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Heroic Dungeon Bosses in 5 seconds

Heroic Dungeon Bosses in 5 seconds
Oh god, oh god, oh god... That really is a giant bug. So, there you are in the Gate of the Setting Sun heroic, on your first run, and a really giant bug comes smashing through the walls. A really giant bug. Really giant. Ugh.

You don't want to have to think on your feet, you don't want to have to explain tactics to the panda gently rocking in the corner, or the blood elf running in circles screaming "I can feel them crawling in my hair!" What you need is some five second explanations to copy and paste into chat, that your party can read and execute.

And it's OK, WoW Insider is here to help. We've totally stopped freaking out about the giant bug. If you're wondering where the heroic versions of the leveling dungeons feature in this guide, they don't. They're almost exactly the same as the leveling dungeons, for bosses in 5 seconds purposes!

Gate of the Setting Sun

Striker Ga'Dok: Don't stand in the green. Healers watch for Prey Time and Impaling Strike. His two strafing runs create a wide strip of death from one side to the other. Stay in corners. Tank adds.

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Filed under: Mists of Pandaria

What item level do I need for Raid Finder?

What ilvl do I need for LFR
It's a good question, which has been coming up a lot lately, simply because there's quite a lot of confusion surrounding these numbers. At first, it was stated that the item level for Raid Finder was 463, meaning that a would be raider would have to gear entirely with heroic dungeon items or better.

This item level was revised downwards to 460, for the first half of Mogu'shan Vaults, the first Raid Finder instance to open, and this is where the confusion starts. Rumors have abounded that the item level required for the second half of the Mogu'shan Vaults raid finder was 470, so Community Manager Crithto has stepped in to clarify:


The second half of Mogu'shan Vaults is the same as the first half. The required item level players must have is 460.

Once Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring open up, they will have a required item level of 470, with both raid dungeons dropping improved gear.

To recap Raid Finder item levels:
  • First half of Mogushan Vaults: 460 ilevel required
  • Second half of Mogushan Vaults: 460 ilevel required
  • Heart of Fear: 470 ilevel required
  • Terrace of Endless Spring: 470 ilevel required

Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

Filed under: Mists of Pandaria

WoW Moviewatch: Azeroth Nature Network: Pandaren Special

Spoiler Warning: There be spoilers in this video. Not so much the review, but there's spoilers around. They're not big spoilers, really, and certainly no more spoilerish than the promotional material. But technically, spoilers so be warned.

Slighty Impressive's review of the panda storylines in Azeroth Nature Network: Pandaren Special does a pretty good job of summing up What You Need To Know. Especially if you've not spent much time with a new character, you'll get a decent idea of what's going on.

I like this style but Griffter could have picked up the pace a tiny bit. While I certainly think of the Pandaren as laconic critters, the narrator would benefit from a shot of sugary speed.

Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an email at

Filed under: WoW Moviewatch

How to defeat the mogu sorcerer rare spawns

How to defeat the mogu sorcerer rare spawns
Over the past two weeks my colleague, Dan Desmond, and I have talked about how to quickly and efficiently to dispatch champions of the various races of Pandaria. Lording over all of those "lesser races" at one time (or, in some cases, even creating them!) were the mogu. A race of imperious and vindictive creatures, the mogu featured among their ranks sorcerers of great power who could bend flesh and stone to their will.

Sprinkled throughout Pandaria you can find some rare examples of these domineering magi. They're not terribly difficult, compared especially to other rare spawn types, but they can certainly hold their own. It's never a bad idea to go into battle with one knowing what will surely be thrown at you.
  • Dark Bolt: This is what the mogu will be spamming at you. With no cooldown and a second-and-a-half cast time, expect lots of these to be thrown your way. They don't hit for much, so they should be easy to shrug off.
  • Shadowbolt: Offering a much larger beating than Dark Bolt, this spell has a 1.8 second cast time and a five-second cooldown. Considering it hits for significantly more, you'll want to do your best to interrupt it whenever you can, if you can. If only to make things easier for yourself.
  • Voidcloud: Pretty straightforward -- the sorcerer spawns a cloud, and if you stand in it, you'll die in short order. Avoid the clouds, which will not be hard at all.
Unlike the pandaren rare spawns, for instance, there are no special mechanics forcing you to cope with the mogu's attacks. It's a very by-the-book mob to fight: don't stand in the bad, interrupt the most painful spell, and drop the enemy.

Here is a list of each mogu sorcerer, their location, and what special item they can drop: Good luck clawing your place at the very top of the Pandaria food chain!

Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

Filed under: Mists of Pandaria

Lichborne: Level 90 primary professions for death knights

Lichborne Level 90 professions for death knights
Every week, WoW Insider brings you Lichborne for blood, frost, and unholy death knights. In the post-Cataclysm era, death knights are no longer the new kids on the block. Let's show the other classes how a hero class gets things done.
This week, we'll cover the personal benefits of the primary professions for death knights at level 90. Many of the perks and benefits are the same as they've been at levels 85 and 90, but there's stronger versions, of course, and a couple other changes that are worth covering. This guide will focus primarily on the self-buffs and bind on pickup rewards, though many professions will, of course, have its own BoE things that all death knights will want to make use of, so consider that when you pick your professions.

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Filed under: Death Knight, (Death Knight) Lichborne

Getting started with reputation at level 90

Getting started with reputation at level 90
Originally in the Mists of Pandaria beta, all reputation grinds were unlocked at level 90. This left players with a staggering amount of stuff to do, so much that it was immediately overwhelming. There was no clear path of reputation to follow, there wasn't a moment that explained where a player should go first, and why. On live, the Shado-Pan and August Celestials are now locked behind revered reputation with the Golden Lotus. This gives players a slightly clearer path to follow when doing dailies. But even with that change, it's still confusing to players, direction-wise.

If you played in the beta, you have some understanding of reputations at level 90, how to increase them, and how they work. But if you're just now experiencing Pandaria and all it has to offer, you may be wondering where to go, what to do, and most importantly, what's in it for you? If you're dreading the thought of endless daily quests, don't worry -- it's nowhere near as complex as you'd think.

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Filed under: Mists of Pandaria

The OverAchiever: Guide to Hallow's End 2012

Headless Horseman comic.
Every week, The Overachiever shows you how to work toward those sweet achievement points. Today, our yearly sugar rush.

Hallow's End 2012 begins on Thursday, Oct. 18 and runs through Wednesday, Oct. 31 this year. As with most of the game's holidays, Hallow's End is required for the yearlong meta What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been that grants the Violet Proto-Drake. Completing the required Hallow's End achievements will also award the title the Hallowed.

Last year, Blizzard added some major updates and improvements to the holiday, one of which completely eliminated the hassle behind one of WoW's most hideous RNG nightmares, and one of which left us with two very badass non-combat pets. In essence, Tricky Treats -- once a vomit-inducing item that dropped in spades from the holiday boss, the Headless Horseman -- are now a form of currency that players can use to buy pets, masks, wands, and other holiday items. 2011 also introduced a new set of quests associated with Hallow's End, one of which sends you into an enemy city without the fear of ugly death.

Bottom line: If you weren't around for last year's holiday, a lot of stuff may interest you this year. If you were around for last year, you'll still be interested, as the Headless Horseman's set of dropped epics are a lot more compelling at the beginning of an expansion. Hardcore achievement hunters will also be pleased to note an additional 10 points in the form of Tricks and Treats of Pandaria.

As with most of our holiday guides, I've arranged the achievements in the rough order they should be completed, noting which achievements are required for the meta and which aren't.

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Filed under: Events, Achievements, The Overachiever

Legend of the Brewfathers the way it's meant to be seen

Legend of the Brewfather
On looking through the Pandaria exploration achievements, I noticed something that I thought might well have been Brewfest-related. An achievement called Legend of the Brewfather. Odd, then, that it appears in the exploration section!

A little further digging revealed that it was, in fact, an achievement that asked you to seek out all the Brewfather Shrines in Pandaria. Now, with level 90 flying, this would be a relatively easy task if you knew where to look, and, of course, Wowhead's commenters know where to look already. But that wasn't any fun at all, these guys had to be discoverable without flying. So off we went, my yak and I, to seek out some Brewfathers.

SPOILER ALERT: If you don't want to know the approximate locations of the three Brewfathers, don't hit the break!

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Filed under: Mists of Pandaria

Around Azeroth: We washed the mammoth for you

Around Azeroth We washed the mammoth for you TUESDAY
"A couple of weeks on the trail and man, does the mount get dirty," writes today's submitter. "Gimmlette from Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) decided that everything could benefit from a wash. After all, she couldn't remember the last time Hakmud took a shower, never mind about her hunter pet, Ursamajor. She wasn't sure if Lao & Son's Yakwash would charge extra or if the mammoth would even fit, but they came through just fine. So did Gnimo, who, despite being mechanical, was more than happy to purchase those enormous jaws and vials of swirling mist just cluttering up bags."

Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

Filed under: Around Azeroth

The Queue: LFR puberty

The Queue LFR puberty
Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) will be your host today.

I found something out yesterday.

If you're flying around in your two-person rocket mount and your goal is to dismount high up and kill your flying companion, you can't. They'll get a parachute and you'll end up dead in a Stormwind fountain.


FBxxk asked:

There is a HUGE amount of people who are rude in LFR... are there any guides to the bosses?

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Filed under: The Queue

Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth

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Death Knight plague epidemic
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