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Financial Services, Insurance and Banking

Seven Irish Banks Investigated for Insurance Scam
Pratap Chatterjee
October 8th, 2012

Seven Irish banks are being investigated by the Central Bank of Ireland for selling consumers insurance policies that they did not need. Tens of thousands of Irish consumers could get as much as €3,000 ($3,900) each in refunds.

Allied Irish Bank. Photo: Alatryste. Used under Creative Commons license.

Spies for Hire


BP Wants To Blame Workers For Deepwater Horizon Spill, Says U.S.
Puck Lo
September 27th, 2012

BP, the British oil company, is attempting to blame "blue collar workers" for the Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010, alleges the U.S. government. Federal lawyers say the company is trying to divert attention from management failures of "gross negligence."
Photo by Patrick Kelley, U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Area. Used under Creative Commons license


Private Prison for Asylum Seekers on Pacific Island
Pratap Chatterjee
September 17th, 2012

Transfield Services, an Australian logistics company that provides services to the mining and oil industry among others, has won a $25.9 million contract from the government of Australia to run a detention center for asylum seekers in the Pacific island nation of Nauru.
Memorial on Christmas Island to the 353 asylum seekers who perished at sea in October 2002 on their way to Australia. Photo: Hadi Zaher. Used under Creative Commons license

Food and Agriculture

Cambodian Activists Call for International Sugar Boycott
Puck Lo
September 11th, 2012

Human rights monitoring groups and Cambodian activists are calling for an international boycott of Tate & Lyle and Domino Sugar, who do business with sugar suppliers accused of participating in government-sanctioned land grabs and illegal evictions throughout rural Cambodia.
Mai was forcibly evicted from Bos village, Oddar Meanchey province, in October 2009. Photo: Community Peace-building Network


Big Tobacco Battles Advertising Restrictions
Pratap Chatterjee
August 30th, 2012

Big Tobacco is fighting a multi-pronged battle to defeat a global wave of laws to force them to use graphic warning labels and plain packaging. It has won a major legal battle in the U.S. this month but it has lost in Australia.
Image courtesy U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)

Natural Resources

Obama Administration Backs Shell in Supreme Court Case
Puck Lo
August 24th, 2012

The Obama administration is backing Shell Oil after abruptly changing sides in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that could make it even more difficult for survivors of human rights abuses overseas to sue multinational corporations in federal courts. The case will be heard on October 1.
Project Underground poster on Shell

Financial Services, Insurance and Banking

Seven Banks Under Investigation for Global Interest Rate Scandal
Pratap Chatterjee
August 16th, 2012

Seven international banks have been served with subpoenas over the global interest setting scandal. Barclays, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS – have been asked to provide relevant “documents and communications” to the New York attorney-general.
Photo: Alex Milan Tracy.

War & Disaster Profiteering

Blackwater Pays Millions To Settle Arms Smuggling Charges
Pratap Chatterjee
August 9th, 2012

Blackwater has agreed to pay the U.S. government $7.5 million to settle 17 federal criminal charges that include supplying guns to the king of Jordan and offering private security and military training services to South Sudan without a license.
Blackwater protest. Photo by rjosef. Under under Creative Commons license.


Clash At Maruti Suzuki Car Factory Reflects Failures Of India, Inc.
Freny Manecksha
July 30th, 2012

Hundreds of workers at a Haryana factory for India's biggest carmaker - Maruti Suzuki - are being rounded up by police after a violent clash left a manager dead. The incident has become a symbol of the clash between winners and losers in the country's economic boom.
Worker rally at Maruti factory. Photo: Radical Notes. Inset photo: Maruti model at Auto Expo 2012. Photo: vm2827. Used under Creative Commons license.