
Belinda Carlisle - La Luna
Belinda Carlisle - La Luna, video 1990...
published: 04 May 2006
Author: elpeter82
Belinda Carlisle - La Luna
Belinda Carlisle - La Luna, video 1990

Super Ponybeat - Luna (DREAM MODE)
odysseymusic.bandcamp.com LUNA ft. Odyssey (DREAM MODE) Music & Lyrics by T. Stebbins ...
published: 21 May 2011
Author: OdysseyEurobeat
Super Ponybeat - Luna (DREAM MODE)
odysseymusic.bandcamp.com LUNA ft. Odyssey (DREAM MODE) Music & Lyrics by T. Stebbins Produced by Eurobeat Brony Vocals by Odyssey For those who'd rather not go through the Nightmare any longer than necessary... One may define night as the catalyst for dreams, those visions projected upon the canvas of the moon... ...okay, I can't do that artsy writing bullcrap. :P FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TO ASK: The lyrics are sung from the perspective of a third-party character who is undergoing a similar situation to Luna during her banishment to the moon. It is neither Luna nor Celestia singing this song. Lyrics: For a thousand years I've waited here for you Waiting every night For I thought you were the answer to my life Days turned into years and into centuries Patience had to fade Don't you see that there is vengeance in my eyes? Luna won't you cry for me I'm as lonely as I've ever been I am forced back into the start Is there any way to fix a broken heart? Infinite despise and endless jealousy Bottled in my soul Has erupted as I'm tearing through the skies

lyrics hijo de la luna
the song of mecano-hijo de la luna with lyrics enjoy...
published: 16 May 2009
Author: lenaleelee16
lyrics hijo de la luna
the song of mecano-hijo de la luna with lyrics enjoy

Zoé - Luna (MTV Unplugged)
Music video by Zoé performing Luna. (P) 2011 EMI Music México, SA de CV...
published: 28 Feb 2011
Author: ZoeVEVO
Zoé - Luna (MTV Unplugged)
Music video by Zoé performing Luna. (P) 2011 EMI Music México, SA de CV

La Luna (Pixar)
La Luna (Pixar). First trailer from the new Pixar short animated La Luna, which will be sc...
published: 15 Feb 2012
Author: FilmsActuTrailers
La Luna (Pixar)
La Luna (Pixar). First trailer from the new Pixar short animated La Luna, which will be screened from August 17, 2012 before Brave Movie. La Luna (Pixar) The short film is directed by Enrico Casarosa and produced by Kevin Reher. La Luna is the timeless fable of a young boy who is coming of age in the most peculiar of circumstances. La Luna Trailer (Pixar).

Luna -Don Omar
the video luna by don omar...
published: 09 Dec 2006
Author: Geri18
Luna -Don Omar
the video luna by don omar

Luna "Slide"
Luna was a dream pop/indie pop band formed in 1991 by Dean Wareham after the breakup of Ga...
published: 29 Nov 2008
Author: BVMTValternative
Luna "Slide"
Luna was a dream pop/indie pop band formed in 1991 by Dean Wareham after the breakup of Galaxie 500, with Stanley Demeski and Justin Harwood (Demeski formerly of The Feelies and Harwood formerly of New Zealand band The Chills). They announced plans to break up in 2004, and played their final concert at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City on February 28, 2005. The original line-up was expanded with the addition of guitarist Sean Eden for their second album, 1994's Bewitched. Lee Wall replaced Demeski on drums in time for 1997's Pup Tent, and Britta Phillips of Belltower (also known as the singing voice of animated character Jem) joined when bassist Justin Harwood departed in 2000. Phillips and Wareham became romantically involved and eventually married in 2007.

Luna's General Work Day
Finally finished this. I originally envisioned this as a 1 month side project, but with al...
published: 14 Feb 2012
Author: WhitehawkePAUNCH
Luna's General Work Day
Finally finished this. I originally envisioned this as a 1 month side project, but with all the other things I work on, such as My Little Bloopers and art pieces in general, along with the fact that I had to re-learn Flash all over again, it effectively took over 5 months to get this over with. There's a lot of little things that limited me here. The magical effects are simple and plain and music was added at the last second. I have another (MUCH simpler) fanimation planned, but I think I'll delay it a bit so I can focus on getting everything else up to speed first. Oh, yeah, I know this isn't the most appropriate thing to upload on Valentine's day, but...well, think of it as my thanks to all my viewers. You guys/gals make this all worthwhile. By the way, want to fiddle with the original flash source file? Here you go: www.mediafire.com Bear in mind that there is no sound, as it was added through another program. Also, for those wondering what the song at 1:34 is, it's Tatsunoko VS Capcom's training stage music. Added some annotation links in the credits to the "Find the difference" BGM as well as the TVC training stage music.

La Luna (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1979)
published: 27 Jul 2010
Author: freakedeliqueful
La Luna (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1979)

Eddy Lover - Luna
Music video by Eddy Lover performing Luna. (C) 2008 Panama Music Under Exclusive License T...
published: 08 Oct 2009
Author: EddyLoverVEVO
Eddy Lover - Luna
Music video by Eddy Lover performing Luna. (C) 2008 Panama Music Under Exclusive License To Machete Music

Bella Luna
Photovideo about the moon and all of your faces. Watch at night. ;)...
published: 03 Jun 2007
Author: markinhus
Bella Luna
Photovideo about the moon and all of your faces. Watch at night. ;)

Luna play "California All the Way" circa 1994
The alternative rock band Luna plays "California All the Way" live in a 1994 inc...
published: 05 Nov 2006
Author: jimaluko
Luna play "California All the Way" circa 1994
The alternative rock band Luna plays "California All the Way" live in a 1994 incarnation of the band with Stanley Demeski still on drums and Justin Harwood on bass

Alessandro Safina - Luna
Gran tema aunque no a todos le puede gustar pero al menos a mi gusto es uno de los mejores...
published: 02 Apr 2006
Author: Eduardo Valencia
Alessandro Safina - Luna
Gran tema aunque no a todos le puede gustar pero al menos a mi gusto es uno de los mejores temas que he escuchado.
Vimeo results:

El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife
"El Cielo de Canarias"
Realizado y producido por Daniel López. www.elcielodecanarias.com
published: 03 May 2011
Author: Daniel López
El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife
"El Cielo de Canarias"
Realizado y producido por Daniel López. www.elcielodecanarias.com
Actualización, publicado en:
NASA en Astronomy Picture of the Day:
National Geographic:
Bad Astronomy:
Universe Today:
Escenas tomadas desde Tenerife, a más de 2.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar y a lo largo de un año, para poder captar todos los posibles matices, nubes, estrellas, colores desde un paisaje único y desde uno de los mejores cielos del planeta.
Primero de una serie de vídeos Time Lapse nocturnos y crepusculares tomados en las Islas Canarias tratando de captar la belleza de cada isla.
Para captar el movimiento natural de la tierra, estrellas nubes, sol y Luna se usó la técnica TimeLapse, raíles Dolly verticales y horizontales, cabezales con movimientos horizontal y vertical. toma de datos HDR.
Algunas escenas del vídeo:
- "La Catedral" en el llano de Ucanca, toma nocturna con el Planeta Júpiter cruzando la escena.
- El Árbol de Piedra (Roque Cinchado) con un Tajinaste apuntando a la estrella polar.
- Tajinastes "nocturnos", El Tajinaste Rojo, endemismo Canario que florece en primavera.
- El "Gorro" en el Teide. Formación de una nube conocida como gorro en el pico del Teide.
- "Cascadas de nubes" que atraviesan las montañas como ríos de nubes multicolor.
- Mar de nubes rompiendo contra las montañas al igual que lo hiciera el mar.
- Gran charco de agua en el llano de Ucanca donde estrellas y nubes lenticulares se reflejan.
- Tajinastes nocturnos con la Vía Láctea saliendo por el horizonte tomada con un raíl dolly.
- Video del Sol poniéndose y un doble "rayo verde".
- Pléyades y la galaxia de Andrómeda entre rocas en las minas de San José.
- Escenas espectaculares de la puesta de sol en el Parque Nacional del Teide con nubes y movimiento dolly.
- ArcoIris desde el Parque Nacional del Teide.
- Halos multicolor alrededor de la Luna.
- Nubes estacionarias que permanecen horas en el mismo sitio ven como cambian sus colores por la puesta de Sol.
Daniel López es fotógrafo y astrofotógrafo que vive en Tenerife. Trabaja realizando fotografía y vídeo, especializado en nocturnas usando multitud de técnicas, desde cámara con trípode para captar cielo y tierra en la misma foto, telescopios amateur para realizar fotografías de los objetos astronómicos hasta telescopios profesionales para captar detalles y alta resolución. También realiza y produce videos relacionados con la naturaleza, paisajes y lugares interesantes en los que siempre trata de sacar algo nuevo y dar otro punto de vista diferente y "mágico".
Angel´s Tear (Aeon 2). Matti Paalanen
"El Cielo de Canarias" "Canary Sky"
Project produced by Daniel Lopez. www.elcielodecanarias.com
Scenes taken from Tenerife, more than 2,000 meters above sea level and over a year to capture all possible shades, clouds, stars, colors from a unique landscape and from one of the best skies on the planet.
First in a series of videos nocturnal and crepuscular Time Lapse taken in the Canary Islands trying to capture the beauty of each island.
To capture the natural movement of the earth, stars, clouds, sun and moon TimeLapse technique was used, Dolly vertical and horizontal rails, spindles with horizontal and vertical movements. HDR data collection.
Some scenes of the video:
- "The Cathedral" in the plain of Ucanca, night shot with the planet Jupiter across the scene.
- El Arbol de Piedra (Roque Cinchado) with a Tajinaste pointing to Polaris.
- Tajinastes "night", The Red Tajinaste, endemism Canario blooming in spring.
- The "hat" in the Teide. Formation of a cloud known as cap at the peak of Teide.
- "Waterfalls of clouds crossing the mountains and rivers of multicolored clouds.
- Sea of clouds crashing against the mountains as it did the sea.
- Large pool of water in the plain of Ucanca lenticular clouds where stars are reflected.
- Tajinastes night with the Milky Way taken out on the horizon with a dolly track.
- Video of the sun setting and a double green flash. "
- Pleiades and the Andromeda galaxy between rocks in the mines of San Jose.
- Scenes spectacular sunset in the Teide National Park with clouds and moving dolly.
- ArcoIris from the Teide National Park.
- Multicolor Halos around the moon.
- Clouds remain stationary hours at the site are changing their colors as the sunset
Daniel Lopez is a photographer / astrophotographer based in Tenerife . Works by photography and video, specializing in evening using many techniques, from camera tripod grasp heaven and earth in the

To Do List
To Do List is a personal project about the things we cherish and aspire to do in our every...
published: 19 Feb 2012
Author: Yaniv Fridman
To Do List
To Do List is a personal project about the things we cherish and aspire to do in our every day lives. Hope it inspires you!
Created by
Yaniv Fridman : www.yanivfridman.com
Daniel Luna : www.danielluna.tv
Music and Sound Design by
WhiteNoise Lab / Roger Lima : www.whitenoiselab.com

Lovely Bloodflow
Directed by Alex Takacs and Joe Nankin
— www.youngreplicant.com
DP: Adam Kauper
AC: Andrew...
published: 24 Aug 2010
Author: BATHS
Lovely Bloodflow
Directed by Alex Takacs and Joe Nankin
— www.youngreplicant.com
DP: Adam Kauper
AC: Andrew Taylor
Wardobe: Lina Lund Mortensen
— http://cargocollective.com/linalund
Make-up: Maria Lee
— http://www.marialeemakeup.com/
VFX, Edit, Post: Alex Takacs
Featuring: Takumi Akin, Jane Kilcullen,
Molly Garber, Genevieve Ward
PAs: Ben Krueger, Katherine Carlsburg,
Andrew Scott Levy, Marcus Inglizian,
Will Wiesenfeld, Mario Luna
Very special thanks: Mike Prior, Jason Wolchuk,
Gina Dell'Amico, Jasmin Avila, Mackenzie McNabb,
Erik Krasney, Robert Giardina, Nimrod Zalmanowitz
Baths is Will Wiesenfeld,
song 'Lovely Bloodflow' is from the
debut album 'Cerulean' out now on anticon.

Ibiza Lights II
Music: http://itunes.apple.com/es/album/crimson-wing-mystery-flamingos/id297787201
Follow ...
published: 11 Apr 2012
Author: Jose A. Hervas
Ibiza Lights II
Music: http://itunes.apple.com/es/album/crimson-wing-mystery-flamingos/id297787201
Follow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JoseAHervas
Follow Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JoseHervasMora
Contact: coibza@gmail.com
Thank you to my sponsors:
Lights Ibiza II
Using the new generation of cameras I've Been Able to do this timelapse, a video made up of long-exposure pictures, joined together to show the movement of stars, clouds, shadows, all making a real acceleration of what happens in Many hours , to see Them in seconds.
99.9% of the video it s been done at night time, With The help of LED lamps, to illuminate rocks, trees etc ... When There Was no moon, I used Exposures from 30 to 40 seconds, Taking About 2:30 hours to do a sequence, But It's better When you see the stars and constellations.
I have also used the moonlight to do shorter exposures because the moonlight can be quite bright, depending on which phase is on. Some of the shots look like they have been done during the day. When you shot under the moonlight the exposure can be from 15 to 8 seconds and can take up to 1.15 hours, so I could shot the moviment of the shadow over the rocks, the moviment of the clouds during the night …
The pictures were all made With A Canon 5D Mark II and Canon Used lenses 16-35mm, Canon 24-70mm, Canon 24mm, Most Of Them Were Made at F/2.8, ISO 1600, 3200, 6400.
All the pictures are real, it looks like They Are too many stars. This is Because the human eye can not catch much light at night. The camera movement Has Been made by two types of sliders, the "Dynamic Perception" and the "Pocket Slider" where the camera moves A Few millimeters photo by photo, Creating this movement. This is all controlled by a small computer the MX2 Arduino Controller.
Most of These Have Been Made with shots the company of my friend Alejandro Iborra, sharing the Same hobby, Knowing That going out at night and spend long hours in very remote places and apologetic to get Into it, is some kind of risky business, Sometimes I Had to go out on my own and i got some fright.
And of course thanks to my wife and Alejandro Iborra's Wife for Letting us enjoy this hobby.
All pictures are made in the island of Ibiza, this is my birth place, a wonderful place to take pictures in their most beautiful spots, caves, beaches, mountains etc ... Where You can discover a different side of Ibiza than most people have never seen .
Luces de Ibiza II
Utilizando la nueva generación de cámaras fotograficas he podido hacer este timelapse, un video compuesto de fotos de larga exposición, que se unieron para mostrar el movimiento de estrellas, nubes, sombras, todo con una aceleración real de lo que sucede en muchas horas , para poder verlo en cuestión de segundos.
El 99,9% del vídeo se ha hecho en la noche, con la ayuda de lámparas led, para iluminar las rocas, árboles, etc ... cuando no había luna, he usado las exposiciones de 30 a 40 segundos,tardando 2:30 horas para hacer una secuencia de 10 segundos, pero es cuando mejor se ven las estrellas y constelaciones.
También he fotografiado con la luz de la luna para realizar exposiciones más cortas, debido a que la luz de la luna ilumina en gran medida dependiendo de su fase, algunas de las tomas parecen que están hechas durante el día, cuando se fotografia con la luna la exposiciónes son de 15 a 8 segundos y tarda alrededor de 1: 15 horas, asi pude captar el movimiento de la sombra sobre las rocas, el movimiento de las nubes en la noche, etc ...
Las imágenes fueron hechas con una Canon 5D Mark II y he utilizado los objetivos de Canon 16-35mm, Canon 24-70mm, Canon 24mm, la mayoría de ellas fueron hechas en F/2.8, ISO 1600, 3200, 6400.
Todas las fotos son reales aunque parezca que hay demasiadas estrellas esto es porque el ojo humano no puede captar tanta luz en la noche. El movimiento de la cámara ha sido hecha por dos tipos de railes, el "Dynamic Perception" y el "Pocket Slider", donde la cámara se mueve unos pocos milímetros foto a foto, para dar esa sensacion de movimiento. Todo esto es controlado por un pequeño ordenador el MX2 controlador Arduino.
La mayoría de las mis salidas han sido con la compañía de mi amigo Alejandro Iborra, que comparte la misma afición, ya que salir solo por la noche y pasar largas horas en lugares muy remotos y dificiles es algo peligroso, aunque a veces he salido solo y me he llevado algun susto.
Y por supuesto gracias a mi esposa y la esposa de Alejandro Iborra de por dejarnos disfrutar de esta afición.
Todas las imágenes son creadas en la isla de Ibiza, donde he nacido, un lugar maravilloso para tomar fotos en sus lugares más bellos, calas, playas, montañas, etc ... donde se puede conocer un lado diferente de Ibiza que la mayoría de la gente no sabe.
Youtube results:

luna - sweet child o'mine
luna - sweet child o'mine...
published: 14 Jul 2008
Author: MilesTailsPrower09
luna - sweet child o'mine
luna - sweet child o'mine

Super Ponybeat - Luna (NIGHTMARE MODE)
This song is available on odysseymusic.bandcamp.com LUNA ft. Odyssey (NIGHTMARE MODE) Upda...
published: 20 May 2011
Author: OdysseyEurobeat
Super Ponybeat - Luna (NIGHTMARE MODE)
This song is available on odysseymusic.bandcamp.com LUNA ft. Odyssey (NIGHTMARE MODE) Update: People seem VERY torn about this Metal business at the end. There IS a version of this song that does not have that bit (called the "Dream Mode" remix), it's available on my Bandcamp site and I'll upload the video of it shortly. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TO ASK: The lyrics are sung from the perspective of a third-party character who is undergoing a similar situation to Luna during her banishment to the moon. It is neither Luna nor Celestia singing this song. Sometimes you don't know a dream is a nightmare until the very end. Lyrics: For a thousand years I've waited here for you Waiting every night For I thought you were the answer to my life Days turned into years and into centuries Patience had to fade Don't you see that there is vengeance in my eyes? Luna won't you cry for me I'm as lonely as I've ever been I am forced back into the start Is there any way to fix a broken heart? Infinite despise and endless jealousy Bottled in my soul Has erupted as I'm tearing through the skies I a͙̳͕̟̩m͔͔̮̼ ̻̘̼͓̯t͍̰̙̙͇̳h̥̜e͇ ̗̩̱̯͚c̥̥̥͇̘̰rea̲͎̱̰̣tur͙͖̙̦͍̞̭ḙ̼̮̣̪ ̲̪̹̩͓th̬a̹̙t ̥̝f͍̦̫̬e̩͙̥͈͎͉͔a͖s̹̘̠̞̘̮̜t̘͕̗̭̩̲ͅs͓ ͎̖͍̪͈͓u͍p͍o͈̹͓̮̰̰n̳̖̖ d̳̣͖̱re̙̝̯̠͈͕a͉̥̦̮̥m̖s̠ ̯͍͈̜͕ͅa̳̤̬̩̯nd̙ ͉͍͚̞̹̳tu̲̭̭̣͇ͅͅr͖̘̱͕n͚̙͇̟̝s̖͈ ̺̹̤̜ț͚͚̝̜̪̺h̞e͙̖̺͚͔m̙̦̻ ͍̜̙t͔̻o̮̫̦͖͇ ͖̯͚ṉi̫̩g̥͍̞̗̮h͎t̫̳m̮̗̰͕͍̫͍a̜͎̮r̙̝̥͇̘̱e̞̯͓͎̬̺s͓̱̻̹̖ ͚̖̝a̬̻̳̲͕ṇ͈̥͉̘͓̣d̟̬̳̻̬̖̯ ͔̦al̫̼̜l ̼̻̪̬͙̟̖t̝̬͈͇̥͇͈hin̳̬̟̝͔͕g͉̤̜̺s͍̹ ̜͇o̹̙̠̥̖b̺̖͖̞ͅs̳͕̲c̹̳̭̬͔̣e̙̙̪̗͓̱n͉̠͔͕e̬̖͇̠͇ <b>...</b>

Luna - Moonspell
This is the second official video from the album Memorial (2006), by the band Moonspell (P...
published: 03 Nov 2006
Author: xxxeu0xxx
Luna - Moonspell
This is the second official video from the album Memorial (2006), by the band Moonspell (Portugal). LYRICS: Bleed no reflection Upon the waters that you fear Make things happen Accept no resignation For some life has been cruel You have set the mood Thinking about you... Luna Lay the serpent's egg In this world of make believe And make things real My seed of a lunacy Was a sign made to resist A mood set from birth Thinking about you... Luna Show me your moon burns Take me as the moon burns The freezing moon Making things real for me The killing Moon Making things happen for me Luna - all above Wound of light in the enemy skies Make things happen for me On the eve of self destruction On the eve of all can be...Thinking about you And, since a lot of you keep asking the same question, here it goes: The female vocals are sung by Brigit Zacher. More info at: luna2006.killtoons.com http www.myspace.com

Hijo de la Luna - Final Fantasy X-2 - VII
Yuna and Lenne are gonna tell us a legend :D So sit down and listen. Okay, I know there ar...
published: 23 May 2007
Author: JulietLenne
Hijo de la Luna - Final Fantasy X-2 - VII
Yuna and Lenne are gonna tell us a legend :D So sit down and listen. Okay, I know there are a couple of videos with this song, but I wanted to follow the storyline of the song :D And I added subs in english for those who don't understand spanish =9! Singer - Yuna and Lenne Gypsy woman - Tifa (Ha! Again 8D) Gypsy man - Cloud Son of the moon - Kadaj The Moon - Aerith Okay that was it :D Enjoy! This is fanmade. I own nothing.