
Medusa @ The Oracle Temple of Apollo in Didyma, Turkey
This temple was almost one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It has one of the la...
published: 05 Jul 2010
author: AlgisKemezys
Medusa @ The Oracle Temple of Apollo in Didyma, Turkey
This temple was almost one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It has one of the largest carved images of Medusa. Filmed by Algis Kemezys produced by Byron Ayanoglu Music by Guthrie Lowe

Ephesus Miletus Priene Halicarnassus Didyma
www.aboutturkey.com Ephesus Turkey...
published: 23 Nov 2006
author: nyaylali
Ephesus Miletus Priene Halicarnassus Didyma
www.aboutturkey.com Ephesus Turkey

Didyma feggaria - Zoe Papadopoulou & Dimitris Mpasis
Afieroma sto Mario Toka-Live @Areopoli Lakonias, Mousiki: Marios Tokas, Stixoi: Kostas Fas...
published: 20 Aug 2010
author: fotiniAA
Didyma feggaria - Zoe Papadopoulou & Dimitris Mpasis
Afieroma sto Mario Toka-Live @Areopoli Lakonias, Mousiki: Marios Tokas, Stixoi: Kostas Fasoulas

Didyma - Turkey
Didyma is famous for his tremendous Temple of Apollo and the Medusa with snake-curls. Dire...
published: 02 Feb 2011
author: CelaleddinRumi
Didyma - Turkey
Didyma is famous for his tremendous Temple of Apollo and the Medusa with snake-curls. Director Eric Ross draw up this report.

Turkey - Aphrodisias - Didyma - Prienne
Aphrodisias was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Didyma is related to the...
published: 20 Nov 2010
author: SeteraMedia
Turkey - Aphrodisias - Didyma - Prienne
Aphrodisias was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Didyma is related to the term "twins" associated to Apollo and twin sister Artemis. Prienne was a wealthy city in ancient times, and home to the temple of Athena.

Miletus, Didyma, Aphrodisias
Tuesday, January 5: Today we visit Miletus, Didyma (Temple of Apollo), and Aphrodisias....
published: 21 Jan 2010
author: laitinendj
Miletus, Didyma, Aphrodisias
Tuesday, January 5: Today we visit Miletus, Didyma (Temple of Apollo), and Aphrodisias.

Monarda didyma.mp4
New England Wild Flower Society's Dan Jaffe describes Monarda didyma (bee balm), a pop...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: newenglandwild
Monarda didyma.mp4
New England Wild Flower Society's Dan Jaffe describes Monarda didyma (bee balm), a popular native wildflower

Didyma, Apollontempel / Temple of Apollon
Hellenistischer Tempel im ehemals griechischen Dorf Didim in der Türkei. Drittgrö...;
published: 07 Sep 2009
author: FTVIDE0
Didyma, Apollontempel / Temple of Apollon
Hellenistischer Tempel im ehemals griechischen Dorf Didim in der Türkei. Drittgrößter antiker Tempelbau aber trotz 600 Jahre Bauzeit niemals vollendet / Hellenistic Tempel in the former greek village Didim in Turkey. Third-largest ancient temple but never completed in 600 years construction time

Aleka Kanellidou, Dimitris Mitropanos - Didyma Feggaria
published: 26 Aug 2010
author: giannakopoulou79
Aleka Kanellidou, Dimitris Mitropanos - Didyma Feggaria

Archaeological Sites in Turkey - Didyma
HD video tour of the Didymaion, the gigantic Ionic temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey. Wat...
published: 29 Jul 2007
author: SitesandPhotos
Archaeological Sites in Turkey - Didyma
HD video tour of the Didymaion, the gigantic Ionic temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey. Watch the high podium, enormous columns and elaborate reliefs. This was the fourth largest temple in the Greek world. It served as the cult center for the city of Miletos and was famous as a place of oracles and fortune telling. Additional clips and photos of Didyma and other archaeological sites in Turkey and the Mediterranean basin are available at www.sitesandphotos.com.

Reggina-Stratos k. Didyma Feggaria
Ep.24-10-06 "Pws na zhsw xwris esena?"...
published: 25 Oct 2006
author: geov15
Reggina-Stratos k. Didyma Feggaria
Ep.24-10-06 "Pws na zhsw xwris esena?"

"Didyma: Very Impressive" Oldrover's photos around Didim, Turkey (turkish aegean coast)
Preview of Oldrover's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: www.travelpod.com Th...
published: 03 Mar 2011
author: TripAdvisorTRIPWOW2
"Didyma: Very Impressive" Oldrover's photos around Didim, Turkey (turkish aegean coast)
Preview of Oldrover's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: www.travelpod.com This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos: www.travelpod.com

Turkey - Didyma - Travel Video
Didyma means 'Twins' and refers to the twins Apollo and Artemis. The city dates ba...
published: 11 Nov 2011
author: wilsonstockphotos
Turkey - Didyma - Travel Video
Didyma means 'Twins' and refers to the twins Apollo and Artemis. The city dates back to the 10th Century BC. Book a day tour to Didyma, Pirene and Miletus from Selcuk. Music by Kevin Macleod. To view other images of Turkey go to WilsonStockPhotos.com.

Didyma Feggaria - Dimitris Mitropanos and Aleka Kanellidou
Dimitris Mitropanos may be dead since 17/04/2012 but he will always exist in our hearts! T...
published: 03 Feb 2009
author: AristidisKozani
Didyma Feggaria - Dimitris Mitropanos and Aleka Kanellidou
Dimitris Mitropanos may be dead since 17/04/2012 but he will always exist in our hearts! This is a song I like a lot in which Dimitris Mitropanos sings along Aleka Kanellidou! Like and comment! :) Ο Δημήτρης Μητροπάνος μπορεί να απεβίωσε στις 17/04/2012, μα θα ζει πάντα στις καρδιές μας! Αυτό το τραγούδι είναι ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου, στο οποίο τραγουδά μαζί με την Αλέκα Κανελλίδου! Πατήστε "Like" και αφήστε τα σχόλια σας! :)

Apollo temple Didyma, Turkey
This historic site at Didyma in the Aydin region of Turkey was originally built between th...
published: 24 Dec 2008
author: tapebank
Apollo temple Didyma, Turkey
This historic site at Didyma in the Aydin region of Turkey was originally built between the 7th and 8th centuries BC and although it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1493 the remains still stand almost 3000 years later. The area covered is 106 metres by 51 metres and was surrounded by 124 stone columns each standing 20 metre high. This video was shot whilst on holiday in Altinkum on the Aegean Coast.

Didyma erleben mit RSD - Reise Service Deutschland
Der Orakeltempel von Didyma - einer vonvielen Höhepunkten in unserem RSD Türkei ...
published: 13 May 2011
author: rsdreisen
Didyma erleben mit RSD - Reise Service Deutschland
Der Orakeltempel von Didyma - einer vonvielen Höhepunkten in unserem RSD Türkei - Reiseprogramm. Hos Geldiniz ! RSD heißt Sie herzlich Willkommen in der Türkei ! Als Türkei-Reisespezialist freuen wir uns, Ihnen dieses wundervolle Land und seine Jahrhunderte alte Geschichte näher bringen zu dürfen. Auf unseren Bildungsreisen treffen wir nicht nur auf Bauwerke und Sehenswürdigkeiten aus vergangener Zeit. Sie lernen ebenfalls Land und Leute und die herzliche Gastfreundschaft der Türken besser kennen. Begleiten Sie uns auf eine Entdeckungsreise nach Didyma --eines unserer Reise-Highlights in unserem Türkeiprogramm. www.rsd-reisen.de

Zeus' Turtle in Didyma Amphitheatre
A turtle at the Diyma Amphitheatre Turkey. I was amazed to find this turtle high up in the...
published: 21 Jul 2010
author: AlgisKemezys
Zeus' Turtle in Didyma Amphitheatre
A turtle at the Diyma Amphitheatre Turkey. I was amazed to find this turtle high up in the building. With the only way up there being a vast amount of steps.

venosa beach resort-spa(TURKEY aydın didim)DIDYMA
published: 25 Aug 2011
author: TheAslantepeli
venosa beach resort-spa(TURKEY aydın didim)DIDYMA

"Didyma and Eurosos" Mawakefi's photos around Didyma, Turkey (temple of apollo at didyma)
Preview of Mawakefi's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: www.travelpod.com Th...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: TripAdvisorTRIPWOW4
"Didyma and Eurosos" Mawakefi's photos around Didyma, Turkey (temple of apollo at didyma)
Preview of Mawakefi's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: www.travelpod.com This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos: www.travelpod.com

Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey, with muezzin
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: fratronchin
Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey, with muezzin

The Gods, The Temple of Apollon, Medusa, Life in the City, Heraklia, The Dream and The Rea...
published: 08 Jan 2010
author: TravelVideoStore
The Gods, The Temple of Apollon, Medusa, Life in the City, Heraklia, The Dream and The Real