Governor Hassan Calls for Strengthening Rainy Day Fund While Addressing Critical Priorities (State of New Hampshire)

Edit Public Technologies 26 Apr 2016
(Source. State of New Hampshire). For Immediate Release ... Contact. ... In a letter to Senate President Chuck Morse and Speaker of the House Shawn Jasper, Governor Hassan outlined that with strong revenues, the Rainy Day Fund is projected to reach its statutory limit of 10 percent, or $140-$150 million, of general fund unrestricted revenues by the end of this biennium, even after providing additional resources to address critical priorities....

Governor Hassan Calls for Strengthening Rainy Day Fund While Addressing Critical Priorities (The Office of the Governor of the State of New Hampshire)

Edit Public Technologies 26 Apr 2016
(Source ... For Immediate Release. April 26, 2016. Contact. ... In a letter to Senate President Chuck Morse and Speaker of the House Shawn Jasper, Governor Hassan outlined that with strong revenues, the Rainy Day Fund is projected to reach its statutory limit of 10 percent, or $140-$150 million, of general fund unrestricted revenues by the end of this biennium, even after providing additional resources to address critical priorities ... (noodl....

AG's office not defending cap on school funding

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 26 Oct 2015
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Facing a school funding lawsuit from the city of Dover, the attorney general's office is not defending the law that caps how much state money growing school districts can receive each year. The decision puts the executive branch at odds with Republican legislative leaders, and House Speaker Shawn Jasper and Senate President Chuck Morse are intervening in the case ... ....

New Hampshire Senate president endorses Jeb Bush

Edit Palm Beach Post 15 Oct 2015
Senate President Chuck Morse, one of New Hampshire's top ranking Republicans, is throwing his support behind former Florida Gov ... Morse says Bush stands ......

ICYMI: Governor Hassan’s Fiscally Responsible Budget Management Results in $73 Million Surplus (New Hampshire Democratic ...

Edit Public Technologies 01 Oct 2015
(Source. New Hampshire Democratic Party). Concord, N.H ... Republican Senate President Chuck Morse said the new figures show the 'state is living within its means.'. Click here for the full Union Leader story or see excerpt below.. Union Leader. State Records a $73 Million Surplus for 2015 ... 30 ... Senate President Chuck Morse, R-Salem, said the figures show the state is living within its means ... distributed by ... (noodl. 30140118) ....

This Week: New Hampshire Republicans Are Their Own Worst Enemies, Blatantly Play Politics With State ...

Edit Public Technologies 28 Aug 2015
(Source. New Hampshire Democratic Party). Concord, N.H ... First, Senate President Chuck Morse admitted "he could not guarantee " that the unpaid-for corporate tax cuts Republicans are pushing would promote economic growth, adding "We never came in and said, we'll lower the business taxes, and we'll have all this growth." ... distributed by ... It was distributed, unedited and unaltered, by noodls on 2015-08-28 13.32.05 UTC....

Chuck Morse Admits Unpaid-For Corporate Tax Cuts Won’t Promote Economic Growth (New Hampshire Democratic Party) ...

Edit Public Technologies 27 Aug 2015
- As Republicans in Concord continue to refuse to negotiate in good faith on a responsible budget compromise, Senate President Chuck Morse admitted "he could not guarantee " that the unpaid-for corporate tax cuts Republicans are pushing would promote economic growth ... "It's completely irresponsible that Republicans like Chuck Morse and ......

RELEASE: When Will Kelly Ayotte Stop Trying To Hold Up Bipartisan Budget Negotiations? (New Hampshire ...

Edit Public Technologies 26 Aug 2015
(Source. New Hampshire Democratic Party). Concord, N.H. - As New Hampshire Republicans continue to refuse to negotiate in good faith on the state's budget, the question remains ... Republicans in the legislature including Shawn Jasper, Chuck Morse and Jeanie Forrester continue to call for an override of the Governor's budget veto, making it clear they would rather try to score political points than actually negotiate ... BACKGROUND ... (noodl....

RELEASE: GOP Legislature’s Political Posturing On Budget Blocking Critical Highway Safety Project (New Hampshire Democratic ...

Edit Public Technologies 04 Aug 2015
- Despite their political grandstanding on the issue, it's Republican legislators like Jeanie Forrester, Chuck Morse and Neal Kurk who are causing unnecessary budget uncertainty for state agencies ... "Republicans like Jeanie Forrester, Chuck Morse and Neal Kurk need to stop playing political games that cause unnecessary budget uncertainty and ......

Hassan, GOP lawmakers talking, but still no budget deal

Edit Yahoo Daily News 01 Aug 2015
"I have no intention of putting the 2016 budget in place until it's voted on or approved," GOP Senate President Chuck Morse said ... Hassan met with Morse and House Speaker Shawn Jasper on Wednesday, roughly a week after she laid out the framework of a budget compromise she could support ... Morse didn't rule out the possibility of voting on a new budget when the Legislature returns Sept....

ICYMI: Governor Hassan Proposes Budget Compromise, Republicans “Unwilling To Budge” (New Hampshire Democratic Party)

Edit Public Technologies 24 Jul 2015
NHPR also reported, "Republicans like Senate President Chuck Morse seems unwilling to budge." ... And since the beginning of this month the two State House principals, Senate President Chuck Morse, R-Salem, and House Speaker Shawn Jasper, R-Hudson, have not been there… Morse was gone for two weeks for a longtime planned trip to Ireland; Jasper had both business and personal matters to attend to."....

ICYMI: Republican Legislature Tries To Cover Up Kelly Ayotte’s Political Budget Meddling (New Hampshire Democratic Party)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2015
(Source. New Hampshire Democratic Party). Concord, N.H ... See coverage roundup below.. Union Leader . House and Senate deny Democrats' right-to-know request for records ... Sen ... Senate seat next year ... WMUR ... Democratic Party Chairman Raymond Buckley last week submitted a right-to-know request to state Senate President Chuck Morse seeking "all communications records of yours, your staff or the Senator Leadership Office" with U.S. Sen ... NH1....

ICYMI: Kelly Ayotte Takes Heat for Political Meddling in New Hampshire’s Budget (New Hampshire Democratic Party)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Jul 2015
In a right-to-know request to be filed Thursday and obtained by, Democratic Chairman Raymond Buckley asks state Senate President Chuck Morse to provide him with all communications Morse, his staff and state Senate leadership office have had with Ayotte, her U.S ... Democratic right-to-know requests were also sent to budget writers Senate President Chuck Morse, R-Salem; Sen....