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    Igneous Rocks
    Rock Classes: 3. Igneous Rocks
    How Them Igneous Rocks Get Formed
    Igneous rock rap
    Lecture - 10 Igneous Rocks
    Identifying Rocks : Identifying Igneous Rocks
    Igneous Rocks-Hommocks Earth Science Department
    Igneous rock 2
    Reference Table Page 6-Igneous Rock Chart-Hommocks Earth Science Department
    Igneous Rocks Project
    on location. igneous rock
    igneous rocks.m4v
    Igneous rock experiment
    Igneous Rocks
    video results for: igneous rocks
    Daimeon Mosley & the Igneous Rocks, 1/08
    Iggy the Igneous Rock- Federal Interagation
    igneous rock
    Rock Odyssey - Part III
    Igneous Rocks at Bt Batok Town Park
    Basalt Fountain by Igneous Rock Gallery
    Igneous Rock Cycle
    Igneous Rock Gallery Display, 2010 Valley Forge Home Show

    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Tennessee
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Tennessee
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Tennessee
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Tennessee
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Tennessee
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Tennessee
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks
    Porphyry is a variety of igneous rock consisting of large-grained crystals, such as feldspar or quartz, dispersed in a fine-grained feldspathic matrix or groundmass. The larger crystals are called phenocrysts. In its non-geologic, traditional use, the term
    photo: Creative Commons / Amphibol
    Porphyry is a variety of igneous rock consisting of large-grained crystals, such as feldspar or quartz, dispersed in a fine-grained feldspathic matrix or groundmass. The larger crystals are called phenocrysts. In its non-geologic, traditional use, the term "porphyry" refers to the purple-red form of this stone, valued for its appearance.
    The Adirondack Mountains from the top of Whiteface Mountain The mountains consist primarily of metamorphic rocks, mainly gneiss, surrounding a central core of intrusive igneous rocks, most notably northosite, in the high peaks region.
    photo: Creative Commons / R khot
    The Adirondack Mountains from the top of Whiteface Mountain The mountains consist primarily of metamorphic rocks, mainly gneiss, surrounding a central core of intrusive igneous rocks, most notably northosite, in the high peaks region.
    2004/02/02 Different Strokes - In these line graphs of laboratory spectra, it is evident that different minerals have different spectra. The graph on the left shows the typical minerals found in igneous rocks, which are rocks related to magma or volcanic
    photo: NASA/JPL/U.S. Geological Survey file
    2004/02/02 Different Strokes - In these line graphs of laboratory spectra, it is evident that different minerals have different spectra. The graph on the left shows the typical minerals found in igneous rocks, which are rocks related to magma or volcanic
    The park's rock formations, made famous by Robert Stevens and Harold Williams, include oceanic crust and mantle rock exposed by the obduction process of plate tectonics, as well as sedimentary rock formed during the Ordovician, Precambrian granite and Palaeozoic igneous rocks.
    photo: GFDL / Tango7174
    The park's rock formations, made famous by Robert Stevens and Harold Williams, include oceanic crust and mantle rock exposed by the obduction process of plate tectonics, as well as sedimentary rock formed during the Ordovician, Precambrian granite and Palaeozoic igneous rocks.
    photo: Creative Commons / Rudolf Pohl
    Bytownite from Crystal Bay, Minnesota
    photo: Public Domain / Dyet
    Bytownite from Crystal Bay, Minnesota
    photo: Creative Commons / Chmee2
    Nephelinite lava (grey) containing a xenolith of peridotite (yellow), Kaiserstuhl, Germany.
    photo: Creative Commons / Derhammer
    Nephelinite lava (grey) containing a xenolith of peridotite (yellow), Kaiserstuhl, Germany.
    A contact metamorphic rock made of interlayered calcite and serpentine from the Precambrian of Canada. Once thought to be a fossil called Eozoön canadense. Scale in mm
    photo: Creative Commons
    A contact metamorphic rock made of interlayered calcite and serpentine from the Precambrian of Canada. Once thought to be a fossil called Eozoön canadense. Scale in mm
    photo: Creative Commons / Zimbres
    Carbonatite from Jacupiranga, Brazil. This rock is compound of calcite, magnetite and olivine
    photo: Creative Commons / Zimbres
    Carbonatite from Jacupiranga, Brazil. This rock is compound of calcite, magnetite and olivine
    photo: Creative Commons / Arpingstone
    Gabbro specimen; Rock Creek Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada, California.
    photo: Creative Commons / Wilson44691
    Gabbro specimen; Rock Creek Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada, California.
    Gabbro as a xenolith in a granite, eastern Sierra Nevada, Rock Creek Canyon, California.
    photo: Creative Commons / Wilson44691
    Gabbro as a xenolith in a granite, eastern Sierra Nevada, Rock Creek Canyon, California.
    photo: Creative Commons / Zimbres
    Geological sketch of the Rhenish Massif
    photo: Creative Commons
    Geological sketch of the Rhenish Massif
    photo: Creative Commons / Siim
    Pegmatitic granite, Rock Creek Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada, California. Note pink potassium feldspars and cumulate-filled chamber.
    photo: Creative Commons / Wilson44691
    Pegmatitic granite, Rock Creek Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada, California. Note pink potassium feldspars and cumulate-filled chamber.
    photo: Creative Commons / Friman
    2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks 2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks 2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks 2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks 2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks 2006/08/24 Spirit Discovers New Class of Igneous Rocks - During the past two-and-a-half years of traversing the central part of Gusev Crater, NASA´s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has analyzed the brushed and ground-into surfaces of multiple rocks Porphyry is a variety of igneous rock consisting of large-grained crystals, such as feldspar or quartz, dispersed in a fine-grained feldspathic matrix or groundmass. The larger crystals are called phenocrysts. In its non-geologic, traditional use, the term The Adirondack Mountains from the top of Whiteface Mountain The mountains consist primarily of metamorphic rocks, mainly gneiss, surrounding a central core of intrusive igneous rocks, most notably northosite, in the high peaks region. 2004/02/02 Different Strokes - In these line graphs of laboratory spectra, it is evident that different minerals have different spectra. The graph on the left shows the typical minerals found in igneous rocks, which are rocks related to magma or volcanic The park's rock formations, made famous by Robert Stevens and Harold Williams, include oceanic crust and mantle rock exposed by the obduction process of plate tectonics, as well as sedimentary rock formed during the Ordovician, Precambrian granite and Palaeozoic igneous rocks. Granodiorite Bytownite from Crystal Bay, Minnesota Amphibolite. Nephelinite lava (grey) containing a xenolith of peridotite (yellow), Kaiserstuhl, Germany. A contact metamorphic rock made of interlayered calcite and serpentine from the Precambrian of Canada. Once thought to be a fossil called Eozoön canadense. Scale in mm Pegmatite Carbonatite from Jacupiranga, Brazil. This rock is compound of calcite, magnetite and olivine Gabbro Gabbro specimen; Rock Creek Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada, California. Gabbro as a xenolith in a granite, eastern Sierra Nevada, Rock Creek Canyon, California. Litchfieldite. Geological sketch of the Rhenish Massif Diorite Pegmatitic granite, Rock Creek Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada, California. Note pink potassium feldspars and cumulate-filled chamber. Granite
