
FBI using GPS to track activists
An environmental activist has stepped forward to Wired Magazine after she found a GPS whic...
published: 10 May 2011
author: TheAlyonaShow
FBI using GPS to track activists
An environmental activist has stepped forward to Wired Magazine after she found a GPS which had been placed under her car, courtesy of the feds. According to Wired.com, this method is becoming a common way for feds to track anyone deemed suspicious or a "potential threat" to our country, depending on if you consider environmental activists a threat.
published: 10 May 2011
views: 24430

How to Become a 21st-Century Social Activist
Watch more Political Change videos: www.howcast.com Subscribe to Howcast's YouTube Channel...
published: 16 May 2011
author: Howcast
How to Become a 21st-Century Social Activist
Watch more Political Change videos: www.howcast.com Subscribe to Howcast's YouTube Channel - howc.st Learn how to become a 21st-century social activist with these tips. Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: howc.st Subscribe to Howcast's other YouTube Channels: Howcast Health Channel - howc.st Howcast Video Games Channel - howc.st Howcast Tech Channel - howc.st Howcast Food Channel - howc.st Howcast Arts & Recreation Channel - howc.st Howcast Sports & Fitness Channel - howc.st Howcast Personal Care & Style Channel - howc.st Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Emphasizing high-quality instructional videos, Howcast brings you experts who provide accurate information in easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from makeup, hairstyling, nail art design, and soccer to parkour, skateboarding, dancing, kissing, and much, much more. Step 1: Know what a 21st-century social activist is Know what a 21st-century social activist is: A person who uses modern communication technology -- like text messaging, Twitter, and Facebook -- to help bring about social change. Step 2: Raise awareness Use social media to raise awareness of a wrong. An Egyptian citizen's anonymous Facebook group about the torture killing of a local man by police helped topple the 30-year presidency of Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak. Step 3: Tweet Use hashtags ...
published: 16 May 2011
author: Howcast
views: 6307

Jody Williams on the Necessity of Activism
Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams helped to bring about a worldwide ban on landmines....
published: 08 Jan 2008
author: mcglue
Jody Williams on the Necessity of Activism
Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams helped to bring about a worldwide ban on landmines.
published: 08 Jan 2008
author: mcglue
views: 5567

Marijuana Reform Activist Destroys Former DEA Head
Rob Kampia Discusses Marijuana Tax and Regulation on CNBC's Power Lunch...
published: 20 Mar 2009
author: MPPstaff
Marijuana Reform Activist Destroys Former DEA Head
Rob Kampia Discusses Marijuana Tax and Regulation on CNBC's Power Lunch
published: 20 Mar 2009
author: MPPstaff
views: 338514

How to be an activist
Today my burgeoning altruism behooves me to give you some advice on how to be a successful...
published: 13 Nov 2010
author: hanlynjorizlon
How to be an activist
Today my burgeoning altruism behooves me to give you some advice on how to be a successful activist, free of charge. Stick it to the man!!!
published: 13 Nov 2010
author: hanlynjorizlon
views: 370

Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide
The Zeitgeist Movement. Activist and Orientation video Guide by Peter Joseph 2009. www.the...
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: TZMOfficialChannel
Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide
The Zeitgeist Movement. Activist and Orientation video Guide by Peter Joseph 2009. www.thezeitgeistmovement.com www.thevenusproject.com www.thevenusprojectdesign.com
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: TZMOfficialChannel
views: 92873

Speech - How To Be A More Effective Activist - Part 1
In this video I deliver my speech titled "How to be a more effective activist" at a politi...
published: 28 Feb 2010
author: johnu78
Speech - How To Be A More Effective Activist - Part 1
In this video I deliver my speech titled "How to be a more effective activist" at a political rally in Crystal River, Florida. The rally was hosted by the local chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens and took place on February 27, 2010. Thanks for watching! Links of interest: Learn How To Repair Electronics - This System Shows You How!!! 419217p8npiv9-9a99wdck8wej.hop.clickbank.net Get a graduate level course in Personal Finance by purchasing the following book: Living Well On Practically Nothing www.amazon.com AK-47: The Ultimate Resistance Rifle ncoal.com The World of Wild Edibles ncoal.com =============================
published: 28 Feb 2010
author: johnu78
views: 4356

Rage against Israel rises in EU as activists urge export embargo
Europe is seeing a surge in anti-Israeli sentiment, with a growing clamour for governments...
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: RussiaToday
Rage against Israel rises in EU as activists urge export embargo
Europe is seeing a surge in anti-Israeli sentiment, with a growing clamour for governments to stop turning a blind eye to the occupation of Palestinian land. Activists say they want actions not words, and are demanding an embargo on exports from illegal settlements. But, as Daniel Bushell reports, politicians are remaining tight-lipped on the issue. RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com RT on Twitter: twitter.com
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: RussiaToday
views: 20639

Interview with pro-democracy activist at Tahrir Square
Interview with pro-democracy activist Miral at Tahrir Square Feb 1. 2011 for documentary Z...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: YouGertTube
Interview with pro-democracy activist at Tahrir Square
Interview with pro-democracy activist Miral at Tahrir Square Feb 1. 2011 for documentary Zero Silence. Interview by Gert Van Langendonck, camera work by Jonny von Wallström. www.zerosilence.org New video interview from Tahrir Square Feb. 2 before the violence www.youtube.com
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: YouGertTube
views: 195820

Egyptian activists speak about Arab Spring and support for Brigette DePape
Egyptian activists speak about Arab Spring and support for Brigette DePape. Taped in Cairo...
published: 08 Jun 2011
author: TVACdotCA
Egyptian activists speak about Arab Spring and support for Brigette DePape
Egyptian activists speak about Arab Spring and support for Brigette DePape. Taped in Cairo, Egypt. June, 2011. As featured and linked to in Brigette DePape's op-ed in the Toronto Star: bit.ly Act now to support Egyptian hospital workers menasolidaritynetwork.com More information: canada.egypt.solidarity@gmail.com Copyright © 2011 Toronto Video Activist Collective
published: 08 Jun 2011
author: TVACdotCA
views: 7425

What I Do as a Activist
How I got to be a activist...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: Sally Stout
What I Do as a Activist

Chemtrail Activist
GET ACTIVE. Find YOUR own creative way to expose chemtrails. A "Don't Chemtrail Me Bro" Pr...
published: 14 Mar 2007
author: kissthisguy88
Chemtrail Activist
GET ACTIVE. Find YOUR own creative way to expose chemtrails. A "Don't Chemtrail Me Bro" Production
published: 14 Mar 2007
author: kissthisguy88
views: 83026

Sebastiao Salgado: The Photographer as Activist
A conversation with Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado, UC Berkeley Graduate School ...
published: 06 Nov 2008
author: UCtelevision
Sebastiao Salgado: The Photographer as Activist
A conversation with Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism adjunct professor Ken Light and Photo Critic and Curator Fred Ritchin. Series: UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism presents [1/2005] [Humanities] [Arts and Music] [Show ID: 9214]
published: 06 Nov 2008
author: UCtelevision
views: 40954
Vimeo results:

Coalition Of The Willing
'Coalition of the Willing' is a collaborative animated film and web-based event about an o...
published: 22 Jun 2010
author: coalitionfilm
Coalition Of The Willing
'Coalition of the Willing' is a collaborative animated film and web-based event about an online war against global warming in a 'post Copenhagen' world.
‘Coalition of the Willing’ has been Directed and produced by Knife Party, written by Tim Rayner and crafted by a network of 24 artists from around the world using varied and eclectic film making techniques. Collaborators include some of the world’s top moving image talent, such as Decoy, World Leaders and Parasol Island.
The film offers a response to the major problem of our time: how to galvanize and enlist the global publics in the fight against global warming. This optimistic and principled film explores how we could use new Internet technologies to leverage the powers of activists, experts, and ordinary citizens in collaborative ventures to combat climate change. Through analyses of swarm activity and social revolution, 'Coalition of the Willing' makes a compelling case for the new online activism and explains how to hand the fight against global warming to the people.
To find out all about the project and to join our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, or get the iPhone App visit:

Spread this message. Can you imagine going through something like this when you were in hi...
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: John X. Carey
Spread this message. Can you imagine going through something like this when you were in high school?
For screening and press inquires please contact Diana Espitia at: 832.607.9624 / dianaespitia17@gmail.com
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZhlScTZ-8Y&list;=HL1339802914&feature;=mh_lolz
Executive Producer : Curry Glassell
Producer : Diana Espitia and Luis Velez
Director / Editor : John X. Carey | www.johnxcarey.com | Follow: twitter.com/#!/Johnxcarey
Directors of Photography : Chris Saul (http://www.chrissaul.com), Mike Mitchell (https://vimeo.com/mikemitchell)
Composer : Bill Francis | http://billfrancis.com
More info: http://www.illegalmovie.org
Friend us: http://www.facebook.com/IllegalMovie
Follow us: https://twitter.com/#!/illegalmovie
A compassionate look at undocumented youth in the United States. Through a series of interviews with undocumented kids, activists, policymakers, non-profit leaders, educators and members of the clergy Illegal seeks to raise the consciousness level of the American public regarding the importance of full immigration reform. Though an important step was taken with the president's order to halt the deportations of some young undocumented residents, we must remember that his executive order could change as early as January under a new administration. Our work is far from over.
Illegal is an independent documentary film financed by Houston philanthropist Curry Glassell.

The Story of Animation
What is "The Story of Animation"?
The Story of Animation is an educational film about the ...
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: David Tart
The Story of Animation
What is "The Story of Animation"?
The Story of Animation is an educational film about the process of animation. Although aimed primarily at potential animation clients, the film has something for everyone - animation students, animation artists, animation producers, and anyone who has ever wondered about how animation is made. Please see our website -
The Story
The film follows the journey of "You" (the main character), a 3rd-tier technical writer who dreams of one day being a product designer. Working after hours, he creates a fantastic new product. When he presents his product to his employers, they inform him that it's up to him to create an advertising campaign for the product - an advertising campaign that must be animated. This poses a problem for "you" - he knows very little about animation, and is instantly filled with doubts, and thus his future hangs in the balance. This is where our friendly narrator steps in, to guide "you" through the process of making an animated film. Step by step, our hero's anxiety and doubts are put to rest, and in the end, he is triumphant!
The Production
The Story of Animation came about as a solution to a problem: The Animation Workshop, an animation school in Viborg, Denmark, had been graduating a great number of incredibly qualified animators, animation producers, and CG artists over the past 10 years. These artists had been forming small companies and beginning to produce fantastic work. The problem was not with the studios, or the quality of work they were producing, but rather with the clients: Most of them seemed to believe that animation was a simple, uncomplicated process, and were often disappointed to learn that there were very specific stages in the animation process that required their participation (and finances). It's almost as if they believed that creating animation was as simple as pitching an idea, and then sitting back while a couple of animators with pencil and paper goofed off, told jokes, and drank copious amounts of coffee until "wallah"! the animation was finished! Furthermore, they seemed to think that there would be no difference in cost between an animated film created in flash, 2D, stop motion, cut-out, motion graphics, or fully rendered Pixar-style 3D animation! At the time Morten Thorning, Director of the Animation Workshop approached me with the idea for the film, I was experiencing similar problems with a client in Copenhagen. In fact, I'd just spent several days creating a presentation about the benefits of using animation for an environmental messaging campaign. I was tasked with convincing a panel of scientists, sociologists, environmental activists, and architects how animation could be used to create positive, engaging, and entertaining content for environmental action messaging - no small feat!
The Team
After talking things over with Morten, it was decided that I would write and direct the project, which would be produced by Claus Toksvig of The Animation Hub, and animated at Tumblehead Studios. Tumblehead, led by Magnus Moller, did an amazing job on the film, assembling a team of character designers, animators, storyboard artists, and background artists (all graduates or current students of the Animation Workshop). Tumblehead saw the entire process through, from concept to post-production. The narrator was voiced by the awesome Richard Spiegel, and the sound design and score created by Mark Menza, whose many credits include sound designer and composer for "The Jimmy Neutron Show". Additional support was provided by Thomas Ahlmark (a veteran of many Animation Workshop productions).

Free Pussy Riot! #freepussyriot
Sign: www.change.org/freepussyriot
Donate: www.freepussyriot.org
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: Peaches
Free Pussy Riot! #freepussyriot
Sign: www.change.org/freepussyriot
Donate: www.freepussyriot.org
Berlin, August 8th 2012: About 400 people joined Peaches on the street to show support for the members of Russian conceptual art punk activist band, Pussy Riot, 3 of which are on trial for performing a "punk prayer" against President Vladimir Putin.
In addition, people from all over the world have contributed their own mini-protest videos calling for the release of Pussy Riot.
Sign the petition!!!
Free Pussy Riot! Written and Produced by Peaches and Simonne Jones . Mixed and Mastered by Nadine Neven. Special Thanks to Taylor Savvy.
Video edited by Robin Thomson. Special thanks to Kate Nash, The Knife, Lykke Li, Miike Snow, Peter Bjorn and John, Light Asylum, Deichkind, The Hives, Dave Catching(EODM), Screamclub, J D Samson, Marshall Crenshaw, Wayne Kramer, Bonaparte, Margaret Cho, Dave Hill, Nick Zinner, Jake Shears, Bun E Carlos, Narcissister, Sheila Chipperfield, Bronson Hankins, John Renaud, Fya Hopelezz, Margaret Saadi Kramer, Miss Guy, Sir Honey Davenport, Saskia Hann, Empress Stah, Vice Cooler and all the video submitters from around the world! WE ARE ALL PUSSY RIOT
Youtube results:

Activists Occupy AIPAC with message to Congress: No War On Iran
***Take Action: Tell Congress and Obama: No War On Iran! Sign the petition at www.occupyai...
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: codepinkaction
Activists Occupy AIPAC with message to Congress: No War On Iran
***Take Action: Tell Congress and Obama: No War On Iran! Sign the petition at www.occupyaipac.org*** An AIPAC Policy Conference panel titled "Stopping Iran" had some unexpected speakers: activists with Occupy AIPAC and CODEPINK who stood up and "mic checked" Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Israeli Ambassador Jeremy Issacharoff. At about 2pm on March 5, four activists called out AIPAC for pushing for American support for an Israeli attack on Iran. One activist was violently attacked by an AIPAC member who used his tie to strangle the peaceful protester. Later in the afternoon two activists unfurled a "Don't Bomb Iran" banner inside the AIPAC hall. Security promptly pushed them out of the hall, and also forcefully removed an AIPAC delegate who had nothing to do with the action, but was taken out for being a bystander. The full People's Microphone inside the panel said: "Mic check! Ros-Lehtinen is pushing war based on lies. We are the 99% Wars benefit the 1% Don't bomb Iran! Diplomacy not bombs. AIPAC supports endless war. We support peace. Occupy Wall Street not Iran. Occupy Wall Street not Palestine. No war on Iran." The Occupy AIPAC coalition is gathering to urge Obama to reject the Israeli administration's push for war on Iran and insist on respect for Palestinian rights. Timed to coincide with the annual AIPAC policy conference from March 3-6, Occupy AIPAC aims to draw attention to the dangerous role of AIPAC as a special interest lobby that maintains a ...
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: codepinkaction
views: 37818

Shocking demo in Israel: activists got branded by hot steel
On October 2nd 2012, world farm animals day, three animal rights activists in Israel got b...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: 269lifecom
Shocking demo in Israel: activists got branded by hot steel
On October 2nd 2012, world farm animals day, three animal rights activists in Israel got branded with a hot steel brand, in the same way farm animals are branded in factory farms. Watch the official video: www.youtube.com See more footage of this demo: www.269life.com Facebook facebook.com
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: 269lifecom
views: 184134

Activists Assaulted At Hawaii State Capitol (4/29/2010)
BREAKING NEWS! State settles suit by protester for $100000 www.staradvertiser.com On April...
published: 29 Nov 2010
author: MitchKahle
Activists Assaulted At Hawaii State Capitol (4/29/2010)
BREAKING NEWS! State settles suit by protester for $100000 www.staradvertiser.com On April 29, 2010, activists Mitch Kahle and Kevin Hughes were assaulted by Ben Villaflor, the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms, and State Sheriff's Deputies, for objecting to unconstitutional Christian prayers used to begin each session of the Hawaii State Legislature. Hughes was injured in the attack and was taken to the hospital for x-rays and treatment. Kahle was arrested and prosecuted, but was ultimately vindicated when Judge Leslie Hayashi found Kahle "NOT GUILTY" and ruled that: "The Senate's [Christian] prayers violate the constitutional separation of church and state." More to come . . . RELATED: Capitol protestor found not guilty Hawaii News Now - Nov 25, 2010 www.hawaiinewsnow.com Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of State and Church www.lava.net
published: 29 Nov 2010
author: MitchKahle
views: 193807

D-Bag Activist Cameraman tazed in the court house
More crazy videos below: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.trutv.com P.B...
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: Jimi DaGoon
D-Bag Activist Cameraman tazed in the court house
More crazy videos below: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.trutv.com P.Barns 4 President! A local activist and Sovereign Citizen named Robert gets tazed for being a complete D*ck!!
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: Jimi DaGoon
views: 117377