Fresh WordPress Themes Created For Artists, Bloggers And Business Owners.

Our Customers Are Saying

    • Your work is great. I am Organic Themes addicted… I only can believe that you are true web wizards!

      —Sven Huff

    • Thank you so much. I love your themes and your customer service.

      —Matthew Quinton

    • You make my life easy! I am a testimony to all who are intimidated by web design. Thanks!

      —Andy Marsh

    • I just want to thank you guys for updating the Magazine Theme... Thank you, thank you!

      —Donna Beaver

    • I truly enjoy your themes. Easy to customize and some of the best coding I’ve found. Thank you for doing theme design RIGHT.

      —Theresa Wagar

    • Everything so far has been easy and hassle free with Organic Themes and I thank you for that. I would recommend you to anyone.

      —Brian Taylor Braziel

    • You do such a nice job! I feel like a baseball card collector, I want to make sure I have them all!

      —Jake Gonzalez

    • I bought the whole [Developer] pack because I just couldn't decide, they are all so nice!

      —Lone Rasmussen

    • I have a fashion blog and I'm crazy about your themes! They're FIERCE, FLAWLESS AND FABULOUS!!

      —Fernando Souza

    • Love your themes and I love recommending them to people!

      —Jeni Dawson

    • I’ve enjoyed the ease of Organic Themes so much I sort of dread having to use other theme[s].

      —Josh Mallard

    • I'm really enjoying using the Bold Theme. Very clean, great options and easy to use.

      —Brian Halstrom

    • You rock! Still loving your themes!!!

      —Robyn (Girl on Raw)

    • I use the Verbage Theme, for me, it is pure amazing, clean, fresh and the best theme I have seen in over 10 Years of using the Internet.

      —Lakisha Kühnl

    • I absolutely love your themes! Your documentation and elegant code blows away the competition.

      —Joe Teplow

Beautiful Designs, Simple Options, Solid Code.

WordPress Themes as they were meant to be created.

Theme Collection

Fresh Design

Organic Themes creates all of our professional theme designs with care, quality and precision; making sure no two themes look the same.

Helpful Support

We provide a wealth of knowledge in our support forums with helpful moderators, theme customizers, and valuable resources.

Clean Code

Organic Themes are coded with the developer in mind, providing clean code and formatting for easy theme customization.

Browser Compatibility

Our themes are designed to work seamlessly across all modern browsers including Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and IE8+.

Mobile Friendly

Our themes are viewable on most mobile devices, including Apple products, and several feature responsive media queries.

Regular Updates

We provide regular updates to keep our themes bug free, and take advantage of the latest WordPress functionality and web technology.

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A little taste of the soon to be released new Organic Themes,