
The Rules of Inference, part 1: Conjunctions & Disjunctions
Part of a series on logic, this video provides further details on validity, discusses the ...
published: 16 May 2011
Author: fortheloveofwisdom
The Rules of Inference, part 1: Conjunctions & Disjunctions
Part of a series on logic, this video provides further details on validity, discusses the nature of propositions, and describes some rules of inference using conjunctions and disjunctions. Previous Video: www.youtube.com

The Rules of Inference, part 2: Conditionals
Part of a series on logic, this video recaps the previous video and goes on to cover Modus...
published: 31 May 2011
Author: fortheloveofwisdom
The Rules of Inference, part 2: Conditionals
Part of a series on logic, this video recaps the previous video and goes on to cover Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, and Hypothetical Syllogism--three rules that involve material conditionals. For a written summary of this video or for the opportunity to comment at length, go to my blog page on this video at: fortheloveofwisdom.blog.com

The Rules of Inference, part 3: Dilemmas
Part of a series on logic, this video covers the rules of Constructive Dilemma and Destruc...
published: 07 Jun 2011
Author: fortheloveofwisdom
The Rules of Inference, part 3: Dilemmas
Part of a series on logic, this video covers the rules of Constructive Dilemma and Destructive Dilemma, thereby completing a three-video overview of the Rules of Inference. It recaps the other rules, covers these two in detail, shows their relationship to Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens, demonstrates the validity of Constructive Dilemma with a truth table, and covers three ways of responding to dilemmas: Going Between the Horns of a Dilemma, Grabbing the Horns of a Dilemma, and constructing a Counterdilemma. For a written summary of this video or to comment at greater length than you can here, go to my blog page on this video at: fortheloveofwisdom.blog.com

EECS 203 Rules of Inference Project.mov
published: 26 Jan 2012
Author: wazasccr10
EECS 203 Rules of Inference Project.mov

EECS 203 Project 2 (Rules of Inference).m4v
Screencast "Atomic Knowledge" on Rules of Inference...
published: 07 Feb 2012
Author: roopsplaylist
EECS 203 Project 2 (Rules of Inference).m4v
Screencast "Atomic Knowledge" on Rules of Inference

Logic: Argument Forms / Rules of Inference
Symbolic Logic!! This video offers a basic explanation of "modus ponens", "...
published: 08 Jul 2012
Author: MrDLPmath
Logic: Argument Forms / Rules of Inference
Symbolic Logic!! This video offers a basic explanation of "modus ponens", "modus tollens", and "hypothetical syllogism", including examples and non-examples.

Rules: Inference vs Equivalence
Statement logic rules and the difference between inference (implicational) and equivalence...
published: 18 Jun 2010
Author: DrSchmidly
Rules: Inference vs Equivalence
Statement logic rules and the difference between inference (implicational) and equivalence rules.

Natural Deduction One
A description of solving proofs in natural deduction using the first four rules of inferen...
published: 26 Jul 2007
Author: kyphilosopher
Natural Deduction One
A description of solving proofs in natural deduction using the first four rules of inference.

4. Logic Lecture: Predicate Logic: Formal Proofs of Validity: Universal Instantiation
published: 27 Nov 2010
Author: drjasonjcampbell
4. Logic Lecture: Predicate Logic: Formal Proofs of Validity: Universal Instantiation

UHCL 19a Graduate Database Course - DBMS Theory - Armstrongs Axioms - Inference Rules
Thisvideo corresponds to the unit 4 notes for a graduate database (dbms) course taught by ...
published: 03 Feb 2011
Author: GaryBoetticher
UHCL 19a Graduate Database Course - DBMS Theory - Armstrongs Axioms - Inference Rules
Thisvideo corresponds to the unit 4 notes for a graduate database (dbms) course taught by Dr. Gary D. Boetticher at the University of Houston - Clear Lake (UHCL). The theme is relational database theory. This video focuses on Armstrong's axioms and why they are important in database design. This video discusses some of the features of Armstong's axioms in that they are sound and complete. Finally, there is presentation of inference rules that can derived from Armstrong's axioms.

Inference Rules Set 2 HD mp4 YouTube
published: 06 Sep 2011
Author: opencourselib
Inference Rules Set 2 HD mp4 YouTube

018a 12 rules: DeMorgans and Associative
Introduction to the 12 rules of inference (4 rules of replacement) exercises in 018b...
published: 04 Nov 2011
Author: ulogiq
018a 12 rules: DeMorgans and Associative
Introduction to the 12 rules of inference (4 rules of replacement) exercises in 018b
Youtube results:

1. Logic Lecture: Introduction to Predicate Logic
"propositional logic" universal existential instantiation generalization "r...
published: 27 Nov 2010
Author: drjasonjcampbell
1. Logic Lecture: Introduction to Predicate Logic
"propositional logic" universal existential instantiation generalization "rules of inference" "mathematical deductions"

Natural Deduction Two
a video for my logic class discussing proofs using natural deduction....
published: 27 Jul 2007
Author: kyphilosopher
Natural Deduction Two
a video for my logic class discussing proofs using natural deduction.

Lecture 5 -Logical Inference
Discrete Mathematical Structures -Logical Inference...
published: 04 Dec 2007
Author: nptelhrd
Lecture 5 -Logical Inference
Discrete Mathematical Structures -Logical Inference

015b six rules proof - Symbolic Logic - Natural Deduction
video shows how proofs are used using six rules of inference learned thus far. exercises: ...
published: 29 Aug 2011
Author: ulogiq
015b six rules proof - Symbolic Logic - Natural Deduction
video shows how proofs are used using six rules of inference learned thus far. exercises: docs.google.com answers: docs.google.com send questions or comments to: ulogiq@gmail.com