
to the webpage of the IWW in Australia.

clock If you are a working person you might have noticed that there are a lot of things stacked against you. This little page is run by the Industrial Workers of the World; our aim is to even the odds.
We believe that all workers would benefit from forming One Big Union to assist organising the ongoing struggle against all those who think themselves our betters. The pre-amble to our constitution ends, "It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of production must be organised, not only for everyday struggle with capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been overthrown. By organising industrially we are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old."
Sounds pretty true to us. If it does to you, maybe you should join us. Think about it anyway!
Or just have a browse around our website. Of course all articles found here are the expression of the writers not the union unless specifically stated otherwise. We are a union not a party.
Please note, we have had to change ISP's ,so if you have tried to message one of our contacts recently and not got a reply please try again as the new system is now up and running.

Reclaim the Night - Melbourne 2012

It’s time to end harassment and violence against women in our community. Inspired by the annual Reclaim the Night marches worldwide that protest violence against women, and claim public space as a safe space for women, we will march down Sydney Road in Brunswick to assert women's right to access the area free from harassment and violence.


Jill Meagher. If like me you thought your information was inconsequential please call Crimestoppers 1800 333 000

It was not an attack, or a near rape or an attempted abduction. Well it certainly didn't seem like it at the time. Just a nuisance.


Weakening the Dam


A pamphlet put out by the Twin Cities IWW branch for the purpose of promoting the development of workplace organisers, based on their experiences of organising at work. It offers the sort of practical advice we could all be implementing in our own workplaces.


The Male Feminist Paradox

Allow me to mansplain the Male-feminist Paradox: "If you're not part of the solution to sexism, you're a part of the problem - and sometimes even then." (Since society at large grants men a certain status and at least negative freedom. All men are voluntarily or involuntarily oppressive, and lots are voluntarily. A small number want to work against this influence.) But can I do feminism?


Riot at Foxconn Factory Underscores Rift in China

The images and video began to appear on Chinese social networking sites early Monday: buildings with shattered windows, overturned police cars, huge crowds of young people milling about in the dark and riot police in formation.


Islamophobia, Left and Right

The Innocence of Muslims is a film produced at a time in which, across Europe and the United States, the far right has developed an Islamophobic doctrine that replicates, almost exactly, the key tropes of traditional anti-Semitism.


Sydney IWW branch meeting, SAT15th 3pm

to one and all the next meeting of the Sydney IWW is SAT 15th Sept 3pm Petersham bowling club, lots to get involved in, Dominos Pizza campaignr to start with. For info contact iww-sydney-gmb@iww.org.au

Riot police move on Grocon site as talks with union break down

Police in riot gear are massed at the troubled Grocon construction site in Melbourne's CBD this morning after late-night talks between the construction company and Victoria's largest building union failed to break the impasse.


World's richest woman says poor should have less fun, work harder

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