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Every 3rd Saturday at 5pm
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@ Red & Black Cafe
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Wednesday's Events (10/31/2012)
actions & protests | human & civil rights 30-Oct-2012 17:16


From the open publishing newswire:
*Film screening with Scott Crow Q & A.
*Saturday November 3 7 - 9 P.M.
*Red and Black Cafe 400 SE 12th Avenue Portland OR
*Event is free

Screening of the Jamie Meltzer documentary "informant." Scott Crow provides commentary in this film which follows one time fellow activist Brandon Darby and Darby's transition from anarchist activist to FBI informant.

Scott Crow is an anarchist community organizer and writer based in Austin, TX. As co-founder of the Common Ground Collective, he worked with Common Ground co-founder Brandon Darby, who later became an informant for the FBI. "informant" chronicles the actions of Darby with commentary by Crow and others who describe the impact that Darby had on their lives.

Darby was known as a hero of radical activists organizing in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, but later he allied himself with rightwing forces helping to entrap protestors at the 2008 Republican convention (depicted in the documentary Better This World). Participating in re-enactments in "informant" Darby opens up to explain his motives.

Trailer | Homepage


actions & protests | government 28-Oct-2012 12:09

Portland, Oregon Prepares for Pre-Election Anti-Austerity Protest

From the open publishing newswire: On November 3rd Portland community and labor groups will declare "enough is enough" by organizing a first for the U.S. — a large demonstration against government austerity cuts.

The protest takes aim at the governmental policy of austerity — where public deficits on a city, state, and federal level are being addressed by "cuts only" budgets, resulting in continued de-funding of education, health care, transportation, and other vital public services, combined with an attack on public sector workers. [...]

If the Portland protest is large enough, it will have succeeded in educating the community about the special interest, pro-corporate agenda behind the national and local austerity cuts, while also showing practical alternatives to austerity: making the rich and corporations pay for the crisis they created.

Ideally, the Portland demonstration will be the beginning of a working-class coalition of labor and community groups with the potential of growing into a powerful European-like movement capable defeating not only city and state austerity budgets, but working with other cities to change social policy on a national level.

The protest begins 1pm, at Portland's Holladay Park on November 3rd.

RELATED INFO:  http://www.solidarityagainstausterity.org/


environment | sustainability 25-Oct-2012 07:01

Radical Mycology Convergence 2012 Port Townsend [Documentary]

From the open publishing newswire: The second Radical Mycology Convergence was held in Port Townsend, Washington. This volunteer-run four day event attracts mycologists and fungal enthusiasts to share skills about the benefits of fungi in terms of bioremediation and human uses. Port Townsend, WA, USA, 10/22/2012.

[video]  https://vimeo.com/52069765
[homepage]  http://alexmilantracy.com


actions & protests | immigration 24-Oct-2012 07:30

VIDEO: Citizens Rally And Send Delegates To Ask Sheriff Staton To Stop The ICE Holds 10/22

From the open publishing newswire: On monday a crowd of over 70 protesters assembled at the Multnomah building in southeast Portland to rally and show Sheriff Daniel Staton that they are disappointed that he is honoring ICE (INS) holds on what is mostly latino detainees. A group of delegates entered the building and proceeded to Sheriff Statons' office to deliver a message. Inydmedia was exlusive in filming and photographing this amazing action which was a success!

StreetNews Report:

Local Portland activists held a large rally to stop the ICE immigration holds that are now enforced by not only Portland, but cities and states nationwide. This early rally was held at the Multnomah Building in southeast Portland, the hub of operations for the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office and over 70 people were present with no presence of the mainstream media.

Video Link:

Sheriff Staton: Stop The ICE Holds - Rally


actions & protests | neighborhood news 16-Oct-2012 06:53

VIDEO: Another Portland Resident Faces Eviction From Her Home By Mortgage Brokers 10/14

From the open publishing newswire: Yesterday over four dozen community supporters led by Portland Solidarity Network activists advanced upon a house owned by Patricia Williams and her husband to bring attention to another case of banks trying to evict homeowners and pocket revenue.

StreetNews Report:

On Sunday a surprise solidarity event took place in southeast Portland. Yet one more desparate family came forward to the community with their story of being wrongly evicted from their home. Portland Solidarity Network, Occupy Portland members, and community neighbors met with upstanding citizens Patricia Williams and her husband at Raymond City Park to hear her story and bring some support. She addressed the crowd of 50+ people and told them of how she has been ordered to evict by a judge in favor of her mortgage brokerage firm. Williams and her husband have lived in their home for some time, paying off eight years in good faith on their mortgage and they believe the eviction is unfair. Dealing with sickness and financial problems, the couple say they are staying right where they are. Supporters signed a large banner and a neighbor gave a great speech, saying that the couple is well respected within the community where they live. Just like Alicia Jackson and Annette Steele, this woman and her family will not be moved.

Video Link:

Patricia Williams Will Not Be Moved!


forest defense 15-Oct-2012 18:34

Video : Bark Extravaganza Camp Out!

From the open publishing newswire: In this 3 1/2 minute video clip, Bark announces a four-day-long camp out in Mt. Hood National Forest! We hope to provide Bark volunteers, both new and not so new, with a variety of skills in field work and timber sale monitoring, as well as opportunities to put those skills to work to protect the forests of Mt. Hood.

Bark Extravaganza Camp Out!

You are welcome to attend one or all of these events. Barkers will have a camping arrangements set up in the forest, and will arrange a carpool meet up on Thursday the 18th and Saturday the 20th. Thursday, October 18th: Groundtruth Training and Blitz Friday, October 19th: Survey and Manage in Lichen and Fungi Saturday, October 20th: BMP Squared: Post Logging Monitoring Training Sunday, October 21st: Field Work Blitz: Put your new skills to work Location will be announced soon. If you have RSVPed we will send you an e-mail with location details once they are finalized. Click here for more details and to RSVP. Email Meredith at bark-out.org to RSVP; or, for more information, call 503-331-0374. homepage: http://www.bark-out.org phone: 503-331-0374


actions & protests 14-Oct-2012 08:51

Video: Portland Fluoride Referendum a Success!

From the open publishing newswire: On October 11, 2012, Clean Water Portland turned in 43,236 signatures to Portland City Hall, more than twice the required number and one day early. The referendum campaign was a response to Portland City Council pushing through an ordinance mandating the fluoridation of the pristine Bull Run water.

Portland Fluoride Referendum a Success!

Several boxes of signatures were triumphantly carried in to City Hall by the three Chief Petitioners, Clean Water Portland Executive Director Kim Kaminski, Frances Quaempts-Miller and Malgosia Cegielskik,PhD. Following turning in the signatures, each of the three Chief Petitioners spoke briefly to the press gathering.

Kim thanked all who participated in the successful effort and upbraided City Hall for their back door dealings which led to their approving water fluoridation without broad public participation.
"These are public servants, and it's their job to serve the public, not special interests, not do this behind closed doors......we don't want any more chemicals in our water."

Frances also thanked all those who contributed to the monumental effort that many said was an impossible task. She stressed the point, "not one of us got any money from any big corporations, not a single one of us took any money to do this work."
"What we care about are direct, real solutions to dental issues. We don't want to throw chemicals into the water and call it done....we want clean water; we want democracy and we will fight to get it."

Malgosia, a psychologist and a child psychologist, spoke last, emphasizing the toxicity that fluoride "contributes to children's brains that are already way over loaded with neurotoxins, and can't think, and can't learn, and can't pay attention."

Homepage: http://www.cleanwaterportland.org/


actions & protests | prisons & prisoners 13-Oct-2012 16:50

Portland: “The Story, Last Night, Wasn’t the Broken Windows”

From the open publishing newswire: The Story, Last Night, Wasn't the Broken Windows.
By Jess E. Hadden

Yesterday afternoon, via Facebook, I heard about a solidarity march, being organized by an autonomous group. The reason: Leah from the Red & Black Cafe was being imprisoned for refusing to testify before a Grand Jury. I didn't personally know Leah, but philosophically I supported the stand she was taking against the Federal government's witch-hunt, targeting activists.

So, I hit "share," passing the invitation along.

I observed the march as it approached SE Hawthorne Blvd, via 35th Ave. Since I did not recognize the people in the march (it's hard to recognize a black bloc, especially at night, without my glasses) — and since I myself wear very bright colors — I decided to watch while maintaining a distance. Technical difficulties prevented me from livestreaming, but I still wanted to be able to report the real story.

As the marchers took the east-bound lanes of Hawthorne, I watched a growing crowd of curious people, in regular attire, following the march along the sidewalk, and inquiring about this unexpected sight.

Then, I heard, rather than saw, the sound of glass shattering. [...]

Link to:  link to greycoast.wordpress.com


[Related PIMC post]


actions & protests 13-Oct-2012 14:11

Controversial Marijuana adverts in Portland to be removed

From the open publishing newswire: People are outraged over billboards projecting marijuana in a negative light in Portland, a city with nearly 10,000 legal medical users. Clear Channel will allegedly remove the billboards from the city due to pressure through Facebook organisers. Portland, OR, USA, 10/11/2012.


human & civil rights | police / legal 13-Oct-2012 14:03

Statement From A Resister - Leah Lynn Plante

From the open publishing newswire: Leah is a 24 year old political prisoner currently serving time at FDC Seatac. Leah was subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury three times, refused three times and was thrown into prison for civil contempt on October 10th, 2012.


Leah is a 24 year old political prisoner currently serving time at FDC Seatac. Leah was subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury three times, refused three times and was thrown into prison for civil contempt on October 10th, 2012.

freeleah.org | supportresist.net

[Related PIMC Post]  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2012/10/419046.shtml


human & civil rights | youth 08-Oct-2012 19:08

Video: Youth Ending Slavery "Walk to End Slavery" speeches - march Portland 10-6-12

From the open publishing newswire: Walk to End Slavery is a youth organized group from St Marys High School. These high school girls have organized YES (Youth Ending Slavery) and a march with speeches that is bringing awareness and educating our community by publicly exposing the human slavery, trafficking and exploitation is in our town and around us.

This video is only of the speeches by the five organizers and county commissioner Diane McKeel.
 http://youtu.be/vNo02EJoGVI (22 min video).

After the rally, the estimated 200 headed to waterfront and then back to Directors Park.



Occupy Portland one year anniversary march

From the open publishing newswire: Occupy Portland held a march through downtown Portland to commemorate the one year anniversary of the occupation. Protesters passed City Hall, Chapman and Lownsdale squares and continued through the downtown area. Portland, OR, USA, 10/06/2012.


Alex Milan Tracy:
[1] Occupy Portland one year anniversary march | [2] Occu-PoPo monitor police on first anniversary of Occupy Portland | [3] Armed riot police wait for disorder at Occupy Portland anniversary | [4] Portland re-Occupiers face off with DHS Federal Protective Services | [5] Occupy Portland one year anniversary march
[1] terry schrunk park - re-occupy
Jim Lockhart:
[1] Video Clips (2) and Pics From October 6, 2012 Rally and March
joyofresistance :
[1] Occupy Portland, not Afghanistan march | [2] Wedding gets blessing from Occupy Portland
Joe Anybody & Mobile T:
[1] Video: Oct 6 Occupy Portland Not Afghanistan -speeches and march -full video


forest defense 08-Oct-2012 11:54

Video: Bark Response to USFS Jazz Timber Sale Decision

From the open publishing newswire: The US Forest Service issued a Decision Notice and Environmental Assessment for the Jazz Timber Sale on September 7th, 2012. While nearly 3,000 individuals provided public comment in opposition to the Jazz Timber Sale, the Forest Service has decided not only to proceed with Jazz, but the only change they made was to increase the amount of heavy thinning to "create elk habitat."
Bark Response to USFS Jazz Timber Sale Decision>

This 7 minute video is a response from Bark by Brenna Bell, staff attorney and National Environmental Policy Act NEPA)Coordinator.

(The following is adapted from the Bark website.)

After months of waiting, the Forest Service issued its decision on the Jazz Timber Sale, and the results are shocking. The final sale puts more forest on the chopping block, admits to additional road impacts, and has no plans to monitor logging impacts on the ground.

Now, since receiving the decision, Bark has a begun review of the decision and initial impressions indicate that the Forest Service did not fully address the more than 3,000 public comments submitted opposing the project. We will provide more information after full review.

The Jazz Timber Sale would log 2,000 acres of forest, throughout 30 square miles of the Collawash River watershed. The Collawash is a tributary to the Clackamas River and is host to the last wild late run of winter coho salmon, making it key spot for the survival of this species.
Homepage: http://www.bark-out.org


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