Simply Works PRO

Upgrade to Simply Works PRO

‘Just Write’ – WordPress – the Simply Works PRO theme lets you do just that. to download Simply Works PRO

This mobile ready theme re-formats for Tablet and Mobile.  Theme options allow you to change colors, fonts, and more.  Including turn off Comments, tags, dates, and more.

“Mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access devices worldwide by 2013″

Simply Works Core 1.5.4

Simply Works Core 1.5.4 was released today and available at:

One of the most common questions I receive is: “How do I turn off comment?” . I was reluctant to add this feature to the theme since you can turn off comments in WordPress under discussion.

The latest free version as a new theme option section called Page/Post Options.  Here you can turn off (or back on) Comments, Author, Date, Categories (filed under in this theme), and Tags site wide, easily without losing your individual post setting, if you ever decide to change back just turn them back on.  It a simple “override” that Simply Works! Read More

Simply Works Core 1.5.3 released

There is bug in the Simply Works Core 1.5.2 for adding your Google Analytics code through the theme options. The fix has been submitted to has version 1.5.3 and it is available at:
Simply Works Core WordPress Theme

Simply Works Core 1.5.2 is here

Just released Simply Works Core 1.5.2 WordPress Theme.  This release was a complete review and rewrite of the code to update the theme and to make the code more flexible moving forward.  A few new features where changed or added including: Read More

Custom Menus WordPress

WordPress Video Tutorials

I have a few tutorials for WordPress completed.

  • Adding Links to Post or Page
  • User Settings
  • WordPress Settings – Permalinks
  • Dashboard / Screen Options
  • Adding a Hyperlink
  • Security – remove “admin”
  • Installing WordPress

More to come in the next few weeks.