
The Debt - Official Trailer [HD]
Subscribe ow.ly | Facebook ow.ly | Twitter ow.ly Release Date: August 31, 2011 Genre: Thri...
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: trailers
The Debt - Official Trailer [HD]
Subscribe ow.ly | Facebook ow.ly | Twitter ow.ly Release Date: August 31, 2011 Genre: Thriller Cast: Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, Jessica Chastain, Marton Csokas, Jesper Christensen, Ciarán Hinds, Tom Wilkinson Directors: John Madden Writer: Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman, Peter Straughan MPAA: R Studio: Focus Features Plot: The espionage thriller begins in 1997, as shocking news reaches retired Mossad secret agents Rachel (Academy Award winner Helen Mirren) and Stefan (two-time Academy Award nominee Tom Wilkinson) about their former colleague David (Ciarán Hinds of Focus' "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day"). All three have been venerated for decades by their country because of the mission that they undertook back in 1966, when the trio (portrayed, respectively, by Jessica Chastain [soon to be seen in "The Tree of Life"], Marton Csokas [Universal's upcoming "Dream House"], and Sam Worthington ["Avatar," "Clash of the Titans"]) tracked down Nazi war criminal Vogel (Jesper Christensen of "Casino Royale" and "Quantum of Solace") in East Berlin. At great risk, and at considerable personal cost, the team's mission was accomplished -- or was it? The suspense builds in and across two different time periods, with startling action and surprising revelations.
published: 12 Apr 2011
views: 1589563

'US next Greece if debt is not dealt with'
RT talks to a prominent American economist about the current state of the world's financia...
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: RussiaToday
'US next Greece if debt is not dealt with'
RT talks to a prominent American economist about the current state of the world's financial plight, and where it's heading next. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: RussiaToday
views: 31720

GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS: 2007--2012 global financial crisis, is considered by many economis...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: CapitalWatch
GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS: 2007--2012 global financial crisis, is considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It resulted in the threat of total collapse from large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market also suffered, resulting in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment. The crisis played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of US dollars, and a downturn in economic activity leading to the 2008--2012 global recession and contributing to the European sovereign-debt crisis. The active phase of the crisis, which manifested as a liquidity crisis, can be dated from August 7, 2007 when a French bank with an auxiliary headquarters in the UK terminated withdrawals from 3 hedge funds citing "a complete evaporation of liquidity." The bursting of the US housing bubble, which peaked in 2006, caused the values of securities tied to US real estate pricing to plummet, damaging financial institutions globally.The financial crisis was triggered by a complex interplay of the overvaluation of bundled sub-prime mortgages, questionable trading practices on behalf of both buyers and sellers, and a lack of adequate capital holdings from banks and insurance companies to back the financial commitments they were making. Questions regarding bank ...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: CapitalWatch
views: 20397

Money As Debt
Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and...
published: 09 May 2012
author: RadioIlluminaticom
Money As Debt
Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out. The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its "Duncan Initiative" received high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system in Canada and the United States. This is a movie you should watch, if you are an investor/trader in the currency/forex market.
published: 09 May 2012
author: RadioIlluminaticom
views: 8146

Authors@Google: David Graeber, DEBT: The First 5000 Years
DEBT: The First 5000 Years While the "national debt" has been the concern du jour of many ...
published: 09 Feb 2012
author: AtGoogleTalks
Authors@Google: David Graeber, DEBT: The First 5000 Years
DEBT: The First 5000 Years While the "national debt" has been the concern du jour of many economists, commentators and politicians, little attention is ever paid to the historical significance of debt. For thousands of years, the struggle between rich and poor has largely taken the form of conflicts between creditors and debtors—of arguments about the rights and wrongs of interest payments, debt peonage, amnesty, repossession, restitution, the sequestering of sheep, the seizing of vineyards, and the selling of debtors' children into slavery. By the same token, for the past five thousand years, popular insurrections have begun the same way: with the ritual destruction of debt records—tablets, papyri, ledgers; whatever form they might have taken in any particular time and place. Enter anthropologist David Graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years (July, ISBN 978-1-933633-86-2), which uses these struggles to show that the history of debt is also a history of morality and culture. In the throes of the recent economic crisis, with the very defining institutions of capitalism crumbling, surveys showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans felt that the country's banks should not be rescued—whatever the economic consequences—but that ordinary citizens stuck with bad mortgages should be bailed out. The notion of morality as a matter of paying one's debts runs deeper in the United States than in almost any other country. Beginning with a sharp critique of economics (which since ...
published: 09 Feb 2012
author: AtGoogleTalks
views: 19538

The National Debt and Federal Budget Deficit Deconstructed - Tony Robbins
www.tonyrobbins.com Watch Tony Robbins discuss the $15 trillion US national debt -- how bi...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: TonyRobbinsLive
The National Debt and Federal Budget Deficit Deconstructed - Tony Robbins
www.tonyrobbins.com Watch Tony Robbins discuss the $15 trillion US national debt -- how big is it really? And what can we do about the enormous federal budget deficit?
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: TonyRobbinsLive
views: 303480

Keiser Report: Debt Bomb (E332)
In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss CNBC swooning for Biebanke,' Warren ...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: RussiaToday
Keiser Report: Debt Bomb (E332)
In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss CNBC swooning for Biebanke,' Warren Buffett waving many red flags and tax revenue plummeting in UK after a dose of Georgie Porgie's bubble and fraud pudding. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Dominic Frisby, resident gold bug at Moneyweek, about debt bombs and the City of London. They also discuss how North Sea oil enabled the big bang and how a property bubble could undo it. Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: twitter.com Watch all Keiser Report shows here: www.youtube.com (E1-E200) www.youtube.com (E201-current) Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: RussiaToday
views: 34188

Ireland pleads debt restructure with Eurozone partners
The government of Ireland is planning to cut another 4.5 billion dollars from public spend...
published: 30 Oct 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Ireland pleads debt restructure with Eurozone partners
The government of Ireland is planning to cut another 4.5 billion dollars from public spending. The country is pleading with France and Germany for a restructuring of its debts so it can alleviate its crushing austerity. Al Jazeera's Laurence Lee reports from Dublin.
published: 30 Oct 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
views: 181

Why It Matters: Candidates Debt Plans
A sea of red ink is confronting the nation and presidents to come. The budget deficit topp...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: AssociatedPress
Why It Matters: Candidates Debt Plans
A sea of red ink is confronting the nation and presidents to come. The budget deficit topped $1 trillion for the fourth straight time in the budget year that just ended Sept. 30. (Oct. 25)
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: AssociatedPress
views: 173

Keiser Report: Debt-a-holic Zombies (E289)
In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the Devil's Breath of too ...
published: 17 May 2012
author: RussiaToday
Keiser Report: Debt-a-holic Zombies (E289)
In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the Devil's Breath of too much debt and JP Morgan's black and blue dementia. In the second half of the show Max talks to Mike Maloney about gold, silver and Hollywood accounting. Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: twitter.com Watch all Keiser Report shows here: www.youtube.com (E1-E200) www.youtube.com (E201-current) Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
published: 17 May 2012
author: RussiaToday
views: 49378

Money As Debt 1: what money is & why we are bankers' slaves
What is money? How is it created? outsidethebluepillcave.blogspot.com Summary of 9/11 scep...
published: 11 Nov 2007
author: acrobat741
Money As Debt 1: what money is & why we are bankers' slaves
What is money? How is it created? outsidethebluepillcave.blogspot.com Summary of 9/11 scepticism: outsidethebluepillcave.blogspot.com #1 For a full list of doubters: patriotsquestion911.com Military leaders questioning the OCT: georgewashington.blogspot.com CIA veterans doubting: www.opednews.com Engineers & architects doubting: www.ae911truth.org Physicists doubting: physics911.net Pilots doubting: www.pilotsfor911truth.org High-level officials doubting: 911proof.com In arecent Zogby International poll (September 06, 2007): 51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding 9/11 attacks; over 30% seek immediate impeachment; 67% fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7 911truth.org Protest in Brussels for 911 Truth (09 Sep 2007): www.youtube.com #2 But surely this could not have happened, I mean, governments would not actually resort to terror attacks to advance their interests. Would they? Unfortunately, yes they would. Actually, they have a history of doing so. Operation Ajax: From the archives of the New York Times, the British and US involvement in overthrowing Mossadegh in Iran: www.nytimes.com Operation Northwoods: Operation Northwoods was a 1962 plan by the US Department of Defense to enact acts of terrorism and violence on US soil or against US interests, blamed on Cuba, in order to generate US public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. en.wikipedia.org Operation Gladio ...
published: 11 Nov 2007
author: acrobat741
views: 159216

Hannah Montana - 120 - Debt It Be.avi
published: 11 Apr 2011
author: Santu Mandal
Hannah Montana - 120 - Debt It Be.avi

Keiser Report: Debt Erasers (E348)
In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the nine scariest words in the Engli...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: RussiaToday
Keiser Report: Debt Erasers (E348)
In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the nine scariest words in the English language - "I'm from JP Morgan and I'm here to help you." They also discuss deferred prosecution agreements and celebrities and bloggers shilling for banksters in California's mortgage contract-asset seizure market. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Jaromil about bitcoin as a digital charm bracelet and the revolution in accounting science - triple entry accounting. Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: twitter.com Watch all Keiser Report shows here: www.youtube.com (E1-E200) www.youtube.com (E201-current) Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: RussiaToday
views: 26778

Student debt: the new slavery?
First there was the housing bubble, but now a new crisis has emerged in America. The stude...
published: 23 May 2012
author: RTAmerica
Student debt: the new slavery?
First there was the housing bubble, but now a new crisis has emerged in America. The student debt bubble has now accumulated over $1 trillion in student loan debt and, starting July 1, Federal Pell Grants are set to be cut for thousands of student across the US. Sarah Jaffe, associate editor for AlterNet.org, joins us with her take on student debt. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com
published: 23 May 2012
author: RTAmerica
views: 5491
Vimeo results:

Between Bears
// winner of best animation award at vimeo's first film festival //
my graduation film at...
published: 30 Jul 2010
author: Eran Hilleli
Between Bears
// winner of best animation award at vimeo's first film festival //
my graduation film at bezalel academy of art and design.
a debt to my childhood and other lives i hope i lived. inspired by words of songs that i admire.
original music composed by Ori Avni
performed by Ori Avni and Daniela Spector.
Download Between bears mini mini album:

Ball Of Light
This 15 minute documentary tells the story of Denis Smith. Two years ago he was in a high ...
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: Sam Collins Media
Ball Of Light
This 15 minute documentary tells the story of Denis Smith. Two years ago he was in a high pressure sales job suffering with depression, debt and alcohol problems. Then he discovered light painting, and his life changed forever...
Produced by Sam Collins Media - If you enjoyed this film, please consider leaving me a small contribution using the Tip Jar button below. Many thanks! :)
More Ball Of Light images/videos at www.balloflight.com.au
More documentaries/videos at www.samcollinsmedia.com
*NEWS* - Ball of Light won Best Documentary at the South Australian Screen Awards 2012! Delighted!
*Ball of Light is still available to license for broadcast/distribution in some territories - please contact info@samcollinsmedia.com for details / promo high-def DVD mailout.

ILLEGAL - 2007 Tribeca Film Festival - Short Film by Andrew Oh
Official selection into the 2007 TRIBECA FILM FESTIVAL
Written and Directed by ANDREW OH
published: 23 Jun 2009
author: Andrew Oh
ILLEGAL - 2007 Tribeca Film Festival - Short Film by Andrew Oh
Official selection into the 2007 TRIBECA FILM FESTIVAL
Written and Directed by ANDREW OH
Produced by Lydia Ko, Tony Wang, and Andrew Oh
Daniel and Jessica are a happily married couple on the verge of realizing the American dream - Jessica is pregnant and Daniel finally gets the money to open a small diner. But when they hire Carlos, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, they find that they are targets of blackmail. With their emotions spiraling out of control, is their love strong enough for them to forgive one another and do what's right?
Starring Thomas Blankenship, Tyler Kain, Danny Molina, Chet Grissom, David Pevsner, and Luis Beckford.
Cinematography by Kenneth Yeung.
REDROCK M2 35mm Adapter
REDROCK Base Plate/Rods
REDROCK microFollowFocus
NIKON prime lenses
Other films:
THE DEBT - http://www.vimeo.com/5335532
THE MOTEL ROOM - http://www.vimeo.com/5363130
SHOTGUN - http://www.vimeo.com/5366067

NY Times - Debt Deal: Obama vs. Boehner
See the NY Times article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/01/magazine/obama-vs-boehner...
published: 28 Mar 2012
author: LEGWORK
NY Times - Debt Deal: Obama vs. Boehner
See the NY Times article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/01/magazine/obama-vs-boehner-who-killed-the-debt-deal.html
Youtube results:

The 2012 National Debt Road Trip
How do the Obama deficits compare with past presidents? And what is his plan moving forwar...
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: 10000Pennies
The 2012 National Debt Road Trip
How do the Obama deficits compare with past presidents? And what is his plan moving forward? This video depicts the National Debt as a road trip and visualizes how fast the most recent US Presidents have increased the debt. This is an update for the National Debt Road Trip video I made in 2009. For more details on how I got this data and answers to commonly asked questions, see my blog post on this at www.politicalmathblog.com or follow me on Twitter: twitter.com
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: 10000Pennies
views: 61758

Pain of Austerity: Debt-choked Greece braces for more cuts
Getting a new vital cash injection from the EU for debt-choked Greece is far from a done d...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: RussiaToday
Pain of Austerity: Debt-choked Greece braces for more cuts
Getting a new vital cash injection from the EU for debt-choked Greece is far from a done deal. Leaders of the coalition government have failed to agree on stinging cuts worth roughly 12 billion euros - that the Prime Minister insists are crucial to avoid bankruptcy. But his allies in the government objected to across-the-board cuts on wages and pensions and also criticised plans to trim disability benefits. At the same time, Greece's foreign lenders, who are currently in the country to assess its progress on meeting the bailout terms, also rejected parts of the austerity measures, with talks set to continue. But the fiercest opposition the cuts have evoked come from the Greeks themselves - as Peter Oliver reports. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: RussiaToday
views: 9057

Truths behind global debt crisis with Max Keiser
In this edition of the show Max interviews Steve Keen from Debtdeflation.com. It has been ...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: PressTVGlobalNews
Truths behind global debt crisis with Max Keiser
In this edition of the show Max interviews Steve Keen from Debtdeflation.com. It has been five years since global debt crisis began. The debt is now so great that it can no longer be hidden. Max discusses the issue with Steve to see what triggered the current debt crisis, what the response to it was and where we stand now. Steve also comments on the latest global debt crisis and banker's role in the current situation.Steve Keen is a professor in economics and finance at the University of Western Sydney and the author of Debunking Economics. Watch this video on our website: www.presstv.com Follow our Facebook on: www.facebook.com Follow our Twitter on: twitter.com
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: PressTVGlobalNews
views: 11260

Deep in Debt: Big bills to get bigger for UK taxpayers?
Britain's got big bills to pay, but is looking to a century-old solution when times were e...
published: 14 Apr 2012
author: RussiaToday
Deep in Debt: Big bills to get bigger for UK taxpayers?
Britain's got big bills to pay, but is looking to a century-old solution when times were even tougher. Never-ending loans to cover the cost of the First World War are still being repaid today, but the Treasury Chief is planning more. And that means a financial headache for tomorrow's children, as Ivor Bennett reports. RT on Twitter: twitter.com RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com
published: 14 Apr 2012
author: RussiaToday
views: 8994