• The Obvious

    • Content – is it clear what you are offering? and what you want the reader to do?
    • Look/Layout – Does it give the right impression of you/your business?
  • The Less Obvious
    • Navigation – can people find all the content on your site easily?
    • Information Architecture – is your content logically organised and easy to digest?
    • Search Engine Optimisation – is it obvious to the search engines what your site is about?

New websites need all of these elements to create an effective website. Existing websites might need only some of these elements fine-tuned. What exactly do you want?

VIVidWeb designs a website’s look and information layout for best navigability, and sets you up so that you can update your website whenever you need to, without needing to learn complicated code. If you’re not sure how to fine-tune your content for the internet, VIVidWeb can help you there too.

Our major principle is that website owners should not be held hostage by their web developers – every website we create can be updated using a simple dashboard interface.

  • Need a website built from scratch?
    VIVidWeb can have you up and running in a few weeks (sometimes much sooner), with a customised easy-to-navigate look. (See our special deal for simple business/professional profile sites)
  • Need a new look for existing content? Easy peasy
  • Need to promote an event or performance?
    VIVidWeb can have a site up and running for you in no time flat, which can incorporate a blog/journal (or multiple blogs) for the manager/director/producer to keep the news fully up to date.

If all you need is some fine-tuning for the features of your personal blog, VIVidWeb can get it done quickly for you at a very reasonable cost. If what your enterprise needs is a fully-featured Content Management System with best practise Information Architecture and Search Engine Optimisation, it will just take a little longer.