
Travel Austria: Graz -- the Capital of Styria
After a nice Austrian meal on the sunny morning of June 7, 2010 I caught a ride with my si...
published: 10 Sep 2010
Author: travelandtransitions
Travel Austria: Graz -- the Capital of Styria
After a nice Austrian meal on the sunny morning of June 7, 2010 I caught a ride with my sister-in-law to Graz, the capital of the province of Styria. With about 290000 residents (including about 30000 university students), Graz is the second largest city in Austria. Due to its well preserved historic city core it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999 and was also chosen the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2003. I caught the streetcar and travelled through the leafy suburbs to get off on the busy Jakominiplatz (Jakomini Square) where I walked up Graz' main pedestrian shopping boulevard -- the upscale Herrengasse. Then I reached the heart of Graz: the Hauptplatz (main square) with its historic fountain, the Erzherzog-Johann-Brunnen, and the stunning Rathaus (or City Hall) which was completed in the late 19th century. My stroll continued through the narrow, cobble-stoned alleyways of the city, past boutiques, specialty shops, outdoor cafes and restaurants. Walking past the Opera House, Austria's second largest opera building, I reached the Stadtpark, Graz' scenic green oasis in the middle of the city. From here I made the climb up the Schlossberg (Castle Hill), which used to feature a medieval castle that was destroyed after 1809 following an occupation by Napoleon's army. But the local population managed to save the two most popular edifices city on the Schlossberg: the Glockenturm (bell tower) and the iconic Uhrturm (clock tower) which has been the city's <b>...</b>

About Austria, the Austrian province Styria and Styrian Capital Graz. Over 10 minutes vide...
published: 19 Oct 2010
Author: RealPatriot2
About Austria, the Austrian province Styria and Styrian Capital Graz. Over 10 minutes video showing the beautiful nature, architecture, castles, monasteries, culture, food and drinks, fauna & flora, sport activities, industry etc. of Styria and Graz. with Austrian/Styrian music (typical Austrian instrument "Zither" - citara (theme from the Movie "The Third Man), part of Styrian Anthem and some Austrian/Styrian (folks)music.

Austria 2008 - East Styrian Panorama - Puch bei Weiz
So Ihad gone on another trip back to my birth country of Austria. After relaxing for one d...
published: 22 May 2008
Author: travelandtransitions
Austria 2008 - East Styrian Panorama - Puch bei Weiz
So Ihad gone on another trip back to my birth country of Austria. After relaxing for one day after my arrival, on May 2, 2008 I started the day with a trip to an organic farm with my brother, an avid gardner who, as an expert chef, turns his home-grown treasures into delicious and nutritious meals. In the afternoon I went on a driving tour through my native region of Styria, a province on the eastern side of Austria. I drove to the village of Puch, famous for its apple and peach orchards. From there I went on to the mountain of Kulm, an ancient volcano and location of a pre-historic Celtic village. On the mountain I watched and interviewed the paragliders who went soaring over the rolling hills of East Styria. On from there I continued into the mountain villages of Anger and Birkfeld past a mountain pass in the Mürz Valley. There I stopped at the historic town of Bruck an der Mur, a significant commercial centre in the area with an expansive main square, framed by historic buildings. My last stop on this tour was the quaint market town of Frohnleiten, perched on the banks of the River Mur, which has some of the most picturesque main squares in all of Styria.

Tätowier Magazin - 2nd Styrian Tattoo & Hot Rod Show 2008 in Gleisdorf
2nd Styrian Tattoo & Hot Rod Show 2008 in Gleisdorf www.rockandroad.de...
published: 10 Sep 2009
Author: HuberVerlagTV
Tätowier Magazin - 2nd Styrian Tattoo & Hot Rod Show 2008 in Gleisdorf
2nd Styrian Tattoo & Hot Rod Show 2008 in Gleisdorf www.rockandroad.de

Styrian Open 2012 - Youth Standard - Final
Styrian Open 2012, Final Youth Standard, from 28 to 29 July in Congress-Schladming, Schlad...
published: 30 Jul 2012
Author: Marius Mutin
Styrian Open 2012 - Youth Standard - Final
Styrian Open 2012, Final Youth Standard, from 28 to 29 July in Congress-Schladming, Schladming/Austria. Images & Realisation: Marius Mutin Production. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Website: www.mariusmutin.book.fr Follow Marius Mutin Production on Facebook: www.facebook.com

Austria 2008 - A Driving Tour through Styria: Bruck / Mur
So Ihad gone on another trip back to my birth country of Austria. After relaxing for one d...
published: 28 May 2008
Author: travelandtransitions
Austria 2008 - A Driving Tour through Styria: Bruck / Mur
So Ihad gone on another trip back to my birth country of Austria. After relaxing for one day after my arrival, on May 2, 2008 I started the day with a trip to an organic farm with my brother, an avid gardner who, as an expert chef, turns his home-grown treasures into delicious and nutritious meals. In the afternoon I went on a driving tour through my native region of Styria, a province on the eastern side of Austria. I drove to the village of Puch, famous for its apple and peach orchards. From there I went on to the mountain of Kulm, an ancient volcano and location of a pre-historic Celtic village. On the mountain I watched and interviewed the paragliders who went soaring over the rolling hills of East Styria. On from there I continued into the mountain villages of Anger and Birkfeld past a mountain pass in the Mürz Valley. There I stopped at the historic town of Bruck an der Mur, a significant commercial centre in the area with an expansive main square, framed by historic buildings. My last stop on this tour was the quaint market town of Frohnleiten, perched on the banks of the River Mur, which has some of the most picturesque main squares in all of Styria.

Twin Star 2 Styria - Multiplex - HD - brushless conversion by rcskyliner.com
This Twin Star 2 made from Elapor was tuned with two Himax power sets of the small Merlin ...
published: 21 Nov 2010
Author: rcskyliner
Twin Star 2 Styria - Multiplex - HD - brushless conversion by rcskyliner.com
This Twin Star 2 made from Elapor was tuned with two Himax power sets of the small Merlin (also Multiplex) and runs on 3 s (with folding props!)! This plane now is very light and can be flown extremely slow - but also goes through standard acrobatic figures. This plane is used as a video platform for onboard videos made with a special hood I have designed housing 3 cameras. The colour scheme reflects my home country - Styria in Austria! More information about this plane and others you will find on my homepage: www.rcskyliner.com

B funk Family Hiatamadl styrian version
published: 27 May 2009
Author: Shizheee
B funk Family Hiatamadl styrian version

Der Steiermark-Film
Weltbester Tourismusfilm 2010! Die Steiermark, das Grüne Herz Österreichs Steier...
published: 29 Sep 2009
Author: steiermarkCOM
Der Steiermark-Film
Weltbester Tourismusfilm 2010! Die Steiermark, das Grüne Herz Österreichs Steiermark, The Green Heart of Austria Volle Version des neuen Steiermark-Films © Art Media 2009 Produziert im Auftrag von Steiermark Tourismus Regie: Andreas Meschuh Produktionsleitung: Renate Meschuh www.steiermark.com

Styrian Open 2012 - International Open Standard - Final
Styrian Open 2012, Final International Open Standard, from 28 to 29 July in Congress-Schla...
published: 30 Jul 2012
Author: Marius Mutin
Styrian Open 2012 - International Open Standard - Final
Styrian Open 2012, Final International Open Standard, from 28 to 29 July in Congress-Schladming, Schladming/Austria. Images & Realisation: Marius Mutin Production. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Website: www.mariusmutin.book.fr Follow Marius Mutin Production on Facebook: www.facebook.com

Carmilla Morte - Styria
carmilla morte Song: STYRIA Album: MORTE DI VAMPIRIA Year: 2010 Country: Colombia Produced...
published: 06 May 2010
Author: iltamal
Carmilla Morte - Styria
carmilla morte Song: STYRIA Album: MORTE DI VAMPIRIA Year: 2010 Country: Colombia Produced by: Sebastiano di Morte (Il Tamal) Images taken from the "Metal Medallo Concert", made on February of 2009. Medellin, Colombia.

STYRIAN Open 2008 Senior 1 Latin
"Senior" dancing has NO geriatric implications - just watch the video and see yo...
published: 02 Aug 2008
Author: roki1968
STYRIAN Open 2008 Senior 1 Latin
"Senior" dancing has NO geriatric implications - just watch the video and see yourself...Styrian Open is a great competition that closes the Summer competition gap...the Styrian region also provides possiblities for a great vacation...come and visit in 2009! You can find infos at: www.tsc-zentrum-graz.com PS: Special greetings to Markus and Wilma from Germany.

2012 Begins - PK|FR Styria
This is our first sampler of 2012, stay tuned for more! Music: Xilent - Gravity PK|FR Styr...
published: 19 Feb 2012
Author: Martin Gruja
2012 Begins - PK|FR Styria
This is our first sampler of 2012, stay tuned for more! Music: Xilent - Gravity PK|FR Styria: pkfr-styria.at www.facebook.com

Deutsche Wochenschau: Fuhrer arrives in Carinthia, Styria
April 26-28,1941: After Victory on the Balkan (Operation Marita) the Führer arrives i...
published: 27 Aug 2011
Author: MCP3FJ
Deutsche Wochenschau: Fuhrer arrives in Carinthia, Styria
April 26-28,1941: After Victory on the Balkan (Operation Marita) the Führer arrives in Carinthia and Styria. First Marburg /Maribor, then Graz and Klagenfurt. Gauleiter Dr. Uiberreiter welcomes the Fuhrer. Last a "Meet the Fuhrer" PR event in the "Kärntner Landhaus" (eg Carinthia State government building).
Vimeo results:

Water Level 9,40m ...
for more informations and videos visit my website www.globaldivemed...
published: 14 Jul 2009
Author: globaldivemedia.com
Water Level 9,40m ...
for more informations and videos visit my website www.globaldivemedia.com

Water Level 8.0 m
Music by Greendjohn
for more informations and videos visit my website www.globaldivemedia...
published: 19 Jun 2010
Author: globaldivemedia.com
Water Level 8.0 m
Music by Greendjohn
for more informations and videos visit my website www.globaldivemedia.com

Visualife - Fly All Over by On Cloud
Submission to Cinema Out of Your Backpack
Produced by http://dkmotion.com
Story Pitch Vis...
published: 15 May 2011
Author: David Koehlmeier
Visualife - Fly All Over by On Cloud
Submission to Cinema Out of Your Backpack
Produced by http://dkmotion.com
Story Pitch Visualife:
Claudia is a young and ambitious musician. With her son Moritz, she is living in Graz, Austria. Her passion is music, it is helping her to deal with life ... The clip consists of a short interview sequence and some performance shots.
The whole idea of the feature production "Visualife" is kind of a mix between a music video and a documentary. 7 different musicians from 7 different cities are featured in the production. In a similar way to the example above, the musicians get interviewed in their "natural" surroundings, in the environments they are living and making their music. Then they will perform in front of the camera. The style of the clip, colors, camera movements, effects etc. always fit the style of the music itself. Via those images a story is told, without explaining every detail.
Cast and Crew:
Artist: On Cloud (Claudia Walcher) Track: Fly All Over
Director, Camera, Post: David Köhlmeier http://dkmotion.com
Thanks to: Mo, Julez and Ay Jim
Camera and Gear:
Shot on a Canon Eos 7D
Nikon 10.5mm 2.8 Fisheye
Nikon 70-210mm 4-5.6 Zoom
Carl Zeiss 50mm 1.4
Novoflex EOS NIK Adapter
RedRockMicro Follow Focus
Rode NTG2 Microphone
Microphone Tripod
Zoom H4
Manfrotto 526 Tripod
Glidetrack + Manfrotto 501 Head
Delamax Reflector

Created in Styria - Architekturexport
Architekturexport ist ein Maßnahmenpaket, das sich zum Ziel setzt, steirische Architektur ...
published: 24 Oct 2011
Author: CIS Community
Created in Styria - Architekturexport
Architekturexport ist ein Maßnahmenpaket, das sich zum Ziel setzt, steirische Architektur international bekannter zu machen. Die Voraussetzungen dafür sind vorhanden, denn steirische Architektur konnte bereits in der Vergangenheit im internationalen Kontext große Erfolge verzeichnen. Was es jedoch noch zusätzlich braucht, sind klare Rahmenbedingungen und Strukturen, um diese langfristige Arbeit erfolgreich umzusetzen und steirische Architektur im internationalen Kontext zu positionieren.
Youtube results:

PK|FR Styria - Sunday Gym Madness
Do you know those videos floating around on youtube called "Ninja Camp", "N...
published: 20 Apr 2011
Author: TTSMaasy
PK|FR Styria - Sunday Gym Madness
Do you know those videos floating around on youtube called "Ninja Camp", "Ninja Training" (or something like that) with guys doing crazy flips, stunts and kicks? Well... we also have some kind of ninja camp here in Graz! Team PK|FR Styria presents ... Sunday Gym Madness! Inspired by the legendary Team Ryouko and their "Friday Night Madness" videos. Thumbs up to Team Ryouko! They are the reason why many of us are doing this great sport! So make sure to check out the original "Friday Night Madness" series by Team Ryouko :)

Styria Night Fishing Winzendorf - Carps, Drinks and Snuff
The anglers: Siggi, Ofi, Sims, Fritz, Stefan and Bergi...
published: 09 Apr 2008
Author: verkehrsteppich
Styria Night Fishing Winzendorf - Carps, Drinks and Snuff
The anglers: Siggi, Ofi, Sims, Fritz, Stefan and Bergi

A Fancy Train in Styria
Operating through the hilly landscape of Styria is a "Comedy" Train. A "mir...
published: 09 Jan 2010
Author: TravelVideoStore
A Fancy Train in Styria
Operating through the hilly landscape of Styria is a "Comedy" Train. A "miracle cure" physician initiated the building of this rail line to accommodate his patients who traveled to their appointments clutching their urine bottles. The train became known as "the bottle train", a name that is still used today!Comedy is also supplied in the form of entertainment on board: a professional musician who accompanies you on your 2-hour trip with live music. The train's engine, built in 1986, was specially constructed for use in the forest of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania and was brought to Stainz in 1991.

Austria Travel: A peaceful country drive through rural Styria
This video clip was taken on July 31, 2007 during my trip to Austria, my home country. Fir...
published: 14 Sep 2007
Author: travelandtransitions
Austria Travel: A peaceful country drive through rural Styria
This video clip was taken on July 31, 2007 during my trip to Austria, my home country. First I did some discoveries in my home town of Weiz: I explored the famous pilgrimage church called Weizbergkirche which was built in late baroque style and consecrated in 1776. What astounded me was the size and beauty of this church, considering that it serves a city of barely more than 9000 people. Then I moved on to another architectural gem in the Weiz area: Schloss Thannhausen or Thannhausen Castle was built in the 1500s and features a gorgeous Renaissance courtyard with three levels of arcades and is still often used for concerts and special events. After an interesting drive through the Weizklamm (Weiz Gorge) on a main road framed by vertical limestone cliffs that is so narrow that often it doesn't accommodate two cars side by side I arrived in the mountain village of St. Kathrein am Offenegg, a popular tourism destination with a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains. Then I explored another touristic highlight of the Weiz area: the "Katerloch", one of the largest limestone caves in Austria with a wide variety of dripstones, many of which are reminiscent of animals, human beings and other identifiable objects. The highlight of this cave is the so-called "Seenparadies", the "Lake Paradise", an underground lake located 135 metres below the cave entrance. I had a chance to interview the operator of the cave after visiting this underground wonderland and learning about the <b>...</b>