Showing posts with label nonsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nonsense. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Useful things

Okay... tired, but will try to do this right:

1. Copy these instructions.
2. Link to the original 'useful meme' post.
3. Share 5+ things that may be of benefit to your readers -- useful facts, advice, product recommendations, etc.
(1) Hard-core bloggers already know this, but if you don't know it, it will change the way you read blogs.

(2) This will change the way you experience fiction.

(3) Various websites Judicious use of Google Scholar,, and even plain old Google will change the way you find dead-tree material. Find stuff. Find the stuff it cites. Find what other stuff people who've bought it have also bought. It's the only way to live.

(4) Stuff White People Like Didn't quite revolutionize anything for me, but did teach me a thing or two. If you're a typical upper-middle class first-worlder, this website will help you with that ever important task of griding your self-esteem into dust, something you really ought to be doing, no matter what your parents and teachers told you growing up. Really, you're way to full of yourself.

(5) Molecular biology This will change the way you see humanity. Everything in the human body is controlled by molecules. Want to control what your body does? Control the molecules. In practical terms, this means buy up biotech stock and psychologically prepare yourself for seeing the world transformed by ever more sophisticated manipulations of life at the molecular level.

And now the people I tag will be... Karl. Because I think he's the only person who responded to the last blog meme I tried to tag anyone with.

PS: Bonus sixth item: Notebooks Seriously, I have trouble remembering what I intend to do minute to minute, I almost forgot what I was going to say for some items on this list, as I typed it. Everything works better when you write things down in a notebook.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Seven things

Michael Reynolds has tagged me with a meme. Here it goes:

1. Link to the person who tagged you

2. Post the rules here

3. Share 7 random or weird facts about yourself.

*1. I see the alphabet in colors. Seriously.
*2. The day before the start of seventh grade, I clunked my head on a playground and had to have it stapled up. Yes, stapled, not stitched. For several years after the fact I treated it as the most interesting thing about myself.
*3. I'm currently reading a biography of H. P. Lovecraft, and being made to feel inadequate because I didn't become a prolific, locally recognized science writer by the end of high school.
*4. On the other hand, I have already written an entire book and gotten a number of editors and agents to ignore it.
*5. Recently got the idea of reading every entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy over the course of the next couple of years. Then realized no purpose would be served by this exercise.
*6. I keep my books organized by sticking mailing labels on them with Library of Congress call numbers.
*7. I was recently hit with a blog meme by a kid lit author who's books I read an awful lot of in middle school.

4. Tag 7 random people at the end of the post, linking to them.

*1. Vjack
*2. The Barefoot Bum
*3. Vastleft
*4. Hemant Mehta
*5. Greta Christina
*6. Karl
*7. Richard Chappell

5. Leave a comment on their blog so that they know they’ve been tagged.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

#1 meme

Not that the meme itself is necessarily #1 (thought it might be!) No, via PZ and Brian, I've found a meme where you say what you're #1 on Google for. All of these are from my Sitemeter:

The outsider Tests--not sure why I beat out John on this search. "Outsider test," incidentally, returns what you'd expect.
rocky horror picture show madison--That's something to be proud of. Not sure why, though, as it seems the local shadow cast has gotten its act together with their website. Perhaps because they didn't have it together for so long.
atheist in hollywood--Nice to see that people are reading one of my first posts.
Meaning of anti fundamentalist--This gets people to my manifesto.
what is a clairvoyant--Who has to ask this? People who know not to put "what" in questions they pose to Google.
being gay a cross to carry--Looks like someone found my blog who needed it.
bible uncredible--Darn straight I'm the person to go to for this!
how did the towers really fall--I can has fight crackpottery.
josh mcdowell + creationism--Ooh, I'm hitting the big targets.

Good take, all in all.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Me as a Simpson

Partly thanks to inspiration from Katie and Hemant, and partly due to realization that my own pictures of myself are pretty crappy, I'm changing my profile picture to a Simpson, courtesy of the Simpsons Movie site.

EDIT: Argh, still suffering from the grainy picture of doom effect. That will be my first thing to fix if I ever get off blogspot. Oh well, even if the picture looks crappy, I was getting tired of the old one anyway.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Birthday data dump

When my next birthday rolls around, methinks I'll steal this post concept from Michael Reynolds.

Bush ranked top villian of 2006

Among the interesting things I've learned recently at Hell's Handmaiden.