DSO for Ulster Scots

If you were in any doubt about just how ridiculous political correctness in Northern Ireland has become this must surely take the biscuit.

Digital UK, the body tasked with telling us all about the digital TV switch-over, has prepared its switch-over materials in Ulster Scots.

I’m not sure if Ulster Scots is a genuine language or dialect or accent.  I know of no-one who speaks this gibberish for day-to-day discourse.

However, Digital UK has seen fit to produce a switch-over guide in Ulster Scots all the same. I kid you not.

McNarry and UKIP

I gather that David McNarry, no longer loved by the UUP, has joined UKIP.  Bless.

I’m not sure who exactly is involved in UKIP in Northern Ireland. But I thought I’d select a few choice quotes from a few David McNarry press releases that might help illustrate the political genius that has joined their ranks.

This first quote shows McNarry’s canny grasp of the minutiae of fiscal policy and economics. This is his response to the suggestion that Northern Ireland should have its own (lower) rate of corporation tax (19th December, 2010).

“My own view is that this should be specifically targeted at businesses in manufacturing, in the knowledge economy, in creative industries and engaged in export. I believe the banks should be specifically excluded as they have already received sufficient funds from government. By excluding the banks, we could cut the cost of introducing Corporation Tax by a very significant amount, possibly even halving it. Any move on reducing Corporation Tax must also be mirrored by a simultaneous clamp-down on all systematic tax-avoidance which can no longer be tolerated in these difficult economic times for the country, robbing the public of tax income needed to sustain even reduced levels of public services.” 

Hmm.  Just a pity that most of our banks are HQ’ed elsewhere – and that most are making whopping great losses.  Perhaps he was thinking about FG Wilson etc. when he was thinking about manufacturing/exporters.  But good ideas David.

This one from a “Letter to the Editor” dated 23rd April, 2012…

My unjustified treatment and grossly unfair suspension for nine months from membership of the UUP, does not and will not interfere with my duties as an MLA…Nor is my position curtailed by a folly declaring that my future rests on an invasion of little green men.  I will continue to engage, speak out, champion and challenge on important issues which need a voice and require a hearing.

Not sure who the little green men are to whom he refers.  Possibly members of the Green Party.  But we all sleep more comfortably in our beds knowing that McNarry will be championing and challenging.  

And in this, another letter to the Editor, McNarry addresses the thorny issue of the constitution…(24th July, 2012)

At a time when the collective abilities of the Executive are required to concentrate on managing these extreme times of economic uncertainty, it is reprehensible for anyone seeking a cop-out exit strategy in order to satisfy their misguided lust to control all party policies, especially when that party’s support and standing has in recent months reached a meltdown temperature.

OK…so I’m at a loss to know what it means, but I’m sure it’s important.  I’m sure UKIP will work it out.  


Equal Citizenship, Gay Marriage and Covenants

It’s ironic that just a few days after so many “unionists” celebrated the centenary of the signing of the Ulster Covenant that so many of those same unionists should seek to deny equality of citizenship to a small section of our society.

Just three Unionist MLAs voted in favour of today’s motion that same-sex couples should have the right to marry: Basil McCrea, Danny Kinahan, John McAllister and Michael Copeland.

The others obviously had no concern about upholding the principles of that covenant they hold so dear: “to pledge ourselves in solemn covenant to stand by one another in defending, for ourselves and our children, our cherished position of equal citizenship.”

Obviously some citizens are more equal than others.

Basil Defecting?

English: Basil McCrea MLA

Basil McCrea MLA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Basil McCrea is taking part in an event organised by the NI Conservatives this evening. Indeed he has ‘keynote’ billing. Does this mean he might be ‘coming out’ as a NI Conservative?

Basil has been making noises for a few years about defecting – and he may well see a walk to the Tory side as being an opportunistic move to secure himself a Euro-seat if the Conservatives contest the Euro-election against UUP Euro-Lifer, Jim Nicholson.

When I met with NI Conservative Chairman, Irwin Armstrong, a few weeks ago he hinted as much – without actually naming names.  Let’s see what the evening brings.

Caleb Foundation Chickens-Out

Last night I popped along to a meeting of the Humanist Association of Northern Ireland (HUMANI), hoping to hear a presentation from the “Press Officer” of an organisation called the Caleb Foundation. For those of you who haven’t heard of Caleb, the organisation gained some degree of notoriety recently because of an article by Liam Clarke in the Belfast Telegraph.  The article questioned the relationship between the Caleb Foundation and the DUP – suggesting that it had spread a ‘web of influence’ across Stormont.

That would be worrying as Caleb has some truly bizarre viewpoints (and even more bizarre taste in font colours judging from its website).  For example in the “points for prayer” section Caleb encourages its followers to pray for the Royal Family and to “Pray that the Royal Family would turn to the Lord and seek to set a godly example to the nation.”  Hmm, prayers haven’t worked then…what with all those frolics in Las Vegas and topless sun-bathing.  Dirty birds.

More worryingly the organisation asks for prayer for “our ongoing campaign for balance and fairness in the Ulster Museum and at the Giant’s Causeway in relation to displays and presentations on the origins of the universe and of life.”  Not so much praying for “balance and fairness” than lobbying both visitor attractions to display and present mumbo jumbo.  And having, unfortunately, some degree of success.

Rumour has it that this oddball collection of (mostly male) flat-earth creationists have, indeed, quite a lot of support in Stormont.  It’s rumoured that Mervyn Storey, North Antrim MLA, and Nelson McCausland, Minister for Social Development, are among its supporters – and Chief Wizards within its Coven.

Anyway, the reason I popped along last night was to hear one of their number be verbally kebabed by a bunch of very intelligent and well-read Humanists.  But, unfortunately, the Caleb chap chickened-out (or was told by his masters to chicken-out).  Pity.

I asked Ian Deboys, Chairman of HUMANI, what he reckoned.  His interview is below.

Grant Shapps and His Internet Antics

A couple of days ago I got into a bit of a Twitter spat with Nadine Dorries, the MP for Mid Bedfordshire.

Ms Dorries took exception to the fact that I didn’t feel it was appropriate for Grant Shapps MP – the recently appointed Conservative Party Chairman – to have altered his own Wikipedia entry (pretending to be someone else).  Rather than re-type all of the conversation I have pasted it into this post – see the image on the right.  Ms Dorries didn’t reply to my last tweet.

Today Tim Montgomerie of Conservative Home has galloped into the Shapps fray suggesting that Mr Shapps was merely correcting inaccuracies – and possibly lies – in the Wikipedia entry.  Montgomery makes reference to a Guardian article that he claims failed to mention that Mr Shapps was merely correcting a reference to an O Level grade.  But the article goes on to suggest that Shapps was a serial editor of the entry, adding ‘spin’ and using 4 or more pseudonyms – thereby breaking Wikipedia rules.

However, Montgomerie doesn’t really address the slew of bizarre Internet activity with which Mr Shapps has been involved.  The Guardian article suggests that one of the wikipedia edits removed reference to HowToCorp – the company behind a series of get successful quick type web sites including TrafficPaymaster.  And a political blogger (Bloggerheads) has helpfully obtained listings of the edits made by accounts that can be traced Mr Shapps offices:


Mr Shapps has denied that he has any continued involvement in HowToCorp Ltd – a business he set up in 2005.  Shapps, however, has admitted that he used various pseudonyms when running his businesses – including “Michael Green.”

However, it’s clear that Grant Shapps business was at the sleazier end of the business scale – and Google would appear to agree.  And his his bizarre use of Twitter makes his dodgy Wikipedia practices seen minor. Just look at who he’s following on Twitter! For example he’s one of only 19 people who follow https://twitter.com/Spacedusttracks. Why? He also follows a rag-bag collection of fake accounts, bots etc. – helping to take the total of people he follows to just short of 24,000. This implies he’s using some type of automated follow/unfollow process to boost his follower numbers. Various media reports show that his follower list has varied wildly – by the order of hundreds – from day to day. This would imply that he unfollows people who don’t follow back. Now this might be typical behaviour for a teenage geek – but not exactly the type of behaviour we expect of the Conservative Party Chairman . In short, there is a lot of smoke and possibly fire relating to Mr Shapps Internet activities. The fact that this was not uncovered in the due diligence required before his appointment as a new Party Chairman strikes me as very odd. Or perhaps no due diligence was undertaken.

Summer Riots: My 10-Point Plan

The received “wisdom” about Northern Ireland’s annual Summer riots goes something like this.  “The peace process has been a top-down approach where politicians have learned how to get along but the people on the streets don’t really get it and still hate each other. Working class areas feel like they have been overlooked by the peace process. Meanwhile the parades issues still needs to be resolved.”  This “wisdom” – the language of the “peace process” – needs to be replaced.

So here is my 10-point plan for changing Northern Ireland forever so that Summer riots become a thing of the past.

  1. Parents must assume the responsibility to teach their children that they belong to no tribe or group that claims to be better than any other tribe or group.
  2. Our society makes kindness the most important virtue. Kindness becomes the thing that our society holds most dear and that our society applauds most publicly.
  3. Any club or society that claims to represent the interests of one tribe, religion or group and demonises others tribes, religions or groups should be shunned by our society and particularly by our politicians.
  4. No politician should ever claim to represent any section of society more than any other. Our elected representatives should be left in no doubt that by claiming to represent Protestants or Catholics or Unionists or Nationalists they are helping to undermine our society and to return us to communal strife.
  5. No elected politician should attribute greater blame to any section of society over any other. They should recognise that a society that is based on tribalism is a society that is ill.
  6. Those who take part in marches or parades to maintain a “cultural heritage” that claims religious or nationalist superiority should be side-lined by our society. Marches and “loyal orders” should be seen for what they are, namely agents of hatred.
  7. The institutions of our civic society should be critically assessed by all. Churches and religious leaders should be subject to the same scrutiny as politicians. In a place that has been scarred and crippled by sectional conflict the role of the spokespeople for religions and sects should be reduced. Their voices should be replaced by voices that promote kindness and decency at the heart of our society rather than the people who maintain the tribes.
  8. The language of tribalism needs to be replaced by the language of decency. And decency requires that our civic institutions should not tolerate or use the language of tribalism and sectarianism.
  9. Our politicians need to recognise that they are all individuals answerable, ultimately, to themselves and their own innate judges.  By perpetuating the politics of the tribe they ultimately do a disservice to themselves. They were not born Protestant or Catholic – those labels were applied to them by their parents and their community.
  10. We all have a responsibility to say, “Enough is Enough”.  When people destroy and hurt in the name of a tribe or a community they do a disservice to us all. We need to recognise that intolerance and the mentality of superiority has been taught by agents we have created. But enough is enough. It’s time to change.

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