17 October 2012

Obama-Romney debate number two: Another stage-managed charade

By Barry Grey, 17 October 2012

The second nationally televised debate between President Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney served only to underscore the hypocrisy and deceit that pervade the entire election.

More on the US elections »

US prepares military strikes as Libya crisis deepens

By Bill Van Auken, 17 October 2012

The White House is considering drone strikes and Special Forces raids in retaliation for the fatal September 11 attack on US facilities in Benghazi, Libya.

More contaminated drugs linked to US meningitis outbreak

By Kate Randall, 17 October 2012

The fungal meningitis outbreak continues to widen, as a new report from the FDA warns against other drugs produced by a Massachusetts compounding pharmacy.

New evidence that US invasion has produced epidemic of birth defects in Iraq

By Fred Mazelis, 17 October 2012

An extraordinary epidemic of congenital birth defects has affected Iraqi cities over the past decade, particularly in Fallujah and Basra.

Deal finalised for referendum on Scottish independence

By Jordan Shilton, 17 October 2012

After months of wrangling, terms have been finalised for the holding of a referendum on Scottish independence.

Vion’s Broxburn plant in Scotland to close

By Steve James, 17 October 2012

Management of Vion Foods, owners of the Halls meat processing plant in Broxburn, Scotland, confirmed that they intend to close the Broxburn factory by February 2013.

Economic fallout of Japan-China island dispute widens

By John Chan, 17 October 2012

The escalating diplomatic row between China and Japan led to a boycott of IMF/World Bank talks in Tokyo by top Chinese financial officials.

Rotherham locked down by police before English Defence League march

By Dave Hyland, 17 October 2012

Rotherham in South Yorkshire, England had its town centre placed under police lockdown to ensure English Defence League could proceed.

Lufthansa threatens wage cuts and layoffs

By Ernst Wolff, 17 October 2012

Lufthansa is determined to undercut its competitors, at the expense of its own workforce.

France ratifies European Stability and Growth Pact

By Antoine Lerougetel, 17 October 2012

On October 9 the French National Assembly ratified the European Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) that dictates sharp budget cuts and austerity.

Australian government slashes benefits to single parent families

By Terry Cook, 17 October 2012

The Gillard government's move will produce increasing levels of hardship for some of society's most disadvantaged families.

New in French

Un rapport du FMI signale une instabilité financière croissante

Par Nick Beams, 17 octobre 2012

Selon le dernier Rapport sur la stabilité financière dans le monde, « la confiance vis-à-vis du système financier mondial est devenue très précaire. »

New in Romanian

Dezbaterea privind atentatul din Benghazi este o diversiune

De Bill Van Auken, 17 octombrie 2012

La o lună de la moartea Ambasadorului J. Christopher Stevens şi a altor trei americani în asaltul asupra ambasadei SUA şi a unei clădiri aparţinând CIA-ului în estul oraşului libian Benghazi, incidentul a devenit o problemă în cadrul alegerilor prezidenţiale din SUA.

New in German

Jahrestagung des Internationalen Währungsfonds:
Reibereien angesichts der drohenden Verschlechterung der Weltwirtschaftslage

Von Nick Beams, 17. Oktober 2012

Die Spannungen zeigten sich, als Deutschland der Forderung der IWF-Vorsitzenden Christine Lagarde widersprach, Griechenland mehr Zeit zu geben, und Brasilien die Fiskalpolitik der USA als "selbstsüchtig" brandmarkte.

Amerikanischer Geheimdienst gibt zu:
Waffenlieferungen für Syrien gehen an Al Qaida

Von Bill Van Auken, 17. Oktober 2012

Sprecher der Geheimdienste gaben zu, dass der Großteil der Waffen, die für den Sturz von Bashar al-Assad nach Syrien geliefert werden, in die Hände von Al Qaida und ähnlichen islamistischen Milizen gelangen.

Linkspartei trifft sich mit syrischer Opposition in Berlin

Von Johannes Stern, 17. Oktober 2012

Die Linkspartei spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei den Bemühungen, in Syrien einen Regimewechsel im Interesse des deutschen Imperialismus herbeizuführen.

US-Verteidigungsminister warnt vor "Pearl Harbor" Cyberangriff des Iran

Von Niall Green, 17. Oktober 2012

In einer Rede in New York warnte US-Verteidigungsminister Leon Panetta vor einer Gefahr für die USA und ihre Verbündeten, die so gewaltig sei wie die Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 oder die Bombardierung von Pearl Harbour 1941 durch Japan.

Tom Henehan (1951-1977): Das Leben eines Revolutionärs
Zum 35. Jahrestag des Mordes an Tom Henehan

Von David North, 17. Oktober 2012

Gedenkrede von 1997 zu seinem zwanzigsten Todestag. Tom Henehan, ein Führungsmitglied der Workers League, der Vorläuferin der amerikanischen Socialist Equality Party (SEP), fiel am 16. Oktober 1977 einem politischen Überfall in New York zum Opfer. Die Rede wurde am 19. Oktober 1997 von David North gehalten, dem nationalen Sekretär der SEP und internationalen Redaktionsleiter der World Socialist Web Site.

Other Languages


Conflicts come to the surface at IMF-World Bank meeting

17 October 2012

The world economy is moving deeper into recession while the central banks are creating the conditions for a new financial crisis.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialist Equality Party (US) Election Campaign

Jerry White interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio

17 October 2012

Jerry White, the SEP candidate for president, spoke about the purpose of the campaign and the lessons of the Wisconsin protests.

US meningitis outbreak: A deadly product of deregulation
Statement by Jerry White, SEP candidate for US president

16 October 2012

meetingJerry White addresses Toronto meeting

By our reporter, 15 October 2012

Attend the SEP regional conferences!
Statement by Jerry White, SEP candidate for US president

13 October 2012

Regional conferences
Socialism and the 2012 US election

The Socialist Equality Party (US) is holding a series of conferences—in New York, Detroit and California—on the political issues in the 2012 elections. We encourage all WSWS readers to make plans to attend today.

Visit the Socialist Equality Party campaign site »


Imperialism in the garb of human rights:
Washington seeks to exploit outrage over attack on Pakistani schoolgirl

By Keith Jones, 17 October 2012

The Obama administration, the US media and US imperialism's Pakistani satraps are seeking to manipulate the outrage over the Pakistan Taliban's attempted assassination of a schoolgirl to legitimize intensification of the AfPak War.

US debate night number two

By Barry Grey, 16 October 2012

The European Union’s Nobel Peace Prize

By Peter Schwarz, 15 October 2012

Socialist Equality Party

35 years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977)

16 October 2012

Tom Henehan: A revolutionary life
A tribute on the twentieth anniversary of his death

UK showings of Tsar to Lenin

13 October 2012

The Socialist Equality Party (UK) and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality are hosting showings of the remarkable film documentary Tsar to Lenin this month.

Arts Review

Schutzengel (Guardian Angel): New film promotes German military

By Ernst Wolff, 17 October 2012

Schutzengel (Guardian Angel) is the first film to hit the screens with the full support of the German army.

Antibalas: War, social crisis meet intricate musicianship

By Jeff Lusanne, 16 October 2012

More on the Toronto International Film Festival »

Bankstown Apartment Fire (Australia)

Residents condemn Bankstown council and Labor Party

By our reporters, 17 October 2012

Bankstown residents spoke to the WSWS about the responsibility of the federal, state and local governments for the conditions that led to the September 6 fire.

SEP public meeting calls for Bankstown fire investigation

By our reporters, 16 October 2012

Residents speak to WSWS about the Euro Terraces fire

By our reporters, 16 October 2012

SEP meeting resolution on the Bankstown fire

16 October 2012

More on the Bankstown fire »

Workers Struggles

Sri Lankan union sells out three-month university strike

By Panini Wijesiriwardane, 16 October 2012

Mehring Books

Tsar to LeninNew trailer for documentary Tsar to Lenin

The three-minute-long trailer contains excerpts from the film and is available on the documentary’s new web site, tsartolenin.com.

Socialist Equality Party (US) Congress resolutions now available as pamphlet and ebook

25 years ago: Global stock market crash triggers record losses on “Black Monday”

October 19, 1987 marked the biggest-ever one-day loss of stock values in the history of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

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50 years ago: China overwhelms Indian army

On October 20, 1962, a force of about 30,000 Chinese soldiers launched a two-pronged attack against Indian positions along the disputed Himalayan border between the two countries.

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75 years ago: Gijon and Asturias fall to Franco

On October 21, 1937, the last bastion of Republican Spain in the country’s north fell to the advancing columns of General Franco.

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100 years ago: Italy and Turkey sign Lausanne Treaty

On October 18, 1912, the Treaty of Lausanne was concluded between Italy and Turkey in Switzerland, ending the Italo-Turkish war.

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