
Bricka Bricka, your favourite Eastern European immigrant returns with a parody of PSY'...
published: 09 Oct 2012
Author: TheVujanic
Bricka Bricka, your favourite Eastern European immigrant returns with a parody of PSY's popular GANGNAM STYLE ( 강남스타일 ) ENJOY! SHARE COMMENT LIKE SUBSCRIBE!!! BRICKA - @TheVujanic DIRECTOR/EDITOR/HUMAN TRAFFICKER - @ClaudiuVoicu AUDIO/PRODUCTION - @CHRISCASINOVICE

Emerging stronger from the crisis: the European vision
More united than ever: how the EU has found solutions to tackle the financial crisis, how ...
published: 12 Sep 2012
Author: eutube
Emerging stronger from the crisis: the European vision
More united than ever: how the EU has found solutions to tackle the financial crisis, how it is reinforcing its economic and monetary union and how this is paving the way towards a strong political union. More information: ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu

A Very European Break Up
She's German. He's Greek. Watch, enjoy, tell us what you think -- and what you can...
published: 18 Sep 2012
Author: econfilmstv
A Very European Break Up
She's German. He's Greek. Watch, enjoy, tell us what you think -- and what you can spot... Music provided by archive.org. For credits and more see www.europeanbreakup.eu @econfilm #AVEBU

Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Chases 200 MPH in Europe - Epic Drives Episode 3
On this episode of Epic Drives, Angus MacKenzie and Justin Bell take a Chevrolet Corvette ...
published: 30 Mar 2012
Author: MotorTrend
Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Chases 200 MPH in Europe - Epic Drives Episode 3
On this episode of Epic Drives, Angus MacKenzie and Justin Bell take a Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 from Munich, Germany to Maranello, Italy. Along the way they push the limits on the Autobahn, gaze upon the Alps from the Stelvio Pass and dance with a Ferrari 458 Italia in the hills of Maranello. Epic Drives appears every fourth Friday on the new Motor Trend channel. www.youtube.com Subscribe now to make sure you're in on all the action! www.youtube.com Facebook - facebook.com Twitter - twitter.com Google+ - plus.google.com Website - www.motortrend.com

The Festival is a movement for all Europeans - celebrating the exciting side of Europe. In...
published: 30 Oct 2009
Author: thefestivaleurope
The Festival is a movement for all Europeans - celebrating the exciting side of Europe. Inspired by art, cuisine, fashion, film, music & sports - it is YOU who brings the European idea to life. Join the movement! thefestival.eu

Europe - The Final Countdown (Live)
Europe - The Final Countdown Tour...
published: 16 Jan 2007
Author: richorico
Europe - The Final Countdown (Live)
Europe - The Final Countdown Tour

TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2 - Live Action Short Film by Wild Stunts Europe
The combat never ends with Tekken Tag Tournament 2 even in real life! Wild Stunts Europe &...
published: 19 Oct 2012
Author: NamcoBandaiGamesEU
TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2 - Live Action Short Film by Wild Stunts Europe
The combat never ends with Tekken Tag Tournament 2 even in real life! Wild Stunts Europe & Namco Bandai Games presents a never seen action short movie based on TEKKEN license. Website: www.wild-stunts.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is now available on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. For more information, join the community on www.facebook.com or visit the official website on www.tekken.com

European banks are technically bankrupt
A new report by the International Labor Organization (ILO) says the eurozone is in danger ...
published: 13 Jul 2012
Author: MaxKeiserTV
European banks are technically bankrupt
A new report by the International Labor Organization (ILO) says the eurozone is in danger of losing 4.5 million jobs over the next four years, unless it changes its current economic policies.

European Racism
Interesting expose of European racism....
published: 05 Jun 2006
Author: Geppapa
European Racism
Interesting expose of European racism.

Night Works - "Modern European" (Official Video)
Here's the video for "Modern European" from enigmatic troubadour Night Works...
published: 28 Sep 2012
Author: noisey
Night Works - "Modern European" (Official Video)
Here's the video for "Modern European" from enigmatic troubadour Night Works (aka Gabriel Stebbing, ex of Metronomy and Your Twenties). This brand new cut is from his forthcoming debut, the delicious slice of off-kilter pop that is 'Modern European.' Wistful and sleekly infectious, "Modern European" epitomizes what it is exactly that Night Works does so well, which is to imbue a shiny pop hook with an elegiac air of melancholia and nostalgia, creating, in effect, a track that is as instantly addictive as it is indelibly moving. Stebbing's beautiful vocals may take cues from the legendary likes of Hall & Oates but the end product is undoubtedly and gorgeously his very own creation. Also, later in the year, watch out for some exciting debut live dates from Night Works, as he presents 'The Eveningtime': his much-anticipated residency at the Sebright Arms, (Fir 26 Oct, Wed 31 Oct and Tues 6 Nov) along with some very special guests. Released November 12th on Loose Lips Records. Thanks! nghtwrks.tumblr.com www.facebook.com ** Subscribe to Noisey on YouTube to stay updated on our daily releases: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: www.noisey.com Like Noisey on Facebook fb.com Follow Noisey on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: noiseymusic.tumblr.com

Nigel Farage on European Union's Nobel Peace Prize (12Oct12)
Discussing the insane decision by the Nobel Peace Prize committee to give a price for peac...
published: 12 Oct 2012
Author: liarpoliticians
Nigel Farage on European Union's Nobel Peace Prize (12Oct12)
Discussing the insane decision by the Nobel Peace Prize committee to give a price for peace to the European Union, despite the EU oppression, removing democracy, ignoring rule of law, planing Brussels yes-men as "leaders" in national governments, riots in many countries due to EU economic policies. Recorded from BBC Daily Politics, 12 October 2012.

Spy: Gay or European?
EDIT: Six finger curse at a few parts!!! Thanks for pointing it out, guys! Finally finishe...
published: 25 Apr 2012
Author: catwings30
Spy: Gay or European?
EDIT: Six finger curse at a few parts!!! Thanks for pointing it out, guys! Finally finished! Took a lot longer than expected but that's okay??? WOW I'VE IMPROVED A LOT... ---------------- All characters property of Valve. Song is "Gay or European" from Legally Blonde: The Musical. All drawings are by me. This was created as a parody solely for entertainment purposes. No offense, copyright infringement, or harm was intended.

[APH] I'm European MEP [Full]
It's finally finish! I'm so happy! :'DI really like it ^-^ But I hope you like...
published: 29 Jan 2012
Author: TouyaBlack
[APH] I'm European MEP [Full]
It's finally finish! I'm so happy! :'DI really like it ^-^ But I hope you like it, too ^.^ -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Please sub the awesome editors :D Intro: TouyaBlack [me] Part 1: xstancymarsh2x www.youtube.com Part 2: NaomiUnfaithful www.youtube.com Part 3: CrazyMariax33 www.youtube.com Part 4: showerpaw www.youtube.com Part 5: YukiSeino www.youtube.com Part 6: SaPpHiiRee1 www.youtube.com Part 7: HetaliaGermany2011 www.youtube.com Part 8: cirquedudemonata www.youtube.com Part 9: Silvermoon93 www.youtube.com Part 10: MegaMaka01 www.youtube.com Outro: TouyaBlack [me] -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Thanks to everyone who joined ^-^ -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

[WCS] European Finals Trailer
StarCraft II World Championship Series European Finals 15-16 September, Ericsson Globe Tic...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Author: DreamhackMedia
[WCS] European Finals Trailer
StarCraft II World Championship Series European Finals 15-16 September, Ericsson Globe Tickets: www.ticnet.se Live at DreamHack.TV - www.dreamhack.tv in free HD - don't miss it! More information: Battle.net: eu.battle.net DreamHack: www.dreamhack.se
Vimeo results:

Maybe it's time to remember an old friend...
published: 03 Jul 2011
Author: fireapple films
Maybe it's time to remember an old friend...
Special Jury Award - Young Director Award 2011, Cannes
Best European Branded Short - Young Director Award 2011, Cannes
Best European Filmschool - Young Director Award 2011, Cannes
Best Filmschool Film - German Commercial Award 2011
1st Prize - Kurzundschön Film Festival 2011
Silver Award - Porsche Advertising Award 2011
Winner G-Technology Driven Creativity Competition 2011
Winner Saatchi & Saatchi - New German Directors Showcase 2011
Winner Caligari Award 2010

This is the perfect opportunity for a Carl Sagan quote:
"Somewhere, something incredible ...
published: 30 May 2011
Author: Chris Abbas
This is the perfect opportunity for a Carl Sagan quote:
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
The footage in this little film was captured by the hardworking men and women at NASA and The European Space Agency with the Cassini Imaging Science System. If you're interested in learning more about Cassini and the on-going Cassini Solstice Mission, check it out at NASA's website:
Track: 2 Ghosts I, Ghosts I – IV by Nine Inch Nails
(Used under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution Share Alike license.)
Self-Directed / Edit / Sound Design / Comp / Color

Urban Abstract
Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu and Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) - creative team and f...
published: 18 Nov 2009
Author: MUSUTA Ltd.
Urban Abstract
Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu and Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) - creative team and founders of Musuta Ltd. Jopsu Ramu is a young female designer and Creative Director of Musuta Ltd. Timo Ramu is her creative partner and manager of Musuta Ltd.
This digital art piece was commissioned by TV Nelonen / channel 4 Finland and it was shown as the November break bumpers on one of the biggest commercial TV channels in Finland: TV Nelonen.
Urban Abstract has been highly awarded, it has won bronze / in book award in D&Ad; awards in London, Bronze in European Design awards in Rotterdam and most recently it won a Gold Lion from design category in Cannes Lions.
Urban Abstract -piece was born in Tokyo during 2009. It consists of 40 X five second clips or it can be viewed as a one 200 second journey.
The website http://www.urban-abstract.com works as a part of the piece and creates an extra dimension for the clips shown on TV.
URBAN ABSTRACT - About the concept:
Urban Abstract is a journey across urban space that unfolds in forty, 5 second parts. The journey, in one, two and three dimensions, is a bit like abstract surfing in which the original destination is only reached after a number of seemingly random yet linked detours occur. Points , lines, planes and other abstract elements create a journey through an Urban Abstract.
The space between things is as important as intended space, perhaps creating a fourth dimension. Meaningful shapes and purposes occur in this dimension's reality as well. The concept of negative space has meaning here.
Nature plays a part as well. To be able to understand and differentiate what is urban one has understand what is nature.
The style of the shorts is fluid and, though seemingly random, stream into a cohesive whole. Perhaps watching them in a different order would be more like seeing the same journey from another point of view. The sound world is also very important -- movement in space is sensed even if watching the shorts with eyes closed. Sounds overlap, fade, come and go.
Architectural, abstract, someway minimalist and abstract with a touch of humanity.
This feeling is reached through mixing techniques such as vectors , hand drawn lines and painting.
Urban Abstract was realized in Tokyo by a team of artists, designers and animators from Finland and Japan. Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu from Musuta Ltd, a concept, art & design -studio based in Tokyo and Helsinki.
About the creators:
Jopsu Ramu (born 1982). She is a young Finnish designer and an art director who runs her own business Musuta Ltd. Ramu creates art, graphic design, space & design.
Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) manager and creative partner of Musuta Ltd.
Musuta Ltd.
Musuta Ltd. is a Finnish creative studio operating in and between Helsinki & Tokyo. Musuta is a multidisciplinary design studio that makes art, space, design, graphics, concepts & branding.
Musuta produces Ramu's personal art work as well as creates commercial work for different clients including: Iittala, Hartwall, Pepsi Co., Kawada Group, TV Nelonen etc.
- http://musuta.com
TV Nelonen
Channel Four Finland – Nelonen Nationwide commercial tv-channel Offers second-highest reach and is the third-largest advertising medium in Finland
If you embed or publish the Urban Abstract -video on blogs etc. please keep in mind to mention and credit the creators. The video should not be altered or edited in any way without permission from the creators.
Creative Director Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA
Art Director Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA, Shun Kawakami (artless Inc.)
Design&Storyboard; Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA
Opening scene artwork Shun Kawakami artless Inc.
Calligraphy Gen Miyamura
Sound Chikao Maruyama
Producer Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) MUSUTA
Animation&Production;: Mitsutomo Maeda & Masaru Ikeda EDP graphic works
Project management Tokyo Masaji Kinoshita / shirofuchi Inc.
Executive Producer MUSUTA Ltd.
Special thanks Taisuke Koyama, Brian Kaszonyi
Created by MUSUTA Ltd. - Jopsu Ramu & Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala)

Passing Through
Passing Through by
Kristian Ulrich Larsen http://www.idkul.com and Olafur Haraldsson http:...
published: 17 Jun 2012
Author: Olafur Haraldsson
Passing Through
Passing Through by
Kristian Ulrich Larsen http://www.idkul.com and Olafur Haraldsson http://olihar.com
How to watch?
Max volume.
Shooting location:
Division - Moby
Frank Stubbs
Sound editing:
Yossi Karutchi
Mette Mikkelsen
Niels Peter Skou
Barnabas Wetton
Kolding School of Design
The text used for the narration of “Passing Through” is part of a speech Serbian scientist and inventor
Nicola Tesla delivered in 1893 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Though today less known than
figures like Edison and Einstein, Tesla was more or less the father of much of our modern technology, since
he among other things developed the foundations of the European electrical system based on alternating
currents and the principles of wireless radio communication.
At the time he was deeply influenced by the Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach, believing
that the world should be conceived as a whole where everything is interconnected influencing each
other. And that energy is a force that runs through everything be it inorganic matter, organisms or human
consciousness. According to this line of thought every single action has universal consequences, not unlike
what the father of modern chaos theory Edward Lorenz in the 1960’s termed ‘the butterfly effect’.
“Passing Through” is made at Kolding School of Design in connection to the Danish iPower-project.
To learn more about the iPower-project go to http://www.designskolenkolding.dk/index.php?id=4052 or www.ipower-net.dk.
Narration text:
"Like a wave in the physical world, in the infinite ocean of the medium which pervades all, so in the world of organisms, in life, an impulse started proceeds onward, at times, may be, with the speed of light, at times, again, so slowly that for ages and ages it seems to stay, passing through processes of a complexity inconceivable to men, but in all its forms, in all its stages, its energy ever and ever integrally present.
A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature. In no way can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandeur of Nature than when we consider, that in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy, throughout the Infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe.”
Nikola Tesla "The Electrical Review, 1893"
Come and join the Sustainable Energy Facebook page.
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero
Canon 5D Mark II with various lenses.
Youtube results:

APH I am European
There used to be a Hetalia video with this song but sadly the user got deleted so the vide...
published: 30 Dec 2010
Author: Emily2731990
APH I am European
There used to be a Hetalia video with this song but sadly the user got deleted so the video was lost. I really liked the video and so I decided to make my own version of it. I think the song is cool and I found all kinds of Hetalia pictures that fit excellently. However you'll notice that I got tired of the video towards the end and just gave up on it... it's rather tiring, finding Hetalia pictures with just the european characters wasn't as easy as I thought. Ultimately America or Japan managed to sneak in a few of these pictures, but it's not like they have the spotlight. Ah well, hope you enjoy it anyhow. Credits: Music: "I am European" ... er, not sure who made it. They never announced who sang the rap. It's for a festivel in 2012, that's all I'm sure about. Pictures: Oh dear, there's a lot... jotaku-d2zczel, piratingpunk, allyoucaneater, FrauV8, NekoChan5665, Laknea, Fluffowuzzybums, Royal_Guard_Lover, number11train, Blue_Fox, ctcsherry, Italuv, beastofbloodgaara, nanakohojo, Nighten_Gail, Sel_Chan, bone_kun, zieberich-d2yhas, Shizuri_chan, alienaxd-d323tjh, ClubDCFDTL, Essu, lackofsleep, sayrenson, siguredo, BlackMayo, red_icarien_leen-d318lr8, HinoNeko, elusiveCONQUEROR, Kaikishi, o_Lou_o, akithewolf, meru_chan, r_ninja, Hetalia is copyrighted to Himaruya Hidekaz Nothing belongs to me

Velvet Underground-"European Son" from "Velvet Underground and Nico" LP
The Velvet Underground & Nico is the debut album by The Velvet Underground and vocal c...
published: 04 Nov 2011
Author: rutgers1961
Velvet Underground-"European Son" from "Velvet Underground and Nico" LP
The Velvet Underground & Nico is the debut album by The Velvet Underground and vocal collaborator Nico. It was originally released in March 1967 by Verve Records. Recorded in 1966 during Andy Warhol's Exploding Plastic Inevitable multimedia event tour, The Velvet Underground & Nico would gain notoriety for its experimentalist performance sensibilities, as well as its focus on controversial subject matter expressed in many of their songs. Though a commercial failure upon release, the record has since become one of the most influential and critically acclaimed rock albums in history, appearing at number thirteen on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time as well as being added to the 2006 National Recording Registry by the Library of Congress. The Velvet Underground & Nico was recorded with the first professional line-up of The Velvet Underground, including Lou Reed, John Cale, Sterling Morrison and Maureen "Moe" Tucker. For this record Nico was included, who would occasionally sing lead with the band at the instigation of their mentor and manager, Andy Warhol. Nico sang lead on three of the album's tracks—"Femme Fatale", "All Tomorrow's Parties" and "I'll Be Your Mirror"—and back-up on "Sunday Morning". In 1966, as the album was being recorded, this was also the line-up for their live performances as a part of Warhol's Exploding Plastic Inevitable. The bulk of the songs that would become The Velvet Underground & Nico were recorded in mid-April <b>...</b>

'We will be richest in Europe': Venice wants independence from Rome
READ ON on.rt.com The Republic of Venice is planning for a glorious comeback. Supporters o...
published: 06 Oct 2012
Author: RussiaToday
'We will be richest in Europe': Venice wants independence from Rome
READ ON on.rt.com The Republic of Venice is planning for a glorious comeback. Supporters of Venetian independence from Italy are gathering for a rally to demand the region goes it alone, tired of being saddled with Rome's austerity. It's the latest in a number of European regions to consider independence, including Scotland and Catalonia. RT talks to Professor Lodovico Pizzati, who is the chairman of the separatist Indipendenza Veneta party, which has organised the rally. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

The European Union (anthem)
Pictures of all 27 eu countries...
published: 25 Mar 2007
Author: kegliis
The European Union (anthem)
Pictures of all 27 eu countries