In brief

Czech Elections: "No" to Austerity and"Yes" to Strengthening the Left


On 12--13 October 2012, elections took place in the Czech Republic. The
elections were for regional assemblies and one-third of the Senate. Their

“We need transparency on the secret collaboration between German and British police!”


Police forces from a number of EU countries are meeting in secret as part of the covert International Specialist Law Enforcement project (ISLE).

Ukraine offers the perfect environment for monopolies to grow and thrive


The Ukrainian economy is highly monopolized and this trend has been aggravated since the last shift in government.

Austerity is killing in Portugal


“In addition to the institutional issues, beyond the street demonstrations expressing discontent and resistance, in addition to the speeches, there is a reality in Portugal that remains ignored by

SYRIZA leader Tsipras meets left MEPS


Alexis Tsipras, head of the Greek left party SYRIZA, visited the European Parliament last week as a guest of the United Left Group (GUE/NGL) to which SYRIZA is affiliated.

Left MEPs want action following shocking new GMO research


Following research that revealed that Monsanto Roundup weed killer and a GM corn resistant to it caused tumours, multiple organ damage and lead to premature death in rats, left MEPs Kartika Liotard

Help Corporate Europe Observatory end industry influence over the EU's food safety authority


CEO needs to raise €2000 to help organise a counter-conference and a demonstration during the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) anniversary conference in Parma. They need your donations, however big or small, to bring key independent experts and civil society campaigners to Parma to urge an end to industry influence over decisions about food safety.

Unemployment: the real Eurozone problem


Six telling points from Merijn Knibbe

1. The unemployment rate in the Eurozone did not increase but the number of unemployed is still increasing.

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