- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 51
- author: AugustanaIllinois

What every teacher should know about the academic disciplines
Augustana student group Club Ed sponsored a panel discussion focusing on the misconception...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: AugustanaIllinois
What every teacher should know about the academic disciplines
Augustana student group Club Ed sponsored a panel discussion focusing on the misconceptions many elementary and middle school students hold, and how educator...
- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 51
- author: AugustanaIllinois

Does Homeland Security Constitute an Emerging Academic Discipline?
In the wake of 9/11, the enterprise now called homeland security rocketed into the limelig...
published: 20 May 2013
Does Homeland Security Constitute an Emerging Academic Discipline?
In the wake of 9/11, the enterprise now called homeland security rocketed into the limelight leaving an educational gap that many academic institutions rushe...
- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 9
- author: Center for Homeland Defense and Security Naval Postgraduate School

Prof Mulkey, Unity College: Sustainability is connecting all academic disciplines - DSDS 2013
Prof. Stephen Mulkey, President of Unity College, USA during the session 'Sustainable Deve...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: teri
Prof Mulkey, Unity College: Sustainability is connecting all academic disciplines - DSDS 2013
Prof. Stephen Mulkey, President of Unity College, USA during the session 'Sustainable Development and a New Knowledge Economy' at the Delhi Sustainable Devel...
- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 76
- author: teri

Interdisciplinarity - Wiki Article
Interdisciplinarity involves the combining of two or more academic disciplines into one ac...
published: 29 May 2013
author: Wikispeak
Interdisciplinarity - Wiki Article
Interdisciplinarity involves the combining of two or more academic disciplines into one activity. It is about creating something new by crossing boundaries, ...
- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 15
- author: Wikispeak

Searching for Academic Journals
This brief video covers three resources available for locating academic journals related t...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: Jason Dockter
Searching for Academic Journals
This brief video covers three resources available for locating academic journals related to specific academic disciplines.
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 23
- author: Jason Dockter

The 2012 CLARK KERR LECTURES - The Dynamics Ramify: Academic Politics, Conflict and Inequality
The 2012 CLARK KERR LECTURES Lecture 2: The Dynamics Ramify: Academic Politics, Conflict a...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: UCBerkeleyEvents
The 2012 CLARK KERR LECTURES - The Dynamics Ramify: Academic Politics, Conflict and Inequality
The 2012 CLARK KERR LECTURES Lecture 2: The Dynamics Ramify: Academic Politics, Conflict and Inequality The second lecture extends the first. Among the conse...
- published: 07 Feb 2012
- views: 805
- author: UCBerkeleyEvents

Discipline For Law School Deans?
Jan. 24 (Bloomberg Law) -- Fifteen law schools have been sued by their graduates for publi...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: Bloomberg Law
Discipline For Law School Deans?
Jan. 24 (Bloomberg Law) -- Fifteen law schools have been sued by their graduates for publishing allegedly fraudulent employment data. So far, the graduates h...
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 537
- author: Bloomberg Law

Authoritative Sources in Disciplines
Finding authoritative sources in academic disciplines....
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: Tina Adams
Authoritative Sources in Disciplines
Finding authoritative sources in academic disciplines.
- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 12
- author: Tina Adams

1st ESSEC Diversity and Performance Chair Academic Conference: J. Takagi, S. Gröschl, L. Bibard
http://www.essec.edu | With participants from across Europe, professors from ESSEC, and ma...
published: 09 Dec 2010
author: ESSEC Business School
1st ESSEC Diversity and Performance Chair Academic Conference: J. Takagi, S. Gröschl, L. Bibard
http://www.essec.edu | With participants from across Europe, professors from ESSEC, and managers from the Chair's partners Air France, Deloitte and L'Oreal t...
- published: 09 Dec 2010
- views: 744
- author: ESSEC Business School

Writing a reference - University of Birmingham
A short video providing tips on how to write references for UCAS application forms, compri...
published: 25 Aug 2010
author: Uni Birmingham
Writing a reference - University of Birmingham
A short video providing tips on how to write references for UCAS application forms, comprised of interviews with admissions staff and academics from a range ...
- published: 25 Aug 2010
- views: 1475
- author: Uni Birmingham

How to Handle Misbehaving Students: "Maintaining Classroom Discipline" 1947 McGraw-Hill Films
more at http://quickfound.net/ "Good and bad methods of disciplining inappropriate classsr...
published: 01 Mar 2013
author: Jeff Quitney
How to Handle Misbehaving Students: "Maintaining Classroom Discipline" 1947 McGraw-Hill Films
more at http://quickfound.net/ "Good and bad methods of disciplining inappropriate classsroom behavior." Public domain film from the Prelinger Archive, sligh...
- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 9824
- author: Jeff Quitney

Expose Yourself: Current Graduate Research across Disciplines
Throughout the academic year, UChicago's Expose Yourself series gives graduate students th...
published: 09 Jul 2013
author: UChicago
Expose Yourself: Current Graduate Research across Disciplines
Throughout the academic year, UChicago's Expose Yourself series gives graduate students the opportunity to learn about research taking place across disciplin...
- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 60
- author: UChicago

How to become a professor in MATERIAL SCIENCE and NANOTECHNOLOGY
Come on over to http://www.howtobecomeaprofessor.com/interviews/how-to-become-a-professor-...
published: 04 May 2013
author: HowToBecomeAProf
How to become a professor in MATERIAL SCIENCE and NANOTECHNOLOGY
Come on over to http://www.howtobecomeaprofessor.com/interviews/how-to-become-a-professor-in-material-science-and-nanotechnology/ where the main discussion h...
- published: 04 May 2013
- views: 163
- author: HowToBecomeAProf

Writing in the Disciplines Panel
Three professors from various disciplines were invited to discuss the writing process with...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: Arizona
Writing in the Disciplines Panel
Three professors from various disciplines were invited to discuss the writing process with students in the McNair/Summer Research Institute (SRI) scholars pr...
- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 192
- author: Arizona
Youtube results:

The Challenge of Communicating Computational Research
Computational approaches to scholarship have revolutionized how research is done but have ...
published: 10 May 2013
author: columbiauniversity
The Challenge of Communicating Computational Research
Computational approaches to scholarship have revolutionized how research is done but have at the same time complicated the process of disseminating the resul...
- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 128
- author: columbiauniversity

HCUK09 How to evaluate academic outcomes across disciplines?
Mark Hawker at HealthCamp UK 2009 http://healthcamp.patientsknowbest.com....
published: 21 Jun 2009
author: mohammadahmadalubayd
HCUK09 How to evaluate academic outcomes across disciplines?
Mark Hawker at HealthCamp UK 2009 http://healthcamp.patientsknowbest.com.
- published: 21 Jun 2009
- views: 43
- author: mohammadahmadalubayd

Objects and Data Collections in Early Scientific Disciplines - Anja-Silvia Goeing - May 23, 2013
This talk is part of the symposium, "Data Visualization from Data to Discovery: Art Center...
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: caltech
Objects and Data Collections in Early Scientific Disciplines - Anja-Silvia Goeing - May 23, 2013
This talk is part of the symposium, "Data Visualization from Data to Discovery: Art Center + Caltech + JPL", May 23, 2013 | Beckman Auditorium | Caltech, Pas...
- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 192
- author: caltech

Why study Law at University if I don't want to become a lawyer?
A lot of people who study Law at University do so because they want to become practising l...
published: 03 Aug 2012
author: Cambridge University
Why study Law at University if I don't want to become a lawyer?
A lot of people who study Law at University do so because they want to become practising lawyers, whether as barristers or solicitors, but it is not necessar...
- published: 03 Aug 2012
- views: 12411
- author: Cambridge University