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From The CopBlock Archives…(Video)


While exposing some individuals in my community to the mission of, one young man referred to having viewed this video.  He stated he was amazed that the person (Pete Eyre co-founder of copblock) in the video “owned” the cops. I responded that that is one interpretation, another is that he “owned” his rights.

Best of luck Jessie and Jake!

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13 Responses to “From The CopBlock Archives…(Video)”

  1. PSOSGT says:

    Why do cop blockers feel the need to walk right up on cops, with a gun? Right off the bat, the cop had to stop doing what he was doing, to deal with you…as you walk up to about 6 feet from him, while he’s speaking to the driver. Im most area’s, that is Hindering and Opposing. An arrestable offence. The rest of the 9 minute video isn’t worth watching.

    You want to VIDEO the cops. Video them. But don’t complain about the cops stopping you when you are right on top of them. Pretty sure anyone, anywhere is going to ask you wtf u are doing if u walk up in thier face with a camera…and the start talking to them.

  2. underoath says:

    Approach me on a traffic stop with a gun and you will be detained, I assure you.
    I have no problem with being recorded but you will not interrupt my traffic stop or approach my traffic stop bearing a weapon.

    You’re lucky you weren’t staring down the business end of that officers duty weapon.

  3. Common Sense says:

    Not very smart. Only seconds away from a tragic event. Maybe the Constitution can stop a sucking chest wound…

  4. BigPoppaAZ says:

    “I have no problem with being recorded but you will not interrupt my traffic stop or approach my traffic stop bearing a weapon.”

    I’ve no problem with the 1st Amendment, however don’t exercise your 2nd Amendment rights when I’m on the job. Hunh?

    Do your job, and move on. If the law allows a citizen in your area to open carry, what’s the issue. You’re okay with open carry, in some instances, but only when and how you would allow them to do so? See, that doesn’t work with the Constitution. We the people make that decision, not you LEO.

    “Maybe the Constitution can stop a sucking chest wound…”

    What an asinine comment, as a Veteran I take offense. Too many good men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice in upholding our Constitutional rights, which serves you, I and all Americans.

    Encouraging someone to “NOT” exercise a Constitutional right, because it may cause conflict. Really?

    “Hey, Founding Fathers, thanks for the Bill of Rights, but uh, since they serve to protect the natural rights of liberty and property, guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government’s power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and the public, could you just leave them out, they may cause issue in the future.”

  5. DKSuddeth says:

    @underoath, “Approach me on a traffic stop with a gun and you will be detained, I assure you.” Curious, is that the way you would respond if I just needed to walk past you on my way during your stop while I was open carrying?

  6. underoath says:

    Approaching me and walking past me are two completely different things. The moron in the video approached the cop and engagement him, which is what I was referencing.

  7. Pep says:

    Bearing a weapon? Is that a legal term there officer barbrady?

    If it is holstered then why the distinction no matter what the reason he is peacefully approached for? You’re not the only one with a gun. You should get used to it. Armed individuals don’t require the non service you pretend to be providing. Here’s a word for you to get real familiar with: Obsolescence.

    Sure, there is a market for private security, genuine officers of the peace, but none for what you do outside of the mob. It is not possible to validate the productivity or value of a monopoly.

  8. DKSuddeth says:

    to walk past you, I need to at least approach you. especially considering the limited space on a sidewalk. Are you going to take the time away from your investigation for the short time it would take to assume i’m not approaching you?

  9. Common Sense says:

    ..a private police force? Like Blackwater? Xe? I can see nothing but good things happening from that.

  10. Pete Eyre says:

    Thanks for sharing John.

    For those of you who’ve written to the effect that I was lucky that I wasn’t shot – how can you in good conscience think that’s ok?

    That with such nonchalance you can state that someone who has done nothing to violate a person or property could so easily be shot?

    If that is in fact the case, then why is your default to say that it was me and not the shooter who’d be in the wrong?

    Again, I did nothing wrong. I threatened no one. The fact that I was open carrying is irrelevant. If you think that the shooting of a me might have been likely then I sincerely hope you’ll step-back and think about your chosen paradigm.

    That person with the badge has no more rights than do you or I. We all have the same rights. Yet you’re willing to proffer that I might get shot. For what? Are you so conditioned that you think the person wearing a badge has the right to carry a tool that those without badges cannot?

    Just who is it that claims to work for who?

    If you believe I don’t have the same rights as the person with a badge then what kind of society will that create? In Spain, some of the people who claim to “serve” others are also claiming that those others shouldn’t even have the right to film their actions. Is that where you want to end up?

    I don’t want to live in a society where the mere act of carrying my property results the possibility that I be killed. And I don’t want to leave that world for the next generation. Think!

  11. mudd says:

    Fu** all the upidy punk ass police out there. You all deserve to be slaughtered like the pigs you are in my opinion. Hope one day I can get away with what most of us want to do to them. They always act like they are so ready to go with thier pissant training they get. Then the ex military ptsd shi* bags that could never find a job doing anything else end up pigs. For every life you mess up you pig, I hope one in your family is equally or worst messed up. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. YES YOU PIGGY.

  12. mudd says:

    Oh yea! I am a disabled veteran that was beaten for no reason on the side of the road after verbalizing I was handicapped. I then twatched them beat my girlfriend next without giving any resistance. Three weeks later the Texas DPS sheriff charged me with felony resisting arrest. I HAVE IT ALL ON VIDEO FROM THE TROOPERS CAM. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUU****************** YOU PIGGY.

  13. underoath says:

    LOUD NOISES! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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