
Chi Energy Amazing Footage
This is a repost of an exerpt of a series of documentarys by Lawrence Blair, called Ring o...
published: 08 Dec 2008
author: hoose5286
Chi Energy Amazing Footage
This is a repost of an exerpt of a series of documentarys by Lawrence Blair, called Ring of Fire; an Indonessian odyssey. the guys name is supposedly John Chang this is a must see documentary piece. Meet the master of energy, this is an amazing story about a man who has mastered the art of harnessing and using energy.It is called Chii and he can use it to heal or even to set objects on fire using his mind. *Fair Use*
published: 08 Dec 2008
views: 804207

Qigong master projecting his chi energy
An advanced qigong master projects his chi energy through people. Some pretty wild stuff!...
published: 02 Nov 2006
author: therion616
Qigong master projecting his chi energy
An advanced qigong master projects his chi energy through people. Some pretty wild stuff!
published: 02 Nov 2006
views: 1255793

The Power of Chi - Exposed
Is the ancient mystical power of Chi as real as they say it is? What about Dim Mak the inf...
published: 24 May 2007
author: 2xRDA
The Power of Chi - Exposed
Is the ancient mystical power of Chi as real as they say it is? What about Dim Mak the infamous 'Death Touch' a punch so powerful it can knock people off their feet without even having to make contact? This is an original Documentary by 2xRDA. Watch as one of Bruce Lee's former teachers top pupils attempts this secret technique on real live volunteers.
published: 24 May 2007
views: 349306

The Wondrous World of Chi Power
Ven. Lama Dondrup Dorje activating students chi to clear blockages in channels during the ...
published: 21 May 2007
author: GyurmeSenge
The Wondrous World of Chi Power
Ven. Lama Dondrup Dorje activating students chi to clear blockages in channels during the 2006 Pathgate Summer Retreat. Students own energy then propels them to move. See more at www.pathgate.org
published: 21 May 2007
views: 859702

Gathering the Chi (from "Szechuan Summer")
Smoke rises from his fingers as a Chinese health care practitioner gathers the energy or "...
published: 16 Mar 2007
author: Martha Ezell
Gathering the Chi (from "Szechuan Summer")
Smoke rises from his fingers as a Chinese health care practitioner gathers the energy or "qi" to help cure a patient. Later he creates heat over dry newspapers which smolder as he concentrates his energy to show how refined chi can be powerful.
published: 16 Mar 2007
views: 195983
Martha Ezell

Chi Energy Documentary - Proof of Chi
This is a documentary of this guy who can unleash this shocking energy, chi, by meditation...
published: 12 Apr 2010
author: bjpenntheking
Chi Energy Documentary - Proof of Chi
This is a documentary of this guy who can unleash this shocking energy, chi, by meditations like Shaolin Monks..... Believe or not, watch the documentary..... Q. What is Chi? A. It is referred to as "life energy" that can be converted into different types of energy, such as kinetic or electrical energy within the body. Q. What is the scientific fact for this, I'm a little skeptical? A. The scientific fact is that our bodies are comprised of an energy system that can be measured in many different ways. Doctors are continually doing research to find more data to support the reality of chi. Asians, especially in China and Japan have been using chi to heal patients for years. It is only in recent years that the western world has become interested in the hows and whys of this somewhat mysterious phenomenon. ( Below you will find some resources that show actual research done by both the East and West in terms of this energy) Researchers in many different fields have realized the significance of the bodies ability to adapt to different types of stimuli and stress. By putting the body through specific exercises that are designed to build this energy body by increasing the pounds per square inch in the body as well as increasing the size and strength of the individual nerve fibers of the body, thus causing the body to be able to store as well as emit energy. For more: www.chipower.com
published: 12 Apr 2010
views: 351757

What is Chi?
www.mastergohring.com http Master Clarke answers the question of "what is chi?" at Master ...
published: 29 Oct 2006
author: MasterGohring
What is Chi?
www.mastergohring.com http Master Clarke answers the question of "what is chi?" at Master Gohring's Tai Chi & Kung Fu in Austin Texas
published: 29 Oct 2006
views: 7716

AMAZING Chi Powers
Don't try this at home. See Martial Arts Masters harness incredible unseen forces of natur...
published: 25 Nov 2006
author: UFOTVonline
AMAZING Chi Powers
Don't try this at home. See Martial Arts Masters harness incredible unseen forces of nature and fantastic powers of mind over matter. Through the power of Chi Energy, these Masters of the Martial Arts defy the laws of physics as they demonstrate their super human powers. Now on DVD, Catalog #K581. Visit us online: www.UFOTV.com True and miraculous stories of the wildly strange and unexplained are featured here on UFOTV. Our vast library of suppressed and exotic news and information includes reports on UFOs & Aliens, Spirit Culture & The Paranormal, Shocking Political Controversy, Mystery & Wonder. Subscribers are automatically notified first as we add new videos on a regular bases. UFOTV - Your ultimate resource for suppressed and exotic, controversy, news and information. Visit us online www.UFOTV.com and at our other YouTube channel: UFOTVstudios
published: 25 Nov 2006
views: 206734

MASTERS OF HEAVEN & EARTH - Official Trailer by Empty Mind Films
This is the trailer for Masters of Heaven and Earth. If you thought Tai Chi was old folks ...
published: 27 Oct 2008
author: emptymindfilms
MASTERS OF HEAVEN & EARTH - Official Trailer by Empty Mind Films
This is the trailer for Masters of Heaven and Earth. If you thought Tai Chi was old folks in the park moving slowly you will be shocked. Come with us on a journey across China to explore real Tai chi chuan. Featuring Chen style, Wudang tai chi and Yang styles. Chen Xiaowang and Chen Xiaoxing with yang style master Cui Zhongzan. Also features Wudang masters Priest Zhong Yun Long and Yuan. Available on DVD and HD download at emptymindfilms.com
published: 27 Oct 2008
views: 648832

How to Chi Bend
This video explains how to make a chi energy ball (chi bending). Benefits: improved concen...
published: 03 Feb 2010
author: Vu Long Tran
How to Chi Bend
This video explains how to make a chi energy ball (chi bending). Benefits: improved concentration, focus, calmness, relaxation and can help some people to sleep. Here are some steps to help guide you, but please do let me know if you still have difficulties. 1. Rub your two hands together (this is optional but helps initially while you're unsure of what you're looking for). 2. You should feel energy building up between your hands, it will slowly push your hands apart from each other, let it and then reign it in again. 3. Continue doing so until you've found a comfortable position. Some tips: Focus on your breathing - Try hold your breath for 3-5 seconds as you breath in and out. What you may notice is when you breath in and you should feel a push outwards as it expands, breath out and you should feel it as being somewhat smaller as it contracts. I don't believe it? Whether you believe it or not, I believe it is a great meditation tool whereby it acts as a great focus point (rather than you just concentrating on your breathing during meditation), so sometimes you'll find breathing deeply for 2-3 seconds and seeking to clear your thoughts may help. For some, I have heard it has helped them stay calm and sleep. Others have seen it as a symbol for peace and calmness. Whatever it may mean to you, the main thing is that it helps you be feel relaxed and calm. Can you share it? Yes you can share it but they would need to know how to maintain it also or it will disappear into the ...
published: 03 Feb 2010
views: 43360
Vu Long Tran

Fausto Leali-"A chi"1967
Fausto Leali "A chi" 1967...
published: 03 Dec 2006
author: Li-Tan Chang
Fausto Leali-"A chi"1967

Tai Chi vs MMA (Who is nicer?)
Watch with the SOUND ON before you comment!!!! powhow.com Join Ian's LIVE Online Tai Chi &...
published: 05 Feb 2012
author: taijiman7777
Tai Chi vs MMA (Who is nicer?)
Watch with the SOUND ON before you comment!!!! powhow.com Join Ian's LIVE Online Tai Chi & Kung Fu Studio classes via Powhow! Learn more about tai chi at www.TaiChiCentral.com or visit Ian Sinclair's website at http Vist www.LannaMMA.com for more about Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiujitsu, and Mixed Martial Arts. This demonstration show what nice people martial artists are. When my own students couldn't make it to the demo, Kru Mel Bellissimo of LANA MMA offered his help by volunteering his own students for my demo. I had never worked with them before, and they new very little about me. But the nature of the event and our common interest instilled an automatic trust. My demonstrations ended up showing less about my skill and my art than it did about the quality, skill, and character of the students and instructors at LANA MMA. I am extremely grateful and totally impressed by them. http
published: 05 Feb 2012
views: 289677

Tai Chi for Beginners
Tai Chi for Beginners Instructional DVD In 6 languages by Dr Paul Lam - Six Easy Steps to ...
published: 31 Mar 2008
author: drpaullamtaichi
Tai Chi for Beginners
Tai Chi for Beginners Instructional DVD In 6 languages by Dr Paul Lam - Six Easy Steps to Enjoy Tai Chi Duration: 90 mins. For a FREE LESSON: go taichiproductions.com, select Beginners - 8 lessons and scroll to the bottom, click the play button. THE TAI CHI FOR BEGINNERS PROGRAM Dr Lam has worked with thousand of instructors and students for an ideal Tai Chi Program for beginners. He and his team of tai chi and medical experts created this easy-to-learn and enjoyable set that contains all the essence of Tai Chi.Anyone who wishes to learn tai chi for better health, relaxation and fitness can start with this program. This instructional DVD commences with a brief introduction to Tai Chi, followed by a series of unique Tai Chi warm up, cooling down and Qigong exercises. This then leads to a set of Foundational Movements and finally the Beginner's Forms. CONTENTS • Step 1. One Warm Up Exercise • Step 2. Two Stretching Exercises • Step 3. Three Cool Down Exercises • Step 4. Four Qigong (breathing, energy) Exercises • Step 5. Five Foundational Movements • Step 6. The Beginner's Set COMMENTS "Your DVD is so easy to understand and remember. I had so much fun learning that I wanted to go to the next step!" Andy Cramer, Illinois, USA "I send you love and energy and appreciation for all your inspiration and instruction. Your video changed my life." Peggy Tabor USA Thanks for your prompt response. I am impressed with the quality of your programs and services. I feel certain that your ...
published: 31 Mar 2008
views: 1201471
Youtube results:

5-minute Tai Chi for Health and Relaxation Part 1 of 2
The secret to manage your stress TAI CHI @ WORK -- Learn 5 minutes tai chi Dr Paul Lam Buy...
published: 23 Apr 2008
author: ICCMR2008
5-minute Tai Chi for Health and Relaxation Part 1 of 2
The secret to manage your stress TAI CHI @ WORK -- Learn 5 minutes tai chi Dr Paul Lam Buy instructional DVD with the complete program from: www.taichiproductions.com GIVE IT A TRY! Why not start with the five minute lesson and see out how easy it is to learn from Dr Lam's teaching. Dr Lam will teach the 5, 15 and 30 minute tai chi sessions. You can follow the Office Practice section to reinforce your learning. THE TAI CHI @ WORK PROGRAM Dr Lam has worked with a team of tai chi, health and business professionals to create this innovative program for people at work. You will learn how the wisdom of these ancient tai chi principles can apply in today's workplace. They will share with you the secrets to manage stress and how to apply this simple, easy to learn, practical tai chi set to turn stress into a source of strength.
published: 23 Apr 2008
views: 249199

(tai chi music by oliver shanti)
we are bliss in present emotion...
published: 18 Sep 2007
author: haribolshanti
(tai chi music by oliver shanti)

ChiRunning Simplified!, Efficient and Injury Free Natural Running Form Technique Video
www.eChiFitness.com - video summary of basic ChiRunning ("chee-running", chi running) Prin...
published: 05 Mar 2010
author: echifitness
ChiRunning Simplified!, Efficient and Injury Free Natural Running Form Technique Video
www.eChiFitness.com - video summary of basic ChiRunning ("chee-running", chi running) Principles for an Efficient and Injury Free Running Form A natural form of running which cooperates with the forces of nature. The same principles and benefits apply to ChiWalking with slight adjustments in walking technique. Note three additional blog posts: - Physics Analysis: echifitness.com - Feeling Gravity: echifitness.com - Comparison Clarification: echifitness.com
published: 05 Mar 2010
views: 245391