
EGYPT 390 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple V *ABYDOS VIII* (by Egyptahotep)
This is another almost unknown site by the people,This Temple is located in Abydos near Se...
published: 02 May 2013
author: Egyptahotep
EGYPT 390 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple V *ABYDOS VIII* (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 390 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple V *ABYDOS VIII* (by Egyptahotep)
This is another almost unknown site by the people,This Temple is located in Abydos near Seti I Cenotaph Temple.The Ramesses II Cenotaph Temple has spectacull...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 203
- author: Egyptahotep

EGYPT 388 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple III *ABYDOS VI* (by Egyptahotep)
This is another almost unknown site by the people,This Temple is located in Abydos near Se...
published: 02 May 2013
author: Egyptahotep
EGYPT 388 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple III *ABYDOS VI* (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 388 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple III *ABYDOS VI* (by Egyptahotep)
This is another almost unknown site by the people,This Temple is located in Abydos near Seti I Cenotaph Temple.The Ramesses II Cenotaph Temple has spectacull...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 149
- author: Egyptahotep

EGYPT 389 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple IV *ABYDOS VII* (by Egyptahotep)
This is another almost unknown site by the people,This Temple is located in Abydos near Se...
published: 02 May 2013
author: Egyptahotep
EGYPT 389 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple IV *ABYDOS VII* (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 389 - RAMESSES II Cenotaph Temple IV *ABYDOS VII* (by Egyptahotep)
This is another almost unknown site by the people,This Temple is located in Abydos near Seti I Cenotaph Temple.The Ramesses II Cenotaph Temple has spectacull...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 167
- author: Egyptahotep

Rameses B - Skyrim In The Knee (FREE)
FREE Download: http://snd.sc/rLVFwt Share on Facebook. My Dubstep remix of Skyrim's 'Drago...
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: RamesesB
Rameses B - Skyrim In The Knee (FREE)
Rameses B - Skyrim In The Knee (FREE)
FREE Download: http://snd.sc/rLVFwt Share on Facebook. My Dubstep remix of Skyrim's 'Dragonborn' and some vocal samples from the game itself ;) Enjoy! More o...- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 540352
- author: RamesesB

Inside the Temple of Ramesses II Abu Simbel
Inside the Temple of Ramesses II Abu Simbel 00001.MTS....
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: FuzzyUK1
Inside the Temple of Ramesses II Abu Simbel
Inside the Temple of Ramesses II Abu Simbel
Inside the Temple of Ramesses II Abu Simbel 00001.MTS.- published: 21 Oct 2012
- views: 59
- author: FuzzyUK1

Dr Hawass in the Valley of the Kings: KV64 is going to be discovered! (Part 1 of 2)
http://heritage-key.com for full transcript) There are still a number of kings and other r...
published: 11 Sep 2009
author: heritagekeymedia
Dr Hawass in the Valley of the Kings: KV64 is going to be discovered! (Part 1 of 2)
Dr Hawass in the Valley of the Kings: KV64 is going to be discovered! (Part 1 of 2)
http://heritage-key.com for full transcript) There are still a number of kings and other royals who were probably buried in the Valley of the Kings, but who...- published: 11 Sep 2009
- views: 28416
- author: heritagekeymedia

Ramesses @ Le Klub
"Take the Curse" : Ramesses @ Le Klub - 12.09.2010....
published: 19 Sep 2010
author: GzU Clalire
Ramesses @ Le Klub
Ramesses @ Le Klub
"Take the Curse" : Ramesses @ Le Klub - 12.09.2010.- published: 19 Sep 2010
- views: 157
- author: GzU Clalire

Ramesses II Statue
Ramesses II Statue at the British National Museum....
published: 20 Jan 2010
author: Hassan Dawood
Ramesses II Statue
Ramesses II Statue
Ramesses II Statue at the British National Museum.- published: 20 Jan 2010
- views: 87
- author: Hassan Dawood

Abu Simbel 阿布辛貝 - Temple of Ramesses II 拉姆西斯神殿前 day 6 - 28 ( Egypt )
2012.04.29 ( Abu Simbel ) 阿布辛貝神殿。 All of Egypt's itinerary at the following address http:/...
published: 03 Aug 2012
author: Porkat Koh
Abu Simbel 阿布辛貝 - Temple of Ramesses II 拉姆西斯神殿前 day 6 - 28 ( Egypt )
Abu Simbel 阿布辛貝 - Temple of Ramesses II 拉姆西斯神殿前 day 6 - 28 ( Egypt )
2012.04.29 ( Abu Simbel ) 阿布辛貝神殿。 All of Egypt's itinerary at the following address http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF2D2E4DEF96B1EFC.- published: 03 Aug 2012
- views: 54
- author: Porkat Koh

Ramses ii Facts...Temple of Ramses ii..7Phoenician7 The King Of The Euronuts
Ramses ii Facts...Temple of Ramses ii..7Phoenician7 The King Of The Euronuts Temple of Ram...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: bretcarr2001
Ramses ii Facts...Temple of Ramses ii..7Phoenician7 The King Of The Euronuts
Ramses ii Facts...Temple of Ramses ii..7Phoenician7 The King Of The Euronuts
Ramses ii Facts...Temple of Ramses ii..7Phoenician7 The King Of The Euronuts Temple of Ramses ii..7Phoenician7 The King Of The Euronuts Ramses ii Facts...7Ph...- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 335
- author: bretcarr2001

The Great Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel (Part 1)
Officially known as the Temple of Re-Harakhte (Re being the sun god), the main temple was ...
published: 11 Aug 2013
author: UnclePutin
The Great Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel (Part 1)
The Great Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel (Part 1)
Officially known as the Temple of Re-Harakhte (Re being the sun god), the main temple was dedicated to the pharaoh Ramses II and to the four universal gods P...- published: 11 Aug 2013
- views: 1
- author: UnclePutin

Walking from the temple of Nefertari to the temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel.
Walking from the temple of Nefertari to the temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel....
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: matje21
Walking from the temple of Nefertari to the temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel.
Walking from the temple of Nefertari to the temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel.
Walking from the temple of Nefertari to the temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel.- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 3
- author: matje21
Youtube results:

Ramses II y las tumbas olvidadas de sus hijos.
Ramsés II es el tercer faraón de la Dinastía XIX de Egipto, quien gobernó unos 66 años, de...
published: 07 Jul 2013
author: Andro Meda
Ramses II y las tumbas olvidadas de sus hijos.
Ramses II y las tumbas olvidadas de sus hijos.
Ramsés II es el tercer faraón de la Dinastía XIX de Egipto, quien gobernó unos 66 años, del c. 1279 al 1213 a. C.3 Ramsés II es uno de los faraones más céleb...- published: 07 Jul 2013
- views: 2
- author: Andro Meda

Abydos-Festival van de Ka van Ramses II
Uitleg Huub Pragt -- Egyptoloog. Camera: Petra Lether. Reis: Struinen langs tomben en ruin...
published: 11 Jun 2011
author: 48cleopetra1
Abydos-Festival van de Ka van Ramses II
Abydos-Festival van de Ka van Ramses II
Uitleg Huub Pragt -- Egyptoloog. Camera: Petra Lether. Reis: Struinen langs tomben en ruines 2007. Opnamedatum: 22-2-2007.- published: 11 Jun 2011
- views: 127
- author: 48cleopetra1

The Face of "Unknown Man E" (Artistic Reconstruction)
Unknown Man "E", or the "Screaming Mummy", is part of a cache of mummies found in what has...
published: 09 Jun 2014
The Face of "Unknown Man E" (Artistic Reconstruction)
The Face of "Unknown Man E" (Artistic Reconstruction)
Unknown Man "E", or the "Screaming Mummy", is part of a cache of mummies found in what has been known as Tomb DB320 (now called TT320) and has recently been speculated to be the disgraced Prince Pentawer, son of Ramses III in the 20th dynasty. DNA testing is still pending to determine a match between the two. Pentawer was part of the "Harem Conspiracy", a plot which arose from Ramses' neglect to choose a head wife which had all of the wives in his harem vying for power and their sons' succession. Pentawer and his mother set in motion the means to get the aging Ramses out of the picture and HIM in his place. While this plot initially succeeded insofar that Ramses was killed, the conspirators who murdered him were caught and convicted before any successor could be named. Pentawer's mother and her enablers were killed and their bodies destroyed, while Pentawer as the son of Ramses was given the option to commit suicide to avoid further prosecution and, so it appears, to avoid the annihilation of his own body and its erasure from history. While he was shoddily mummified, draped in sheepskin which marked him as a criminal, and buried in a tomb with no markings or identification, circumstances favor the identity of this mummy as the disgraced Prince Pentawer, who gambled on an early succession and lost. ARTIST NOTES: The skull tracing used here was drawn over a screen captured xray image of Unknown Man E's mummy from a documentary covering the same subject. The mummy's age is speculated to be in the 18-20 year range, though for the age, the mummy was exceptionally tall (over five foot seven inches ) so some facial features accommodate this aspect of the mummy's physiology. On the subject of Osteology (study of bones) as with any reconstruction I've done from Egypt, there are certain factions who regularly complain about the accuracy of the subject's ethnic origins. In this particular instance, the rounded skull, narrow nasal aperture, and non-protruding rows of teeth are not going to provide a wide-nosed, thick-lipped appearance. This prince had a mixed background of non-native influences. No two ways about it. If Pharaoh Ramses didn't care, why should anyone else?- published: 09 Jun 2014
- views: 74

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known as the...
published: 26 Aug 2013
The EGYPTIAN MUSEUM, CAIRO: (Eighth Part) The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known as the Egyptian Museum, in Cairo, Egypt, has the most extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities in the world. this museum has more than 120,000 pieces.and besides has 27 royal mummies. There are two main floors of the museum, the ground floor and the first floor. On the ground floor visitors will find an extensive collection of papyrus and different daily objects Also on the ground floor are artifacts from the New Kingdom, the time period between 1550 and 1070 BC. These artifacts are generally larger than items created in earlier centuries. Those items include statues, tables, and coffins. If visitors follow these displays in chronological order they will end up on the first floor, which contains artifacts from the final two dynasties of Ancient Egypt. Some artifacts in this area include items from the tombs of the Pharaohs Tuhtmosis III, Tuhtmosis IV, Amenophis II, Hatshepsut, etc,and also many artifacts taken from the legendary Valley of the Kings. in this video : my favorites ,: Amenhotep & Tiye giant sculpture,Kefren Diorite Statue,Prince Rahotep & princess Nofret,Ka-Aper,The Sitting Scribe,Hatshepsut,Khnumhotep,Seneb & Family,Ramesses II Child,Senenmut & Neferure,Thutmose III,Triad Horus Ramesses III & Seth, Tuya & Yuya Mortuary Masks,Meketre Miniatures Counting Cattle,Ceramic Blue Hippo,*Gold Cobra,Daggers and necklace,Pectoral With Lybian Crystal Scarab,Mortuary Mask,Gold Serket Goddess,And Gold Chair of Tut's Treasure*, Enigmatic Helix of Sabu, And Finally Ramesses II & Seti I's Mummies- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 95