Sexual Objectification of Women
This video is on the topic of sexual objectification of women. It is by Group 4 in Dr. Bon...
published: 22 Nov 2010
Author: drunknmunky0981
Sexual Objectification of Women
This video is on the topic of sexual objectification of women. It is by Group 4 in Dr. Bonomi's HDFS 370 class at The Ohio State University. May contain some graphic photo's.
Gender Role Stereotypes, Sexual Objectification, and Power in Advertising
Warning this video may offend some viewers, thus viewer discretion is advised. It is recom...
published: 05 Dec 2011
Author: CandaceCoulson
Gender Role Stereotypes, Sexual Objectification, and Power in Advertising
Warning this video may offend some viewers, thus viewer discretion is advised. It is recommended that you view this video before showing it to teen audiences to anticipate the questions and concerns that will arise when viewing such subject manner. This video is intended for educators to view with a teen audience. Moreover, it is interactive; at certain points during the film, educators are prompted to pause the video and have the teens watching form groups of 3-5 people to have discussions and complete activities. Linda Christensen (2011) expresses how important it is that adolescents consider their own judgments about representations in the media and what they imply about society today. In her "Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us" article, she clearly states that "[f]rom experience, [she's] discovered that [she] needs to keep [her] mouth shut for a while" when students are discerning stereotypes and underlying messages in children's films. As she recognizes, that "[i]f [she is] the only one pointing out the stereotypes, it's the kiss of death to the exercise" (p. 193-194). Moreover, she realizes that if she stands in front of the class and tells the students, what she or other scholars, think about the messages in the media, they will be passively learning and may fail to acknowledge the truth in some of the analysis because they have not reached their own conclusions. In sum, Christensen is teaching her children critical thinking skills, which are vital in surviving in <b>...</b>
Just Don't Do It (sexual objectification)
Hey guys, let's try a new, "cutting edge" approach to reducing sexual object...
published: 01 Nov 2010
Author: moshebeadle
Just Don't Do It (sexual objectification)
Hey guys, let's try a new, "cutting edge" approach to reducing sexual objectification and harassment.
More Than a Doll: Sexual Objectification of Women in Media
This Documentary analyzes the sexual objectification of women in media, specifically in ad...
published: 19 Feb 2011
Author: andreiacommunication
More Than a Doll: Sexual Objectification of Women in Media
This Documentary analyzes the sexual objectification of women in media, specifically in advertisement and television.
Sexual Objectification of Women & Beauty
We intend no copyright infringement. We do not own this song or the images. For Sociology ...
published: 09 Mar 2011
Author: bglindsey2007
Sexual Objectification of Women & Beauty
We intend no copyright infringement. We do not own this song or the images. For Sociology 499 at OSU. By Gretchen Lindsey and Christina Saechaeo
Sexual Objectification of Females Interviews
SPCM 2360 Kristen Smith...
published: 27 Apr 2011
Author: fetchkc
Sexual Objectification of Females Interviews
SPCM 2360 Kristen Smith
did magic mike objectify men? bookface me! :D www.facebook.com check out the Naked Notion ...
published: 08 Aug 2012
Author: anakednotion
did magic mike objectify men? bookface me! :D www.facebook.com check out the Naked Notion blog! - www.nakednotion.org twittaaa - http submit topics or send any questions to nakednotion@ppnne.org! RESOURCES Effects of sexual objectification: onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com psycnet.apa.org lisawadedotcom.files.wordpress.com ** hilo.hawaii.edu ** www.sciencedirect.com **Openly accessible & strongly recommend! If you don't have a subscription service to access the research it is usually accessible through a VPN facilitated by your university or public library PPNNE Call Center - 1-866-476-1321 www.ppnne.org
Skepchick Video: Creepy Sexual Objectification (finally) Documented
Turns out that they've been right all along - sexual objectification is a big problem ...
published: 13 Aug 2012
Author: integralmath
Skepchick Video: Creepy Sexual Objectification (finally) Documented
Turns out that they've been right all along - sexual objectification is a big problem in the movement; consider this my formal apology for ever having doubted it. Original video from Rebecca Watson herself: www.youtube.com
Transgender Sexual Objectification
A small bitch-log on some of the issues I find prominent within the trans community. www.t...
published: 17 Sep 2009
Author: urmwhynot
Transgender Sexual Objectification
A small bitch-log on some of the issues I find prominent within the trans community. www.tevolve.com | ASK Lea your transgender-related question! http Music by:www.danosongs.com
Feminist Analysis Tips: Identifying Sexual Objectification
A basic description of the process I use to identify instances of sexual objectification i...
published: 28 Jul 2012
Author: GoingRampant
Feminist Analysis Tips: Identifying Sexual Objectification
A basic description of the process I use to identify instances of sexual objectification in films and TV, using examples from Dollhouse, Alien, and others. This is all based off of my observation of patterns and speculation of film techniques. I may have confused makeup and post-production effects, but you can get the gist.
Should LUU oppose sexual objectification? You decide.
Should we have designated smoking areas around the University campus? Should we have Meat ...
published: 14 May 2012
Author: leedsuniunion
Should LUU oppose sexual objectification? You decide.
Should we have designated smoking areas around the University campus? Should we have Meat Free Mondays? Should LUU oppose sexual objectification? Now is your chance to decide which of these ideas and more become Union policy. To see all eight ideas and to to vote, visit the Union website. www.leedsuniversityunion.org.uk
sexual objectification of women
published: 04 Apr 2009
Author: Kasumikyou
sexual objectification of women
Patriarchy, Sexual Objectification, and Male Violence
First off, WhyKeepPiranhas, this is not intended to be patronizing, I'm sure you alrea...
published: 15 May 2011
Author: TheLaughingOut
Patriarchy, Sexual Objectification, and Male Violence
First off, WhyKeepPiranhas, this is not intended to be patronizing, I'm sure you already know what these terms mean and you were making a point about feminists not defining what they think they mean. I just thought it might make an interesting topic of discussion and it's been a while since I did a video. Second, to everyone, if you think I'm wrong about anything, say why. I'm not here to preach my own views I'm here to discuss them in order to further my own understanding and maybe others understanding as well. Links: Patriarchy: en.wikipedia.org Sexual Objectification: en.wikipedia.org Male Violence? Can't find a definition: www.google.ca en.wikipedia.org Video response (only kind of) to: www.youtube.com Check out his channel it's like, pretty darn interesting: www.youtube.com (He's not LatumWay) :D
Sexual Objectification and Strawmen
At about 8:00 minutes in, that should have been 'less common' instead of 'less...
published: 10 Aug 2012
Author: integralmath
Sexual Objectification and Strawmen
At about 8:00 minutes in, that should have been 'less common' instead of 'less rare'. Mea culpa! Noelplum's argument: www.youtube.com
Vimeo results:
"Gay" ©2010
More works at: www.stuartalexander.net/wp/projects
I made these films in the...
published: 15 Oct 2009
Author: Stuart Alexander
"Gay" ©2010
More works at: www.stuartalexander.net/wp/projects
I made these films in the early mornings over the last year with a hidden camera and without the subject’s knowing or consent. Some films were made by chance depending on a suitable person choosing to sit opposite me and how they chose to sit and some were the result of where I chose to sit based on the same dependant factors. All films were made on the London underground exclusively on the Northern Line.
As the subjects are faceless it makes it easier for the audience to relate to them leading to the question, does the male audience relate and feel uncomfortable at me speculatively putting them into this context of “prey” or object of homosexual desire? Are they offended? Do they now question their own sexuality? Or my morality? Or both?
Does being forced into staring at the crotches of other men make them feel uncomfortable? If so why? Did I get away with not being punched because men don’t expect to be preyed upon in this way? Does this idea that men don’t expect to be preyed upon relate to their homophobia? That unless they are the subject of this objectification they do not find it offensive? Is this because they cannot empathise with those who are sexually preyed upon, i.e: women? Is this why the conviction rates in rape cases are so low? Or why when they are objectified by a gay man often they lash out in fear?
From a woman’s perspective, does a female viewer feel uncomfortable being forced to look? Do they feel more comfortable in doing so as it does not offend their machismo pride? Or more uncomfortable because women are not used to being so predatory? Because they’re used to being submissive to men, whereas most men are not?
Does the audience feel as though they will be judged by those around them (the other viewers) for watching these films? Or does the fact that they are watching the films with others reassure them, like Sartre’s bad faith?
The film makes men powerless, like they make the viewer powerless as it forces both into a situation where they are to be judged and to feel uncomfortable.
The film depicts men with their legs publicly wide open. To spread ones legs is submissive if one is female, but in a social masculine context it is a display of power. A display of the size and virility of their manhood. They are in effect, inviting me to look. How much of this body language is conscious? How much does it reflect on their personalities? To turn the subject from this into a powerless, submissive object of male homosexuality has the potential to be very disturbing to a male viewer.
Alternatively, women are taught to sit with their legs closed. The very word Vagina often makes women and men uncomfortable to utter out loud. It is a “hidden” organ to be protected and possessed and is a symbol of the woman and her suppressed history.
How about if these films were of women’s crotches? Would the work be seen as more controversial? I think so, as the person filming them is male and predatory, and due to society’s sexist obsession with protecting women and the vulnerability of women in general. For example, if a woman is murdered the press will generally cover the story for a longer period as opposed to when a man is murdered.
If I was female making these films how would the reaction to them differ? To a man, men are predominantly predatory historically and sexually so if a woman was making these films do they pose a threat to a man’s masculinity? These films would put men into a role submissive to a woman. To a woman these films may be seen as more humorous in that “diet Coke” kind of male objectification which does not seem as offensive as a man objectifying a woman.
Much like a feminine man being labelled as homosexual or the general assumption that most cross dressers are gay, if the male assumes a feminine, submissive role or feminine characteristic i.e. wearing makeup, wearing women’s clothes or being sexually submissive to another man they are labelled as weak, not a real man or a “poofter” by other more “manly” men.
Would a woman be more objective to “Gay” because it does not directly involve her gender? Or do they relate to the film by putting themselves into the familiar feminine role of being objectified and find the works equally as shocking? Is a man’s fearful/angry reaction to these films seen as a come-uppance by a woman? Or is “Gay” just an example of another disturbing objectification that women have to deal with everyday? Some women see male homosexuality as offensive and wrong, which comes from to the male’s dominance in influence throughout history of societal norms and thus on the female opinion, so therefore some women may find these films just as offensive as men do.
Also if these films HAD been made by a woman would some men and women feel the opposite? Would they feel arousal? And would this arousal relate to the voyeuristic risk taken or the reversal of gen
Amber Doll > Tilikum 5minute Excerpt
Performance: Amber Hawk Swanson (amberhawkswanson.com)
Tech Assistance: Renato Velarde
published: 16 Jan 2012
Author: Amber Hawk Swanson
Amber Doll > Tilikum 5minute Excerpt
Performance: Amber Hawk Swanson (amberhawkswanson.com)
Tech Assistance: Renato Velarde
Music: Occurrence (occurrencemusic.com)
I am forever in search of community. I join these communities, not as an artist, but as someone who wants to belong. The needs, identities, personalities, quirks, and outliers of each community become my obsession. Part of this obsession revolves around the performances of individuals belonging to the community and the reception and interpretation of these performances from outsiders. These communities shape my work, my perceptions, and myself; incidentally, they often lead me to new communities.
My performance and video, Amber Doll >Tilikum, is a result of moving into and out of several different communities. For the piece, I transformed my identical, life-like sex doll into a replica of the bull orca, Tilikum, who lives in captivity at SeaWorld Orlando and has been involved in the deaths of three people. To create my replica of Tilikum, I assembled his anatomy from similar, either in look or function, parts from Amber Doll. She and Tilikum share a PVC skeletal structure, posable steel joints, styrofoam filler, silicone flesh, and eyes. Her belly button became his blow hole, her breasts and hands evolved into his tail, and I used part of her skull to create Tilikum’s broken teeth.
I conducted the ten-day, thirty-hour Amber Doll > Tilikum transformation alone in my studio, but broadcast every moment of it on my Livestream Channel to an audience of thousands worldwide.The live audience viewer minutes watched totaled 33,100 in the US as well as: Armenia, China, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany, India, Israel, Korea, Oman, Peru, Turkey and Venezuela. I blogged, Facebooked, and Tweeted my progress, and relied on my viewers’ in-the-moment responses to carry me through the physically and emotionally difficult performance.
What is the link between a synthetic sex partner and an organic captive whale? And why Tilikum? These are the questions that I began to answer through the process of the transformation.
Amber Doll came to life after the unwanted sexual attention and objectification I received after completion of The Feminism? Project which involved imaging myself in provocatively sexual contexts during reenactments of a variety of women's definitions of feminism. After completing the project—lonely and seeking the companionship of a girlfriend but not yet out as queer—I discovered an online forum maintained by a community of primarily hetero-outsider men who own life-like sex dolls, RealDolls, made of a PVC skeleton and silicone flesh and penetrable in three ribbed orifices. Inspired by the fulfillment they found in their relationships with what they termed “synthetics” over “organics,” I ordered a RealDoll of my own. I acquired Amber Doll, herself a literal object, as a prop for my work and academic interests but also to become the companion I desired in my personal life. I abandoned Amber Doll at a number of venues, allowing the public to explore and interact—often violently—without interference. Amber Doll was able to act as a surrogate to my own experiences of objectification.
Two years later, while Amber Doll’s severely damaged body was hanging, alone, on a stand in my studio; I learned of Tilikum.
On February 24, 2010, Tilikum made headlines for killing Dawn Brancheau, a 40-year-old trainer with sixteen years of experience at SeaWorld. The trainer was dismembered following a popular “Dine with Shamu” show while twenty tourists looked on from above a whale tank and from an underwater viewing area. As I learned more about Tilikum, and orcas in captivity, the furtive violence inflicted on these intelligent mammals became apparent. Orcas thrive in communities; they spend the entirety of their lives within these tightly-knit families. Tilikum was captured in the wild, and removed from his community. The trauma and stress of this captivity have been documented in nearly all captive orcas, including Tilikum. Signs of stress include broken teeth, often from chewing on the metal bars of the enclosure, and collapsed dorsal fin, often accredited to the physical deterioration from lack of adequate space to swim. Tilikum’s body, much like that of Amber Doll’s, presents a physical manifestation of emotional trauma.
The story of Tilikum and his body as a spectacle shared remarkable similarities with my relationship with Amber Doll. By allowing others openly to explore and violate Amber Doll, I disrupted the social norms of public and private space. The deviance Tilikum performed through his body, by killing his trainer, was an act of defiance against those who objectify him. The trainer’s body becomes a spectacle that takes the attention away from his body—the focus is still on Tilikum—but he now owns a presence.
The idea of this shift from object to action and spectacle to presence gave Amber Doll new purpose. I no longer needed Amber Doll to be my object;
Sexual Objectification of Self, 2011
published: 21 Feb 2012
Author: Rachel Ross
Sexual Objectification of Self, 2011
Amber Doll > Tilikum 3minute Excerpt
Performance: Amber Hawk Swanson (amberhawkswanson.com)
Tech Assistance: Renato Velarde
published: 16 Jan 2012
Author: Amber Hawk Swanson
Amber Doll > Tilikum 3minute Excerpt
Performance: Amber Hawk Swanson (amberhawkswanson.com)
Tech Assistance: Renato Velarde
Music: Occurrence (occurrencemusic.com)
I am forever in search of community. I join these communities, not as an artist, but as someone who wants to belong. The needs, identities, personalities, quirks, and outliers of each community become my obsession. Part of this obsession revolves around the performances of individuals belonging to the community and the reception and interpretation of these performances from outsiders. These communities shape my work, my perceptions, and myself; incidentally, they often lead me to new communities.
My performance and video, Amber Doll >Tilikum, is a result of moving into and out of several different communities. For the piece, I transformed my identical, life-like sex doll into a replica of the bull orca, Tilikum, who lives in captivity at SeaWorld Orlando and has been involved in the deaths of three people. To create my replica of Tilikum, I assembled his anatomy from similar, either in look or function, parts from Amber Doll. She and Tilikum share a PVC skeletal structure, posable steel joints, styrofoam filler, silicone flesh, and eyes. Her belly button became his blow hole, her breasts and hands evolved into his tail, and I used part of her skull to create Tilikum’s broken teeth.
I conducted the ten-day, thirty-hour Amber Doll > Tilikum transformation alone in my studio, but broadcast every moment of it on my Livestream Channel to an audience of thousands worldwide.The live audience viewer minutes watched totaled 33,100 in the US as well as: Armenia, China, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany, India, Israel, Korea, Oman, Peru, Turkey and Venezuela. I blogged, Facebooked, and Tweeted my progress, and relied on my viewers’ in-the-moment responses to carry me through the physically and emotionally difficult performance.
What is the link between a synthetic sex partner and an organic captive whale? And why Tilikum? These are the questions that I began to answer through the process of the transformation.
Amber Doll came to life after the unwanted sexual attention and objectification I received after completion of The Feminism? Project which involved imaging myself in provocatively sexual contexts during reenactments of a variety of women's definitions of feminism. After completing the project—lonely and seeking the companionship of a girlfriend but not yet out as queer—I discovered an online forum maintained by a community of primarily hetero-outsider men who own life-like sex dolls, RealDolls, made of a PVC skeleton and silicone flesh and penetrable in three ribbed orifices. Inspired by the fulfillment they found in their relationships with what they termed “synthetics” over “organics,” I ordered a RealDoll of my own. I acquired Amber Doll, herself a literal object, as a prop for my work and academic interests but also to become the companion I desired in my personal life. I abandoned Amber Doll at a number of venues, allowing the public to explore and interact—often violently—without interference. Amber Doll was able to act as a surrogate to my own experiences of objectification.
Two years later, while Amber Doll’s severely damaged body was hanging, alone, on a stand in my studio; I learned of Tilikum.
On February 24, 2010, Tilikum made headlines for killing Dawn Brancheau, a 40-year-old trainer with sixteen years of experience at SeaWorld. The trainer was dismembered following a popular “Dine with Shamu” show while twenty tourists looked on from above a whale tank and from an underwater viewing area. As I learned more about Tilikum, and orcas in captivity, the furtive violence inflicted on these intelligent mammals became apparent. Orcas thrive in communities; they spend the entirety of their lives within these tightly-knit families. Tilikum was captured in the wild, and removed from his community. The trauma and stress of this captivity have been documented in nearly all captive orcas, including Tilikum. Signs of stress include broken teeth, often from chewing on the metal bars of the enclosure, and collapsed dorsal fin, often accredited to the physical deterioration from lack of adequate space to swim. Tilikum’s body, much like that of Amber Doll’s, presents a physical manifestation of emotional trauma.
The story of Tilikum and his body as a spectacle shared remarkable similarities with my relationship with Amber Doll. By allowing others openly to explore and violate Amber Doll, I disrupted the social norms of public and private space. The deviance Tilikum performed through his body, by killing his trainer, was an act of defiance against those who objectify him. The trainer’s body becomes a spectacle that takes the attention away from his body—the focus is still on Tilikum—but he now owns a presence.
The idea of this shift from object to action and spectacle to presence gave Amber Doll new purpose. I no longer needed Amber Doll to be my object; I
Youtube results:
'Sexual Objectification' ... an overused term?
Thoughts on the concept of sexual objectification, free will and feminist disregard to wom...
published: 10 Oct 2012
'Sexual Objectification' ... an overused term?
Thoughts on the concept of sexual objectification, free will and feminist disregard to women's lifestyle choices
Sexual Objectification
Sexual objectification is more pervasive and insidious in our culture than we even realize...
published: 22 Sep 2012
Author: Linda Hatch
Sexual Objectification
Sexual objectification is more pervasive and insidious in our culture than we even realize. It plays a large role in sex addiction, both in terms of the addiction itself and the impact on others. Please check out my recent blog post on my Psych Central page "Impact of sex addiction" at: blogs.psychcentral.com Also see my blog on my own web page: Sex Addictions Counseling relating to the sexualization of women and girls in the culture. www.sexaddictionscounseling.com FOLLOW DR. LINDA HATCH: Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Website: www.sexaddictionscounseling.com
Sexual Objectification
a lil ting i did for class...pay no mind...
published: 16 Jan 2008
Author: hotnix5
Sexual Objectification
a lil ting i did for class...pay no mind
Let's Talk About Sex: A Look at the Sexual Objectification of Men in Advertising
This video is about use of erotica and the sexualization and objectification of both men a...
published: 19 Feb 2011
Author: strawberrycampino
Let's Talk About Sex: A Look at the Sexual Objectification of Men in Advertising
This video is about use of erotica and the sexualization and objectification of both men and women in advertising. In this video we examine some print advertisments and tv commercials that objectify men and women. However, we aren't saying that men are objectified on the same scale as women, as frequently, or as blatantly. But it does happen, and recently it seems to be happening on an increasing scale. Most men in advertising have typically become young, extremely masculine, very muscular with defined features, strong, provocative, and sexually alluring. The problem with this is that, "images do not function as a 'mere' reflection of the world. They play an essential part in the societal production of meaning, knowledge and power, thereby shaping the realities we live in," as Leena-Maija Rossi has said. And so, this leads to a similar problem as with images of women in advertising, in that it is not always healthy or attainable to achieve this image. Seismic shifts in gender roles over the past 50 years or so have turned men into objects of desire much as women have traditionally been, which is why in some of the ads that we analyze in this video we see a reversal of the traditional gender roles. In fact in some ads the sexual objectification of men has caught up with women so much that the nude body of the male is used for the sole purpose of attracting attention to the product, the same way women's bodies are used in so many ads. Anthony Cortese explains that, "the <b>...</b>