
PostCare Recovery: Female Vaginal Self Catheterization
on.fb.me - NEW facebook page - it's cool! SEE MORE VIDEOS @ www.PreOp.com Patient Educ...
published: 23 Jul 2006
Author: PreOpcom
PostCare Recovery: Female Vaginal Self Catheterization
on.fb.me - NEW facebook page - it's cool! SEE MORE VIDEOS @ www.PreOp.com Patient Education 617-379-1582 INFO For a female, lubricate the catheter for a distance of approximately 2 inches from the tip. The female should self-catheterize when sitting on the toilet. Soak the washcloth in warm soapy water and wring it partly dry. Separate the thighs wide apart. With one hand, separate the labia. With the other hand, use the washcloth to clean the vulva from front to back in a single stroke. Alternately, an antibacterial wipe may be used, wiping once from front to back. Still holding the labia apart, grasp the lubricated catheter with the other hand 3-4 inches from the tip. Insert the catheter slowly and gently into the urethra. القضيب ، والثدي ، والمهبل، الحلمة

Female arrested forcibly strip searched nude by ohio male cops
Welcome to the new world order. Fully nude strip searches of females are being forcefully ...
published: 16 Jun 2008
Author: RonPaulvsTyranny
Female arrested forcibly strip searched nude by ohio male cops
Welcome to the new world order. Fully nude strip searches of females are being forcefully conducted by male police officers, against policy, and in Abu Ghraib torture style, in Stark County Ohio. The women are video-taped and left naked for up to six hours. Near the beginning of the video you can see the black male officer helping to strip Hope's panties off of her while another male officer holds her down. The woman's bra and panties are removed along with all her clothing, exposing her bare naked breasts, ass, and vagina in front of the male officers. She is eventually completely stripped and left naked and handcuffed on the floor. All this happened merely because 911 was called for help on Hope's behalf when she was hurt in a fight. Hope accidentally showed her dead sister's ID to police, she keeps it with her in remembrance of her sister. So far, five women have come forward with similar strip search experiences at this Ohio jail, see link near bottom. Hope Steffey's 'Abu Ghraib' Treatment at the Stark County Jail: www.thepeoplesvoice.org Stark County Strip Searches www.americanchronicle.com It all began in Stark County, Ohio when Hope Steffey was assaulted by a cousin and another cousin called 911 for assistance. When the officer arrived, Ms. Steffey accidentally handed over her deceased sister´s license, which she kept for sentimental reasons. She immediately noticed the mistake and gave the officer her own identification and asked for her sister´s to be returned <b>...</b>

Female Armor Sucks
See more www.collegehumor.com It's the naked truth. LIKE us on www.facebook.com FOLLOW...
published: 10 Aug 2011
Author: collegehumor
Female Armor Sucks
See more www.collegehumor.com It's the naked truth. LIKE us on www.facebook.com FOLLOW us on: www.twitter.com FOLLOW us on: www.tumblr.com

WAYS OF SEEING (episode two - female nude) 1/4
John Berger on the female nude....
published: 15 Mar 2008
Author: manwithaplan999
WAYS OF SEEING (episode two - female nude) 1/4
John Berger on the female nude.

Female Robot Sex Toys
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com TYT Mobile: bit.ly Watch ...
published: 11 Dec 2008
Author: TheYoungTurks
Female Robot Sex Toys
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com TYT Mobile: bit.ly Watch The LARGEST Online News Show at www.theyoungturks.com Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: revision3.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's blog and subscribe at: www.huffingtonpost.com But for all the attention that Aiko has garnered, one topic area has elicited the most questions: Anything and everything to do with sex. And Trung has answered every question that he has been asked. "Does she have breasts? I will say yes. Does she have nipples? I will say yes. Does she have a vagina? I will say yes. Are there sensors there? I will say yes," he said. "Do I sleep with her? No." Trung said he chose to make Aiko a female because he reasoned that a female android would be less threatening than a male android. As for the questions about Aiko's anatomical details, Trung said he attempted to build an android that is as realistic as possible, plain and simple. "For some reason, tabloids twisted the story around and there's nothing much you can do," Trung said. But he admits there are some adult topics that Aiko is familiar with. "If you talk dirty to her, she will talk dirty back," Trung said, admitting that an R-rated vocabulary was an unforeseen part of Aiko's development. When he began building up Aiko's capabilities, Trung said he used a software program that scanned a <b>...</b>

Hot Female Doctor Gives The Exam
Have you ever had a female doctor give you this sort of exam?...
published: 11 Jun 2008
Author: doghousefm
Hot Female Doctor Gives The Exam
Have you ever had a female doctor give you this sort of exam?

Space - Female Of The Species
Music Video for space's single Female Of The Species...
published: 10 Sep 2006
Author: punkrockfuneral
Space - Female Of The Species
Music Video for space's single Female Of The Species

Female Genital Cutting
www.DRDAPO.COM for more eye-opening content Documentary on female genital cutting...
published: 31 Dec 2007
Author: TNPevents
Female Genital Cutting
www.DRDAPO.COM for more eye-opening content Documentary on female genital cutting

Female Bodybuilder Akila Pervis Backstage
USAMuscleWomen.com | See more of bodybuilder Akila Pervis at http | Excerpt from the 2009 ...
published: 18 Jun 2010
Author: USAMuscleWomen
Female Bodybuilder Akila Pervis Backstage
USAMuscleWomen.com | See more of bodybuilder Akila Pervis at http | Excerpt from the 2009 NPC USA Championships Women's Bodybuilding Pump Room Part 1 available for purchase at USAMuscleWomen.com or by calling 1-800-948-6223 and asking for video #23082 | The flexing never ends at USAMuscleWomen.com, where we bring you the best in women's bodybuilding, fitness, figure and bikini on video and on-demand in professional quality and stunning detail. See thousands of fit and muscular female physiques now at USAMuscleWomen.com

Ivet Lalova, female sprinter good start from her back
also check other videos by me www.youtube.com...
published: 16 Apr 2012
Author: ajyari099999
Ivet Lalova, female sprinter good start from her back
also check other videos by me www.youtube.com

Skyrim: The Dragonborn Comes - Female Cover by Malukah
If the Skyrim theme already gave you chills, wait until you hear this live cover of the mu...
published: 03 Dec 2011
Author: IGNentertainment
Skyrim: The Dragonborn Comes - Female Cover by Malukah
If the Skyrim theme already gave you chills, wait until you hear this live cover of the music from the game by the talented fan Malukah. Try not to get too lost in her beautiful voice: there are dragons that need slaying! Special thanks to Malukah for the video. Check out her channel here! www.youtube.com Be sure to visit Malukah's various websites to see more of her work: Blog: malukah.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com

Female Android Geminoid F
Developed by Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro at Osaka University and ATR. Learn more: spectrum.ieee...
published: 20 Apr 2010
Author: spectrummag
Female Android Geminoid F
Developed by Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro at Osaka University and ATR. Learn more: spectrum.ieee.org

Female Genital Mutilation - UK
August 2010 The controversial tradition at the heart of African culture has now reached th...
published: 31 Aug 2010
Author: journeymanpictures
Female Genital Mutilation - UK
August 2010 The controversial tradition at the heart of African culture has now reached the shores of Europe. Today, over 500 British girls are estimated to have undergone the procedure of female genital cutting. Many young girls would get excited at the prospect of going on holiday but Jamelia knew that the plane she boarded was taking her to be 'circumcised'. Jamelia was cut in an empty mansion by an old woman, strangers held her down and a clean razor was only used when more money exchanged hands. "I remember the blood everywhere", Jamelia says, "one of the maids actually saw her pick up the bit of flesh they cut out." Miriam's womb was accidentally sealed when she was cut and now she cannot have children. "It will stay with me until the day I die." Now, the NHS confirms that cutters are flown over to the UK to cut girls in batches - a cheap alternative. The UK has more girls at risk of bring cut than any other European country and as yet no-one has been prosecuted for the crime. www.guardian.co.uk Produced By Guardian Films Distributed By Journeyman Pictures

Female praying mantis eats male after mating
after (and while) they mate, the female praying mantis devours the male....
published: 09 Jul 2006
Author: dissotg
Female praying mantis eats male after mating
after (and while) they mate, the female praying mantis devours the male.
Vimeo results:

Endless Roads 1 - Yellow Horizons
·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this first chapter, Jacky, Valeria, ...
published: 24 Oct 2011
Author: Juan Rayos
Endless Roads 1 - Yellow Horizons
·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this first chapter, Jacky, Valeria, Carlota & Gador welcome Maitane, who's coming from the Basque Country; Marisa coming from Miami and Amanda from Massachusetts. Together, they start their journey traveling 600 km in the van in order to get to Cabo de Gata Natural Area, in Almería. They spend three days over there, enjoying unique volcanic-origin landscapes, the deep blue sea breaking against the winding coastline, August relentless sun and secondary roads that leads to small towns and coves in the Mediterranean coast.
[7 female riders, 1 van, 15 days, 4.300km, 416 GB of raw material… culminating in one video, divided into four chapters. The film documents the adventure of the trip, portraying the girls, their lifestyle and their passion for longboard.]
En este primer capítulo Jacky, Valeria, Carlota y Gador reciben en Madrid a Maitane, que viene del País Vasco, a Marisa, de Miami y a Amanda, de Massachusetts. Juntas emprenden el viaje recorriendo 600 km en la van para llegar al Parque Natural del Cabo de Gata en Almería. Allí pasan tres días disfrutando de unos parajes únicos de origen volcánico, un mar azul que rompe contra el tortuoso perfil del litoral levantino, el sol implacable de agosto y las carreteras secundarias que conducen a las pequeñas calas y pueblos de la costa mediterránea.
[7 riders, 1 furgoneta, 15 días, 4.300 kilómetros, 416GB de imágenes… Meses de trabajo! Todo ello se convertirá en un vídeo, dividido en cuatro capítulos, que documenta la aventura del viaje, retrata a sus protagonistas y muestra su pasión por el longboard.]
Corizonas - The Falcon Sleeps Tonight
Eric Fuentes - Death And Above
Tuya - The Bag
Second camera operators: Nacho González, Raúl Serrano (Ra)
Production team: Mónica Madenfrost, Jesus Asensio (Chus), Raúl Serrano (Ra)

Endless Roads 3 - Land of Castles
·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this third episode, we return from M...
published: 24 Jan 2012
Author: Juan Rayos
Endless Roads 3 - Land of Castles
·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this third episode, we return from Mallorca and visit Carlota's parents in their family house in Denia. They invite us to paella right in front of the beach. We spend the night in Calpe and continue our journey to the country's interior. Castillian landscapes, lands of castles and medieval towns are waiting for us.
[7 female riders, 1 van, 15 days, 4.300km, 416 GB of raw material... culminating in one video, divided into four chapters. The film documents the adventure of the trip, portraying the girls, their lifestyle and their passion for longboard.]
En este tercer episodio regresamos de Mallorca y visitamos a los padres de Carlota en Denia, los cuales nos invitan a una paella frente al mar. Pasamos la noche en Calpe y al día siguiente continuamos viaje hacia el interior de la península. Nos esperan los paisajes castellanos, tierra de castillos y ciudades medievales.
[7 riders, 1 furgoneta, 15 días, 4.300 kilómetros, 416GB de imágenes... Meses de trabajo! Todo ello se convertirá en un vídeo, dividido en cuatro capítulos, que documenta la aventura del viaje, retrata a sus protagonistas y muestra su pasión por el longboard.]
"Tema de amor" CARLO COUPE (Jesus Trujillo P y C Subterfuge Records/Música para un guateque sideral 2000)
"Hold Your Maker's Hand" JOE LA REINA (Subterfuge Records 2012)
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, BWV 51 - JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH
Production team: Mónica Madenfrost, Jesús Asensio (Chus), Raúl Serrano (Ra)

Urban Abstract
Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu and Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) - creative team and f...
published: 18 Nov 2009
Author: MUSUTA Ltd.
Urban Abstract
Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu and Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) - creative team and founders of Musuta Ltd. Jopsu Ramu is a young female designer and Creative Director of Musuta Ltd. Timo Ramu is her creative partner and manager of Musuta Ltd.
This digital art piece was commissioned by TV Nelonen / channel 4 Finland and it was shown as the November break bumpers on one of the biggest commercial TV channels in Finland: TV Nelonen.
Urban Abstract has been highly awarded, it has won bronze / in book award in D&Ad; awards in London, Bronze in European Design awards in Rotterdam and most recently it won a Gold Lion from design category in Cannes Lions.
Urban Abstract -piece was born in Tokyo during 2009. It consists of 40 X five second clips or it can be viewed as a one 200 second journey.
The website http://www.urban-abstract.com works as a part of the piece and creates an extra dimension for the clips shown on TV.
URBAN ABSTRACT - About the concept:
Urban Abstract is a journey across urban space that unfolds in forty, 5 second parts. The journey, in one, two and three dimensions, is a bit like abstract surfing in which the original destination is only reached after a number of seemingly random yet linked detours occur. Points , lines, planes and other abstract elements create a journey through an Urban Abstract.
The space between things is as important as intended space, perhaps creating a fourth dimension. Meaningful shapes and purposes occur in this dimension's reality as well. The concept of negative space has meaning here.
Nature plays a part as well. To be able to understand and differentiate what is urban one has understand what is nature.
The style of the shorts is fluid and, though seemingly random, stream into a cohesive whole. Perhaps watching them in a different order would be more like seeing the same journey from another point of view. The sound world is also very important -- movement in space is sensed even if watching the shorts with eyes closed. Sounds overlap, fade, come and go.
Architectural, abstract, someway minimalist and abstract with a touch of humanity.
This feeling is reached through mixing techniques such as vectors , hand drawn lines and painting.
Urban Abstract was realized in Tokyo by a team of artists, designers and animators from Finland and Japan. Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu from Musuta Ltd, a concept, art & design -studio based in Tokyo and Helsinki.
About the creators:
Jopsu Ramu (born 1982). She is a young Finnish designer and an art director who runs her own business Musuta Ltd. Ramu creates art, graphic design, space & design.
Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) manager and creative partner of Musuta Ltd.
Musuta Ltd.
Musuta Ltd. is a Finnish creative studio operating in and between Helsinki & Tokyo. Musuta is a multidisciplinary design studio that makes art, space, design, graphics, concepts & branding.
Musuta produces Ramu's personal art work as well as creates commercial work for different clients including: Iittala, Hartwall, Pepsi Co., Kawada Group, TV Nelonen etc.
- http://musuta.com
TV Nelonen
Channel Four Finland – Nelonen Nationwide commercial tv-channel Offers second-highest reach and is the third-largest advertising medium in Finland
If you embed or publish the Urban Abstract -video on blogs etc. please keep in mind to mention and credit the creators. The video should not be altered or edited in any way without permission from the creators.
Creative Director Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA
Art Director Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA, Shun Kawakami (artless Inc.)
Design&Storyboard; Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA
Opening scene artwork Shun Kawakami artless Inc.
Calligraphy Gen Miyamura
Sound Chikao Maruyama
Producer Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) MUSUTA
Animation&Production;: Mitsutomo Maeda & Masaru Ikeda EDP graphic works
Project management Tokyo Masaji Kinoshita / shirofuchi Inc.
Executive Producer MUSUTA Ltd.
Special thanks Taisuke Koyama, Brian Kaszonyi
Created by MUSUTA Ltd. - Jopsu Ramu & Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala)

Endless Roads 2 - The Island
·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this second episode, the girls take ...
published: 06 Dec 2011
Author: Juan Rayos
Endless Roads 2 - The Island
·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this second episode, the girls take the ferry and head to Mallorca, where they will be spending the next days travelling and skating the rocky island. New friends and local riders join the girls for this stage and some crazy downhill.
[7 female riders, 1 van, 15 days, 4.300km, 416 GB of raw material… culminating in one video, divided into four chapters. The film documents the adventure of the trip, portraying the girls, their lifestyle and their passion for longboard.]
En este segundo episodio las chicas cogen el ferry rumbo a Mallorca, donde pasarán varios días recorriendo y patinando la montañosa isla. Nuevas caras se suman al grupo en esta etapa de viaje y algunos riders locales las acompañarán practicando downhill.
[7 riders, 1 furgoneta, 15 días, 4.300 kilómetros, 416GB de imágenes… Meses de trabajo! Todo ello se convertirá en un vídeo, dividido en cuatro capítulos, que documenta la aventura del viaje, retrata a sus protagonistas y muestra su pasión por el longboard.]
“La la la” - ANNI B SWEET (Subterfuge records/Pizza pop 2009)
“George” - THE CASTERS (Subtrfuge records/Pizza pop 2010)
“Sabor a fresa” - ALFONSO SANTISTEBAN (Subterfuge Records/Musica para un guateque sideral 2006)
“The girl from Spain” - ALFONSO SANTISTEBAN.(Subterfuge records/Musica para un guateque sideral 2005)
Second camera operators: Raúl Serrano (Ra), Nacho Caribbean
Production team: Mónica Madenfrost, Jesus Asensio (Chus), Raúl Serrano (Ra)
Youtube results:

Video Games and the Female Audience
**We've moved to Penny Arcade! New episodes weekly!** penny-arcade.com Episode Six in ...
published: 28 Jun 2009
Author: kirithem
Video Games and the Female Audience
**We've moved to Penny Arcade! New episodes weekly!** penny-arcade.com Episode Six in my series of video "lectures," with special guest star: Gamasutra's Leigh Alexander! Enjoy the new title and credits! I can be reached at floydo_animation at yahoo dot com. Leigh can be reached at leighalexander1 at gmail dot com. Read more by Leigh at: sexyvideogameland.blogspot.com Like the intro/outro music? Download the full tracks here! Penguin Cap www.carbohydrom.net Test Dummy ocremix.org

First Female Dictator Hailed As Step Forward For Women
Amivi Gama's violent rise to power in East Timor has proved that women are just as cap...
published: 17 Feb 2009
Author: TheOnion
First Female Dictator Hailed As Step Forward For Women
Amivi Gama's violent rise to power in East Timor has proved that women are just as capable as men when it comes to brutality and oppression.

Guild Wars 2 - Character Creator Human Female
facebook.com twitter.com...
published: 20 Feb 2012
Author: akamikeb
Guild Wars 2 - Character Creator Human Female
facebook.com twitter.com

Top Female: Sexiest Asian athletes
In this week's Top Female Athletes: Miwa Asao, Xue Chen, Kaoru Sugayama, Dipika Pallik...
published: 25 Jun 2012
Top Female: Sexiest Asian athletes
In this week's Top Female Athletes: Miwa Asao, Xue Chen, Kaoru Sugayama, Dipika Pallikal, and Yuna Kim. TRACE Sports is a new HD TV Channel proposing factual entertainment and lifestyle content exclusively dedicated to sports celebrities. Official website: www.tracesports.tv Find TRACE Sports on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow TRACE Sports on Twitter: www.twitter.com