My Introduction and Take on Alfred North Whitehead's Process Philosophy
I've been reading a book titled Whitehead's Radically Different Post-Modern Philosophy and...
published: 17 Feb 2012
author: ladyattis
My Introduction and Take on Alfred North Whitehead's Process Philosophy
I've been reading a book titled Whitehead's Radically Different Post-Modern Philosophy and I wanted to discuss some of the basic ideas of Whitehead's philosophy (including some of the tentative implications which I draw from it). Link to the book in question: www.amazon.com
published: 17 Feb 2012
views: 1009
Alfred North Whitehead - Top 10 Quotes
The ten most beautiful quotes by the great English philosopher and and mathematician Alfre...
published: 29 Oct 2011
author: iPerceptive
Alfred North Whitehead - Top 10 Quotes
The ten most beautiful quotes by the great English philosopher and and mathematician Alfred North Whitehead! (1861 - 1947) See all quotes by Alfred North Whitehead at www.iperceptive.com Enlighten yourself at www.iPerceptive.com The music used in this video is "Relent" Like iPerceptive at Facebook http Follow iPerceptive at Twitter twitter.com
published: 29 Oct 2011
author: iPerceptive
views: 1718
David Harvey, Alfred North Whitehead, Nature, Novelty, Zero growth economy
A/The key to the door of endless possibilities?...
published: 15 May 2012
author: sdkenned
David Harvey, Alfred North Whitehead, Nature, Novelty, Zero growth economy
Irreducible Mind Ch 09 RE Alfred North Whitehead & FW Myers
Part ONE (of two) of my reading from Chapter 9 (summary chapter) of "Irreducible Mind" by ...
published: 14 Aug 2009
author: HurricaneHeidi
Irreducible Mind Ch 09 RE Alfred North Whitehead & FW Myers
Part ONE (of two) of my reading from Chapter 9 (summary chapter) of "Irreducible Mind" by Kelly and Kelly, et al. This chapter summarizes and supports the authors' conclusion that "the self" has not been proven (via material reductionism) to be a product of brain activity, but instead, is apparently THE causal factor in our interpretation of and response to brain activity.
published: 14 Aug 2009
author: HurricaneHeidi
views: 1655
Process Philosophy Explained
An introductory explanation of Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of organism....
published: 06 Mar 2011
author: silversoul7
Process Philosophy Explained
An introductory explanation of Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of organism.
published: 06 Mar 2011
author: silversoul7
views: 5561
Vedic Origins Of Civilization & The Fallacy Of The "Aryan Invasion" Myth
It can be scientifically proven that the Vedic culture is indigenous, through archaeology,...
published: 06 Jul 2011
author: HermeticAlchemy
Vedic Origins Of Civilization & The Fallacy Of The "Aryan Invasion" Myth
It can be scientifically proven that the Vedic culture is indigenous, through archaeology, the study of cultural continuity, by linguistic analysis and genetic research. Therefore proving the Aryan invasion theory is false. The Vedas and Hinduism are not mythology but fact. The Aryan invasion theory was a lie, started by people who were racially bias and Christian missionaries. Many of the worlds greatest thinkers admired the Vedas as great repositories of advanced knowledge and high thinking. "That I encounter in the Vedas deep original lofty thoughts, suffused with a high and holy seriousness" - Arthur Schopenhauer (the famed German philosopher and writer) "I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad Gita" - Ralph Waldo Emerson (well known early American writer, who read the Vedas daily) "In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita, in comparison with which our modern world and it's literature seems puny and trivial" - Henry David Thoreau (American writer, historian and philosopher.) "Vedanta is the most impressive metaphysics the human mind has conceived" - Alfred North Whitehead (British mathematician, logician and philosopher) "The Vedas are the greatest privilege of this century" - Julius Robert Oppenheimer (the principle developer of the Atomic bomb) "India was Chinas teacher in trigonometry, quadratic equations, grammar, phonetics..." and so forth. - Lin Yutang (Chinese scholar and author) "Everything has come down to us from ...
published: 06 Jul 2011
author: HermeticAlchemy
views: 36394
Alfred North Whitehead on Relativity Theory
Thinking with Whitehead and reading Science and the Modern World (1925) footnotes2plato.co...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: 0ThouArtThat0
Alfred North Whitehead on Relativity Theory
Thinking with Whitehead and reading Science and the Modern World (1925) footnotes2plato.com
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: 0ThouArtThat0
views: 531
symphonic portrait: Alfred North Whitehead
ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD symphonic portrait and text accompaniment...
published: 17 Jul 2012
author: philip rostek
symphonic portrait: Alfred North Whitehead
ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD symphonic portrait and text accompaniment
published: 17 Jul 2012
author: philip rostek
views: 135
Alfred North Whitehead Quotes
What was your favorite Alfred North Whitehead quote? 'Like' and leave a comment below, the...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: quotetank
Alfred North Whitehead Quotes
What was your favorite Alfred North Whitehead quote? 'Like' and leave a comment below, then jump over to quotetank.com and make a list of your favorites, so you'll never forget! We update our Twitter and Facebook with new quotes every few minutes, don't miss out! twitter.com | www.facebook.com If you enjoyed these quotes, please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Who is Alfred North Whitehead? An English mathematician who became a philosopher.
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: quotetank
views: 50
Pragmatic Inquiry and Philosophy of Education- John Dewey, Jane Addams and Alfred North Whitehead
Ron Nahser talks at De Paul University about historical examples of Pragmatic Inquiry in t...
published: 21 Nov 2011
author: ericbritton1
Pragmatic Inquiry and Philosophy of Education- John Dewey, Jane Addams and Alfred North Whitehead
Ron Nahser talks at De Paul University about historical examples of Pragmatic Inquiry in the works of John Dewey, Jane Addams and Alfred North Whitehead. Learn more about Pragmatic Inquiry at www.pragmaticinquiry.org
published: 21 Nov 2011
author: ericbritton1
views: 636
Philosophical Faith: towards an Enactive/Organic Realism
thoughts on William James, Alfred North Whitehead, Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, and co...
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: 0ThouArtThat0
Philosophical Faith: towards an Enactive/Organic Realism
thoughts on William James, Alfred North Whitehead, Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, and company... footnotes2plato.com
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: 0ThouArtThat0
views: 755
Imagining the Universe w/ Whitehead (part 1)
a few philosophical fragments for your entertainment footnotes2plato.com...
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: 0ThouArtThat0
Imagining the Universe w/ Whitehead (part 1)
a few philosophical fragments for your entertainment footnotes2plato.com
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: 0ThouArtThat0
views: 1255
Thinking the Cosmos w/ Whitehead (part 2)
Thinking with Alfred North Whitehead after reading Stengers' new book....
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: 0ThouArtThat0
Thinking the Cosmos w/ Whitehead (part 2)
Thinking with Alfred North Whitehead after reading Stengers' new book.
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: 0ThouArtThat0
views: 495
5) The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 5 + Closing and Credits)
www.TheUltimateHistoryLesson.com (notes, transcript, links, and more) http (all of John's ...
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: TragedyandHopeMag
5) The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 5 + Closing and Credits)
www.TheUltimateHistoryLesson.com (notes, transcript, links, and more) http (all of John's books, and current projects) www.PeaceRevolution.org (episodes 041-045 cover The Ultimate History Lesson + Analysis) http (an online community which provides educational media by independent producers) HOUR 5 OUTLINE: 1. Is there an easy way to learn? Understanding yourself + raw experience. Allowing kids to follow their own instincts. Group projects with tangible goals. "Principia Mathematica" Alfred North Whitehead and statistical sampling prediction. "Aims of Education and Other Essays". (10:14-15:25) 2. Training fleas before you break their will. "Hubert's Dime Museum and Flea Circus." Breaking autonomy and "taking the lid off". Imposing your will. "Hired as the lid on the container." (15:26-18:53) 3. Wilhelm Wundt and Laboratory schooling. The Roman Collegia and 5th Century crowd control. (18:54-20:11) 4. Connections between Calvin and modern theocratic states? The impulsion of certainty, rules, and algorithms. Experimenting with humanity and enlarging its boundaries. Human ingenuity was seeing as a risk for capital formulation. Using financial crisis. "Overproduction" and "Overcapacity", "hyper-democracy" and the inability to suppress the people. The Trilateral Commission and "The Crisis of Democracy". Hyperinflation and warfare. (20:09-27:35) 5. The role of curiosity as "the lever that produces invention and forces you in a fun way to think for yourself." How schools destroy ...
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: TragedyandHopeMag
views: 12682
Vimeo results:
Praha Erotica - Story about the porn industry in Prague, Czech Republic.
Simon Chang
*The film is commissioned b...
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: simon chang
Praha Erotica - Story about the porn industry in Prague, Czech Republic.
Simon Chang
*The film is commissioned by the "Transitland Europe" project 2009 - An archive of video art from eastern Europe, presenting the period of 1989 - 2009.
The international premier was held during the Transmediale - Festival for art and digital culture Berlin from 11/6 - 11/9/2009 together with Ispace Association Sofia and Ludwig Museum Budapest with the support of Culture 2007 - 2013 Programme of the European Commission.
It was also showing at Reina Sofia Museum, Spain and also in Triest Contemporanea, Italy.
* is the permanent collection of KAOHSIUNG MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, Taiwan.
"What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike."
- Alfred North Whitehead, Dialogues, 30 August 1941
This documentary series is not a behind-the-scenes look at the porn industry in Prague, but the story of the people in the industry.
The stories presented in the film all question the human side of this trade. After all, for the actors and actresses who go to the set and have sex with someone they hardly know as a regular job is certainly far beyond the imagination of most of us.
This human side of this business intrigues me, although people might simply wonder if there is any human side to it. I’m more interested in why they do it instead of how do they do it. After spending over 2 years following this theme, I realized it’s nearly impossible to draw any conclusion. However, I’m trying to capture the stories that I see growing out of my close observation of the trade in the last 3 years.These stories highlight what’s happening on the other side of the cameras of the porn shooting set, where all of sudden, a certain flow mixed with the most primitive human desire and also the mysterious weakness of mankind seems to appear…
Motion of Material
Another one of my TV Group's Sequences. This is our Experimental Piece, which we based on ...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: David Allin Reese
Motion of Material
Another one of my TV Group's Sequences. This is our Experimental Piece, which we based on the quote you see at the beginning of the video. It was extremely fun to film, and even more editing.
Beethoven Symphony Number 7
Weave series (Film - version 1) - random constellation - «Plaza 2 / Objects», 2012
i. Sequence 19 «Plaza 2» ii. Alfred North Whitehead - «The Concept of Nature» (1920) Chapt...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: rrr
Weave series (Film - version 1) - random constellation - «Plaza 2 / Objects», 2012
i. Sequence 19 «Plaza 2» ii. Alfred North Whitehead - «The Concept of Nature» (1920) Chapter 7, 'Objects'
NLWA 2012 Opening Speech (International President)
January 22, 2012- “God of Night and God of Day”
Openning Address to NLWA 2012 by Internat...
published: 01 Feb 2012
author: Tongil
NLWA 2012 Opening Speech (International President)
January 22, 2012- “God of Night and God of Day”
Openning Address to NLWA 2012 by International President- An especially insightful description of the meaning behind his "hoodie."
The following is the speech of International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon to national leaders at the International Leadership Conference (ILC) opening plenary at the Cheon-Bok-Gung on January 22, 2012, the day before True God’s Day.
I hope you like my sweatshirt. You may have seen this symbol somewhere.
Because we are now chasing Father wherever he goes around the world, we basically live out of our car. We’re always packed, we’re always ready to go, whether on the boat, on the bay – wherever. It’s a very amazing experience.
A couple of days ago, Father asked me to explain the markings on this sweater. As you know, this is the symbol of the Principle. And when we manifest the Principle – give-and-take action, the Four Position Foundation, the three blessings – the purpose of creation is all here. On the right arm you will see a character that says Cheon-bu, which means True Father. On the left arm you will see a character that says Cheon-mo, which means True Mother.
And on the back you will see all sorts of characters written vertically. They are probably my favorite characters. The first one is the character True Father gave me, which he said was his most favorite Chinese character. It means “sincerity,” “devotion.” It means actualizing your speech or your words. The second means “love.” That is True Mother’s character. The third is “filial piety.” The fourth is “attending, serving.” The other one is “courage.” The other one is “faith,” and the other one is “eternity.”
When we are attending True Parents and True Parents’ staff are around them, running around here and there, whether on the boat or on the way to different countries, I found that having these kinds of reminders help me re-center myself. Especially when I was in North Korea, where we can’t speak freely, where society is not free. We always had people monitoring us, which was very strange. But I derived a lot of strength just from looking at something as simple as the Tongil symbol. It gave me so much strength when I was in a land where I couldn’t speak. True Parents, Cheon-bu-mo-nim.
The Kingdom of Heaven Is Where God Is
We’re very grateful that we’re able to be with True Parents and learn from many new experiences. I really feel that being with True Parents teaches me something very important about the biblical text. When we look at the biblical presence of Christ, I see True Father. We usually imagine Christ to be of the medieval age, which is much softer, very peaceful. But if you look at Scripture, you see that Christ is very active. Of course, historically, Christ is always called a revolutionary. He’s extremely flamboyant. He’s very against the status quo, whether it is deism or Roman powers – truly a revolutionary figure.
I find in attending Father and having the work of being with him wherever he goes, that this is how the apostles must have felt when they were chasing around Jesus. As you know, Jesus would suddenly say, “Today we’re going to Galilee,” or “Today we will go to Jordan,” or “Today we’re going to go to Jerusalem.” There’s no convenient, weekly plan, there’s no nice “I know what I’m going to do on Saturday and Sunday and probably Monday.”
I have no idea what I will be doing tomorrow. It all depends on how Father moves, where he moves. If he flies out to New Zealand, then we’re off to New Zealand. If he goes to Siberia, we’re also off to Siberia. It’s not always peaches and coconuts. In looking at the scripture, you can see Christ also standing on the front line of the Providence, which is moving rapidly. He’s constantly on the spot, the living presence of the Providence.
As you know, when Christ is asked, “Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Where is the Kingdom of God?” we have some translations that say “God is within you.” Another translation could be, “The Kingdom of Heaven is about you,” or “We are in the midst of the Kingdom of Heaven.” I think that translation is quite interesting because it answers the question, “Where is the Kingdom of Heaven?” The Kingdom of Heaven is where Christ is. It’s very simple. That’s where the Kingdom of Heaven is.
The Kingdom of Heaven is where God is, where Christ is. So if Christ is in our hearts, then that’s where the Kingdom of Heaven resides. If he’s in our thoughts and words, then those things can be of the Kingdom.
For me, one of the biggest challenges when we are tailing True Parents and following them is the spiritual practice. Father doesn’t stop practicing. He doesn’t stop craving God and loving God and serving God and attending God. Just yesterday he asked me to speak at hoon-dok-hwe. I was talking about hoon-dok-hwe and about the many months we’ve been fo
Youtube results:
Philosophy of Organism (response to ThunderFoot)
An essay I've written on Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of science: footnotes2plato.c...
published: 27 Oct 2012
author: 0ThouArtThat0
Philosophy of Organism (response to ThunderFoot)
An essay I've written on Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of science: footnotes2plato.com
published: 27 Oct 2012
author: 0ThouArtThat0
views: 646
Submit your idea for the TEDxAmsterdam Award and make it happen!
For more information, visit: www.tedxamsterdam.com Deadline September 15th "Ideas won't ke...
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: tedxams
Submit your idea for the TEDxAmsterdam Award and make it happen!
For more information, visit: www.tedxamsterdam.com Deadline September 15th "Ideas won't keep, something must be done about them." - Alfred North Whitehead ------------------------------------- Video produced by VERTOV - http Animations by Deep Red
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: tedxams
views: 440
Confirmations of the Equation One Plus One in Our Modern Times of Today and Beyond
Does one plus one equal two? Or is two merely a definition for one plus one? As explained ...
published: 10 Jan 2010
author: Fogland
Confirmations of the Equation One Plus One in Our Modern Times of Today and Beyond
Does one plus one equal two? Or is two merely a definition for one plus one? As explained by the foxy actress: In 1931, Kurt Godel published On Formally Undecidable Propositions in Principia Mathematica and Related Systems I, a paper that shows his incompleteness theorems that state any branch of mathematics is incapable of proving all arithmetic truths. This completely threw out the three volume, Principia Mathematica of 1913 by Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead. Written by Carolyn Nugent, Chad Fogland and Jenna Tague Director of Photography: Zachary Zdziebko Edited by Ron Babcock Featuring Barbara Ann Duffy and Veruca the Cat
published: 10 Jan 2010
author: Fogland
views: 994
Whitehead: Organisms and Environment
reading from Process and Reality...
published: 27 Oct 2008
author: 0ThouArtThat0
Whitehead: Organisms and Environment