
Hilarious! Horse trainer talks SEX on LIVE TV!
Hilarious! Horse trainer talks SEX on LIVE TV!
Find out what happened next... click youtu.be Horse trainer Peter Casey is so excited about his win that he tells Tracey Piggott EXACTLY how he'll celebrate! Classic! Leopardstown Jan 29th 2012

Horse Training - Stand Still to Mount
Horse Training - Stand Still to Mount
www.HorseTrainingVideos.com. Reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha shows how to train your horse to stand still while you get on. For more free horse training tips to to www.HorseTrainingVideos.com s499.photobucket.com

Horse Training - Cueing A Horse For The Stop
Horse Training - Cueing A Horse For The Stop
Horse training at www.HorseTrainingVideos.com In this video clip, reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha shows what cues the rider needs to use to ask a horse for a light, balanced stop and back up. Special attention is given to how the rider should use his hands, legs and seat to get a good response from the horse. This clip was taken from one of Larry Trocha's horse training DVDs titled, "Western Riding Know How". The video is ideal for western riders wanting to know the fundamentals of horsemanship. You can purchase the entire 2-hour DVD at Larry Trocha's website on this webpage: www.HorseTrainingVideos.com Larry Trocha Larry Trocha Training Stable www.youtube.com

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Horse Trainer Buck Brannaman Talks 'Buck'
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Horse Trainer Buck Brannaman Talks 'Buck'
IAR speaks exclusively with real-life horse whisperer Buck Brannaman about the documentary 'Buck,' which is based on his life and currently available on Blu-ray and DVD. Interviewer: Jami Philbrick Editor: Kenny Dodson IAR Managing Editor: Jami Philbrick Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamrogue Twitter: @iamROGUE www.iamrogue.com

Training Horses that Spook, pt.1
Training Horses that Spook, pt.1
www.HorseTrainingVideos.com In this video, reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha covers how to deal with horses that spook. Topics include Why horses spook. How to minimize spooking. How to control your horse. If you like part 1 of this video, please rate it, leave a comment and add it to your favorites. You can get more horse training tips at my website. Take care, Larry Trocha

Astonishing Horse Training and Horsemanship Secrets - Horse Whispering
Astonishing Horse Training and Horsemanship Secrets - Horse Whispering
Horse Training: www.horseswhisper.com One of the most astonishing horse training systems of recent years is that of horse whispering, this amazing method of horsemanship is fast becoming the number one tool for trainers of all types. The exciting thing about these horse whispering techniques is that they can be learned by riders and instructors of all levels and ages, no matter if you ride for pleasure or teach for a living the benefits of this style of horse tuition can be massive. Horse whispering is a teaching method that makes use of the signals of the herd, in other words the language that mother nature has laid in place. Refined and fine tuned over a number of years it has proved a to be winning formula. It's usefulness has been proven in all types of equine arena, from dressage to western exibition displays and also trick riding. Have you ever been dazzled by the cowboy in the arena or the majestic circus horse that behaved as if were as inteligent as its rider, almost certainly you are witnessing the work of a horse whisperer. This method of horse training can be used in many situations, it is especially good when used in instances that involve horses with behavioral problems. If though you ride for pleasure do not think that horse whispering is not for you, learning just a few secret techniques will totally transform the way you interact with your animal. If though you work with horses this type of horse training will propel your equine accomplishments to a <b>...</b>

Hilarious! Excited horse trainer swears on Live TV!
Hilarious! Excited horse trainer swears on Live TV!
Peter Casey gets very overwhelmed and excited while doing an interview with Tracey Piggot, swears in hilarious fashion!

Training a Horse to be a Cowboy's Partner
Training a Horse to be a Cowboy's Partner
Frank Lindley, the horse trainer for J & J Cattle Co. of Big Lake, Texas, has been a cowboy at heart since he was seven years old. Born and raised outside of Mertzon, Texas, he started working with colts at the age of nine. He has roped all his life and has worked in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and Montana plus rodeoing all over the United States. He trained horses for the public before working for Johnny Ferguson as the main horse trainer for the J & J Cattle Company. When asked when he will be too old to break and train colts, he replied, "When I get too old to climb the fence to get in the saddle. I would teach the horse how to handle a mount that way." Showing the love of his job, Frank summed it up by saying, "You can't imagine how I feel after riding a colt for the first time. A relationship has started between the horse and myself. It's like writing a book. Every colt is like beginning a new chapter. My life is filled with chapters of different horses." For more information visit www.texasstarvideo.com Copyright-February 2006 Running Time 99 minutes

Reining Training Your Horse to Spin pt.1
Reining Training Your Horse to Spin pt.1
www.HorseTrainingVideos.com In this horse training clip, reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha demonstrates how to train green horses to a reining horse spin. If you like this training clip, please leave a comment, rate it and ad it to your favorites list. Larry Trocha's training...

Horse Training using the German Martingale, part 1
Horse Training using the German Martingale, part 1
www.HorseTrainingTack.com If you want your horse to flex at the poll, lightly give to your hands and be more supple, this video is for you. In this two-part video, reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha demonstrates how to use a German Martingale to help train your horse. Larry explains the purpose of the German Martingale, how to adjust it properly plus he shows effective training methods to use with the martingale. You can get the German Martingale that Larry recommends at this web page www.horsetrainingvideos.com Any questions you may have regarding the use of the German Martingale should be directed to Larry Trocha through his website, www.HorseTrainingVideos.com.

Michael Peace - Problem Horse Trainer - Saddling, Bridling and Long-Reining
Michael Peace - Problem Horse Trainer - Saddling, Bridling and Long-Reining
This is a young unrideable horse on his second day with me and I'm using this session to build up a picture of his previous training.

www.imagineahorse.com Amazing Horses and Trainer
www.imagineahorse.com Amazing Horses and Trainer
www.Imagineahorse.com. Yes all of this is very real. He even shows you how to do it step by step in his training videos. I have been studying with Allen for a while and he makes learning how to do this so easy. This is a compilation of some of the pictures and videos I have collected of Allen over the years. I will be uploading more clips from my private collection of videos, as well as full length interviews with some of the top Equestrians. Riz Ilyas

Horse Training with a Hackamore (Bosal)
Horse Training with a Hackamore (Bosal)
Horse training at www.HackamoreTraining.com This clip is from the DVD titled, "Hackamore Training". In this video series, reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha demonstrates how to train a horse using a braided hackamore or bosal. You'll learn how to teach a horse good head position... sliding stops... spins... lead departures... and a whole lot more. You can get this horse training DVD here www.horsetrainingvideos.com Larry Trocha Larry Trocha Training Stable

Reining & Cutting Horse Conformation... Good Or Bad?
Reining & Cutting Horse Conformation... Good Or Bad?
Reining & cutting horse training at www.HorseTrainingVideos.com Test your knowledge of reining & cutting horse conformation. In this video, reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha invites you to evaluate a 3-year-old gelding's conformation. He then gives his own evaluation of the colt... a very in-depth analysis. If you like the video, give it a "thumbs up". You may want to "Subscribe" to my youtube channel so you'll be notified whenever I upload a new video. Leave your questions or comments below. Larry Trocha Larry Trocha Training Stable 24846 N. Tully Rd. Acampo, CA 95220 Phone 209-642-2804 InnerCircle.HorseTrainingVideos.com www.HorseTrainingVideos.com www.HorseTrainingTack.com http A horse that's a good mover: www.youtube.com Larry's youtube channel: www.youtube.com

Why Horse Trainers and Lawyers are the Same - Horse Testing You- Rick Gore Horsemanship
Why Horse Trainers and Lawyers are the Same - Horse Testing You- Rick Gore Horsemanship
www.thinklikeahorse.org - Here I try and discuss and help people to develop that critical eye, critical ear and healthy suspicion when they see and hear things in the horse world. I try and express the tricks, scams and easy deception that horse trainers can use to confuse or make people think they need them or they have some special secret knowledge that only they have and if you don't believe them or pay them then you will lose or will be in danger. YES I know there are some good horse trainers and maybe even one or two honest lawyers, but it is not the norm and if you blindly believer you will get taken advantage of and when you allow that your Horse pays. Mr. T gave a great lesson in testing me and trying to block my path so I discuss this and try and get people to understand what and why a horse would do what Mr. T was doing. As for me correcting Buddy, if you notice the first time I correct buddy and tell him to get away from the camera he listens..... the next time he does not so I had to turn up the heat and show him that when he does not listen he gets more aggressive pressure. So he learns it is easier to listen the first time than to test me and make me turn up the heat. Save the hate mail, that brush did not hurt his fat butt and the bounced off his fat butt like a rubber ball. :) If you want to see Mr. T do this same thing to another horse watch this video: www.youtube.com

Training machine for horses with the following effects: * Tendon & ligament injuries * Bone damage ie shin soreness * Joint condition * Fractures and splints * Jarr-up, concussion * Laceration & infections of lower limbs * Post operative complications * Healing of wounds * Increased hoof growth * Soft tissue damage

Parelli Horse trainer Klaartje
Parelli Horse trainer Klaartje
For more information on Parelli Natural Horse training, please visit the Parelli website at this link: ow.ly Watch another lovely video from Parelli Horsemanship student, Klaartje! "My name is Klaartje and I am 20 years old. A few months ago, I sent a video in for the theme Partnership and Relationship. A few weeks later, it was on parellitube and I was so happy! Now, a few months later, I made a new video. I would love it if we came back on parellitube!" Music by Katie Drake

Reining Training Your Horse to Spin pt.3
Reining Training Your Horse to Spin pt.3
www.HorseTrainingVideos.com In part 3 of this horse training clip, reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha demonstrates how to train green horses to spin. The primary focus is on training for the low, flat reining spin. If you like this training clip, please leave a comment or question, rate it and add it to your favorites list. Larry Trocha's training stable is located in the northern Calififornia horse country. Feel free to contact Larry if you'd like your horse trained for cutting, reining or reined cow horse competition.

Horse Training Tips - Using A HeadSetter, part 1
Horse Training Tips - Using A HeadSetter, part 1
www.HorseTrainingVideos.com Part 1. Professional reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha demonstrates how to correctly use the HeadSetter. Many trainers use this piece of equipment to teach their horse good head position while stopping, rolling back, working cattle etc. Especially useful when the horse is in the process of learning to work in a curb bit. It's designed to help lower the horse's poll. When used properly, the Headsetter encourages the horse to work with a low head and level top-line. Unlike a tie-down, this Headsetter works mainly on the horse's poll. A horse can comfortably carry his head in a "natural" position. Made of 3/16" hard-twist, nylon/poly rope with braided rawhide buttons. The sliding nose-piece only comes into affect when the horse's nose is raised way too high. Be aware, this is the ONLY headsetter on the market designed to work like this. Cheap copy-cat headsetters are NOT made the same as this one. This professional-quality headsetter comes with a fully adjustable, nylon tie-down strap with a stainless steel snap. You can purchase this professional quality HeadSetter at: www.horsetrainingvideos.com Larry Trocha Training Stable www.HorseTrainingVideos.com

Cutting Horse Training, 3-yr-old, part 1
Cutting Horse Training, 3-yr-old, part 1
www.HorseTrainingVideos.com In this 4-part series, cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha schools a 3-year-old quarter horse filly in cutting training. For more information about training cutting horses, go to www.HorseTrainingVideos.com

Horse Training with Mirka and Magie
Horse Training with Mirka and Magie
Today's featured ParelliTube video comes from Mirka Pitts and her horse, Magie, who have accomplished a great deal in 2009! Here's Mirka's story... "Magie is a 5-year-old, QH, cutting bred mare. I am a 28-year-old professional horse trainer, and I have been a student of the Parelli program for 12 years now. I have been able to live my dreams thanks to the Parelli Program. I had always wanted to be a horse trainer, and when I heard Pat Parelli say, "Take care of your horsemanship and it will take care of you," I became super dedicated! I would like to thank the whole Parelli Team and especially Parelli Professionals Kelly Sigler and David Lichman for their continuous support on my horsemanship journey!!! I hope that everyone gets to live their dream!" Congratulations, Mirka, on all you've accomplished and experienced this year! Watch more Success Stories: www.parellinaturalhorsetraining.com