
Bob Franzosa - Introduction to Topology
www.coa.edu 2010.02.09 Introduction to Topology From the Konigsberg Bridges to Geographic ...
published: 12 Feb 2010
Author: collegeoftheatlantic
Bob Franzosa - Introduction to Topology
www.coa.edu 2010.02.09 Introduction to Topology From the Konigsberg Bridges to Geographic Information Systems. Topology is the study of the spatial properties of objects that are unchanged by stretching. It is considered one of the essential fields of modern pure mathematics, and has found many applications outside of mathematics as well.

Topology - Part 1
Part 1 of the Topology series from Why U. A humorous look at the topology of curved space....
published: 05 Jul 2011
Author: MyWhyU
Topology - Part 1
Part 1 of the Topology series from Why U. A humorous look at the topology of curved space. For more information visit www.WhyU.org

Topology #1 Metrics
Introduction to Metrics...
published: 25 Oct 2010
Author: ThoughtSpaceZero
Topology #1 Metrics
Introduction to Metrics

Introduction to Topology
This first lecture of the series Comically Small Lectures On Point Set Topology. We will g...
published: 13 May 2009
Author: jadenbane
Introduction to Topology
This first lecture of the series Comically Small Lectures On Point Set Topology. We will give: the definition of a topology, open and closed sets, and the basis for a topology. Examples of topologies, including the trivial topology, the discrete topology, particular point / excluded point topologies.

Hitler Learns Topology
Hitler gets confused about the topological definitions of open and closed sets. Then he to...
published: 01 Feb 2010
Author: Benjatastic
Hitler Learns Topology
Hitler gets confused about the topological definitions of open and closed sets. Then he totally freaks out.

Topology: Jordan's Curve Theorem
Excerpt from the IBM film "Mathematics Peepshow"....
published: 12 Jan 2011
Author: jbmathfunnew
Topology: Jordan's Curve Theorem
Excerpt from the IBM film "Mathematics Peepshow".

General Topology Lecture 1 Part 1
Lecture written by Victor Victorov and edited and presented by James Dilts Definition and ...
published: 16 Mar 2011
Author: vivictorov
General Topology Lecture 1 Part 1
Lecture written by Victor Victorov and edited and presented by James Dilts Definition and Examples

Through one hole or two?
A topological magic trick...
published: 02 Feb 2008
Author: David Richeson
Through one hole or two?
A topological magic trick

Holons, Singularity and Topology
Holons are wholes composed of hierarchic parts. The holon has a "self-assertiveness t...
published: 19 Dec 2007
Author: Dirk Laureyssens
Holons, Singularity and Topology
Holons are wholes composed of hierarchic parts. The holon has a "self-assertiveness tendency" (wholeness) as well as an "integrative tendency"(part) .This duality is similar to the particle/wave duality of light. (Koestler, 1967). It's a interesting theory but how is that physically or energetically possible? In this movie a engineering concept is given how a single non-breakable membrane can create such holons, which are multi-layered topological spaces. This happens with a penetration process, called a pelastration. Holons are then sub-sets (entanglements, knotting) of the total membrane, and each type will have its unique structure and frequencies. They are like bells with a clapper and a cup. In topological holons a part of the neutral dynamic energy of the membrane is converted - locally - in specific "retarded" energy, which is structured in two parts ( which make a union of two parts but will act as a unity ). More on www.mu6.com

CompTIA Network+ Training: Network Topologies
This Network+ Training video is from Network+ (N10-004) LearnSmart Video Training. Check o...
published: 16 Nov 2009
Author: preplogic
CompTIA Network+ Training: Network Topologies
This Network+ Training video is from Network+ (N10-004) LearnSmart Video Training. Check out LearnSmart's unlimited access training at: www.learnsmartsystems.com For more Network+ Certification training videos and tutorials.

Kate Poirier: Compactifying String Topology
Kate Poirier, University of California - Berkeley String topology studies the algebraic to...
published: 25 Jul 2012
Author: NDdotEDU
Kate Poirier: Compactifying String Topology
Kate Poirier, University of California - Berkeley String topology studies the algebraic topology of the free loop space of a closed, oriented manifold. Previous treatments of string topology describe algebraic structures on the homology of the free loop space of the manifold and operations parameterized by a noncompact space of graphs. One perspective is that these structures should be a shadow of a richer structure at the chain level and that the space parametrizing the operations should be compactied. In this talk, we describe the compact space of graphs giving string topology operations on the singular chains of the free loop space which induce known operations on homology. This is joint work with Nathaniel Rounds.

MathHistory17: Topology
This video is the last in this series on the History of Mathematics, and gives a brief int...
published: 13 May 2012
Author: njwildberger
MathHistory17: Topology
This video is the last in this series on the History of Mathematics, and gives a brief introduction to Topology. The subject goes back to Euler (as do so many things in modern mathematics) with his discovery of the Euler characteristic of a polyhedron, although arguably Descartes had found something close to this in his analysis of curvature of a polyhedron. We introduce this via rational turn angles, a renormalization of angle where a full turn has the value one (very reasonable, and ought to be used more!!) The topological nature of the Euler characteristic was perhaps first understood by Poincare, and we sketch his argument for its invariance under continuous transformations. We discuss the sphere, torus, genus g surfaces and the classification of orientable, and non-orientable closed 2 dimensional surfaces, such as the Mobius band (which has a boundary) and the projective plane (which does not). The interest in these objects resulted from Riemann's work on surfaces associated to multi-valued functions in the setting of complex analysis. Finally we briefly mention the important notion of a simply connected space, and the Poincare conjecture, solved recently by G. Perelman. If you enjoy this subject, you can have a look at my video series Algebraic Topology. Thanks for watching the series!

Spanning-Tree Protocol Topology Change Process
A general explanation of the Spanning-Tree Protocol, followed by an in-depth look at STP&#...
published: 23 Jan 2009
Author: trevorlandau
Spanning-Tree Protocol Topology Change Process
A general explanation of the Spanning-Tree Protocol, followed by an in-depth look at STP's topology change process.

AlgTop0: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
This is the full introductory lecture of a beginner's course in Algebraic Topology, gi...
published: 10 Mar 2011
Author: njwildberger
AlgTop0: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
This is the full introductory lecture of a beginner's course in Algebraic Topology, given by NJ Wildberger at UNSW. The subject is one of the most dynamic and exciting areas of 20th century mathematics, with its roots in the work of Riemann, Klein and Poincare in the latter half of the 19th century. This first lecture will outline the main topics, and will present three well-known but perhaps challenging problems for you to try. The course is for 3rd or 4th year undergraduate math students, but anyone with some mathematical maturity and a little background or willingness to learn group theory can benefit. The subject is particularly important for modern physics. Our treatment will have many standard features, but also some novelties. The lecturer is Assoc Prof NJ Wildberger of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW, Sydney, Australia, well known for his discovery of Rational Trigonometry, explained in the series WildTrig, and for his other YouTube series WildLinAlg and MathFoundations.
Vimeo results:

Topologies (Excerpt) - Tiepolo
Topologies is a new instalment of the ongoing Strata Series.
Differently from the previou...
published: 16 Dec 2010
Author: Quayola
Topologies (Excerpt) - Tiepolo
Topologies is a new instalment of the ongoing Strata Series.
Differently from the previous Strata pieces, Topologies does not describe a process of transformation, rather it focuses into the observation of objects that are already fully transformed. The subjects of these new pieces are two iconic paintings from the Prado Museum’s collection: “Las Meninas” of Velazquez and “L’ Immacolata Concezione” of Tiepolo. Following the rules behind their visual composition and colours, the two masterpieces have been transformed into digital fabrications through the use of custom software. Topologies consist in the exploration of the digital objects created by this transformation process. The outcome is not a narrative film but rather separate objects of contemplation... Literally “digital paintings”.
Photos from the installation at BFI Gallery in London:
Sound: Matthias Kispert
Custom Software: Mauritius Seeger
Assistants: Kieran Gee-Finch, Cai Matthews
Commissioned by onedotzero

Topology Overview: The Head
Arguably the single most important aspect to modeling is topology. This overview tutorial ...
published: 28 Jan 2010
Author: CG Cookie
Topology Overview: The Head
Arguably the single most important aspect to modeling is topology. This overview tutorial takes a look at the topology of the human head, examining each of the main edgeloops, poles, etc.

Bsurfaces v1.5
More info, quick help guide, download or donate:
Bsurfaces is a...
published: 12 Jul 2011
Author: Blend_Ideas
Bsurfaces v1.5
More info, quick help guide, download or donate:
Bsurfaces is a modeling and retopology tool which combines the use of freehand strokes, bezier curves or loose edges to generate polygonal surfaces. It can be included in a traditional polygonal and subdivision modeling workflow, speeding it up substantially.
Bsurfaces is a Blender add-on, it can be used to build both open and closed shapes, extrude selections, bridge between two selections, having full control over the shape, direction, and twisting of the final surface. The output is a clean topology composed of quadrilateral faces. Triangles are also possible when building surfaces using crossing strokes.
The different options can be modified interactively, allowing to see how they affect the resulting surface in real-time.
Voice by Jonathan Cooke: jonathan.cooke (at) live.com
Music by Travis Morgan: www.ccmixter.org/people/morgantj

Subdivision Topology: Artifacts
This video is a high quality training video from The Guerrilla CG Project ( www.guerrillac...
published: 04 Nov 2008
Author: The Guerrilla CG Project
Subdivision Topology: Artifacts
This video is a high quality training video from The Guerrilla CG Project ( www.guerrillacg.org ) a non for profit organisation dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of computer graphics.
The topology or mesh pattern of a model can drastically affect the smoothing of a model. Here Greg Petchkovski demonstrates how to avoid smoothing artifacts. A must watch for anyone modelling with subdivision surfaces.
Author: Greg Petchkovsky
For more information about Computer Graphics and higher quality videos visit The Guerrilla CG Project www.guerrillacg.org.
Youtube results:

AlgTop0a: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
NOTE: This entire series is now available in the full (hour long lectures), also at this c...
published: 21 Jul 2010
Author: njwildberger
AlgTop0a: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
NOTE: This entire series is now available in the full (hour long lectures), also at this channel under the playlist AlgTop (full lectures): www.youtube.com This is the first video of the introductory lecture of a beginner's course in Algebraic Topology. The subject is one of the most dynamic and exciting areas of 20th century mathematics, with its roots in the work of Riemann, Klein and Poincare in the latter half of the 19th century. This first lecture will outline the main topics, and will present three well-known but perhaps challenging problems for you to try. The course is for 3rd or 4th year undergraduate math students, but anyone with some mathematical maturity and a little background or willingness to learn group theory can benefit. The subject is particularly important for modern physics. Our treatment will have many standard features, but also some novelties. The lecturer is Assoc Prof NJ Wildberger of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW, Sydney, Australia.

Topology Taken
Join Topology, Southern Cross Soloists and actors Lafe Charlton and Roxanne McDonald as th...
published: 07 Dec 2009
Author: Justin Brown
Topology Taken
Join Topology, Southern Cross Soloists and actors Lafe Charlton and Roxanne McDonald as they unite to perform Taken; then journey into the heart of Spinifex country with West Australian composer and cellist Iain Grandage. This 10 minute highlight video was performed at the Brisbane Powerhouse 20 May 2008. Reconciliation includes remembering our past. And remembering means listening. In this beautiful collaboration, Topology listens to the voices of Indigenous Australia as they perform Taken, by composers Robert Davidson and Paul Dean, to accompany stories from the Bringing Them Home report and interviews with Aunty Ruth Hegarty. Aunty Ruth tells stories of separation from her mother at the Cherbourg Mission, as told in her award-winning book, Is that you Ruthie? People will listen to Taken as a milestone, appreciating its art, and its politics. It leaves its dazed audience gasping for breath. - The Australian edited by browndog

Topology #3 Metric Examples (Part 2)
The Discrete Metric, the Max Metric and the Taxicab Metric....
published: 26 Oct 2010
Author: ThoughtSpaceZero
Topology #3 Metric Examples (Part 2)
The Discrete Metric, the Max Metric and the Taxicab Metric.

Topology #4 Open Balls
Open Balls in a Metric Space...
published: 26 Oct 2010
Author: ThoughtSpaceZero
Topology #4 Open Balls
Open Balls in a Metric Space