Socialist Democracy

Last updated: 14 October 2012


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SYRIZA – the road to a fightback? - 23/09/12

RUC riches show emptiness of Patten reform - 04/10/12

Eric Hobsbawm: 1917-2012 - 02/10/12

South Africa - New declaration of class war - 06/09/12

Film review: Shadow Dancer - 26/08/12

The Orange Frankenstein marches forth again - 03/09/12

Massacre at a South African Mine - 21/08/12

A new IRA? - 11/08/12


Socialist Democracy Bulletin 
- Oct/Nov 2012




Economic Crisis

Ireland’s brutal “recovery" - 23/01/11

EU/IMF “rescue” will intensify and prolong austerity - 05/12/10

EC and Irish Government draw up plans for savage austerity as “rescue” looms - 16/11/10

NAMA legislation creates financial monster - 04/08/09

A Capitalist Crisis but a Workers’ Solution! - June 2009 

The Irish State and the Financial Crisis - 01/12/08 


Click on this link for full coverage of the economic crisis


TV Review: The Supegrass - 25/03/12

Revisiting the Irish prison struggles - 25/02/12

The Billy Plays Revisited - 18/02/12

New Parties of the left: Experiences from Europe - 20/01/12


This site has been visited  times since August 2001.

tel: ++353 830 028 959