Machine Of Human Dreams explores how artificial intelligence could one day overtake mankind

Edit The Independent 09 Jun 2016
maverick and “transhumanist” Ben Goertzel, humans are “the minimal general intelligence system on this planet at this time…humans are not the end of the line any more than amoebas are the end of the line.”. Goertzel is ......

The Rise of the Artificially Intelligent Hedge Fund

Edit Wired News 25 Jan 2016
Last week, Ben Goertzel and his company turned on a hedge fund that makes all its stock trades using AI---no human intervention required. The post The Rise of the Artificially Intelligent Hedge Fund appeared first on WIRED ... ....

The people hoping to continue to exist through technology

Edit BBC News 14 Sep 2015
It's not - we'll look back and think of dying as something as barbaric as slavery," Dr Ben Goertzel explains ... For some members, including Dr Goertzel, this extends to the view that technology should one day enable us to live on in different ways ... Image caption Dr Ben Goertzel believes we are soon to experience "radical technological change"....

Artificial Intelligence Catches Fire in Ethiopia

Edit Huffington Post 26 Aug 2015
Young Ethiopian with robot whose AI software was created in his country. (courtesy of iCog Labs) ... By ... At the hub of this tech growth is an AI group, iCog Labs, co-founded in 2012 by a young Ethiopian roboticist, Getnet Aseffa Gezaw, and an American AI pioneer, Ben Goertzel ... It is also a major contributor to the OpenCog foundation, the largest open-source AI group in the world, co-founded by Goertzel and based in Hong Kong ... ....

Introducing an Imaginary Future Earth

Edit Minds 20 Jun 2015
There are others of course, such as Jaron Lanier (2011), Tim O’Reilly (2013), Ben Goertzel (2104), Peter Russell (2006), and Ashok Gangadeen (2014) who have valuable insights to contribute to the discourse and these references give us some relevant academic research to chew on as we contemplate the possibilities. ....

Hong Kong start-up to bet millions on hedge fund run by artificial intelligence

Edit South China Morning Post 24 Apr 2015
Ben Goertzel, co-founder and chief scientist of the venture, called Aidyia, said there will be millions of US dollars in the fund when it starts trading in US equities in June ... If you’re trying to predict months in the future, all sorts of factors can affect the stock price,” Goertzel said ... A China long-only fund remains just an idea at this point, Goertzel said....

The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation Helps Launch Artificial Intelligence in Ethiopia

Edit PR Newswire 14 May 2014
The renowned science foundation advances AI in the capital of Ethiopia ... Established by Ben Goertzel, head of OpenCog and Getnet Asefa, Manager and co-founder of Addis AI lab, the team's specialty includes machine learning based data analysis, computational linguistics, computer vision, mobile robots and cognitive robotics, cognitive architectures and artificial general intelligence ... SOURCE RELATED LINKS ... ....

AI Day Will Replace Christmas as the Most Important Holiday in Less Than 25 Years

Edit Huffington Post 24 Dec 2013
For a few billion people around the world, Christmas is the most important and relished holiday of the year ... For many nations, no other day comes close to being as special ... It's called AI Day ... Ben Goertzel. Originally a math PhD, Goertzel is now a multidisciplinary scientist, author, and entrepreneur ... "It could take longer than 2029," Goertzel continues, "if economic troubles prevail or technical problems prove thornier than anticipated ... ....