
Al-Qaida-fighter and Salafist Abdul Hakim Belhadj is now Military Commander of Tripoli (aug 26)
Al-Qaida-fighter and Salafist Abdul Hakim Belhadj is now Military Commander of Tripoli (aug 26)
Read more on Russia Today - rt.com Escobar says that Taliban-linked sources overseas have confirmed Belhadj as the new commander. In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA began tracking Belhadj, who was eventually captured in Malaysia in 2003. Escobar says that he was then tortured in Bangkok before being transferred back to Libya and imprisoned. He made a deal that allowed for his release in 2009 and as of this week is the military commander of Tripoli.

Breaking News - Brother of Abdel Hakim Belhadj Killed in Bani Walid
Breaking News - Brother of Abdel Hakim Belhadj Killed in Bani Walid

Breaking News - CIA and al Qaeda's Abdel Hakim Belhadj Arrested
Breaking News - CIA and al Qaeda's Abdel Hakim Belhadj Arrested

Brother of Abdel Hakim Belhadj Killed in Bani Walid 29.11.11 LIBYA ON WAR
Brother of Abdel Hakim Belhadj Killed in Bani Walid 29.11.11 LIBYA ON WAR

Breaking News - CIA and al Qaeda's Abdel Hakim Belhadj Arrested 26.11.11 LIBYA ON WAR.flv
Breaking News - CIA and al Qaeda's Abdel Hakim Belhadj Arrested 26.11.11 LIBYA ON WAR.flv

Abdel Hakim Belhadj's brother killed in Bani Walid by the Green Libyan Liberation Army 29.11.11
Abdel Hakim Belhadj's brother killed in Bani Walid by the Green Libyan Liberation Army 29.11.11

Al-Qaida-fighter and Salafist, Abdul Hakim Belhadj, is now Military Commander of Tripoli
Al-Qaida-fighter and Salafist, Abdul Hakim Belhadj, is now Military Commander of Tripoli
Speaking to RT today live from Brazil, Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar said that an al-Qaeda asset is now leading the military of rebel-controlled Libya. According to Escobar, Abdelhakim Belhadj, who commanded a military offensive in Libya over the weekend, has become the de facto commander of the Tripoli armed forces. Belhadj has also, says Escobar, was trained in Afghanistan by a "very hardcore Islamist Libyan group." Escobar says that Taliban-linked sources overseas have confirmed Belhadj as the new commander. In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA began tracking Belhadj, who was eventually captured in Malaysia in 2003. Escobar says that he was then tortured in Bangkok before being transferred back to Libya and imprisoned. He made a deal that allowed for his release in 2009 and as of this week is the military commander of Tripoli. "I can say almost for sure with 95 percent certainty that this is the guy," Escobar confirms. rt.com

Who's Abdelhakim Belhadj 'Head of Tripoli Military Council' via France24
Who's Abdelhakim Belhadj 'Head of Tripoli Military Council' via France24
9.1.11 france24

Abdel Hakim Belhadj's brother killed in Bani Walid by the Green Libyan Liberation Army
Abdel Hakim Belhadj's brother killed in Bani Walid by the Green Libyan Liberation Army
il fratello di Abdel Hakim Belhadj, governatore militare di Tripoli e membro di Al-Qaeda e del CNT (nonchè alleato della NATO), è stato ucciso a Bani Walid (Libya) dai coraggiosi soldati dell'esercito per la liberazione della Libia. ALLAH WAKBAR!

TRIPOLI. Entrevista con Abdul Hakim Belhadj
TRIPOLI. Entrevista con Abdul Hakim Belhadj
La base aérea de Mitiga alberga el cuartel general de los militares rebeldes en Trípoli. En la segunda planta de este recinto frecuentado por aviones americanos durante los sesenta trabaja Abdul Hakim Belhadj (Trípoli, 1966), el recién nombrado comandante de Trípoli. Su pasado como emir del Grupo Islámico Libio de Lucha (LIFG, por sus siglas en inglés), los viajes a Afganistán para combatir en la yihad, la posterior detención por parte de la CIA y sus seis años en la prisión de Abu Salim bajo la acusación de estar vinculado a Al Qaeda han encendido las alarmas en Occidente. Recibe a este medio en su pequeño despacho para "dejar muy claro que no tengo nada que ver con AQ". Su trabajo no es sencillo, Belhaq trata de coordinar el trabajo de las distintas milicias que han llegaron de todo Libia para la toma de la capital. Su unidad, la 'Brigada 17 de febrero', con base en Nalut, fue la encargada de tomar Bab Al Aziziya, el auténtico símbolo del régimen que cayó en apenas 48 horas.

Abdelhakim Belhadj veut récupérer 16.850 kg d'or saisi par la douane turque- .
Abdelhakim Belhadj veut récupérer 16.850 kg d'or saisi par la douane turque- .
30 rebelles tués à Misrata après une embuscade sur la route de Zliten . Les combattants de la résistance verte ont préparé un piège au meilleur bataillon de Misrata, le bataillon de Ossoud Misrata. ceux qui s'attaquèrent à Cirtes avec les tigres de Mistrata et qui linchères M'3ammar et Mo3tassem. Les combattants vert ont planté des dizaines de mines sur la route, dès qu'ils entendient venir les rebelles. Le résultat est que 30 rebelles furent

Abdelhakim Belhadj ou Al Qaida au service de l'Otan
Abdelhakim Belhadj ou Al Qaida au service de l'Otan
Encore une preuve pour ceux qui doutent de l'utilisation de mercenaires d'Al Qaida par l'Otan! article à lire : www.voltairenet.org

Libya.Many of the prisoners released from the jail belonged to al Qaeda.
Libya.Many of the prisoners released from the jail belonged to al Qaeda.
www.debka.com Pro-Al Qaeda brigades control Qaddafi Tripoli strongholds seized by rebels DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 28, 2011, 11:47 AM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Libya Muammar Qaddafi Al Qaeda Tripoli NATO NTC Abd Al-Hakim Belhadj, pro-Al Qaeda LIFG chief Members of the Al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group -- LIFG, are in control of the former strongholds of Muammar Qaddafi captured by Libyan rebels last Sunday, Aug. 21, debkafile reports from sources in Libya. They are fighting under the command of Abd Al-Hakim Belhadj, an al Qaeda veteran from Afghanistan whom the CIA captured in Malaysia in 2003 and extradited six years later to Libya where Qaddafi held him in prison. Belhadj is on record as rejecting any political form of coexistence with the Crusaders excepting jihad. His brigades were the principal rebel force in the operation for the capture of Qaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya ruling compound on Aug. 23. Saturday, Aug. 27, those brigades overran the Abu Salim district of southern Tripoli taking it from the last pro-Qaddafi holdouts in the city. Many of the prisoners released from the local jail belonged to al Qaeda.

Seems Al-Qaeda Seizes Control Of Immensely Oil Rich Libya Rather Than NATO And Puppets
Seems Al-Qaeda Seizes Control Of Immensely Oil Rich Libya Rather Than NATO And Puppets
Senior Al-Qaeda commander Abd Al-Hakim Belhadj and his 1000-strong Islamist fighting group have seized control of key Gaddafi strongholds in Tripoli and are refusing to transfer power over to the western-backed National Transitional Council, prompting accusations that the NATO-led act of regime change in Libya has resulted in the creation of a new home base for the terrorist group. Belhadj is the front man for the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department. Belhadj was captured by the CIA in Malaysia in 2003 and extradited to Libya where Colonel Gaddafi had him imprisoned. Belhadj is a committed jihadist who fought against US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. DebkaFile, the intelligence-gathering outlet that successfully predicted the precise time frame of recent assault on Tripoli, reports that Belhadj and his army of terrorist fighters have seized control of Gaddafi strongholds in the Libyan capital. "His brigades were the principal rebel force in the operation for the capture of Qaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya ruling compound on Aug. 23. Saturday, Aug. 27, those brigades overran the Abu Salim district of southern Tripoli taking it from the last pro-Qaddafi holdouts in the city," states the article, adding that Belhadj has now declared himself "Commander of the Tripoli Military Council." According to the report, when asked if they planned to hand over control of Tripoli to the western-backed National Transitional <b>...</b>

Abdel Hakim Belhaj - My Islamic Militant Bretheren You Can't Beat us So Join Us
Abdel Hakim Belhaj - My Islamic Militant Bretheren You Can't Beat us So Join Us

Voracious Over Highly Lucrative Libyan Oil, NATO Makes Evil Deal With Al Qaeda Jihadist
Voracious Over Highly Lucrative Libyan Oil, NATO Makes Evil Deal With Al Qaeda Jihadist
After previous rebel commander was tortured and burned by his own rebels for been "to humane" in their distraction of secular Libya, the TNC (with an agreement of nearsighted and amoral NATO) named his rival as new top military commander, he is also a former leader of an Islamic militant group that fought US and NATO forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The new TNC military commander, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, said he was detained in 2004 in Malaysia and sent to a secret prison in Thailand where he was tortured by CIA agents. Then he was sent to Libya and jailed for seven years by Moammar Gadhafi's regime, that was West ally until Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy & Co dangerously choose to replace Gadhafi with a puppet government by bombing once thriving country into pieces . Belhaj, 45, played down his Islamist past, seeking his emergence as a prominent figure in the Western-backed neocolonial opposition movement, but he also may turn his back on the West and revolve Libya into new Afghanistan as his counterparts did in the 80s. He insisted he holds no grudges against the West because of the shared goal of ousting secular Gadhafi regime. However, it is seems he is interesting in creating another Islamist state, while NATO member states are interesting in ransacking Libyan oil. But would this Evil deal work? Or maybe Western military complex wanted this from the beginning - to make an another trillion on an another endless war with an another self-inflicted terror threat. Belhaj was a leader <b>...</b>

saif al-islam gaddafi captured but in safe hands
saif al-islam gaddafi captured but in safe hands
Saif al Islam capture: Bargaining chip in Libyan power struggle What secrets will he reveal? will be quizzed about Blair, Mandelson and Prince Andrew friendships The announcement of the capture of Muammar Qaddafi's son Saif al Islam, 39, outside Obari near the southern desert town of Sabha was initially celebrated as the last chapter of the ex-ruler's family role in the fight for control of Libya -- but not for long. Although justice minister claimed his arrest, it quickly turned out that Qaddafi's son was in the hands of one of Libya's most important militias, the Zintan Brigades, who refused to hand him over until a government is formed. He was flown to their mountain stronghold in the Nafusa Mountains 136 kilometers southwest of Tripoli. This Berber militia is not likely to let go of its valuable bargaining chip in a hurry. It enables its leaders to throw a wrench into the plans of Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib to present his cabinet lineup Sunday for the National Transitional Council-NTC to confirm Tuesday. Nov. 22. El-Keib was working on the list with NTC head Mustafa Abdul Jalil and the Tripoli commander Abdel Hakim Belhadj (ex-al Qaeda.) However, Friday, Nov. 18, twenty-four hours before Saif al-Islam's capture was announced, Zintan militia chief Abdullah Naker and the Misurata chief Abdulrahman Souweli formed a pact to overturn any new government which does not assign them the positions of defense minister and head of the army. The Zintan commander Naker <b>...</b>

Libya to Restrict Use of Weapons
Libya to Restrict Use of Weapons
Head of Libya's Tripoli Military Council, Abdelhakim Belhadj, urged residents on Monday to restore stability by putting an end to the presence of unlicensed weapons, saying they had caused concern for the capital's stability and security. He also added that the distribution of arms should be limited to law enforcement authorities like the military and police. Belhadj said, "This press conference comes as part of a series of meetings for non-government organizations in Tripoli to demand the end of the phenomena of uncontrolled arms, which can be clearly observed on the streets of Tripoli. "We urge all those who care about the security of Tripoli and its stability to cooperate with us in order to bring back the stability through the termination and cancellation of all heavy weapons present and to prevent distribution, which should be limited to the authorized bodies. He also called for the full restoration of education and health services, saying it was important that schools and hospitals resume normal operations. Belhadj, who spent time with the Taliban in Afghanistan, fled to Iran after the US-led invasion in 2001. He later went to southeast Asia where he is believed to have been arrested. Speaker: Abdelhakim Belhadj, Head of Libya's Tripoli Military Council By: Ikram Al Yacoub Al Arabiya With Agencies

ليبيا بيان المجلس العسكرى طرابلس Communiqué Abdelhakim Belhadj Libya
ليبيا بيان المجلس العسكرى طرابلس Communiqué Abdelhakim Belhadj Libya
فتح طرابلس من طرف القائد العسكري عبد الحكيم بلحاج الخويلدي أمير التنظيم الجهادي الجماعة الإسلامية الليبية المقاتلة الثوار يدخلون بيت القذافي بالعزيزية في طرابلس QG de Kadhafi de Bab Aziziya Libre ليبيا شارع الصريم طرابلس Libye : Boulevard de Tripoli Libyaكتيبة الزنتان Libya : Capturing of Gaddafi Personal Plane at Tripoli Airport «Katiba Tripoli», la brigade chargée de libérer la capitale كتيبة ثوار طرابلس في الجبهة Libya Tripoli brigade in action معركة تحرير الهضبة الشرقية طرابلس 22.08.2011 Libyan Revolution عملية انزال الثوار فى طرابلس عن طريق البحر عملية عروس طرابلس الثوار الليبيون يعلنون أنهم وصلوا إلى الساحة الخضراء في وسط طرابلس. يواصل ثوار ليبيا التدفق على العاصمة طرابلس لدعم عملية التحرير التي أطلقتها خلايا الثوار من داخل المدينة أمس السبت ولا تزال متواصلة. Tout porte maintenant à croire que la bataille de Tripoli a fait vaciller le régime de Kadhafi. Déclenchée samedi soir par le Conseil national de transition, sous le nom de code «opération sirène», l'offensive menée dimanche par les rebelles sur le dernier bastion du régime a tenu ses promesses. Et même si le gouvernement libyen ne s'avoue pas encore vaincu, les nombreuses images des insurgés signant un V comme victoire parlent d'elles-mêmes : la Libye vit un tournant décisif dans son histoire. SUR LE MÊME SUJET Kadhafi appelle ses partisans à la mobilisationL'ex-numéro 2 du régime appelle à renier le «tyran» Des Algériens, des Tunisiens et des Egyptiens figurent parmi les rebelles arrêtés, a dit Moussa Ibrahim <b>...</b>

Saif al Islam Gaddafi Assaulted & Captured by NATO in North Libya Oct.17,2011
Saif al Islam Gaddafi Assaulted & Captured by NATO in North Libya Oct.17,2011
In the early morning hours October17,2011 a convoy of six vehicles left the desert city Bani Walid - just conquered by the rebels after months of daily NATO strikes - to be hit by NATO missiles in it's way to Wadi Zamzam, situated 120 kilometers southeast. A rebel unit was under the command of 'Omar al-Mukhtar' reach the destroyed and burned out vehicles. Including the armored Toyota, with Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi had been traced & seen. Several main stream media reports cover the story to be end by 'al-Mukhtar' saying "He must have survived in the armored vehicle. Someone then helped him to escape.We have searched the whole area but found nothing"???? .. and switch in the same reports, the same day to The chief prosecutor of the Hague Criminal Court ICC 'Luis Moreno-Ocampo' whome made Saif al-Islam protection and a fair trial in view. If the Gadhafi son want to voluntarily. And the same main stream media reports, the same day : He is in his way to fled to Niger and Mali. and there is already Abdullah al-Senussi, former intelligence chief of Muammar al-Qaddafi, whom also a fugitive of the International Court in The Hague whom issued an arrest warrant. Abdullah al-Senussi, former intelligence chief 'captured' the day after Saif al Islam Gaddafi 'captured'? in this document, not only dated (Oct.23,2011) , also it said : the Zintan rebels will not use Saif Gaddafi as bargaining chip, the Tripoli Military Council offer us money and authority and we refuse. Now, and just one <b>...</b>

Obama's Staggering Hypocrisy!! - On The Road with Alex Jones 1/3
Obama's Staggering Hypocrisy!! - On The Road with Alex Jones 1/3
Obama Provides Terrorists a Safe Haven While Hailing Death of Al-Awlaki The hypocrisy is staggering, even by Obama's standards Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Friday, September 30, 2011 President Barack Obama has triumphantly hailed the death of Anwar al-Awlaki as a crushing blow to Al-Qaeda's hopes of acquiring a safe haven, even as the US-backed NATO bombardment of Libya provides terrorists with a safe haven in North Africa. Responding to the news that Al-Awlaki, who received an upgrade in his role after death to "chief of external operations" for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, had been killed, Obama labeled it "another significant milestone" in the war on terror, adding, "This is further proof that al Qaeda and its affiliates will have no safe haven anywhere in the world." Aside from the fact that Al-Awlaki was a confirmed double agent, having dined at the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 despite being declared the spiritual leader of the hijackers, and going on to become chief patsy handler for intelligence agency entrapment operations, the hypocrisy here is staggering even by Obama's standards. If Obama was so concerned about not providing safe havens to terrorists, then why has he just helped hand an entire country over to them in Libya? As we have previously highlighted, shortly after the start of the conflict in March, Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the leader of the anti-Gaddafi rebel army, admitted that the rebel ranks include Al-Qaeda terrorists <b>...</b>

Thierry Meyssan on the Situation in Syria (december 27, 2011, RT-Report)
Thierry Meyssan on the Situation in Syria (december 27, 2011, RT-Report)
Thierry Meyssan talks about the developments in Syria. He mentions the presence of 600 troops from the Libyan 'Tripoli Brigade' from Abdul Hakim Belhadj who are now fighting in Syria. You can see more of the mentality of these Libyan Al-Qaida fighters at www.youtube.com who think they are the heroes fighting dictators. They don't seem to realize that they are ideal pawns in the hands of the imperialist powers who want to have different leaders in countries that are critical towards them. The original report can be watched at rt.com Thierry Meyssan also featured in another interview with Morris today at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2hUVNCZJNI in which he talks about those who pay the mercenaries in Syria, notable prince Bindar of Saudi Arabia, the former Saudi-Ambassador to the US.