Changin’ Times – Pied Piper

The Changing Times on Shivaree Listen – Changin’ Times – Pied Piper – MP3 Greetings all. I figured I’d start the week with something I’ve been holding in abeyance for a little while (waiting for a suitable lapse in time after I last ran a tune by this band). Last we heard from the Changin’ [...]

Harumi – Samurai Memories

Harumi and his band Listen – Harumi – Samurai Memories – MP3 Greetings all. Here’s hoping that you have arrived at the beginning of a new week physically and spiritually refreshed. I have not. Life is currently kicking me in the ass, and I come to you today fatigued in all aspects. Life and work [...]

Nino Tempo & April Stevens – Deep Purple

April Stevens and Nino Tempo Listen – Nino Tempo & April Stevens – Deep Purple – MP3 Greetings all. I figured I close out the week with something unsual (at least in the context of what you’re used to hearing in this space), that also happens to be one of my all time fave records. [...]

Mungo Jerry – Alright Alright Alright

Mungo Jerry Listen – Mungo Jerry – Alright Alright Alright- MP3 Greetings all. How’s by you? Me, I thought I was going to have a peaceful weekend, that would allow me to recover from several straight weeks of chaos. Little did I know…. We went out to run some errands, and as we drove down [...]

Woody Carr & the Entertainers, The Dillons and Dorsey Burnette

Woody Carr & the Entertainers Dorsey Burnette Listen – Woody Carr & the Entertainers – Hey Little One – MP3 Listen – Dillons – Simple Way of Living- MP3 Greetings all. I hope all is well on your end, and that your weekend preparations have you prepared for some garage jangle (and dirge). Today’s post is [...]

Pearls Before Swine – I Saw the World

Pearls Before Swine (Tom Rapp in vest) Listen – Pearls Before Swine – I Saw the World – MP3 Greetings all. As we gather together to mark the beginning of a new week – and, as of last Tuesday evening a new era – I bring you one of my favorite unheralded (except by collector [...]

Sir Doug – She Digs My Love

Texas Royalty – Sir Douglas Listen – Sir Doug – She Digs My Love – MP3 Greetings all. I hope all is well on your end. I’m going to do something unusual today – a first in fact – in republishing, here at Iron Leg, a post that was one of the earliest at the [...]


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