The US Census Bureau: The Importance of Accuracy
The Census Bureau continuously evaluates and improves the methods by which we collect data...
published: 27 Sep 2011
Author: uscensusbureau
The US Census Bureau: The Importance of Accuracy
The Census Bureau continuously evaluates and improves the methods by which we collect data.
The US Census and the Amazing Apportionment Machine
Apportionment is the process of dividing the seats in the House of Representatives among t...
published: 08 Dec 2010
Author: uscensusbureau
The US Census and the Amazing Apportionment Machine
Apportionment is the process of dividing the seats in the House of Representatives among the 50 states based on the population figures collected during the decennial census. The number of seats in the House has grown with the country. Congress sets the number in law and increased the number to 435 in 1913. The Constitution set the number of representatives at 65 from 1787 until the first Census of 1790, when the it was increased to 105 members. But how does apportionment actually work? Through animation, the US Census Bureau helps explain how the apportionment formula is used to ensure equal representation for all, just like the Founding Fathers planned.
US Census Bureau Tagging GPS Coordinates of Your Front Door
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke recently told the Washington Post: "The census director...
published: 15 May 2009
Author: FarFromDanK
US Census Bureau Tagging GPS Coordinates of Your Front Door
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke recently told the Washington Post: "The census director reports to me, and, of course, I serve at the pleasure of the president." He added the White House told him "it has no interest in politicizing [the census]." But at American Daily Review, blogger Douglas Gibbs had more than a few doubts. "GPS coordinates of your front door will make it easier for the government to monitor you," he said. "The US Census Bureau is simply an excuse a harmless looking means of obtaining the front door coordinates. The creation of GPS coordinates for front doors has nothing to do with the census, in all honesty, no matter how much the United States government tries to convince you that it does." He recalled wondering why, just weeks ago, the Obama administration announced its oversight of the census, "literally taking control of the census away from the Commerce Department." He put that together with Obama's longtime push for national service. "The Obamites, thirsty to serve their new messianic figure, have lost enough of their objectivity to be willingly recruited into such an insidious program like gaining these coordinates for the US government. I ask again, what would be the purpose of shooting the GPS coordinates of American doorways?" he wrote. The answer he provided was alarming. "Imagine, if you will, that there are a number of people in a neighborhood that could not find the addresses they are tasked with finding. They are not locals, maybe are <b>...</b>
Statistical Malpractice at the US Census Bureau?
See also: Part Two (of Five) Carrying Capacity www.youtube.com For more info: www.progress...
published: 10 Jun 2012
Author: Mark Powell
Statistical Malpractice at the US Census Bureau?
See also: Part Two (of Five) Carrying Capacity www.youtube.com For more info: www.progressivepopulationist.org Although its origin is in dispute, I find it very easy to believe that it was Mark Twain who first said, "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth puts on its boots." I often feel like I am just getting around to putting on my own boots, but there are differences between the communication of Mark Twain's era and today's lightning-fast, linked-up global community. One important difference is that not only does information travel around the planet at the speed of light, but also that much of that information remains indelibly stamped, if not necessarily discussed at any length, upon the memory banks of the human race. Take for example, the statements made by the Director of the US Census Bureau upon the release of the preliminary results of the 2010 Census. These are available at several different web addresses, where they are subject to careful scrutiny by those willing to seek them out. For me, these clips readily bring to mind another Twain remark, one he himself attributed to an earlier source, but which he greatly helped to popularize, which reads, "There are three kinds of lies. Lies, damn lies, and statistics." While I don't dispute the numbers released by the Census Bureau (although there are some who claim that they understate the size of the undocumented population), I do take issue with the statistical emphasis and the words he used to <b>...</b>
World Statistics Day: Statistics All Around Us
Help the US Census Bureau celebrate World Statistics Day with the United Nations and stati...
published: 18 Oct 2010
Author: uscensusbureau
World Statistics Day: Statistics All Around Us
Help the US Census Bureau celebrate World Statistics Day with the United Nations and statistical agencies across the globe. This video highlights some of the many benefits we receive from the statistical information provided by the US federal statistical community. The key question: "What would our country -- our world -- be like, without statistics?"
US Census Bureau and GPS Targeting
big brother isn't just watching you he's GPS'ing you also...
published: 04 May 2009
Author: kduron2082
US Census Bureau and GPS Targeting
big brother isn't just watching you he's GPS'ing you also
US Census Bureau - American Community Survey 2010
Did you know that you could be fined for not completing the American Community Survey dist...
published: 01 May 2009
Author: Shonda Smith
US Census Bureau - American Community Survey 2010
Did you know that you could be fined for not completing the American Community Survey distributed by the US Census Bureau? The government is getting too personal and using heavy-handed tactics to get people to fill it out. The government agency not only wants to know who lives in your home, but how much you earn, the amount of your mortgage or rent payment, and even what time you leave for work. For more information, visit the following website: www.census.gov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to a YouTube viewer, I've discovered that WYFF 4 gave out misguiding information pertaining to fines for not filling out a census bureau American Community Survey form. You can only be fined up to $100 for not completing a census form, NO jail time. If you answer questions untruthfully on a census form you can be fined up to $500, still NO jail time. If you are an EMPLOYEE of the census bureau and you release information on a form then the EMPLOYEE can be fined up to $250000 and/or up to five years in prison. This link provides the details regarding fines and jail time: uscode.house.gov Look under Chapter 7 Offenses and Penalties, subchapter II, Section 221 - Other Persons Unbelievably, a church could be fined up to $10000 for answering falsely on a census form according to Section 224. Thank you to our YouTube viewer for this information :) I still think the government is going too far and invading our personal space! My mother <b>...</b>
Special : A Call to the US Census Bureau
www.Alfred.TV An excerpt from the live Alfred.TV webcast, a call to the US Census Bureau w...
published: 26 Mar 2010
Author: adiblasi
Special : A Call to the US Census Bureau
www.Alfred.TV An excerpt from the live Alfred.TV webcast, a call to the US Census Bureau with a simple question "Can you fill out the form online?"
US Census Bureau, 46.2 million Americans are now living in poverty
My Blog : uspimpclub.blogspot.com Unprecedented Dependence On The Government Because they ...
published: 14 Sep 2011
Author: uspimpclub
US Census Bureau, 46.2 million Americans are now living in poverty
My Blog : uspimpclub.blogspot.com Unprecedented Dependence On The Government Because they cannot get good jobs that will enable them to support themselves and their families, millions of Americans that used to be hard working contributors to society are now dependent on government handouts. Nearly every single measure of government dependence is at a record high, and there are no signs that things are going to turn around any time soon. *One out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one government anti-poverty program. *Nearly 10 million Americans now receive unemployment benefits. That number is almost four times larger than it was back in 2007. *More than 45 million Americans are now on food stamps. The number of Americans on food stamps has increased 74% since 2007. *Approximately one-third of the entire population of Alabama is now on food stamps. *More than 50 million Americans are now on Medicaid. US Census Bureau, 46.2 million Americans are now living in poverty http America is getting poorer. The US government has just released a bunch of new statistics about poverty in America, and once again this year the news is not good. According to a special report from the US Census Bureau, 46.2 million Americans are now living in poverty. The number of those living in poverty in America has grown by 2.6 million in just the last 12 months, and that is the largest increase that we have ever seen since the US government began calculating poverty figures back in <b>...</b>
US Census Bureau Live Video Event: County Business Patterns
County Business Patterns is an annual series that provides sub-national economic data by i...
published: 15 Aug 2011
Author: uscensusbureau
US Census Bureau Live Video Event: County Business Patterns
County Business Patterns is an annual series that provides sub-national economic data by industry. This event featured Patrice Norman and Belitza Rojas Lopez, who took questions from the public live during the event on Facebook and Twitter. County Business Patterns provides the only detailed annual information on the number of establishments, employees, and first quarter and annual payroll for most of the 1100 industries covered at the national, state and county levels. Businesses use County Business Patterns data for analyzing market potential, measuring the effectiveness of sales and advertising programs, setting sales quotas, and developing budgets. Government agencies use the data for administration and planning. For the first time, County Business Patterns has expanded to include economic statistics for the four Island Areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the US Virgin Islands). In 2009, businesses with paid employees numbered 7.4 million, a decline of 168000 establishments from 2008, marking the second consecutive year of decline. Further, between 2008 and 2009, employment dropped 5.3 percent, a decrease of more than 6 million employees, for a total of 114509626. To view the UStream event broadcast, please visit: www.facebook.com/uscensusbureau or www.ustream.tv To learn more about the County Business Patterns please visit: www.census.gov
The 1940 Census - Introduction
A general overview of the 1940 census as the "permanent inventory of the nation,"...;
published: 30 Sep 2009
Author: usnationalarchives
The 1940 Census - Introduction
A general overview of the 1940 census as the "permanent inventory of the nation," this film emphasizes the responsibility of all citizens to participate. It review the three main parts of the census, including the population, agriculture, and housing schedules, and delves into the background of the census and the reasons behind the questions. The duties of the enumerators are also reviewed, highlighting the three major principles of accuracy, complete coverage, and confidential answers. For more information about the 1940 Census, and to use it as a research tool, visit 1940census.archives.gov Transcript (PDF): archives.gov
US Census Bureau - American Community Survey 2010
I love watching TV on my computer! bit.ly It's great being able to keep up with the ne...
published: 21 Dec 2010
Author: 2jtdon
US Census Bureau - American Community Survey 2010
I love watching TV on my computer! bit.ly It's great being able to keep up with the news and my favorite TV shows. You should check it out! I highly recommend it!
Data Security
Census Bureau CIO Brian McGrath describe the Census Bureau's strategies to keep its da...
published: 15 Mar 2010
Author: uscensusbureau
Data Security
Census Bureau CIO Brian McGrath describe the Census Bureau's strategies to keep its data safe and secure.
US Census Reports Reveals 1 in 6 Americans Are Poor, 1 in 5 Children Live in Poverty
DemocracyNow.org - A new US Census Bureau report reveals the number of people living in po...
published: 14 Sep 2011
Author: democracynow
US Census Reports Reveals 1 in 6 Americans Are Poor, 1 in 5 Children Live in Poverty
DemocracyNow.org - A new US Census Bureau report reveals the number of people living in poverty last year surged to 46.2 million — 1 in 6 Americans, the highest number since the Bureau began tracking such data more than 50 years ago. According to the report, blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 54 percent of the poor with whites at 9.9 percent and Asians at 12.1 percent. Children under 18 suffered the highest poverty rate. Meanwhile, the number of Americans with employer-provided health insurance has also continued to decline and now hovers just below the 50 million mark, the most in more than two decades. Analysts say the numbers would have been worse if not for government assistance programs, including extended unemployment compensation, stimulus spending, Obama's health reforms, and social security. We speak with Heidi Shierholz, labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute. For the complete transcript, to download the podcast, or for additional Democracy Now! reports about the US economic crisis, visit www.democracynow.org FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: www.youtube.com Daily Email News Digest: www.democracynow.org Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit www.democracynow.org
Vimeo results:
State of the City - The Decade of San Antonio: A Big City transforming into a Great City 1/28/10
Mayor Julián Castro presented his first State of the City Address on Thursday, January 28,...
published: 29 Jan 2010
Author: Mayor Julián Castro
State of the City - The Decade of San Antonio: A Big City transforming into a Great City 1/28/10
Mayor Julián Castro presented his first State of the City Address on Thursday, January 28, 2010, and proclaimed San Antonio as a city on the move that will vault forward economically in the coming decade.
"This is the decade of San Antonio, the decade of our emergence as an economic powerhouse nationally and internationally," Castro said. "We'll get there by building up brainpower and opportunity, making vibrant our public spaces, and getting the fundamentals of city government right."
Mayor Castro told a record crowd of more than 900 business and community leaders that his administration will not hide from the city's most difficult issues, which include raising the educational attainment level of the local workforce and investing in the city's urban core.
"Great cities are defined by their downtowns. San Antonio must invest in downtown and make it a magnet for residents and visitors alike," Castro said. "In these next few years, we will put a new streetcar system on the ground, redevelop our beloved Hemisfair, and enhance our Riverwalk to breathe new life into our downtown."
On Jobs:
"The top priority for 2010 is creating jobs for San Antonians. Our city has fared better than most American communities during this downturn, but we must work to fare better. 20,000 net new jobs in 2010 is the goal."
Green Economy:
"We must embrace new economic opportunities. San Antonio can and should become a leader in the green economy by investing in green job training, incentivizing green manufacturing and leading the way in the use of renewables to meet our energy needs."
Transcript of Speech:
[ Applause ]
Thank you.
Thank you very much for that introduction, Carri. You've already shown in your short time wonderful leadership here at the Chamber. I want to thank you and Richard Perez and all the folks at the Chamber for your tremendous leadership in the city. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to work with ya'll as we expand the Mentoring Matters initiatives, and make sure that most folks have had the opportunity to reach their dreams. And I want to thank all of ya'll for being here. Carri mentioned that there are over 900 folks here, and when they told me that yesterday, I thought that this event must have been billed as “C.P.S. Energy, Behind-the-Scenes.” [ Laughter ] Or something to draw folks here.
But really, I believe that there is tremendous energy here in San Antonio in 2010. I believe that 2010 marks the beginning of the decade of San Antonio. This is the decade that we will emerge as an economic powerhouse across the nation and across the world, a place that people are looking toward for leadership, a place that people are taking notice of, a place that is in perfect position to seize the opportunity of tomorrow. It has been my absolute privilege to serve as your mayor for the last seven months. These days have been exciting ones, they've been long ones, but they've been well worthwhile because of the work of many, many folks, a couple of which I'd like to just recognize right now.
The first is, and I'd like to ask them all to stand up, the best city council that we've had in years, our San Antonio city council, please, if you would, stand up. I see Councilwoman Cisneros, Councilwoman Taylor, Councilwoman Ramos, Councilman Cortez, Councilman Medina, Councilman Lopez, Councilman Rodriguez, Councilman Williams, Councilwoman Chan, and Councilman Clamp. Thank ya'll very much.
I was, of course, not in office for four years, and in that time we had one of the best mayors in America, Phil Hardberger, who did a wonderful job of laying out a vision and a foundation for us to build on, and I'd like to recognize him as well. Thank you very much, Mayor Hardberger, for being here.
[ Applause ]
Everybody says that we have the best city manager in America, and seven months ago I got a chance to start testing that for myself, and I got to tell you, it's the truth. Sheryl Sculley has done an absolutely wonderful job as city manager, and she's really, and I think that Phil would agree with this, she is the reason that we look so good being mayor. I hope she'll stand up and be recognized. Thank you very much, Sheryl, for your work.
[ Applause ]
I remember coming to a couple of chamber events over the last few years, and Nelson Wolff would always tell this joke about being -- I don't know whether it was him not being the old mayor anymore or the young mayor, or I guess being about the same age as Phil. These days I know that I'm the young mayor, and he's the older county judge but has been a terrific partner and collaborator and one of the reasons that our city does so well. Thank you very much, Nelson, for your leadership. I'd like to recognize you as well.
[ Applause ]
And then I want to recognize my own staff. I see many of them here from Robbie Greenblum who couldn’t be here today to Jaime Castillo, Frances Gonzalez, Jed Maebius. I see Christian Archer, Roland Garza, Sarah McLor
Census "Community" - Director's Cut
U.S. 2010 Census "Community" Project Credits
Title: Census "Community"
Length: :30
Debut ...
published: 22 Jan 2010
Author: Shilo
Census "Community" - Director's Cut
U.S. 2010 Census "Community" Project Credits
Title: Census "Community"
Length: :30
Debut date: 1/18/10
Film locations/studios: Gary's Loft, Brooklyn, NY.
More info: http://bit.ly/8vD6N5
Client: U.S. Census Bureau
COTR Branch Chief: Kendall Johnson
Program Analyst: Angelia Banks
Hispanic Communications Consultant: Rafael Ignacio Maldonado
Advertising Agency: GlobalHue Latino
Creative Director: Amany Mroueh
Assoc. CD: Felipe Godinez
Senior Copywriter: Gerard Garolera
Executive Producer: Rosa Matos
Director: Shilo
Production Company: Shilo
Creative Director: Jose Gomez
Associate CD: Mike Slane
Director of Photography: Martin Ahlgren
Executive Producer: Santino Sladavic
Senior Producer: Hilary Wright
Line Producer: John Gomez
Coordinator: Brittany Geber
Editors: Adam Bluming, Akira Chan
3D Lead: Blake Guest
3D Model/Animation: Blake Guest, Trentity De Witt, Zach Christian, Mason Stapleton, Colin Cromwell
3D Lighting/Rendering: Erik Anderson, Walter Schulz
Compositing: Mike Slane, Ed Laag
Rotoscoping/3D Tracking: Tim Turner, Nathan Davies
Telecine Company: Company 3
Colorist: Dave Hussey
Music Company: Face The Music, Bicoastal
Composer: Face The Music
Executive Producer: Adam Joseph
Audio Mix: Penny Lane Studios
Engineer: Robert Sorrentino
Producer: Jackie Sparks
Principal Talent: Brianna Gonzalez
Making Of 2010 Census "Community"
More information: http://bit.ly/8vD6N5
U.S. 2010 Census "Community" Project Credits
published: 22 Jan 2010
Author: Shilo
Making Of 2010 Census "Community"
More information: http://bit.ly/8vD6N5
U.S. 2010 Census "Community" Project Credits
Title: Census "Community"
Length: :30
Debut date: 1/18/10
Film locations/studios: Gary's Loft, Brooklyn, NY.
Client: U.S. Census Bureau
COTR Branch Chief: Kendall Johnson
Program Analyst: Angelia Banks
Hispanic Communications Consultant: Rafael Ignacio Maldonado
Advertising Agency: GlobalHue Latino
Creative Director: Amany Mroueh
Assoc. CD: Felipe Godinez
Senior Copywriter: Gerard Garolera
Executive Producer: Rosa Matos
Director: Shilo
Production Company: Shilo
Creative Director: Jose Gomez
Associate CD: Mike Slane
Director of Photography: Martin Ahlgren
Executive Producer: Santino Sladavic
Senior Producer: Hilary Wright
Line Producer: John Gomez
Coordinator: Brittany Geber
Editors: Adam Bluming, Akira Chan
3D Lead: Blake Guest
3D Model/Animation: Blake Guest, Trentity De Witt, Zach Christian, Mason Stapleton, Colin Cromwell
3D Lighting/Rendering: Erik Anderson, Walter Schulz
Compositing: Mike Slane, Ed Laag
Rotoscoping/3D Tracking: Tim Turner, Nathan Davies
Telecine Company: Company 3
Colorist: Dave Hussey
Music Company: Face The Music, Bicoastal
Composer: Face The Music
Executive Producer: Adam Joseph
Audio Mix: Penny Lane Studios
Engineer: Robert Sorrentino
Producer: Jackie Sparks
Principal Talent: Brianna Gonzalez
U.S. Census Bureau - Sunrise Ceremony, San Francisco
Sights and sounds from a sunrise ceremony at the northern foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, ...
published: 13 Jan 2010
Author: New America Media
U.S. Census Bureau - Sunrise Ceremony, San Francisco
Sights and sounds from a sunrise ceremony at the northern foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, on January 4, marking the kickoff of a nation-wide bus tour to promote the 2010 census.
Lorenzo Baca, Native American spiritual leader who led the ceremony, shares his thoughts on the census and encourages his fellow Native Americans to stand up and be counted.
Youtube results:
Amanda McWhorter: Human Resources Specialist, US Census Bureau
CAP's interview with Amanda McWhorter. Visit us online at cap.mil Stay Connected with ...
published: 19 Jan 2011
Author: TheDoDCAP
Amanda McWhorter: Human Resources Specialist, US Census Bureau
CAP's interview with Amanda McWhorter. Visit us online at cap.mil Stay Connected with CAP: Follow CAP on Twitter at twitter.com Facebook at www.facebook.com
28 Page Census Bureau American Community Survey
Dear Resident: The US Census Bureau recently sent a letter to your household about the Ame...
published: 04 Jul 2011
Author: zeekzilch
28 Page Census Bureau American Community Survey
Dear Resident: The US Census Bureau recently sent a letter to your household about the American Community Survey. Enclosed is a questionnaire and information about the survey. Please complete the questionnaire and mail it back as soon as possible in the postage-paid envelope. This survey collects critical up-to-date information used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from this survey are used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed. This information also helps communities plan for the kinds of emergency situations that might affect you and your neighbors, such as floods and other natural disasters. The US Census Bureau chose your address, not you personally, as part of a randomly selected sample. You are required by US law to respond to this survey. The Census Bureau is required by US law to keep your answers confidential. The enclosed brochure answers frequently asked questions about the survey. If you need help filling out the questionnaire, please use the enclosed guide or call our toll-free number (1-800-354-7271) . Thank you, Sincerely, Robert M. Groves Director Here is my personal webpage about population issues: www.rogerwendell.com 07-04-2011
US Census Bureau Is Being Paid by DEFENSE CONTRACTORS
A caller to the Officer Jack McLamb Show (RBN) brings up what Henry Kissinger said recentl...
published: 31 May 2009
Author: jnelson3d
US Census Bureau Is Being Paid by DEFENSE CONTRACTORS
A caller to the Officer Jack McLamb Show (RBN) brings up what Henry Kissinger said recently about no more guns in US by September '09. The issue of US Census GPS'ing people's houses comes up. There is an article here: www.fourwinds10.com in which Kissinger said, "By September well have confiscated all privately owned guns so it really doesn't matter what we do, well still be in charge."
US Census What You Don't Know Can Hurt
This Video is an Authorized Re-Post from the Following Channel Please Subscribe TruthAndFr...
published: 12 Mar 2010
Author: 2setufree
US Census What You Don't Know Can Hurt
This Video is an Authorized Re-Post from the Following Channel Please Subscribe TruthAndFreedomNet March 10, 2010 This is an expose' of the Census Bureau. This video itemizes the fundamental legal questions that the Census Bureau refuses or fails to answer about its collection and use of personal information f... This is an expose' of the Census Bureau. This video itemizes the fundamental legal questions that the Census Bureau refuses or fails to answer about its collection and use of personal information from every American (see questions below). This program aired on Matrix News Network (syndicated national television) in January of 2010. Many people have requested the list below: QUESTIONS THAT THE CENSUS BUREAU REFUSED OR FAILED TO ANSWER (from Jerry Day's Matrix News Network segment: "The Census Is Getting Personal"): 1) The Constitution authorizes government to count people but it does not authorize the taking of private information or even the names of individuals. From where does the Census Bureau derive authority to demand our private information? 2) Is there any limit to the amount and type of private information that the Census bureau may demand and collect? 3) Under what Constitutional authority does the Census Bureau collect information now from 250000 people per month of every year? 4) The 4th Amendment to the Constitution prohibits government search and seizure of private information without a court warrant based on probable cause, Current Census policies <b>...</b>