Rosia Montana (RO): International Reclaim the Fields camp joins Rosia Montana against the new Romanian expropriation law


Local opposition to the gold mining project emerged
almost immediately in the year 2000 when the project
was announced by Canadian company Gabriel Resources.
Resistance to the plan has since spread across Romania.
Over 10 years of resistance, Alburnus Maior, through the
Rosia Montana Campaign has successfully mobilized thousands
of people and has so far kept the project from being carried out.

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Athens: Arson attack on Kouvelou squat


Kouvelou squat in Maroussi (northern suburb of Athens) was hit by arson in the middle of the night, at around 3 am on September 14th, 2011. The roof has collapsed and four rooms have been burnt. Anarchists/anti-authoritarians have squatted Kouvelou mansion since April 7th, 2010. More info as it comes.

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Amsterdam: 1st of October – We’re still here!


September 13th, 2011

Once upon a time, there was a group of people who were declared criminals overnight and who then took to the streets and said: Your laws, not ours. And they set fires in order to show that they will not go away silently, they will not surrender…  Come to Amsterdam on 1st of October to show that the fires of last year are still smoldering – and they might flare up any moment!

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Amsterdam: New squat Valreep wins courtcase for opening event


September 10th, 2011

Valreep is a new squat in Amsterdam East. People there have been working very hard to clean up all the mess inside and make it into a social centre.  The District Council (Local Government) was not amused, and came very often to do “inspections”.  The Valreep people announced their official opening happening, and then the day before the opening the District Council came with the announcement to forbid the happening, otherwise a fine of 25 000 (!) euros would have to be paid.

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Thessaloniki: Police intimidation against Libertatia squat


On Friday midday, September 9th, 2011, more than 100 police motorcycles appeared on the streets that surround Libertatia squat. Solidaritarians immediately reached the squat in fear of eviction. Cops invaded only the building’s front yard, but two comrades were detained and held in the city’s police headquarters. Both have now been released. This police operation was intended to intimidate a part of the radical social movement, just one day before the scheduled gatherings, manifestations and demonstrations ahead of the 76th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF).

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