Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 1
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about ...
published: 15 Mar 2008
Author: flame0430
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 1
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact on philosophy itself. Section 1: www.youtube.com Section 2: www.youtube.com Section 3: www.youtube.com Section 4: www.youtube.com Section 5: www.youtube.com
Partially Examined Life podcast - Frege - The Logic of Language
This is an excerpt from a prior episode of The Partially Examined Life podcast, discussing...
published: 17 Mar 2011
Author: shinobirastafari
Partially Examined Life podcast - Frege - The Logic of Language
This is an excerpt from a prior episode of The Partially Examined Life podcast, discussing selected essays of Gottlob Frege. You can find the entire unabridged Frege podcast, along with dozens of others discussing philosophers from Aristotle to Wittgenstein, at the Partially Examined Life website: www.partiallyexaminedlife.com About PEL The podcasters were all graduate students in philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin back in the Clinton years. They all left the program at some point before getting their doctorates and have consequently since had time to get outside that whole weird world of academia and reflect on it and the various philosophical topics with a different, and probably much more lazy, perspective.
[FULL] www.themonthly.com.au Graham Priest on Gottlob Frege University of Melbourne lectur...
published: 17 Mar 2011
Author: Teerawut Mahawan
[FULL] www.themonthly.com.au Graham Priest on Gottlob Frege University of Melbourne lecture, Professor of Philosophy Graham Priest discusses the influence of Gottlob Frege. Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege (1848 -- 1925) was a German mathematician who became a logician and philosopher. He was one of the founders of modern logic, and made major contributions to the foundations of mathematics. As a philosopher, he is generally considered to be the father of analytic philosophy, for his writings on the philosophy of language and mathematics. University of Melbourne, August 2009 Source: University of Melbourne
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 2
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about ...
published: 15 Mar 2008
Author: flame0430
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 2
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact on philosophy itself. Section 1: www.youtube.com Section 2: www.youtube.com Section 3: www.youtube.com Section 4: www.youtube.com Section 5: www.youtube.com
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 3
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about ...
published: 15 Mar 2008
Author: flame0430
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 3
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact on philosophy itself. Section 1: www.youtube.com Section 2: www.youtube.com Section 3: www.youtube.com Section 4: www.youtube.com Section 5: www.youtube.com
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 4
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about ...
published: 15 Mar 2008
Author: flame0430
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 4
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact on philosophy itself. Section 1: www.youtube.com Section 2: www.youtube.com Section 3: www.youtube.com Section 4: www.youtube.com Section 5: www.youtube.com
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 5
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about ...
published: 15 Mar 2008
Author: flame0430
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 5
Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact Bryan Magee talks to AJ Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact on philosophy itself. Section 1: www.youtube.com Section 2: www.youtube.com Section 3: www.youtube.com Section 4: www.youtube.com Section 5: www.youtube.com
Melvyn Bragg tackles the philosophy of logic - first mapped out by Aristotle in the 4th ce...
published: 02 Apr 2012
Author: Gottfried Leibniz
Melvyn Bragg tackles the philosophy of logic - first mapped out by Aristotle in the 4th century BC; disregarded by Descartes in the 17th century and revived and reworked by Gottlob Frege in the 19th century; logic is at the heart of computer science and is a mathematical as well as a philosophical discipline. Melvyn is joined by AC Grayling, Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck, University of London; Peter Millican, Gilbert Ryle Fellow in Philosophy at Hertford College at the University of Oxford; and Rosanna Keefe, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Sheffield.
Gottlob Frege - Piergiorgio Odifreddi - Logica Matematica Lez. 10
Uninettuno - Logica Matematica (Piergiorgio Odifreddi), lez. 10 - Gottlob Frege...
published: 09 Apr 2012
Author: FisicoPh92
Gottlob Frege - Piergiorgio Odifreddi - Logica Matematica Lez. 10
Uninettuno - Logica Matematica (Piergiorgio Odifreddi), lez. 10 - Gottlob Frege
How to Pronounce Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege
Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege (8 November 1848 -- 26 July 1925) was a German mathematicia...
published: 20 Sep 2012
Author: HowToPronounceGerman
How to Pronounce Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege
Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege (8 November 1848 -- 26 July 1925) was a German mathematician, logician and philosopher. This video is for "German1184" who requested it.
Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege Philosoph 1871 - 1873 Rote Straße 32 Deutsch
www.Polizei-Beratung.de Spenden Sie Speckwursti! https Die Pflege des Channels verursacht ...
published: 22 Oct 2011
Author: Boris Gonschorek
Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege Philosoph 1871 - 1873 Rote Straße 32 Deutsch
www.Polizei-Beratung.de Spenden Sie Speckwursti! https Die Pflege des Channels verursacht Kosten und leider habe ich keine Arbeit. Daher würde ich mich wirklich SEHR über eine Unterstützung freuen! :-) Göttinger Gedenktafel Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege Philosoph 1871 - 1873 Rote Straße 32 Dieses, wie alle Videos zu den Göttinger Gedenktafeln entstand unter Zuhilfenahme des Buches: "Göttinger Gedenktafeln Ein biografischer Wegweiser", von Walter Nissen, Christina Prauss und Siegfried Schütz, ISBN 3-525-39161-7, (c) 2002, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht in Göttingen, und ist ua bei der Touristen Information, Markt 9, im 'Alten Rathaus', für 11,90€ erhältlich.
John Searle on the Philosophy of Language: Section 1
Bryan Magee hosts (a younger) John Searle to discuss the history of the philosophy of lang...
published: 15 Mar 2008
Author: flame0430
John Searle on the Philosophy of Language: Section 1
Bryan Magee hosts (a younger) John Searle to discuss the history of the philosophy of language. Section 1: www.youtube.com Section 2: www.youtube.com Section 3: www.youtube.com Section 4: www.youtube.com Section 5: www.youtube.com
Frege,light thought with name,unknown price
Frege,light thought with name.Gottlob Frege in 1878 published his book'notation'.S...
published: 27 Jun 2007
Author: phillipejihshing
Frege,light thought with name,unknown price
Frege,light thought with name.Gottlob Frege in 1878 published his book'notation'.Special logical signs ,about the name and thought,contents.Light sign and thought needed
Q/Ghost - Gottlob Frege
作者:Q/GhostさんのSoundCloud soundcloud.com...
published: 23 Sep 2012
Author: nabeguda
Q/Ghost - Gottlob Frege
作者:Q/GhostさんのSoundCloud soundcloud.com
Vimeo results:
What is ... a language game?
Hartwig Mayer speaks on "What is ... a Language Game?" at the "What is ...?" seminar. The ...
published: 27 Jun 2010
Author: Peter Krautzberger
What is ... a language game?
Hartwig Mayer speaks on "What is ... a Language Game?" at the "What is ...?" seminar. The talk took place on Friday, January 22, at the BMS Loft in Urania.
Around the end of 19th century a new paradigm arose in philosophy known as the "linguistic turn". Philosophers, like Gottlob Frege, were focused on analyzing language and formalized its logical structure in order to distinguish between absurd, meaningless, and meaningful sentences hoping to make misunderstandings disappear.
Wittgenstein's work was strongly influencing this kind of philosophy. In his early stage he was a supporter of an "ideal language". After finishing his "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" and keeping silent for some while (he believed he had solved all essential questions) Wittgenstein again became interested in philosophy. But now his interest was devoted to "normal language". Instead of searching for some ideal structure behind language he took it then as it is in the first place, namely as a performative act - a language game. I will talk about some basic ideas of Wittgenstein's later philosophy which will give some background for his understanding of mathematics.
# petit livre : references
# série : petit livre http://vimeo.com/album/250078
# Plan de Paris
# reference for Petit ...
published: 03 Aug 2010
Author: moony
# petit livre : references
# série : petit livre http://vimeo.com/album/250078
# Plan de Paris
# reference for Petit livre
A reference, or a references point, is the intensional use of one thing, a point of reference or reference state, to indicate something else. When reference is intended, what the reference points to is called the referent.
References are indicated by sounds (like onomatopoeia), pictures (like roadsigns), text (like bibliographies), indexes (by number) and objects (a wedding ring); but endless concrete and abstract methods can be used intentionally. This includes methods that intentionally hide the reference from some observers, as in cryptography.
The following sections give specific usages of reference in different subjects.
In academics and scholarship, an author-title-date information in bibliographies and footnotes, specifying complete works of other people. Copying of material by another author without proper citation or without required permissions is plagiarism.
Keeping a diary allows an individual to use references for personal organization, whether or not anyone else understands the systems of reference used. However, scholars have studied methods of reference because of their key role in communication and co-operation between different people, and also because of misunderstandings that can arise. Modern academic study of reference has been developing since the 19th Century.
In academic literature, a reference is a previously published written work within academic publishing that has been used as a source for theory or claims referred to that are used in the text. References contain complete bibliographic information so the interested reader can find them in a library. References can be added either at the end of the publication or as footnotes.
In publishing, a reference is citation of a work, in a footnote, from which an idea was taken.
In scholarship, a reference may be a citation of a text that has been used in the creation of a piece of work such as an essay, report, or oration. Its primary purpose is to allow people who read such work to examine the author's sources, either for validity or to learn more about the subject. Such items are often listed at the end of an article or book in a section marked "Bibliography" or "References". A bibliographical section often contains works not cited by the author, but used as background reading or listed as potentially useful to the reader. A reference section contains all of the works and only those works cited by the author(s) in the main text.
In semantics, reference is generally construed as the relationships between nouns or pronouns and objects that are named by them. Hence, the word "John" refers to John. The word "it" refers to some previously specified object. The object referred to is called the "referent" of the word. Sometimes the word-object relation is called "denotation"; the word denotes the object. The converse relation, the relation from object to word, is called "exemplification"; the object exemplifies what the word denotes. In syntactic analysis, if a word refers to a previous word, the previous word is called the "antecedent".
Gottlob Frege argued that reference cannot be treated as identical with meaning: "Hesperus" (an ancient Greek name for the evening star) and "Phosphorus" (an ancient Greek name for the morning star) both refer to Venus, but the astronomical fact that '"Hesperus" is "Phosphorus"' can still be informative, even if the "meanings" of "Hesperus" and "Phosphorus" are already known. This problem led Frege to distinguish between the sense and reference of a word. Some cases seem to be too complicated to be classified within this framework; the acceptance of the notion of secondary reference may be necessary to fill the gap.
Words can often be meaningful without having a referent. Fictional and mythological names such as "Bo-Peep" and "Hercules" illustrate this possibility.
For those who argue that one cannot directly experience the divine (e.g. God), the sign "God" can serve as an example of a reference with an absent referent. Additionally, certain sects of Judaism and other religions consider it sinful to write, discard, or deface the name of the divine. To avoid this problem, the signifier G-d is sometimes used, though this could be seen as a sign that refers to another sign with an absent referent.
In mathematics, the absent referent can be seen with the symbol for zero, "0" or the empty set, "{ }".
The semantic sign can be considered a subset of a more general concept, the linguistic sign, first elucidated by Ferdinand de Saussure. A sign contains two parts, the signified (a thought that represents an object), and the signifier (the sound or written word). Both have a referent (the actual physical object).
The sign is a building block for texts that supplies sound and meaning. The smallest building block is called a morpheme and may be lexical (or referential, carrying a lexical or encyclopedic meaning, i.e. r
Youtube results:
Out of the Groove Beyond Dichotomies
Two minutes video by NahTe Conceived by Tamas St.Auby for Chiquita, following Friedrich Lu...
published: 27 Mar 2008
Author: NahTe53
Out of the Groove Beyond Dichotomies
Two minutes video by NahTe Conceived by Tamas St.Auby for Chiquita, following Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege vocal:NahTe,AliReza,Laura Franciska,Amir music NahTe kaossilator
Routledge Philosophy Guidebook To Frege On Sense And Reference - Mark Textor
ll4.me Routledge Philosophy Guidebook To Frege On Sense And Reference - Mark Textor Gottlo...
published: 18 Sep 2012
Author: jonibrown2525
Routledge Philosophy Guidebook To Frege On Sense And Reference - Mark Textor
ll4.me Routledge Philosophy Guidebook To Frege On Sense And Reference - Mark Textor Gottlob Frege is considered the father of modern logic and one of the founding figures of analytic philosophy.Hiswritings are difficult and deal with technical, asbtract concepts. The Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Frege On Sense and RefereAuthor: Textor, Mark Publisher: Routledge Illustration: Y Language: ENG Title: Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Frege on Sense and Reference Pages: 00000 (Encrypted EPUB) On Sale: 2010-08-17 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780415419611 Lib Category: Frege, Gottlob Lib Category: Reference (Philosophy) Category: Philosophy : History & Surveys - Modern Gottlob Frege is considered the father of modern logic and one of the founding figures of analytic philosophy.Hiswritings are difficult and deal with technical, asbtract concepts. The Rout mark textor, philosophy, history, surveys, modern
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889—1951) The Limits of Language
www.philosophybites.com Wittgenstein: "The limits of my language mean the limits of m...
published: 21 Aug 2011
Author: pangeaprogressredux
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889—1951) The Limits of Language
www.philosophybites.com Wittgenstein: "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world" Ludwig Wittgenstein is one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, and regarded by some as the most important since Immanuel Kant. His early work was influenced by that of Arthur Schopenhauer and, especially, by his teacher Bertrand Russell and by Gottlob Frege, who became something of a friend. This work culminated in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, the only philosophy book that Wittgenstein published during his lifetime. It claimed to solve all the major problems of philosophy and was held in especially high esteem by the anti-metaphysical logical positivists. The Tractatus is based on the idea that philosophical problems arise from misunderstandings of the logic of language, and it tries to show what this logic is. Wittgenstein's later work, principally his Philosophical Investigations, shares this concern with logic and language, but takes a different, less technical, approach to philosophical problems. This book helped to inspire so-called ordinary language philosophy. This style of doing philosophy has fallen somewhat out of favor, but Wittgenstein's work on rule-following and private language is still considered important, and his later philosophy is influential in a growing number of fields outside philosophy. In 1931 Wittgenstein described his task thus: Language sets everyone the same traps; it is an immense network of easily accessible wrong <b>...</b>
On Externalism - Hilary Putnam, Saul Kripke, Tyler Burge and Michael Devitt
Hilary Whitehall Putnam (born July 31, 1926) is an American philosopher, mathematician and...
published: 27 May 2012
Author: SonytoBratsoni
On Externalism - Hilary Putnam, Saul Kripke, Tyler Burge and Michael Devitt
Hilary Whitehall Putnam (born July 31, 1926) is an American philosopher, mathematician and computer scientist, who has been a central figure in analytic philosophy since the 1960s, especially in philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of science.He is known for his willingness to apply an equal degree of scrutiny to his own philosophical positions as to those of others, subjecting each position to rigorous analysis until he exposes its flaws. As a result, he has acquired a reputation for frequently changing his own position. Putnam is currently Cogan University Professor Emeritus at Harvard University. (wikipedia) Saul Aaron Kripke (born November 13, 1940) is an American philosopher and logician. He is a professor emeritus at Princeton and teaches as a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the CUNY Graduate Center. Since the 1960s Kripke has been a central figure in a number of fields related to mathematical logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, metaphysics, epistemology, and set theory. Much of his work remains unpublished or exists only as tape-recordings and privately circulated manuscripts. Kripke was the recipient of the 2001 Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy. A recent poll conducted among philosophers ranked Kripke among the top ten most important philosophers of the past 200 years. (Wikipedia) Tyler Burge (born 1946, Ph.D., Princeton University, 1971) is a Professor of Philosophy at UCLA. He <b>...</b>