Who We Are

About FCNL

About FCNL

68 years of work and witness to advance the world we seek.

About Quakers

Testimonies of peace, simplicity, equality, and integrity inform our work.

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New From Our Blogs

Finding My Spiritual Ground at FCNL

Finding My Spiritual Ground at FCNL

There aren’t many places where you can feel comfortable having a spiritual experience in front of your bosses - but working at FCNL has created the space for me to nurture my own spirituality.
Malala Yousafzai and The Next Generation

Malala Yousafzai and The Next Generation

The tragic attack on Malala Yousafzai is a reminder of what is at stake if we abandon all hope for a diplomatic settlement in Afghanistan - hope for our future.

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Annual Meeting 2012

Upcoming Events

October 17, 1:15 pm
Westheimer Peace Symposium
Wilmington, OH

Join Matt Southworth, Iraq war veteran and legislative associate for foreign policy at FCNL, at Wilmington College to discuss the human costs of a decade of war. Matt is speaking on a panel of veterans at in the annual Westheimer Peace Symposium


October 19, 7:00 pm
Iran in the Crosshairs
October 19

Panelists will address the facts about Iran’s nuclear program, current diplomatic efforts, the climate in Washington DC relative to the threats of military intervention, and the serious consequences of a military strike on Iran for the U.S. and the whole of the Middle East.

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2011 FCNL | 245 Second St, NE, Washington, DC 20002
202-547-6000 | Toll Free 800-630-1330