FINS Resume Service
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If you haven't had an interview lately, it’s time to take a good look at your resume.

In tough economic times employers have to be selective about their hires and you have to stand out in the crowd.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression and, to employers, your resume is the first impression. Your resume must tell a compelling story about your career progression, highlight your accomplishments, focus on your strengths and reflect your personal brand. If it doesn't do all these things, you won't get a second chance.

If you feel like you're not creating the right first impression, we can help. FINS Resume Service, brought to you by, was established to provide winning resumes to people who are serious about taking their career to the next level.

Call us at 1-877-975-7922 to talk to a resume writer.
(International +1-810-664-1933)


Get results with a resume crafted for you and your career goals

Executive Resume

Resumes for C-level and board roles.

Director Resume

Showcase your management experience.

Associate & Career Changer

Land the next promotion or start a fresh career.

Student & Entry-Level

Start your career on the right foot.

Does your resume just need some pointers? Have a certified resume writer give you a professional resume critique. Learn more!

How does FINS Resume Service do it?

  • We don't just use standard questionnaires like some other resume services. We use several different methods to help learn more about you, including a unique "data mining process" and a one-on-one consultation with you, resulting in not just a new resume, but a personal branding strategy that will also help you prepare for the interview process.
  • We take the time to identify your personal brand and then let it shine through on the resume.
  • We are one of the only resume writing companies that has a professional proofing department. Your project will be professionally proofed throughout the process until completion.
  • We house the nation's top resume-writing talent. Combined, our award-winning, certified resume writers boast such successes as:
    • Over 20 published contributions to best-selling career books
    • Multiple certifications from arduous training courses and associations (see sidebar for complete list)
"I wanted to give you an update on my progress. I will soon be accepting a position as Finance Manager for a Fortune 100 company. Thank you so much for your help -- the experience alone was a huge confidence booster that came through during interviews."
- Manager, Corporate Finance
"Thought you'd be interested to know that I posted my resume on a few sites on Friday. Within 2 hours of posting it, I received a call from a company that I had not even sent my resume to. I can’t believe how fast that happened! Thanks again for your help."
- Software Developer

What does FINS Resume Service know about resume writing that I don't?

  • Because of our elite team of specialized, multi-credentialed writers, you will receive a dynamic new resume--up-to-date, saturated with relevant keywords, industry jargon, and action phrases that will get your resume noticed. Our writers were carefully hand-picked out of hundreds of candidates. Your writer is considered the "best of the best".
  • We know what needs to be on the resume. We know what questions to ask to understand your career growth and goals. We will begin a dialogue with you about your career history, goals, challenges, and expectations to ensure we have every relevant piece of information from you.
  • We talk to employers about what they want to see. We have developed relationships with hiring managers and recruiters, staying current on hiring trends, likes and dislikes, and what they need in a candidate. We know what they look for in a resume.
  • We know which keywords are important -- and how to integrate them into your resume -- so that you appear in recruiter, database and profile searches.
  • We help you take control of your online profile with our social media services. Feel like the world of Web 2.0 is passing you by and you still aren’t sure how to get on board? Rest easy. We can help you with that as well.

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Have more questions?

Call us at 1-877-975-7922 and talk to a resume writer.

Writer certifications

  • Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW)
  • Certified Advanced Résumé Writer (CARW)
  • Certified Expert Résumé Writer (CERW)
  • Academy Certified Résumé Writer (ACRW)
  • Master Résumé Writer (MRW)
  • Certified Resume Specialist in Financial Services (CRSFS)
  • Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC)
  • Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP)