Hopi at Take One Film festival

On Wednesday 26th Sptember 2012 , Take One Action film festival showed the film. This is Not a Film, by Mojtaba Mirtahmasb & Jafar Panahi in Edinburgh Filmhouse. Over 100 people attended the film show which was Followed by discussion with Yassamine Mather (Chair of Hands Off The People of Iran) and Film/Theatre director Jeremy [...] → Continue Reading Hopi at Take One Film festival

Massive anti-regime protest in Tehran

Click here for another video from BBC Persian

Protests outside Central Bank of Iran as currency collapses

Police use tear gas to break up demonstrators in Tehran: BBC news report and video    

Iran Tribunal: ‘Impossible to continue support’

Norman Paech, a prominent member of the German left Party Die Linke, has joined others in withdrawing his support for the Iran Tribunal after approaches from supporters of Hands Off the People of Iran, reports Tina Becker This is an edited version of an article recently published on the website of the German magazine Hintergrund.[i] [...] → Continue Reading Iran Tribunal: ‘Impossible to continue support’

Video: Why HOPI opposes the “Iran Tribunal”


Yassamine Mather and Mark Fischer of Hands Off the People of Iran explain why the so-called “Iran Tribunal” that has been taking place in London, should not be supported by socialists and communists: because of its financial support from the US government and its silence on the threat of war it is implicitly acting in [...] → Continue Reading Video: Why HOPI opposes the “Iran Tribunal”

Iranians & Israelis against war

Israelis and Iranians against war 20th August 2012 4.45 pm No to imperialist war! No to sanctions! No to the theocratic regime! Support for socialism and democracy in Iran and therefore solidarity with all democratic, working class, socialist and secular movements in Iran. Opposition to Israeli, British and American nuclear weapons. For a Middle East [...] → Continue Reading Iranians & Israelis against war

Stepping up the threats

It is mid-summer in an election year, so we should not be surprised by the hawkish statements regarding Iran coming from the US – not just from the Republican contender, Mitt Romney, but also the current US president. However, even when we take into account the timing, some of the statements Romney has just made [...] → Continue Reading Stepping up the threats

Sealed trains and class traitors

Debates about the Iran Tribunal – convened to put the Islamic regime in the dock for its massacre of 5,000-10,000 political prisoners in 1988 – continues to occupy a prominent place in the publications and websites of the Iranian left, both in exile and to a lesser extent inside Iran itself. In a sense it [...] → Continue Reading Sealed trains and class traitors

Accepting funds from the CIA

Supporters of the Iran Tribunal have desperately been trying to defend their abandonment of working class principle. Yassamine Mather reports on the contortions The Iran Tribunal – convened to put the Tehran regime in the dock for its massacre of 5,000-10,000 political prisoners in 1988 – took place in London over June 18-22. While it [...] → Continue Reading Accepting funds from the CIA

Regime change must come from below

Sanctions and malware are preparatory acts of war against Iran. Those who condemn the crimes of the regime should also condemn the crimes of imperialism and its agents, writes Yassamine Mather As the prospect of failure of the third round of talks between Iran and the 5+1 countries looms, the US-led soft war on Iran [...] → Continue Reading Regime change must come from below