Goodbye Ungodly Cynic / Irrelgious!

I'm officially retiring this blog.

Of course I'll leave it open for viewing but my outlook has changed slightly concerning religion. Namely that I'm not such an anti-theist as I used to be. This is due to my new found anarchism which will be what I'll be writing about more and more of on a separate blog I'll be creating.

Suffice it to say that the views expressed here on Ungodly Cynic / Irreligious are a bit dated and written at a time when I used to think that religion was at the absolute core of the worlds problems. I no longer believe this; however this does not mean I have found God, Jesus, Allah or Krishna. I am still as much of an atheist now as I have ever been.

My new address will be here

Real Life Church Sign

"Part-time Christian? Backslider? There's a special hell 4 U."
Other side:

"The bottom line Jesus loves you"

Church of the Nazarene (Albion, MI)

Posted via email from irreligious

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to all my friends and family!!!

Posted via email from irreligious

Airline Security: Protecting Lives or Money

Has it ever occurred to anybody that increased airline security over the years is more to do about saving money for the airlines than about saving human lives?

Consider that the odds to die in a car crash are astronomically higher. Additionally, how much does a passenger plane cost? Or class action lawsuits?

Don't get me wrong I don't believe it's a conspiracy, just that I don't think it's in the government or airline industries best interest to increase security solely to save lives. And also something the media would loathe to address.

Posted via email from irreligious

PingDroid test.