
Su-27KUB (Su-33UB) naval jet trainer by Sukhoi OKB
Su-27KUB (Su-33UB) naval jet trainer by Sukhoi OKB
Two-seat trainer/strike (KUB stays for Korabelnyj Uchebno-Boevoj, Navy Training/Combat) version of the Su-27K (Su-33) naval deck fighter. Trainer features general "integral triplane layout" of latest Sukhoi aircraft. It has side-by-side cocpit similar to the Su-34 strike aircraft, but has a 'round' nose of its naval predecessor. Su-27KUB also has completely new larger (by 1/3) wing, providing 15...20% range increace and low landing speed. Another wing novelty is its automatic 'adaptation' to the flight condition via flaps and slats fine adjustment. Side-by-side arrangement for trainer was chosen to provide the naval pilots with the "feeling of a friend's elbow" and to reduce the workload on the crew (according to Sukhoi general designer Mikhail Simonov). It also will reduce workload during combat missions, where the pilot sits "elbow-to-elbow" with a weapons officer. Maiden flight was performed successfully on April 29 1999 by KB test pilots Victor Pugachev and Sergei Melnikov at the controls. Reportedly, the flight lasted for about an hour and was performed from the aerodrome of Gromov's Flight Test and Research Institute (LII) in Zhukovsky near Moscow.

Sukhoi PAK-FA & F-22 Raptor Differences in Design
Sukhoi PAK-FA & F-22 Raptor Differences in Design
www.youtube.com The Sukhoi PAK FA is a fifth generation stealth fighter aircraft developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force and Indian Air Force. Sukhoi PAK FA - Pre production. The Lockheed Martin Boeing F-22 Raptor is a fifth generation stealth fighter aircraft. F-22 Raptor - Production canceled. Перспективный авиационный комплекс фронтовой авиации. л_л Sukhoi PAK FA production model by Sukhoi OKB for our Russian Air Force and the Indian Air force. The Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy combination use stealth technology, heightened capabilities to counter stealth aircraft, new generation of Russian thrust vectoring engines, artificial-intelligence elements, speed Mach 2.45, superb maneuverability, higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers, vertical tails fully movable, 6th generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, supercruise, higher range at supersonic speed makes it the best overall fighter in the world today. Sukhoi claims that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter in the world. 500 T-50 units start production in 2011 to 2015 300 units for Russia 200 units for India.

www.youtube.com F-22 RAPTOR VS SUKHOI PAK FA: The Sukhoi PAK FA is a fifth generation Russian stealth fighter aircraft developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force and Indian Air Force. Sukhoi PAK FA - Pre production. The Lockheed Martin Boeing F-22 Raptor is a United States fifth generation stealth fighter aircraft. F-22 Raptor - Production canceled. F-22 Canceled by Obama - www.youtube.com The Truth About the Useless F-35 & F-22 - www.youtube.com Перспективный авиационный комплекс фронтовой авиации. л_л Sukhoi PAK FA production model by Sukhoi OKB for our Russian Air Force and the Indian Air force. The Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy combination use stealth technology, heightened capabilities to counter stealth aircraft [ Anti-Stealth ], new generation of Russian thrust vectoring engines, artificial-intelligence elements, speed Mach 2.45, superb maneuverability, higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers, vertical tails fully movable, 6th generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, supercruise, higher range at supersonic speed makes it the best overall fighter in the world today. Sukhoi claims that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter in the world. 500 T-50 units start production in 2011 to 2015 300 units for Russia 200 units for India.

Petr Ufimtsev the Creator & Father of Stealth Technology - Russian Stealth
Petr Ufimtsev the Creator & Father of Stealth Technology - Russian Stealth
www.youtube.com Petr Yakovlevich Ufimtsev is a Soviet/Russian physicist and mathematician, is the creator of modern stealth aircraft technology. Also called the father of stealth technology. In the 1960s he began developing stealth technology predicting the reflection of electromagnetic waves from simple two dimensional shapes in Russia. Ufimtsev's work was translated into English, and in the 1970s American Lockheed and Northrop engineers copy this 1960 Russian technology and create a concept of aircraft with reduced radar signatures based in Petr Ufimtsev work. Northrop use Ufimtsev's work in developing the B-2 bomber. American Lockheed and Northrop engineers concluded Petr Ufimtsev work and this Russian technology would be the future of the United States Air Force. Aircraft and projects based in Petr Ufimtsev work and Russian stealth technology: Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk (Stealth attack aircraft) Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit (Stealth bomber) Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor (Stealth air superiority fighter) Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II (Stealth multirole fighter) Sukhoi OKB Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 (Stealth / Anti-Stealth / air superiority / multirole fighter) Sukhoi OKB and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Sukhoi/HAL FGFA (Stealth Air superiority fighter) Tupolev OKB, Sukhoi (UAC) Tupolev PAK DA (Stealth supersonic strategic bomber) Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG MiG Skat (Stealth UCAV and AI bomber) Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group Chengdu J-20 (Russian-Chinese Hybrid Stealth <b>...</b>

Su-27 Flanker in Action.
Su-27 Flanker in Action.
The Su-27 was designed by Sukhoi OKB as a heavy fighter for the Soviet Air Force (Voenno-Vozdushmiy Sily - VVS) and National (Homeland) Air Defense Forces (Protivo-Vozdushnoi Oborony - PVO) to regain air superiority over the F-15 Eagle operated by the US Air Force. In fact, the requirements were based on the performance of the F-15 adding ten percent. The Sukhoi design fulfilled the requirements and beyond. The Su-27 is often proclaimed the best and most successful Russian fighter of the Cold War era. After the end of the Cold War and USSR, the Sukhoi OKB (often in cooperation with the KnAAPO plant) developed various advanced variants aimed at prospective foreign customers. The aircraft were marketed at international air shows, putting up superb aerobatic displays. The aircraft performance both on paper as in aerobatic displays has stunned many enthusiasts and experts alike all over the world. Also, the Flanker has proven its air superiority in combat during several African wars. The Su-27 and its derivatives are today some of the most popular fighters to be discussed by both aviation enthusiasts and experts.The main feature for the success of the Su-27 design is its aerodynamic configuration, known as 'integrated aerodynamic concept' by its designers. This configuration is one with extremely blended wing and fuselage. The low-aspect ratio trapezoidal midwing is fitted with large leading-edge root extensions (LERX) and blending into the fuselage creating a single lifting <b>...</b>

Sukhoi su-27 flanker, a tribute, feat. Russian Knights
Sukhoi su-27 flanker, a tribute, feat. Russian Knights
re-uploaded video. the su-27 flanker is a russian single-seat air superiority fighter. The Su-27 was designed by Sukhoi OKB as a heavy fighter for the Soviet Air Force (Voenno-Vozdushmiy Sily - VVS) and National (Homeland) Air Defense Forces (Protivo-Vozdushnoi Oborony - PVO) to regain air superiority over the F-15 Eagle operated by the US Air Force. In fact, the requirements were based on the performance of the F-15 adding ten percent. The Sukhoi design fulfilled the requirements and beyond. The Su-27 is often proclaimed the best and most successful Russian fighter of the Cold War era. After the end of the Cold War and USSR, the Sukhoi OKB (often in cooperation with the KnAAPO plant) developed various advanced variants aimed at prospective foreign customers. The aircraft were marketed at international air shows, putting up superb aerobatic displays. The aircraft performance both on paper as in aerobatic displays has stunned many enthusiasts and experts alike all over the world. Also, the Flanker has proven its air superiority in combat during several African wars. The Su-27 and its derivatives are today some of the most popular fighters to be discussed by both aviation enthusiasts and experts.

Sukhoi PAK FA production model - Russian fifth generation stealth jet fighter
Sukhoi PAK FA production model - Russian fifth generation stealth jet fighter
www.youtube.com Перспективный авиационный комплекс фронтовой авиации. л_л Sukhoi PAK FA production model by Sukhoi OKB for our Russian Air Force and the Indian Air force. The Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy combination use stealth technology, heightened capabilities to counter stealth aircraft, new generation of Russian thrust vectoring engines, artificial-intelligence elements, speed Mach 2.45, superb maneuverability, higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers, vertical tails fully movable, 6th generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, supercruise, higher range at supersonic speed makes it the best overall fighter in the world today. Sukhoi claims that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter in the world. 500 T-50 units start production in 2011 to 2015 300 units for Russia 200 units for India.

2010 - NEW VIDEO - Russian Stealth Fighter - Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - HD - High Definition Trailer
2010 - NEW VIDEO - Russian Stealth Fighter - Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - HD - High Definition Trailer
The Sukhoi PAK FA Perspektivny aviatsionny kompleks frontovoy aviatsii, literally "Future Frontline Aircraft System"), is a fifth generation fighter aircraft being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force. The current prototype is Sukhoi's T-50. The PAK FA when fully developed is intended to replace the MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA project being developed with India.A fifth generation jet fighter, it is designed to directly compete with the American F-22 Raptor and American/British F-35 Lightning II. The T-50 performed its first flight January 29, 2010.Second flight was on February, 6. Third one on February.

Russian Stealth Jet Fighter Sukhoi PAK FA & New Stealth Bomber Prototype
Russian Stealth Jet Fighter Sukhoi PAK FA & New Stealth Bomber Prototype
www.youtube.com Перспективный авиационный комплекс фронтовой авиации. л_л Sukhoi PAK FA production model by Sukhoi OKB for our Russian Air Force and the Indian Air force. The Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy combination use stealth technology, heightened capabilities to counter stealth aircraft, new generation of Russian thrust vectoring engines, artificial-intelligence elements, speed Mach 2.45, superb maneuverability, higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers, vertical tails fully movable, 6th generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, supercruise, higher range at supersonic speed makes it the best overall fighter in the world today. Sukhoi claims that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter in the world. 500 T-50 units start production in 2011 to 2015 300 units for Russia 200 units for India.

Russian Stealth Technology - Sukhoi Lullaby
Russian Stealth Technology - Sukhoi Lullaby
www.youtube.com Перспективный авиационный комплекс фронтовой авиации. л_л Sukhoi PAK FA by Sukhoi OKB for our Russian Air Force and the Indian Air force. The Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy combination use stealth technology, heightened capabilities to counter stealth aircraft, new generation of Russian thrust vectoring engines, artificial-intelligence elements, speed Mach 2.45, superb maneuverability, higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers, vertical tails fully movable, 6th generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, supercruise, higher range at supersonic speed makes it the best overall fighter in the world today. Sukhoi claims that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter in the world. 500 T-50 units start production in 2011 to 2015 300 units for Russia 200 units for India.

Russian Sky excerpt
Russian Sky excerpt
-OKB Sukhoi General designer Mikhail P. Simonov. -Sukhoi Test Pilot Yevgeniy Frolov with the Su-37 711 White (T10M-11 prototype). www.testpilot.ru Su-37 was an experimental thrust vectoring fighter. The TVC on this fighter was providing to it super-agility. It was capable to remain in zero speed/ high alpha mode for 3-4 seconds, which was long enough to lock a misile and fire, or quickly recover from this mode. Sukhoi OKB chose the Lyul'ka Saturn AL-31FU (U = oopravlyayemoye soplo - vectoring nozzle) to embody the Su-37. The engine was uprated to 12800Kgp (28220 Lbst) in full Afterburner. The Su-37 (T10M-11) had a digital (unlike the Su-27s that had analogue) FBW control system. The system had a quadraplex pitch control circuit and triplex yaw and roll control circuits. The automatic control system limited the G loads automatically, depending on the aircraft's gross weight and flight mode. Piloted by Yevgeniy Frolov, the Su-37 stole the show at Farnborough International 1996 in September - and with a good reason too-. The Su-37 was capable of pitching up through a 180 degrees into a tail first position and staying in that position long enough to fire a missile at a pursuing enemy fighter. The spectacular manoeuvre has been called Super Cobra - or as Frolov himself called it, Stop Cobra-. The lack of limits on AOA & pitch rate has made it possible to use the sizeable additional lift generated by the unstable airflow in certain altitudes. Of course Super Cobra evolved into <b>...</b>

Sukhoi-T-50 PAK-FA a Russian Stealth fighter maiden flight
Sukhoi-T-50 PAK-FA a Russian Stealth fighter maiden flight
Russia's first stealth fighter intended to match the latest US design made its maiden flight Friday, boosting the country's efforts to modernize its rusting Soviet-built arsenals and retain its lucrative export market. The Sukhoi PAK FA (Russian: Перспективный Авиационный Комплекс Фронтовой Авиации, Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy, literally "Prospective (Promising) Aircraft Complex (System) of Front line Aviation", is a fifth generation fighter aircraft being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force.

Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 [HD]
Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 [HD]
The Sukhoi PAK FA (Russian: Перспективный авиационный комплекс фронтовой авиации, Perspektivny aviatsionny kompleks frontovoy aviatsii, literally "Prospective Airborne Complex - Frontline Aviation ") is a fifth-generation jet fighter being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force. The current prototype is Sukhoi's T-50. The PAK FA, when fully developed, is intended to be the successor to the MiG-29 and Su-27 in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA project being developed with India. A fifth generation jet fighter, the T-50 performed its first flight 29 January 2010. Its second flight was on 6 February and its third on 12 February 2010. As of 31 August 2010, it had made 17 flights and by mid-November, 40 in total. The second prototype was to start its flight test by the end of 2010, but this has been delayed until 2011.

Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA (HD)
Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA (HD)
The Sukhoi PAK FA is a twin-engine jet fighter being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force. The Sukhoi T-50 is the prototype for PAK FA. The PAK FA is one of only a handful of stealth jet programs globally. The PAK FA, when fully developed, is intended to be the successor to the MiG-29 and Su-27 in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of theSukhoi/HAL FGFA being developed with India. A fifth generation jet fighter, the T-50 performed its first flight 29 January 2010. Its second flight was on 6 February and its third on 12 February 2010. As of 31 August 2010, it had made 17 flights and by mid-November, 40 in total. The second prototype was to start its flight test by the end of 2010, but this was delayed until March 2011. Sukhoi director Mikhail Pogosyan has projected a market for 1000 aircraft over the next four decades, which will be produced in a joint venture with India, 200 each for Russia and India and 600 for other countries. He has also said that the Indian contribution would be in the form of joint work under the current agreement rather than as a joint venture. The Indian Air Force will "acquire 50 single-seater fighters of the Russian version" before the two seat FGFA is developed. The Russian Defense Ministry will purchase the first 10 aircraft after 2012 and then 60 after 2016. The first batch of fighters will be delivered with current technology engines. Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, has <b>...</b>

Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 5th Generation Steakth fighter (Russia/India)
Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 5th Generation Steakth fighter (Russia/India)
Sukhoi PAK FA (Russian: Перспективный авиационный комплекс фронтовой авиации, Perspektivny aviatsionny kompleks frontovoy aviatsii, literally "Future Frontline Aircraft System"), is a fifth generation fighter aircraft being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force. The current prototype is Sukhoi's T-50. The PAK FA when fully developed is intended to replace the MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA project being developed with India. A fifth generation jet fighter, it is designed to directly compete with the American F-22 Raptor and American/British F-35 Lightning II. The T-50 performed its first flight January 29, 2010. Second flight was on February, 6. Third one on February, 12.

The Sukhoi PAK FA Old Promo - Watch the T-50 in the Description
The Sukhoi PAK FA Old Promo - Watch the T-50 in the Description
Watch the Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 here - www.youtube.com www.youtube.com The Sukhoi PAK FA Prospective Promising Aircraft Complex System of Front line Aviation by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force and the Indian Air Force.

Indian Air Force Sukhoi PAK FA T 50 at MAKS 2011 airshow
Indian Air Force Sukhoi PAK FA T 50 at MAKS 2011 airshow
The T-50, developed under the program PAK FA (Future Aviation System for Tactical Air Force) at the Sukhoi OKB, is expected to be put into service as soon as 2015. Sukhoi's Stealthy T-50 (PAK FA) Goes Public Russia chose the MAKS 2011 airshow near Moscow to this week publicly unveil what's generally billed as its answer to the US F-22 Raptor, the Sukhoi T-50. The stealthy air superiority fighter flew a eight-minute demonstration after secret tests in January of last year. Russian news agencies claim the aircraft has similar speed, range, altitude, and load-carrying specifications as the Raptor, with an emphasis on maneuverability that may surpass that of the US jet. Russian sources also claim it will be produced at a fraction of the price. Whatever the case, the jet could pose a very strong challenge ... especially so long as the US's Raptor remains grounded for its ability to poison its own pilots. The T-50 can reportedly fly from 1200-foot strips, has all-weather capability and can attack air and ground targets simultaneously. The new Sukhoi, which was developed with participation from India, would cost about $100 million per copy, according to news agency AFP. The same source said the Raptor sells for $140 million per plane -- other sources calculate those figures differently. Russia plans to produce as many as 1000 PAK FAs over decades of production that may begin within five years. Full production is scheduled for roughly 2015. India is expected to purchase as many <b>...</b>

SUKHOI PAK FA / T-50 / ПАК ФА - Russian 5th Gen. Stealth Fighter First Flight
SUKHOI PAK FA / T-50 / ПАК ФА - Russian 5th Gen. Stealth Fighter First Flight
The Sukhoi PAK FA (Russian: Перспективный Авиационный Комплекс Фронтовой Авиации, Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy, literally "Prospective (Promising) Aircraft Complex (System) of Front line Aviation" is a fighter aircraft being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force. In 2002, Sukhoi was chosen to lead the design for the new combat aircraft. The PAK FA will incorporate technology from both the Su-47 and the MiG 1.44. The current prototype is Sukhoi's T-50 and the PAK FA when fully developed is intended to replace the MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA project being developed with India. A fifth generation jet fighter, it is designed to directly compete with the American F-22 Raptor and American/British F-35 Lightning II. The aircraft's maiden flight took place on 29 January 2010 at the KnAAPO airfield, the aircraft was piloted by Sergey Bogdan (Сергей Богдан) and the flight lasted for 47 minutes. en.wikipedia.org

Russian Stealth & Counter Stealth fifth generation aircraft.
Russian Stealth & Counter Stealth fifth generation aircraft.
www.youtube.com Перспективный Авиационный Комплекс Фронтовой Авиации Sukhoi PAK FA by Sukhoi OKB for our Russian Air Force and Indian Air force. The Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy combination use stealth technology, heightened capabilities to counter stealth aircraft, new generation of Russian thrust vectoring engines, artificial-intelligence elements, speed Mach 2.45, superb maneuverability, higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers, vertical tails fully movable, 6th generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, supercruise, higher range at supersonic speed makes it the best overall fighter in the world today. Sukhoi claims that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter in the world. 500 T-50 units start production in 2011 to 2015 300 units for Russia 200 units for India.

2010 - Russian Stealth Fighter - Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - HD - High Definition Trailer
2010 - Russian Stealth Fighter - Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - HD - High Definition Trailer
The Sukhoi PAK FA Perspektivny aviatsionny kompleks frontovoy aviatsii, literally "Future Frontline Aircraft System"), is a fifth generation fighter aircraft being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force. The current prototype is Sukhoi's T-50. The PAK FA when fully developed is intended to replace the MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA project being developed with India.A fifth generation jet fighter, it is designed to directly compete with the American F-22 Raptor and American/British F-35 Lightning II. The T-50 performed its first flight January 29, 2010.Second flight was on February, 6. Third one on February