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MP portrait 2009
Michael Parenti is an internationally known award-winning author and lecturer. He is one of the nation’s leading progressive political analysts. His highly informative and entertaining books and talks have reached a wide range of audiences in North America and abroad.

"A prolific author, a charismatic speaker, and a regular guest on radio and television talk shows, Parenti communicates his message in an accessible, provocative, and historically informed style that is unrivaled among fellow progressive activists and thinkers." Aurora Online, January 2004

"Michael Parenti is a towering prophetic voice in American life. We need him now more than ever."  — Cornel West

"Parenti offers a valuable rebuttal to the drumbeat...from the right."  New York Times Book Review

"A penetrating and persuasive writer with an astonishing array of documentation to implement his attacks." The Catholic Journalist

"Here at home and throughout the world people are fighting back against the forces of   wealth, privilege, and militarism — some because they have no choice, others because   they would choose no other course but the one that leads to peace and justice." Michael Parenti

Recent Books

The Face of Imperialism

The Face of Imperialism

"Michael Parenti's The Face of Imperialism is a powerful, frightening, and honest book. It will be hated by those who run the Empire, and it will be loved by people who are searching for truth amidst the piles of garbage of Western propaganda. Above all, this book will be like a bright spark of hope for billions of men, women, and children who are fighting this very moment for survival, defending themselves against the Empire and against all monstrous faces and masks of imperialism."
Andre Vltchek, author of Western Terror: From Potosi to Baghdad

Paradigm Publishers (Available April 2011)


God and His Demons

Michael Parenti brings his critical acumen and gifted writing skills to bear on the dark side of religion, the many evils committed in the name of godly virtue throughout history. This is not a blanket condemnation of all believers. The focus is on the threat posed by fundamentalists and theocratic reactionaries. Historically anchored and biblically informed, this eloquent indictment of organized religion's delusions and abuses will be welcomed by secular laypersons and progressive religionists alike.

Prometheus Books (Available March 2010)

Contrary Notions

Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader

Here is a rich buffet of his deep but lucid writings on real history, political life, empire, wealth, class power, technology, culture, ideology, media, environment, gender, and ethnicity -- along with a few choice selections drawn from his own life experiences and political awakening.

August 2007 (Available Now)

The Assassination of Julius Caesar

A People's History of Ancient Rome
June 2003

Chosen “Book of the Year” 2004 (nonfiction)
by Online Review of Books.


Recent Articles:



Reflections on Politics and Academia: An Interview with Michael Parenti

posted June 2012

Iran Topography


Iran and Everything Else

posted in 2012

Hospital Sign

Free Market Health Care: True Stories

posted January 2012

Free Market Medicine: A Personal Account

posted December 2011

Campaign Money

Occupy America

posted November 2011

Campaign Money

Profit Pathology and Disposable Planet

posted March 2011

Campaign Money

The Mafia and Me

posted January 2011

Tapes and CD’s of Dr. Parenti’s recent and past talks are now available in
Recorded Talks.

Original site design by Willa Madden.

Copyright © 1992 - 2012 Michael Parenti. All rights reserved.