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When Dealing with Police: Know your Rights – and their Limitations

police brutality When Dealing with Police: Know your Rights   and their LimitationsI recently received this very well made graphic, created by, via Email. It rather effectively illustrates the rights that citizens have while interacting with police and other enforcement entities. However, it also does a very good job of showing where those rights have been disregarded and the dangers that police brutality poses to society, even in instances where it’s victims are “protected” by the Constitution. Always remember that paper might beat rock, but it doesn’t stop bullets, tasers, or even nightsticks.

know your rights When Dealing with Police: Know your Rights   and their Limitations
Created by:


We made the Big Time (AKA

564248 3609519190288 1042957157 3120900 399875018 n We made the Big Time (AKA

In case you didn’t notice already (or didn’t come here because of it),  Pete over at the national CopBlock site did a rather nice and informative write up on our debut here at

Part of the post is this little blurb I wrote about why Nevada needs a local Cop Block affiliate:

As a lifelong resident of Las Vegas, I have been aware for some time that Nevada and Las Vegas, in particular, was badly in need of an organization like Cop Block, especially during the time that I have been involved in local activism.

The LVMPD, along with other Las Vegas area police departments, has a long and sordid history of beating, killing, and otherwise abusing local residents. Beyond the complete lack of accountability for these actions, the aftermath is often economically costly for the community that they terrorize.

On a personal level, it was the recent murder of Stanley L. Gibson, whom I knew from high school, by Jesus Arevalo, a Metro cop with a long history of complaints, and LVMPD’s refusal to cooperate with his widow that fast forwarded Nevada Cop Block from a future project that I had been recruiting additional support for into something that I was going to get up and running ASAP.

Also included is this handy list of  links to our social media profiles:

As well as this great map of all the local Cop Block/Copwatch groups across the country (we’re growing like weeds, except with the opposite result):

View Friends in a larger map

Personally, I would like to thank the main Cop Block crew for the kind words and well wishes. And of course, I would like to extend that thank you to Blake and everyone else behind the Liberty Web Alliance for quickly and excellently creating this website for us. BTW, that fancy new Nevada Cop Block banner at the top of this post was provided by Danny Richardson one of the local attendees of the Las Vegas Anarchist Cafe.

Join us!

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Were Your Father’s Cops Really That Much Better?

 Were Your Fathers Cops Really That Much Better?

Me in all my glory

Last year, during a pick up football game, I took off down the field at a full sprint, flew past the player defending me, and settled into the endzone for what should have been an easy touchdown. The quarterback threw the ball in a perfect spiral directly into my chest, which it promptly bounced off of and landed in the arms of that previously vanquished defender, who had by then caught back up to me.

Shortly after that, while playing defense, I tore a muscle in my calf landing me on the couch for a week straight and keeping me on the sidelines for several months.

Of course, in 10 or 20 years (probably 30), once my football days are over for good, you probably won’t hear a lot about that pair of catastrophes. Instead, you’ll most likely hear about thetwo touchdowns I caught earlier in that game. Or even more likely, I’ll tell you about that 90+ yard interception return for a touchdown I had earlier this year, during which that picture to the right was taken.

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Howard Zinn (right), being arrested for the crime of not wanting to kill innocent people.

History has a way of glossing over the bad stuff in favor of the good ol’ days. That is especially true when the one doing the story telling is also the one involved in all the negative stories. Even more so when those stories inspire a deep sense of shame.

I was recently reminded of this particular tendency of  human nature to remember things much better than they actually were when a friend of  mine mentioned to me that he once thought Anarchism was “way out there.” However, now he was beginning to reconsider because of all the instances of police brutality and abuse he’s seen recently. In particular, he was shocked by the recent arrests of members of FoodNot Bombs in Orlando for the “crime” of feeding hungry people. Specifically, because it was the “locals” that were doing the arresting.

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A lunch counter sit-in at a North Carolina Woolworth's

It isn’t uncommon for people to have the image of the “friendly neighborhood cop” in their mind when they think of policemen of the past. That foregone day when the local cop patrolled his beat, knew everyone by name, and protected the residents from those bad guys that wanted to do themharm.

Unfortunately, these memories are nothing but illusions or at best selective memories. In many ways, the cops have indeed gotten worse. By way of standardized training and selective recruitment with a heavy tendency toward veterans and/or people with aggressive personalities, the modern police force has become much more nationalized and militarized. As a result, they are more willing to use force in any given situation and less likely disobey illegal or immoral commands.

Watts riots Were Your Fathers Cops Really That Much Better?

The inevitable response by the State's enforcers.

However, as much as that is true, the only real difference between now and then is a matter of degrees. The thugs beating people in the streets at anti-war protests during the Vietnam war and spraying school children with fire hoses during the civil rights era were locals. Officer O’Malley, the friendly neighborhood beat cop of yesteryear might have taken it easy on Sean, the local hellion, but he knew what had to be done when some uppity nigger refused to step downfrom the lunch counter at Woolworth’s or some dirty hippie decided to burn his draft card and there were no shortage of cops willing to do it.

As the saying goes, the cops are the tip of the State’s spear and the tip is the part that does the real damage. To believe otherwise is to forget the truth of what really happened and create a fantasy world based on those glory days that never really were.


(Originally posted at EYEAM4ANARCHY)