
CHRISTMAS EVE 1947 - George Raft, George Brent, Joan Blondell, Randolph Scott
CHRISTMAS EVE 1947 - George Raft, George Brent, Joan Blondell, Randolph Scott, Virginia Fi...
published: 05 Jun 2012
Author: filmnoir2012
CHRISTMAS EVE 1947 - George Raft, George Brent, Joan Blondell, Randolph Scott
CHRISTMAS EVE 1947 - George Raft, George Brent, Joan Blondell, Randolph Scott, Virginia Field, Ann Harding, Reginald Denny, John Litel - Robert Altman uncredited co-wrote the script Available by calling 1-800-440-2960 or 1-306-955-3763 or emailing robertsvideos@shaw.ca - mentioned in Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide & VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever

Christmas Eve 1947 - George Raft - George Brent - Randolph Scott
Want to get the full film on DVD? Visit www.lovingtheclassics.com...
published: 11 Oct 2012
Author: ClassicMovieShop
Christmas Eve 1947 - George Raft - George Brent - Randolph Scott
Want to get the full film on DVD? Visit www.lovingtheclassics.com

The Bishop's Wife - Christmas Sermon - Meaning of Christmas - 1947 Movie
Tonight I want to tell you the story of an empty stocking. Once upon a midnight clear, the...
published: 12 Dec 2010
Author: williambrighenticpa
The Bishop's Wife - Christmas Sermon - Meaning of Christmas - 1947 Movie
Tonight I want to tell you the story of an empty stocking. Once upon a midnight clear, there was a child's cry, a blazing star hung over a stable, and wise men came with birthday gifts. We haven't forgotten that night down the centuries. We celebrate it with stars on Christmas trees, with the sound of bells, and with gifts. But especially with gifts. You give me a book, I give you a tie. Aunt Martha has always wanted an orange squeezer and Uncle Henry can do with a new pipe. For we forget nobody, adult or child. All the stockings are filled, all that is, except one. And we have even forgotten to hang it up. The stocking for the child born in a manger. Its his birthday we're celebrating. Don't let us ever forget that. Let us ask ourselves what He would wish for most. And then, let each put in his share, loving kindness, warm hearts, and a stretched out hand of tolerance. All the shinning gifts that make peace on earth.

Margaret Whiting - What Are You Doing New Years Eve - 1947
Song Written by Frank Loesser and was first released by Margaret Whiting in 1947. Margaret...
published: 01 Jan 2012
Author: warholsoup100
Margaret Whiting - What Are You Doing New Years Eve - 1947
Song Written by Frank Loesser and was first released by Margaret Whiting in 1947. Margaret Whiting (July 22, 1924 -- January 10, 2011) was a singer of American popular music and country music who first made her reputation during the 1940s and 1950s. This is kinda fitting, since she passed away last January, 2011.

Christmas Eve Overture: Rimsky-Korsakov (Golovanov)
Overture to Christmas Eve - Rimsky-Korsakov; Nikolai Golovanov 1947 Rimsky's beautiful...
published: 11 Mar 2009
Author: vstasov
Christmas Eve Overture: Rimsky-Korsakov (Golovanov)
Overture to Christmas Eve - Rimsky-Korsakov; Nikolai Golovanov 1947 Rimsky's beautiful, magical orchestration conducted by one of the greatest Soviet conductors, Nikolai Golovanov.

Santa's Surprise 1947 Saint Nick Santa Claus Funny Cartoon Animated - Public Domain Entertainment
After a hard night's work on Christmas Eve, delivering toys to all the good little boy...
published: 17 Oct 2011
Author: Neal Kelly
Santa's Surprise 1947 Saint Nick Santa Claus Funny Cartoon Animated - Public Domain Entertainment
After a hard night's work on Christmas Eve, delivering toys to all the good little boys and girls all over the world, the worn-out-and-tired Santa Claus returns to his home at the North Pole for a well-earned rest. At Little Audrey's house in the USA, the viewer is introduced to her via her picture hanging above her stocking in the fireplace mantle. Little Audrey's stocking, giving the audience a glimpse of her character traits, has a hole in the bottom that drops her present into a box on the floor and, consequently, Audrey gets more than her allotted share as Santa keeps trying to fill her stocking. Santa visits many countries - one of which doesn't celebrate or recognize Christmas or Santa Claus but, as far as Santa is concerned, a good kid is a good kid no matter where they live and gets a present anyway. Audrey and a United Nations group of kids - Spanish, Chinese. ad feedback iPhoneiPadAndroidAndroid TabletWindows Phone Santa Claus Stocking Christmas Home Christmas Eve Little Audrey North Pole Fireplace USA Sleeping Chinese Dutch Spanish Record Player Mouse Hole Cheese Sweeping Mouse Ironing Board Spinning Like A Tornado Sleigh Hula Dancer Singing Shoeshine Boy Music Box Goldfish Bowl Punctuation In Title Wind Up Toy Bed

Louisiana Christmas Day sung by Aaron Neville
♪Make sure to see the new wide screen version; a link is below and also in the video...
published: 20 Jun 2009
Author: LaLeroux
Louisiana Christmas Day sung by Aaron Neville
♪Make sure to see the new wide screen version; a link is below and also in the video responses. Louisiana Christmas Day ~ Sung by Aaron Neville ~ No copy infraction intended on my videos. Thank you for watching! Dedicated to the heritage and charm of a Christmas in Louisiana ~ May Papa Noel follow da bonfires tru de byu and find yo homes on Christmas Eve. Joyeux Noël et Nouvelle Année Heureuse ~ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! You will notice a little white snowman in the video, his name is Mr. Bingle and he was an important part of Christmas in New Orleans and the surrounding area. When you saw him on TV you knew Christmas was on its way; it was difficult not to say Mr. Bingle and Christmas in the same sentence. For a little history on our infamous friend; once there was a department store named Maison Blanche which was founded in 1897 by Isadore Newman. He took a trip to Chicago and noticed a character in a store, Marshall Fields, called Uncle Mistletoe. He was a scraggily haired Dickenson character that became the inspiration for Mr. Bingle who was created and designed by Emile Alline, an employee of Maison Blanche, in 1947. Eventually Mr. Bingle appeared in musical radio and television commercials. He also appeared as a guest on other TV programs and made frequent visits to Children's Hospital to bring cheer and hope to many sick children. The puppet shows ended in 1985 when Isentrout died. Link: www.youtube.com

Jimmy Durante Christmas Show 1947
Jimmy Durante Show Christmas Eve At Home. Original Air Date Was 12/24/1947. At the time, J...
published: 16 Dec 2011
Author: STEPCHILD240
Jimmy Durante Christmas Show 1947
Jimmy Durante Show Christmas Eve At Home. Original Air Date Was 12/24/1947. At the time, Jimmy was on for Rexall Drugs on NBC's Wednesday night schedule at 10:30pm(et). After this broadcast, Jimmy went into the hospital for an operation, and was off the show for a month; guest hosts, including Red Skelton, Jimmy's former co-star Garry Moore, Bob Hope, and Al Jolson filled in for him until his return...

It's a Wonderful Life: Colorized Version *HD* - Part 1 of 1
On Christmas Eve 1946, George Bailey (James Stewart) is deeply depressed, even suicidal. P...
published: 21 Aug 2011
Author: SuperSecretp
It's a Wonderful Life: Colorized Version *HD* - Part 1 of 1
On Christmas Eve 1946, George Bailey (James Stewart) is deeply depressed, even suicidal. Prayers for George are heard by the angels. Clarence Odbody (Henry Travers), an Angel Second Class, is sent to Earth to save him—and thereby earn his wings. Joseph, the head angel, reviews George's life with Clarence. As a 12-year-old boy in 1919, George (Bobby Anderson) saved the life of his younger brother Harry (Todd Karns) after he fell through the ice on a pond, though George got an ear infection that impaired his hearing in one ear. Later, as an errand boy in a pharmacy, George stopped his boss, local druggist Mr. Gower (HB Warner), from mistakenly filling a child's prescription with poison while grief-stricken over the death of his son from influenza. From childhood, George's greatest ambition has been to see the world and design bridges and skyscrapers. However, he repeatedly has to sacrifice his dreams for the well-being of others. He puts off going to college to help in the family business until Harry graduates from high school and can replace him at the Bailey Building and Loan Association, vital to many of the disadvantaged in town. On Harry's graduation night in 1928, George discusses his future with Mary Hatch (Donna Reed), who has had a crush on him since she was a little girl. Uncle Billy (Thomas Mitchell) and Harry then break the news to George that his father has had a stroke. Mr. Potter (Lionel Barrymore), a heartless slumlord, seizes the opportunity to try to <b>...</b>

Santa's Surprise (1947)
Five children from around the world follow Santa home on Christmas Eve, and decide to give...
published: 22 Mar 2011
Author: clipcafe
Santa's Surprise (1947)
Five children from around the world follow Santa home on Christmas Eve, and decide to give him some extra help around the workshop. With Little Audrey., www.myfootage.com

A Present For Santa Claus (1947) A puppy in your Christmas stocking?
XmasFLIX.com ► Like XmasFLIX! ► http Xmas MP3 ► XmasTRAX.com ► Pod...
published: 14 Nov 2009
A Present For Santa Claus (1947) A puppy in your Christmas stocking?
XmasFLIX.com ► Like XmasFLIX! ► http Xmas MP3 ► XmasTRAX.com ► Podcast ► http Doyou believe in Santa Claus? Click here! ► TrustSanta.com A PRESENT FOR SANTA CLAUS (1947). Children must go to bed on Christmas Eve, but they annoy their Mother one more time. Dick wants an airplane, electric train, skates, scooter, firetruck and machine gun, and Ann wants a doll, a baby buggy, doll house, tea set and they both want a puppy. Mom explains Santa is caught in the recession, about to go bankrupt and the North Pole is in foreclosure. She warns them that they'd be lucky to get a stick and a rock. The brats are told to shut the light out, but of course they turn it right back on when she leaves. On her way down the stairs, she gets prepared to nag at her husband for not being a real man. He wants to bitch-slap her but is too busy trying to setup a bush he hacked down from the dead neighbor's yard. The kids are still whining about what they want, and they work up a plan to bribe the poor fat guy into feeling guilty if they don't get what they want. They figure if they give Santa a present, he will feel like an ass if he doesn't cave in. The whining escalates as they peruse their shared bedroom for toys they never took care of and try to find something that could pass as a gift. The ruckus alerts Mom that they are up to no good again, and she shuts them up making them hot chocolate, a shot of vodka and a dash of Clonazepam. That should do the trick. On their way off to la-la land <b>...</b>

Scrooge (1935) - Full Movie
Seymour Hicks plays the title role in the first sound version of the Dickens classic about...
published: 24 Dec 2008
Author: LuckyStrike502
Scrooge (1935) - Full Movie
Seymour Hicks plays the title role in the first sound version of the Dickens classic about the miser who's visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve. This British import is notable for being the only adaptation of this story with an invisible Marley's Ghost and its Expressionistic cinematography. This is the uncut 78 minute version. Scrooge is in the public domain, and you can download it here for free: www.archive.org

Pat & Ken At the Holidays 2011 -- Part One: Classic Christmas
Your old pals Patrick McDonald and Ken Candela are back reviewing holiday films, in their ...
published: 06 Dec 2011
Author: tpatmc69
Pat & Ken At the Holidays 2011 -- Part One: Classic Christmas
Your old pals Patrick McDonald and Ken Candela are back reviewing holiday films, in their third year on YouTube! The 2011 edition kicks off with a look at Classic Christmas movies, including the rarely seen "Christmas Eve" (1947) and a mystery film that is picked out of a Christmas tin (and that sometimes can hurt). This is Part One of a three part 2011 series, and you can do no better than to allow these jolly gents into your boudoir...er home. Deck the halls, indeed. Make sure to click on Part Two and Three, plus the 2009 and 2010 editions.

STEVE HAYES: Tired Old Queen at the Movies - THE BISHOP'S WIFE
THE BISHOP'S WIFE (1947) Cary Grant pays a visit on Christmas Eve to a troubled Bishop...
published: 09 Dec 2009
STEVE HAYES: Tired Old Queen at the Movies - THE BISHOP'S WIFE
THE BISHOP'S WIFE (1947) Cary Grant pays a visit on Christmas Eve to a troubled Bishop, played by David Niven and his lovely wife, the lovely Loretta Young. Cary just happens to be an angel. Of course he is. Who falls for a mortal, lovely Loretta. Of course he does. And he changes the lives of everyone for the better. Naturally he would. It's Hollywood hokum and glorious glamour and wonderfully nostalgic all at the same time. Sylvester: The main trouble is there are too many people who don't know where they're going and they want to get there too fast! THE BISHOP'S WIFE- Original Trailer 1947 www.youtube.com THE BISHOP'S WIFE - The Boys Choir Scene www.youtube.com THE BISHOP'S WIFE -Ice Skating Scene www.youtube.com STEVE HAYES: Tired Old Queen at the Movies with John Bixler & Steve Hayes
Youtube results:

Rainy Christmas Eve 09
The rainest Christmas Eve day in Arkansas history. Over 6 " at my house in Jonesboro....
published: 25 Dec 2009
Author: 1947casey
Rainy Christmas Eve 09
The rainest Christmas Eve day in Arkansas history. Over 6 " at my house in Jonesboro.

GRACIE & Sophie, Xmas Eve 2009
GRACIE Sunshine and SOPHIE Snowflake running and playing in the snow on XMas Eve, 2009....
published: 18 Sep 2012
Author: redbird1947
GRACIE & Sophie, Xmas Eve 2009
GRACIE Sunshine and SOPHIE Snowflake running and playing in the snow on XMas Eve, 2009.

N.Rimsky-Korsakov. Overture to the Opera Christmas Eve
Н. А. Римский-Кор&...
published: 22 Mar 2011
Author: SuperLuckydream
N.Rimsky-Korsakov. Overture to the Opera Christmas Eve
Н. А. Римский-Корсаков. Опера " Ночь перед Рождеством" ,"быль-колядка". Увертюра. Либретто написано самим композитором по одноимённой повести Н.B. Гоголя из цикла "Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки". Оркестр Всесоюзного Радио, 1947 г. Дирижер: Николай Голованов. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Overture to the Opera "Christmas Eve". Opera is based on the story by N. Gogol, libretto is written by the composer. All-Union Radio Orchestra, 1947. Conductor Nikolai Golovanov.

Christmas Eve in St. Anthony 2010
Christmas Eve in St. Anthony 2010...
published: 27 Dec 2010
Author: WILHELMUS1947
Christmas Eve in St. Anthony 2010
Christmas Eve in St. Anthony 2010