these comrades, who has stayed and worked in Gurgaon for some time, will be discussing the experience, and shedding light on class and class struggle in India.

“Education: Students and Staff Working Together”
Like the rest of the public sector, higher education faces years of savage cuts. This will effect students and university workers alike. Over the last year there has been a number of examples of students and workers joining together to defeat planned cuts. The education workers network has organised this meeting to discuss ways students and staff can work together both locally and nationally to defeat the cuts.

“Zapatista Solidarity Group”
The Manchester Zapatista Solidarity Group and the Honduras Solidarity Group collaborate on the stall and the talk at the Anarchist Bookfair.
Since the coup in Honduras in June 2009, the Human Rights situation in this country has deteriorated dramatically. Labour activists, environmental activists and human rights activists are among the main targets of repression. The Honduras Solidarity Group monitors the situation and publishes a monthly newsletter.

3.30pm: Radical History Walk
Let the Loiterers Resistance Movement take you on a radical history tour of Manchester. Covering politics, culture, communication and more...
(Leaves Dancehouse at 3.30pm)
All in all, a very interesting lineup.

For me, it will also mark a pleasant repreive after two weeks of solid activism, where antifascism, anarchism, and trade unionism have clashed and collaborated to leave me having very little sleep.

Though I will be taking time out to attend PCS's "young workers united against the cuts" demo in St Peter's Square, and - as at the recent Radical Workers' Bloc - making the case for a more militant and libertarian workers' struggle. No rest for the wicked, I guess.

Before then, there is much to do. I will find time to write-up the latest update in the No War but Class War series, and offer a full response to this article by John Demetriou. But not today.

Israel asks for "peace," whilst resuming colonisation

Israel's 10-month moratorium on construction in the West Bank is over. Construction contractors are expecting to begin work on 500 to 600 new homes in the coming month. As a result, several Palestinian organisations are opposed to continuing direct negotiations with Israel.

However, according to the Jerusalem Post, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has said that this shouldn't affect "the goal of reaching a historic  peace agreement between our two peoples."

In full, he said;
I hope that President Abbas will remain in the talks and continue with me on the path of peace which we started three weeks ago, after many in the world have now realized that my intentions of reaching peace are serious and sincere and that I honor my commitments.

I say to President Abbas, for the sake of both our peoples, let us focus on what is truly important – accelerated, sincere and continuous talks to reach a historic framework agreement within a year.
The only problem is that, for the vast majority of Palestinians, these settlements are "truly important." They represent the steady colonisation by Israel of all viable land within the occupied territories, whilst any "historic framework" will merely leave Palestinians crowded into the barren remains.

Already, Israel is siphoning off water supplies for itself and pumping raw sewage - shit, in a word - back to the Palestinians. And alonside the theft of resources is the physical occupation of land.

Before the moratorium was imposed, Israeli settlements saw their population grow over from 177,411 to 267,163in just the seven years from 1999 to 2006. At the same time, the Palestinian refugee population has been growing at a rate of 100,000 per year, the fallout from the 1948 and 1967 wars compounded by the continuing forced eviction of families to make way for settlers.

And the rhetoric of Danny Danon, Ayoob Kara and Tzipi Hotovely from the Likud Party, quoted by Ha'aretz, made clear the nationalist ideology underpinning the occupation;
"This is what I wanted to see - blue and white in every corner," said Kara, speaking to around 2,500 people at the annual World Likud convention at Revava. "I came to be with you all. Residents here respected the freeze; the most important thing is to continue the peace process. The result of the freeze was zero. It gave us nothing and it gave the Palestinian Authority nothing. As a wounded Israel Defense Forces veteran I think Israel's security depends on your settling here." 

Quoting a Talmudic saying, he said, "If [a man] comes to slay you, slay him first." 

Zeev said: "This day unites the entire people of Israel, not only World Likud. The residents of Judea and Samaria are native to Israel through a historical link. That's the issue that should lead us today regarding our rights in the face of the Quartet and the United Nations. We were born here and this is the land of our fathers forever. In the name of God we will succeed." 

Hotovely told the crowd she was "proud to be a member of a party that was elected to preserve our right to exist in this country."
One could well imagine the same rhetoric coming from any hard-right party in Europe or America. It is nothing less than the doctrine of racial-religious nationalism.

With such a tendency prevailing amongst the settlers, it is easy to be sceptical about any "restraint" they may show. And certainly ordinary Palestinians have no reason to trust that we won't merely see the continuation of business as usual.

Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has already complied with Netanyahu's demand not to protest the end of the settlement freeze. Repeated threats of a walk-out have come to nothing.

But Abbas appears to be in it for his own gain. His presidential term expired in 2009, and his unilateral extension a year later. Still, he remains at the head of the Palestinian Authority, his own position apparently the only thing he has managed to secure.

And with Hamas out of bounds for negotiation, based on wholly hypocritical reasoning, ordinary Palestinians have no voice.

No matter how "historic" the "framework agreement" may be, there will be no serious peace . Not when those negotiating at the top table are a nationalist pursuing a policy of colonial expansion and a "leader" willing to sell out the rights of his people to maintain his own position.


If evolution is an on going affair, then there is still hope!!!

Picture nicked from Molly’s Blog. I thought that it seemed to fit my rationalism. It’s only a matter of time.

ann arky’s home.

Jock’s OXFr33? Blog 2010-09-26 14:15:04


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