
The Valley of Neustria Development
A collage video of development progress for The Valley of Neustria. The game is written in...
published: 16 May 2009
author: Jhalite777
The Valley of Neustria Development
A collage video of development progress for The Valley of Neustria. The game is written in C++ using Microsoft DirectX 9.0c The 3D artwork and models have been converted from Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot and WildTangent's FATE Game, both without permission. I needed artwork and I didn't have the money or time that's why I used theirs.
published: 16 May 2009
views: 1083

Neustria Sanctuary
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: Cyni Mini
Neustria Sanctuary
ALL CLIPS AND MUSIC I DO NOT OWN , THEY ARE COPYRIGHTED TO THERE ORGINAL RESPECTED OWNER'S.Neustria Sanctuary is a sanctuary like theme of the website of humanoid and animal RPG based on it's own plot , breeds based on WoW and made up by member's.NS allows all levels of RP to join up with us , our goal is to give the rper a non-stressful RPG enviroment for all!We are to be opening up very soon in August for new member's . Leader's of this RPG is Athelstan(Twisted.Spirit/Creator)and Ryuu(Co-Creator) NS allows member's to be both good , evil , legends , neutral , and even heros at times . NS takes a medevil like theme , plot set to the year of 6020 . The world is spilt up within many groups but those good , legends , heros , all under Avoltrer(Athelstan and Ryuu) ALl those who oppose Avoltrer are from the Blood Hoard , lead under Rasputin!Please check out our website for more details or ask me questions of the site in the comments are inbox me ! www.neustriasanctuary.wetpaint.com
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: Cyni Mini
views: 60

Neustria Sanctuary - Fantasy RPG
This video is for Synestra, Abbyroedes on youtube. This is for her pack which is amazing. ...
published: 21 Jun 2012
author: Thatnoblehorse96
Neustria Sanctuary - Fantasy RPG
This video is for Synestra, Abbyroedes on youtube. This is for her pack which is amazing. I hope you like it, I did include a lot of horse things. Guilty as charged. Because I was too lazy to find other clips xD Anyhow. The text and editing failed cuz I have no good software to edit with as for now. Have to wait for my birthday, I might redo this then :D. Anyhow, there ya go! :D neustriasanctuary.wetpaint.com
published: 21 Jun 2012
author: Thatnoblehorse96
views: 126

Neustria Sanctuary
This was requested to me so I made it. :3 I do not own the videos of wolves or the song. S...
published: 24 Mar 2012
author: TheOneAndOnlyAria
Neustria Sanctuary
This was requested to me so I made it. :3 I do not own the videos of wolves or the song. Song: Transcendence - Audiomachine
published: 24 Mar 2012
author: TheOneAndOnlyAria
views: 168

The Valley of Neustria
Another higher quality video of game progress for The Valley of Neustria. The game is writ...
published: 14 May 2009
author: Jhalite777
The Valley of Neustria
Another higher quality video of game progress for The Valley of Neustria. The game is written in C++ using Microsoft DirectX 9.0c The 3D artwork and models have been converted from Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot and WildTangent's FATE Game, both without permission. I needed artwork and I didn't have the money or time that's why I used theirs.
published: 14 May 2009
author: Jhalite777
views: 140

Neustria Sanctuary
Neustria as you read on the other videos a humanoid/human mthuical/human/animal/mythical c...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: Cyni Mini
Neustria Sanctuary
Neustria as you read on the other videos a humanoid/human mthuical/human/animal/mythical creatures/all speices RPG site.Check out our website for more information!www.neustriasanctuary.wetpaint.com
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: Cyni Mini
views: 53

The Valley of Neustria
A longer, high-quality video of game progress for The Valley of Neustria. The game is writ...
published: 15 May 2009
author: Jhalite777
The Valley of Neustria
A longer, high-quality video of game progress for The Valley of Neustria. The game is written in C++ using Microsoft DirectX 9.0c The 3D artwork and models have been converted from Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot and WildTangent's FATE Game, both without permission. I needed artwork and I didn't have the money or time that's why I used theirs.
published: 15 May 2009
author: Jhalite777
views: 369

Join Neustria Sanctuary!
Neustria Sanctuary is a roleplay wetpaint based on fantasy and magic. It has had fairly la...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: Horseluvr584
Join Neustria Sanctuary!
Neustria Sanctuary is a roleplay wetpaint based on fantasy and magic. It has had fairly large amount of members since the first day and a kind crew. Join us today at, neustriasanctuary.wetpaint.com If you're stuck with anything, Contact these people on chatango : Strudelmassacre, x0RemainingWarrior0x, azrealangelofdeath, Akadia , Blueaugust13 , Prankster0 , or 101ways. Also, Don't forget to vote for us in the Golden Paint Awards! Thank you for your time!-Ethelwynn. Sub-Queen of Neustria Sanctuary.
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: Horseluvr584
views: 22

The Valley of Neustria
Another video of game progress for The Valley of Neustria. The game is written in C++ usin...
published: 29 Dec 2008
author: Jhalite777
The Valley of Neustria
Another video of game progress for The Valley of Neustria. The game is written in C++ using Microsoft DirectX 9.0c The 3D artwork and models have been converted from Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot and WildTangent's FATE Game, both without permission. I needed artwork and I didn't have the money or time that's why I used theirs.
published: 29 Dec 2008
author: Jhalite777
views: 164

The Valley of Neustria
A low-quality video of the progress of my current 3D project, "The Valley of Neustria". Th...
published: 29 Dec 2008
author: Jhalite777
The Valley of Neustria
A low-quality video of the progress of my current 3D project, "The Valley of Neustria". The game is written in C++ using Microsoft DirectX 9.0c The 3D artwork and models have been converted from Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot and WildTangent's FATE Game, both without permission. I needed artwork and I didn't have the money or time that's why I used theirs.
published: 29 Dec 2008
author: Jhalite777
views: 92

The Valley of Neustria Dungeon Exploration
An example dungeon The game is written in C++ using Microsoft DirectX 9.0c The 3D artwork ...
published: 29 Dec 2008
author: Jhalite777
The Valley of Neustria Dungeon Exploration
An example dungeon The game is written in C++ using Microsoft DirectX 9.0c The 3D artwork and models have been converted from Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot and WildTangent's FATE Game, both without permission. I needed artwork and I didn't have the money or time that's why I used theirs.
published: 29 Dec 2008
author: Jhalite777
views: 156

Gon. V - 26.11.2011 - Nebel (Belenus - Neustria)
1 - Karoll, 2 - Bonzo, 3 - Graus, 4 - Noguera, 5 - Indorika, 6 - Nebel, 7 - Virtuti Milita...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: viodaracing
Gon. V - 26.11.2011 - Nebel (Belenus - Neustria)
1 - Karoll, 2 - Bonzo, 3 - Graus, 4 - Noguera, 5 - Indorika, 6 - Nebel, 7 - Virtuti Militari, 8 - Sgt. Major Ross, 9 - Do It Again, 10 - Lascadell, 11 - Wiczello, 12 - Chazar, 13 - Młody Corleone, 14 - Syderyt, 15 - Leading Light, 16 - Katral
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: viodaracing
views: 149
Youtube results:

Gon. VI - 14.08.2010 - Negros (Belenus - Neustria)
1 - Jurys, 2 - Medryk, 3 - Hemina, 4 - Tracy, 6 - Entuzjazm, 7 - Negros, 8 - El Leo...
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: viodaracing
Gon. VI - 14.08.2010 - Negros (Belenus - Neustria)
1 - Jurys, 2 - Medryk, 3 - Hemina, 4 - Tracy, 6 - Entuzjazm, 7 - Negros, 8 - El Leo
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: viodaracing
views: 6

Latest progress on the Valley of Neustria engine. All artwork and graphics copyright Mythi...
published: 12 Sep 2010
author: Jhalite777
Latest progress on the Valley of Neustria engine. All artwork and graphics copyright Mythic Entertainment used without permission. FRAPs has added some jagged moments.
published: 12 Sep 2010
author: Jhalite777
views: 111

Mondvogelraupe various caterpillars
Raupen von Mondvogel - Ringelspinner - Pfeileule - Grasglucke Musik: Reinald´s Kalimbas - ...
published: 01 Oct 2011
author: AO1Uta
Mondvogelraupe various caterpillars
Raupen von Mondvogel - Ringelspinner - Pfeileule - Grasglucke Musik: Reinald´s Kalimbas - Museum - www.jamendo.com 0:00 (Phalera bucephala) 1:01 (Malacosoma neustria) 1:32 (Acronicta psi) 1:50 (Euthrix potatoria) gefilmt 2010/11.
published: 01 Oct 2011
author: AO1Uta
views: 169

www.aykutilter.com HEM OGREN HEM COCUGUNA OGRET Orta Çağ, Avrupa tarihinin geleneksel ve ş...
published: 08 Aug 2012
www.aykutilter.com HEM OGREN HEM COCUGUNA OGRET Orta Çağ, Avrupa tarihinin geleneksel ve şematik olarak üç bölüme ayrılışında, ortada kalan çağa verilen isimdir. Kavimler Göçü ile başlayıp İstanbul'un (ms.1453) Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafından fethine kadar geçen dönemdir. Bu üç çağ Antikitenin klasik uygarlıkları (Antik Çağ), Orta Çağ ve Modern Zaman 7.yüzyıl Austrasia ve Neustria arasında iç savaşların yaşandığı bir dönemdir. Bazı aile büyükleri bu savaş ortamından yararlandı. Örneğin Pippin bu durumdan yararlanarak kendini Merovingian Sarayı'nın başkanı ilan etti ve büyük zenginlik ve destek elde etti.Kendi soyundan gelen diğer nesiller de onun bu konumundan yararlandı ve sarayda danışmanlık ve vekillik gibi görevlere geldiler.Hanedanlık 732'de Charles Martel'in Müslümanları yenmesiyle yeni bir yön aldı. Karolenj hanedanlığı III.Pippin önderliğinde 753'te Austrasia ve Neustrialar'ın yönetimlerini ele geçirdi. Çağdaş kayıtlara göre Pippin bu darbe için gücünü Papa'dan aldı. Pippin'in darbesi Morevenjlerin beceriksiz ve zalim yöneticiler olduğu yolunda yapılan propagandalarla kuvvetlendirildi ve Charles Martel'in başarıları ve ailesinin dindarlığı yüceltilerek öyküleştirildi. 783'te Pippin öldüğünde imparatorluğu oğulları Karl ve Carloman'ın ellerine bıraktı. Carloman doğal nedenlerle öldükten sonra Karl Carloman'ın küçük oğlunun tahta geçmesini engelledi ve kendini birleşmiş Austrasia ve Neustria krallıklarının imparatoru ilan etti. Karl çağdaşları tarafından 'Büyük Karl ...
published: 08 Aug 2012
views: 530