Is YouTube Automating Censorship For Big Bucks?

Does YouTube’s new algorithmic demotion of profane materials amount to a compromise of free speech for the sake of ad revenue? Is YouTube going the way of Old Media – prioritizing the interests of advertisers over those of users?

Responding to GoGreen’s Cleavage Criticism Response

A Youtuber that has received a fair share of attention from the online atheist community over the past few months is GoGreen18, or Laci. Laci’s YouTube popularity was given a good jolt after her video on why atheists care about religious people’s beliefs was plugged by such popular blogs as Pharyngula. In her most recent video … Read more

Wise Beard Man Returns to YouTube!!

Mark “Wise Beard Man” Bunker has just had his YouTube account, xenutv1, reinstated! More from Mark Bunker: The Wog Blog XenuTV

Scientologist teen willing to KILL for Scientology?

This is a video of a teen Scientologist who is angrily frustrated by the way Scientology is viewed by most of society, questions what gives another person the right to talk negatively about his “religion” (answer: the same thing that gives us the right to criticize any other belief we find to be silly – … Read more

YouTube’s Most Viewed Video EVER: The Evolution of Dance

Over 85.5 million have watched it. 157,000 text comments have been left. It is the Evolution of Dance.  

The Epic Battle With Scientology: Join The Cause

Adapting to Modern Scientology PR Warfare: The Soundbite

Co-evolution is a regular part of any struggle. Each side vies to always be ready for what the other side is going to throw at them, while always staying one step ahead of the adversary so as to leave them in a state of defensive impotence. The result: a bi-directional game of cat and mouse … Read more

Tory Christman Discusses WISE, Disconnection, Tommy Davis, PR, CoS Volunteer Ministries, and Scientology Beliefs

WISE= World Institute of Scientology Enterprises. This is the Scientology front group that raises money for the cult and tries to recruit new members by providing expensive business consulting which includes the application of “LRH Tech”. The one thing I’m curious about regarding the claims of this video is the statement that Scientology has no … Read more

Jason Beghe, Lawrence Wollersheim and Tommy and Jennifer Gorman Commend Anonymous

On May 10, the day of Operation: FairGameStop, Jason Beghe, Lawrence Wollersheim (the man who successfully sued Scientology for over $9 million) and Tommy and Jennifer Gorman (ex-Scientologists and seasoned critics) took part in the international protest against Scientology, delivered their thanks to Anonymous, and encouraged everyone to continue standing up for freethought and rationality. … Read more

Outstanding YouTubery


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