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The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Tu Ne Cede Malis

Advancing the scholarship of liberty in the tradition of the Austrian School for 30 years

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Why Estonia Is Beating the Eurozone

Against the background of a severe economic crisis in the eurozone, one is surprised to find a member of the euro area that is actually showing good economic performance. This member is Estonia. The average yearly rate of growth in Estonia stood at 8.4 percent in 2011 against overall eurozone performance of 1.5 percent.

Hegel and the Romantic Age

Hegel, unfortunately, was not a bizarre aberrant force in European thought.

National Independence

"What should we do in case of war," it is said, "if we are placed at the mercy of England for iron and coal?"

How Much Is Enough?

How Much Is Enough? rehashes stale complaints against the free market.

The Circle Bastiat

John P. Cochran: Central Banks: Reform or Abolish
Gerald P. O’Driscoll has an important new working paper at Cato, “Central Banks: Abolish or Reform.” HT to Kurt Schuler at Free Banking. Conclusion: We have two bad systems: the fiscal and the monetary. They are intertwined now as they were in ... More »

Mark Thornton: A Not So Bright Idea
Everyone knows that Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb, but few people are aware that he came up with an idea for a new monetary system. He was dissatisfied with the gold standard (under the National Banking Acts) and also with fiat pap ... More »

Peter G. Klein: Nobel Prize for "Market Design"
This year's Nobel-ish prize in economics goes to Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley for research on matching methods and the resulting application to market design. Briefly, this work deals with allocating resources in the absence of money and prices. ... More »

John P. Cochran: Austrian Influence: China and the WSJ
More signs that the writings of Hayek, Mises, and modern Austrian economists are beginning to have some influence even in places where it might be least expected despite the efforts of Professors  DeLong and Krugman to discredit thses ... More »

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In the Mises Store

Austrian School of Economics Photo Album

This beautiful monograph treats the Austrian School as a family of thought dating back to the Renaissance with a special emphasis on the school's formal founding with Menger and looking forward. I... More »

The Law

How is it that the law enforcer itself does not have to keep the law? How is it that the law permits the state to lawfully engage in actions which, if undertaken by individuals, would land them in j... More »

Liberty Defined

In Liberty Defined, congressman and #1 New York Times bestselling author Ron Paul returns with his most provocative, comprehensive, and compelling arguments for personal freedom to date. The book is a... More »

Newly Updated E-books

Triumph of Gold

Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought

Ideas on Liberty: Essays in Honor of Paul L. Poirot

Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics

Principles of Ethics: Anthology

Online Courses In the Mises Academy See All Courses

"What Has Government Done to Our Money?"
In this seminar, students will explore the fascinating phenomenon of money.... (more) Register Now

"Atlas Shrugged"
Atlas Shrugged is one of the best selling novels of the twentieth century, ... (more) Register Now

"The Rothbardian Analysis of the State"
Murray Rothbard was a brilliant Austrian School economist and the most famo... (more) Register Now

"Anatomy of the Fed"
This course will cover both the theory and history behind the Federal Reser... (more) Register Now

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Supporters Summit 2012  "The Truth About War: A Revisionist Approach"

Supporters Summit 2012 "The Truth About War: A Revisionist Approach"
| Callaway Gardens, Georgia

Join the Mises Institute as we celebrate 30 years of advancing the ca... MORE

What Has Government Done to Our Money? A Seminar for High-School Students  (Sponsored by an Anonymous Donor)

What Has Government Done to Our Money? A Seminar for High-School Students (Sponsored by an Anonymous Donor)
| Auburn, Alabama (and Online)

A sem... MORE

Economics for Houston High-School Students (Sponsored by Jeremy Davis)

Economics for Houston High-School Students (Sponsored by Jeremy Davis)
| Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport

The late philanthropist Jeremy Davis has made possible a seminar on e... MORE

Mises Circle in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy and Helen Davis)

Mises Circle in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy and Helen Davis)
| Houston, Texas

The Mises Circle in Houston, Texas, sponsored by philanthropists Jere... MORE

Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013 (formerly ASC)

Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013 (formerly ASC)
| Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama

The Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013 (formerly ASC): A gat... MORE

Mises University 2013

Mises University 2013
| Auburn, Alabama

The world's leading instructional program in the Austrian School ... MORE